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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kundens Röst i Organisationen : Utveckling av kundorienterade verktyg för kvalitativa kundstudier i stor skala

Blom, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trots ett växande konsensus att bli mer kundorienterad som organisation är en strategisk nödvändighet i dagens läge, har organisationer svårt att veta hur de själva kan göra den transformationen. Forskning visar att organisationer stöter på utmaningar kring hur de kan ta in mer kvalitativa data från sina kunder, och att använda sig av kundens röst i en samverkan för att förbättra och skapa innovativa lösningar. Samverkan i en tjänsteutvecklingskontext handlar om en kollaborativ process där organisation och dess kunder ömsesidigt interagerar för att både hitta och dela behov och värderingar som kan leda till ökat värdeskapande för båda parter. VafabMiljö är en organisation inom offentlig sektor för resurs- och avfallshantering med ett stort ansvar i samhället som helhet, som är i behov av en ömsesidig kommunikation mellan kund och organisation för att kunna ha möjligheten att skapa gemensamt värde. Dock, att motivera kunder till en samverkan i kvalitativa studier är inte enkelt, och söker en lösning på hur mer kvalitativa data kan genereras på ett kundorienterat vis som låter kundens röst flöda genom organisationen. Studiens syfte var till följd av detta att bidra med kunskapsutveckling till hur kundorienterade, kvalitativa kundstudier i stor skala kan genomföras. Därför formulerades forskningsfrågan: F1: ”Hur kan en processkarta med ingående, kundorienterade metoder utformas för att möjliggöra storskalig insamling av kvalitativa data kring tjänsteprocesser för resurs- och avfallshantering? Metod: I studien utfördes en fallstudie och en litteraturstudie i samband med varandra. I litteraturstudien undersöktes existerande teori kring kundorienterad tjänsteutveckling och användarvänlighet som stöd för fallstudien. Fallstudiens målsättning var att inledningsvis identifiera faktorer för kundorienterade kundstudier, genom att utforska motivationer och demotivationer kring VafabMiljös kunders samverkan, och sedan utveckla kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder som svarar på dessa identifierade faktorer. Fallstudien har följt en produktutvecklingsprocess i fyra divergenta och konvergenta faser som leder utvecklingen genom problemområde till lösningsområde. Resultat: Studiens resultatet är en processkarta med ingående, kundorienterade metoder för insamling av kvalitativa data på stor skala. Processkartan ger organisationen en startpunkt för hur den kan inleda en ömsesidig kommunikation och samskapande med dess kunder, och skapar därmed ett gemensamt värde för både organisationen, dess kunder, och för samhället som helhet. / Background: Despite a growing consensus that becoming more customer-oriented as an organization is a strategic necessity, organizations find it hard to know how they can achieve this transformation. Research indicates that organizations face challenges when trying to generatevaluable, qualitative data from their customers and leveraging the customer’s voice in value co-creation to improve and create innovative solutions. Value co-creation in the context of service development involves a collaborative process where organizations and their customers mutually interact to identify and share needs and values that can lead to value creation for poth paries. VafabMiljö is a municipal organization within the public sector for resource and waste management with great responsibility for the well-being of society as a whole. They rely on mutual communication between the customers and the organization in order to have the ability to create shared value. However, motivating customers to co-create and participate in qualitative studies is difficult, and VafabMiljö is now searching for a solution on how more qualitative data can be generated in a customer oriented way that will allow the customer’s voice to flow through the organization. The purpose of the study was consequently to contribute to the development of knowledge on how customer oriented, qualitative customer studies on a large scale can be conducted. Therefore, a research question was formulated as follows: F1: ”How can a process map including customer-oriented methods be designed, to enable large-scale generation of qualitative data regarding service processes for resource and waste management?” Method: In this study, a case study and a literature review were conducted in conjunction with each other. The literature review explored existing theory related to customer-oriented service development and user experience as support for the case study. The purpose of the case study was to initially identify factors for customer oriented, qualitative studies by exploring motivations and demotivations related to the participation and co-creation of VafabMiljö’s customers. Subsequently, the study aimed to develop qualitative data collection methods taking these identified factors into account. The case study followed a product development process through four divergent and convergent phases, leading development from problem area to solution area. Results: The result of the study is a process map with detailed, customeroriented methods for collecting qualitative data on a large scale. The process map provides the organization with a starting point for initiating mutual communication and co-creation with its customers, thereby creating shared value for the organization, its customers, and society as a whole.

A model for improving usability in pre-hospital simulation model construction / En modell för förbättring av användarvänlighet vid konstruktion av prehospitala simuleringsmodeller

Marcus, Johansson, Andreas, Johansson January 2024 (has links)
Simulation modelling is becoming increasingly more common for resource allocation evaluation in a multitude of domains, a few among them being healthcare and emergency medical services. With increased usage follows the most frequent problems regarding simulation, one being usability, that is to say the ease with which the system is operated. When building simulation frameworks the concept of usability is often relegated to an afterthought, with a focus instead on making accurate representations of real world scenarios. Occurrences like these are part of an industry wide trend despite the correlation between usability of a simulation framework and their effectiveness being well documented. This thesis studies what major factors are causing low usability in simulation frameworks and how usability could be improved. This is done through a case study of a simulation framework using the fail fast method, where the results and their applicability on simulation in general is analysed and evaluated using established checklists. Major weaknesses were categorised in properties that the simulation framework was lacking in and design principles were defined regarding propagation of synergistic solutions pertaining to usability. The studied simulation framework's usability was improved by increasing the qualities of these properties while adhering to design principles that were specified from the analysis. User test showed a reduction in execution time of tasks by 90 percent, a marked improvement that lends credibility to the study.

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