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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In the presence of mine enemies : anti-semitism in the Alberta Social Credit Party

Stingel, Janine January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between the collapse of the Union generale and the rise of antisemitism in France, 1882-1885 /

Dever, William A. January 1969 (has links)
No description available.

När hatet tar över

Bogunic, Ana January 2010 (has links)
När människor vill hitta information om vad som pågår i deras och andras samhällen, så har tidningar blivit en primär källa. Jag ska göra en analys av vad tre olika tidningar rapporterar om den antisemitiska kampanjen i Polen som började i mars 1968. Jag ska även analysera vad samma tidningar skrev om de polskjudiska flyktingarna när de kom till Sverige år 1969. Då jag gör min undersökning kommer jag att använda mig av beskrivande idéanalys som metod. Jag kommer även att använda mig av den komparativa metoden när jag jämför tidningarnas innehåll med varandra. De analytiska verktyg som jag har valt att använda när jag analyserar mitt källmaterial är etnicitet och genus. Slutsatserna av denna uppsats är att i rapporterna om den antisemitiska kampanjen nämns inga kvinnor, och att judarna var de som fick skulden för studentdemonstrationerna som skedde. En annan slutsats är att tidningarna inte rapporterade någonting om de polska judarna som kom till Sverige 1969; en orsak till detta skulle kunna vara att en församling inte ville att de polska judarna som kom till Sverige skulle göra några uttalanden i den svenska pressen eftersom de ansåg att det skulle kunna skapa problem för andra judar som ville emigrera från Polen. Nyckelord: antisemitism, judar, Polen, Sverige, tidningar / When people want to find information about what is going on in their own society and in the society of others, newspapers have become a primary source. I have decided to make an analysis of what three different newspapers were reporting about the anti-Semitic campaign that took place in Poland and started in March 1968, and what the same newspapers were reporting about the Polish-Jewish refugees when they arrived to Sweden during the year 1969. Given that the basic material that I am using is newspapers I have decided to use descriptive idea analysis when performing my study. I have also chosen a comparative method to use when I make comparisons between the newspapers. The analytical tools that I am going to use when I analyze my material are ethnicity and gender. The main conclusions of this essay are that there is no mention of women in the anti-Semitic campaign that started in March 1968 and that the Jews were blamed for the student demonstrations that took place. Another conclusion is that the newspapers did not report anything about the Polish-Jews that arrived to Sweden in 1969, and a reason for that could be that a parish did not want Polish-Jews that came to Sweden to make any statements in the press because they were afraid that, that could create problems for other Jews that wanted to emigrate from Poland. Keywords: anti-Semitism, Jews, newspapers, Poland, refugees 1968-1969, Sweden

The religious element in antisemitism : up to the time of Charlemagne in the West and Leo the Isaurian in the East

Parkes, James January 1933 (has links)
No description available.

Vom "Günstling" zum "Urfeind" der Juden : die antisemitische Nietzsche-Rezeption in Deutschland bis zum Ende des Nationalsozialismus /

Mittmann, Thomas. January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Bochum, Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.

In defense of Christian Hungary : religion, nationalism, and antisemitism in inter-war Hungary, 1919-1944 /

Hanebrink, Paul A. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, Dept. of History, December 2000. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.

Anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism, and/or supersessionism in Hebrews? : a socio-rhetorical approach to the polemical passages in Hebrews /

Kim, Lloyd. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-292). Also available on the Internet.

"Studieresa till Krakow" : En historiedidaktisk undersökning av Förintelsens minne förmedlat och mottaget av 15 elever / "Study trip to Krakow" : A historical didactic study of the Holocaust memory sent and received by 15 students

Dusper, Zeljka January 2018 (has links)
The essay examines a study trip to Krakow and the mediation of the Holocaust memory to 15 students. It is partly structured after three places that the students move between, experience arenas, which are the death and concentration camps, Poland and Sweden. The students are also moving according to four different dimensions: first place, but also time, morality and existential. The survey is based on a ritual theoretic view of social memory production and the formation of new witnesses. With inspiration from the Norwegian study Pilgrim, tourist and student: Norwegian school trips to death and concentration camps by Kyrre Kverndokk, has also this study trip been studied as a ritualization process based on which students will obtain a state of catharsis. With a qualitative research method, information has been gathered through participatory observations, group interviews and a poll. The result shows that the students attributed the camps to death, destruction and evil, but that they were struggling to live in the victims’ situation because it was too far from their own lives but also difficult to understand such evil. The students did on the other hand identified the spectator role since Sweden was seen as one of the countries that looked at and let the Holocaust happen. The students positioned themselves as new witnesses and told about their experiences in their free time and on their own initiative. The study indicates, among other things, that the Norwegian approach to the Holocaust differs from Swedish, which influences the meaningful learning process.

Antisemitism och brottsprevention : en kvalitativ studie om unga judars upplevelser i storstäderna

Norup, Dan, Sjölund, Liza January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur unga med judisk tillhörighet upplever antisemitism på mikro- och makronivå för att uppnå en bättre förståelse för hur dagens antisemitism i Sverige påverkar individer med judisk religiös tillhörighet utifrån deras egna känslor kring ämnet. Det har använts semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med fem respondenter från Sveriges storstäder. Det transkriberade materialet har därefter analyserats utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys och kategoriserats samt tematiserats utifrån uttalade upplevelser och känslor av upplevelserna. Resultaten visade att respondenterna upplever en ökning i antisemitism. De menar också att det bör genomföras åtgärder för att öka kunskap om antisemitism i skolan samt att få ett större fokus på ämnet inom polismyndigheten. Arbete mot en större anmälningsbenägenhet bör också prioriteras enligt respondenterna. / The purpose of this study was to research how youth with Jewish affiliation experience antisemitism on both micro- and macro level, this to gain a greater understanding of how antisemitism affects religious jewish individuals based on their own feelings towards the subject. Semistructured qualitative interviews have been used for five respondents from the largest cities in Sweden. Afterwards, the transcribed material was analyzed with qualitative content analysis, and categorized and thematised based on expressed experiences and feelings towards the experiences. The results show that respondents feel an increase of antisemitism. They also believe that actions such as increase of knowlegde about antisemitism in schools and a greater focus on the subject at the police should be done. According to the respondents, work towards more people reporting to the police should be prioritized.

Antisemitisk retorik online i Sverige i skuggan av Israel/Palestinakonflikten

Ram, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka huruvida det förekommer retorik med antingen tydlig antisemitiska drag eller med mer subtila antisemitiska undertoner i de kontexter där Israel/Palestinakonflikten diskuteras i sociala medier. Datainsamlingen har skett genom att leta i kommentarsfält under inlägg på Instagram, från bland annat nyhetskanaler och opinionsbildare, som berör Israel/Palestina, mer specifikt efter den 7e oktober 2023. Även kommentarsfält under inlägg som berör judar (exempelvis om Förintelsens minnesdag) har undersökts för att se om det förekommer uttalanden om Israel/Palestinakonflikten där. En analys har sedan gjorts gällande huruvida dessa kommentarer, eller delar av dem, kan klassas som antisemitiska. Resultaten visar att det finns fall som bör klassas som antisemitism enligt alla definitioner, exempelvis när judar som kollektiv anklagas för Israels agerande i det nuvarande kriget, men att det även finns fall som befinner sig i en gråzon, där man skulle behöva mer information om avsändarnas intentioner för att kunna avgöra huruvida det rör sig om antisemitism.

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