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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria-rdw según severidad de pacientes con SEPSIS hospitalizados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos médico quirúrgica del HNERM octubre – diciembre 2013

Chiara Chilet, Christian Manuel January 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la Amplitud de distribución eritrocitaria-RDW según la severidad de pacientes con sepsis y sin sepsis hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos médico quirúrgica del HNERM Octubre – Diciembre 2013. Material y Métodos: Estudio de diseño analítico, tipo transversal; se estudiara a toda la población hospitalizada en el Departamento de UCI con y sin sepsis y pacientes que serán operados electivamente de cirugía Cardiaca, cirugía de Whipple y pacientes neurológicos. Se describirá mediante un análisis descriptivo la edad, género y foco séptico; de la Historia Clínica se determinará si el paciente cumple criterios de sepsis y se determinará si es sepsis severa, shock séptico o disfunción multiórganica (DMO); en el hemograma de ingreso se tomarán los valores de RDW, Hemoglobina (Hb), Hematocrito (Hct) y Volumen Corpuscular Medio (VCM), finalmente se calculará el APACHE II y SOFA. Resultados: De los 61 pacientes seleccionados, 30 fueron catalogados como controles y 31 como casos, estos últimos se subdividieron según la severidad de sepsis, 6 como sepsis, 13 como sepsis severa, 10 como shock séptico, y 2 como DMO. Respecto a los datos demográficos hubieron 46(75%) varones y 15(25%) mujeres; en los grupos de edades de 20 a 59 años hubieron 20(33%) y de 60 a más hubieron 41(67%). Se evidencia una diferencia significativa comparando el valor del RDW de los pacientes sin sepsis y con sepsis según severidad (p= 0.000, IC 95%), la mediana del RDW en los pacientes controles fue de 13.7%, en los pacientes con sepsis 15.5%, con sepsis severa 15.6%, con shock séptico 16% y con DMO 16.15%.Al comparar el valor del RDW con el APACHE II en el grupo de pacientes sépticos se encuentra una correlación moderada r: 0.546 con un (p=0.002, IC 95%), no se encontró esta relación con el SOFA. Finalmente la media de Hb en pacientes sin sepsis fue 11.8 gr/dl, con sepsis 11.4 gr/dl, con sepsis severa 9.5 gr/dl, con shock séptico 8.9 gr/dl y con DMO 7.9 gr/dl. Conclusiones: El RDW es de utilidad para medir la severidad de la sepsis según parámetros clínicos. Hay correlación entre el aumento del RDW y el APACHE II.

Prestandaoptimering av hybrida mobilapplikationer : En kvalitativ studie

Vrethem, Anders January 2019 (has links)
Lately, as the market for mobile applications are growing there has appeared new innovative strategies that facilitates development of mobile applications for smartphones. One of those methods is hybrid development, the method has a tradeoff with performance, especially for older devices. Effects on performance is crucial when choosing development strategy. This study evaluates performance in terms of application launch time, and how it can be optimized. Performance is evaluated by performing real device test with a cloud service that provides a distribution of physical smartphone devices. / I takt med att mobilapplikationsmarknaden ökar har det på senare tid uppkommit nya innovativa metoder som underlättar utvecklingen av applikationer till smarttelefoner. En av dessa metoder är hybrid utvecklingsmetod. Metoden medför dock stora förluster i prestanda, särskilt för äldre enheter, vilket ofta ses som en avgörande egenskap vid val av utvecklingsmetod. Det här arbetet undersöker vad som påverkar prestanda hos hybridapplikationer med fokus på starttid samt hur det kan optimeras. Prestandan testas med hjälp av en molntjänst som tillhandahåller en distribution av fysiska smarttelefoner.

Utveckling av hotspotsystem / Hotspot system development

Baktirovic, Adnan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete är gjort på uppdrag av Fiber Optik Valley. Huvuduppdraget i projektet var att skapa ett fungerande betalningssystem för en hotspot och att utveckla företagets webbsida. Hotspotsystemet som baserades på en gratistjänst från Public IP, är tänkt att kunna fungera delvis autonomt utan ägarens ingripande. Företagets webbsida skapades i en Flex2-utvecklingsmiljö och produkten blev en Adobe Flash-applikation. För att få ett dynamiskt och konfigurerbart system skapades även en kontrollpanel till webbsidan åt företagets webbadministratörer, så att innehållet på sidan ska kunna förändras utan att behöva kompilera om koden. Kontrollpanelen säkrades också med en inloggningsprocess.</p><p>Som underliggande motor och som ersättning för brister i Flash-funktionaliteten, användes Simple PHP-tjänster mellan Flash-applikationen och PHP-skripten på servern. Betalningssystemet utvecklades med hjälp av PHP, MySQL och JavaScript. I systemet ingår PayPal’s IPN-tjänster för penningtransaktioner och validering av transaktioner. En självständig AMP-server, Apache2, MySQL och PHP5.0, lades till hotspotsystemet för att minska behovet av att ha en webbsida på ett externt webbhotell.</p> / <p>This graduation work was done as a assignment from Fiber Optic City company based in Hudiksvall Sweden. The base assignment was to create an automated payment system for a Hotspot network and a company web page. The hotspot system should work as a standalone service. The company has already a working free-of-charge service that is offered to its customers and is based on Public IP system.</p><p>The company webpage was done with the help of a development suite called Flex2 and the result was an Adobe Flash application. To increase webpage dynamics a second page was developed for the company to have the ability to change and configure the main company webpage. An authentication service was deployed to configuration page to increase its security. As an engine and a substitute for lack of functionality and security in Adobe Flash simplePHP web service was used to connect Flash with a PHP script on its server.</p><p>The payment system was developed with the help of PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. The system uses Paypal IPN service for money transaction and transaction validation</p><p>A standalone web server with Apache2, PHP 5.0 and MySQL was deployed to the hotspot system to reduce the need of having an authentication system on a commercial Internet based web hotel.</p>

Evaluating NOSQL Technologies for Historical  Financial Data

Rafique, Ansar January 2013 (has links)
Today, when businesses and organizations are generating huge volumes of data; the applications like Web 2.0 or social networking requires processing of petabytes of data. Stock Exchange Systems are among the ones that process large amount of quotes and trades on a daily basis. The limited database storage ability is a major bottleneck in meeting up the challenge of providing efficient access to information. Further to this, varying data are the major source of information for the financial industry. This data needs to be read and written efficiently in the database; this is quite costly when it comes to traditional Relational Database Management System. RDBMS is good for different scenarios and can handle certain types of data very well, but it isn’t always the perfect choice. The existence of innovative architectures allows the storage of large data in an efficient manner. “Not only SQL” brings an effective solution through the provision of an efficient information storage capability. NOSQL is an umbrella term for various new data store. The NOSQL databases have gained popularity due to different factors that include their open source nature, existence of non-relational data store, high-performance, fault-tolerance, and scalability to name a few. Nowadays, NOSQL databases are rapidly gaining popularity because of the advantages that they offer compared to RDBMS. The major aim of this research is to find an efficient solution for storing and processing the huge volume of data for certain variants. The study is based on choosing a reliable, distributed, and efficient NOSQL database at Cinnober Financial Technology AB. The research majorly explores NOSQL databases and discusses issues with RDBMS; eventually selecting a database, which is best suited for financial data management. It is an attempt to contribute the current research in the field of NOSQL databases which compares one such NOSQL database Apache Cassandra with Apache Lucene and the traditional relational database MySQL for financial management. The main focus is to find out which database is the preferred choice for different variants. In this regard, the performance test framework for a selected set of candidates has also been taken into consideration.

Design och implementering av ett webbaserat personalhanteringssystem / The development of a web based information system for employee administration

Norberg, Johan, Maros, Dean January 2005 (has links)
<p>Quickmatch is a company that recruits students to other companies that need temporary workers. Today all administration is done by hand, which is very time demanding and therefore inefficient. Employees send assignment reports by e-mail about the working hours and breaks to the administration office. Since these reports are handled manually, there is a great need for an automated system that makes the company more scalable.</p><p>The purpose of this work was to solve the defined problem, i. e. increase the efficiency of the assignment administration by automation. In practical terms the solution was described as a web based information system.</p><p>The requirements of such a system is high. Properties like compatibility with future software, platform independence and security are particulary important. Also aspects like usability and cost effectiveness influence the system design. The technology that was chosen was the web server Apache, the database server MySQL and the scripting language PHP. Because of the importance of the aspect of platform independence, no special platform came to attention; the goal is a working system on all platforms.</p><p>The information system on the client side is based on normal browser</p><p>software. No extra plugins should be needed for being able to use it. The decision was based on the goal that you should be able to use it on any computer connected to the Internet. To achieve the aspects of future and platform independent compatibility the page description language XHTML 1.0 Strict was chosen in combination of CSS. The language JavaScript was also selected to create DHTML functionality.</p><p>On the server side the aspects of future and platform independent compatibility made the decision of minimizing dependencies. No other software than Apache, MySQL and PHP should be nessecary on the server. To minimize the dependency a SMTP client was written with</p><p>PHP's socket functions. The mail function was used to send forgotten passwords to employees and to send assignment reminder messages.</p><p>The database model that was chosen was UML. The decision was made because of the model's frequent uses for both academic purposes and in the industry. It was also because of the need for a model to guarantee an efficient system design.</p><p>The work resulted in a information system that solved the defined problem. The assignment administration was made more efficient than before, which reduces the burden of work. The general aspects of the system was considered within acceptable limits. That consideration was based on the achieved specifications of requirements and the results of the testphase of the implemented system.</p><p>Because of the limited time frame the system was reduced to only solve the defined problem. The design of the system does however have the capabilities for future extensions.</p> / <p>Företaget Quickmatch är ett rekryteringsföretag som baserar sin verksamhet på studenter och hyr ut studenterna till olika företag som har behov av arbetskraft.</p><p>I dagsläget hanteras alla uthyrningsuppdrag manuellt, vilket innebär att mycket tid ägnas åt att behandla uppdragsrapporter som anställda skickar med e-post. Denna aktivitet anses vara ineffektiv och ett stort intresse finns för en datorbaserad lösning som automatiserar den största delen av det administrativa arbetet. Syftet med detta arbete var att lösa dessa problem, dvs. att effektivisera uppdragshanteringen samt löneberäkningsdelen genom automatisering. I praktiska ordalag handlar denna effektivisering om ett webbaserat informationssystem.</p><p>De krav som ställs på ett sådant system är stora. Egenskaper såsom långsiktighet, kompatibilitet, korrekthet och säkerhet är särskilt viktiga. Även aspekter som användbarhet och kostnad påverkar valet. Den teknologi som valdes för att skapa systemet var webbservern Apache, databasservern MySQL samt scriptspråket PHP. Eftersom principen om plattformsoberoende är en mycket viktig egenskap hos systemet valdes inte någon speciell plattform som systemet skulle basera sig på; målet var att det skulle fungera på alla plattformar.</p><p>Informationssystemet baserar sig på vanliga browserprogramvaror. Inga extra plugin skall behövas för att kunna använda systemet. Målet med detta vägval är att man skall kunna använda systemet ifrån vilken dator som helst som har Internetuppkoppling. För att efterfölja målet om långsiktighet och kompatibelitet mellan plattformar valdes sidbeskrivningsspråket XHTML 1.0 Strict i kombination med användningen av CSS. Förutom klientens tolkning av sådana data används också JavaScript för DHTML-funktionalitet.</p><p>Serversidan har också stora krav på kompatibilitet och långsiktighet. Det anses vara mycket viktigt att minimera systemens beroenden till andra programvaror på servern förrutom Apache, MySQL och PHP. Av denna anledning skrevs en egen SMTP-klient med hjälp av PHPs socketfunktioner. Mailfunktionen används för systemets hantering av glömda lösenord samt påminnelsefunktionalitet för uppdragshanteringen.</p><p>Den systemutvecklingsmodell som valdes var UML eftersom den både används inom den akademiska världen samt på många företag. Den anses dessutom vara fördelaktig att använda för att garantera en god systemdesign.</p><p>Arbetet har resulterat i ett system som sköter administreringen av företagets uppdrag samt löneberäkningar. Därmed löses det problem som definierats. En effektivisering med hjälp av informationssystemet minskar arbetsbördan hos företaget. De generella målaspekter som definierats anses vara acceptabla. Kravspecifikationen har efterföljts samt tester av implementation har givit ett positivt resultat.</p><p>Eftersom utvecklingen av systemet har utförts inom en begränsad tidsperiod är systemet avgränsat till uppdragshanteringen. Systemets design skapar stora möjligheter för framtida utbyggnad.</p>

Erarbeitung einer grafischen Benutzerschnittstelle fuer das Intensive Computing

Schumann, Merten 21 June 1995 (has links) (PDF)
Entwicklung einer grafischen Nutzerschnittstelle auf der Basis von WWW, um Jobs fuer das Batchsystem DQS zu aktivieren.

Secure WebServer

Neubert, Janek 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Beschreibung und Implementierung einer Lösungsvariante für den sicheren Einsatz von OpenAFS, Apache und serverseitigen Skriptsprachen wie PHP oder PERL in Multiuserumgebungen.


Bartelt, Hans Guillermo January 1980 (has links)
Written texts of Navajo and Western Apache speakers in English revealed rhetorical patterns which seem to be tied to the native languages. The theoretical framework of interlanguage is used to analyze language transfer of two rhetorical features at the discourse level: (1) rhetorical redundancy and (2) narrative technique. Both features can be viewed as fossilizations of discourse which are forced upon the surface of written Navajo and Western Apache English interlanguage by the process of language transfer. Rhetorical redundancy exists in Navajo and Western Apache for emphasis and is transferred to English discourse as emphasis by the repetition of lexical items, syntactic strings and sentential paraphrases. The purposes for rhetorical redundancy in Navajo and Western Apache English interlanguage include the emphasis of emotional concerns, clarifications, and conventions of courtesy. A discourse rule is suggested which summarizes rhetorical redundancy transfer. Narrative technique in Navajo and Western Apache English interlanguage involves idiosyncratic tense shifting patterns at the discourse level. Navajo and Western Apache speakers seem to transfer the semantics of Navajo and Western Apache modes and aspects to English tenses. It is suggested that Navajo and Western Apache speakers find standard English tense usage inadequate for their underlying narrative discourse motivations. The Navajo and Western Apache usitative mode, imperfective mode, and continuative aspect are expressed through the English present tense. The Navajo and Western Apache perfective mode is realized in English through the past tense. The Navajo and Western Apache progressive mode, optative mode, iterative mode, and repetitive aspect surface in English as two possible nonstandard forms of the progressive aspect. A set of three mode and aspect transfer rules at the narrative discourse level is suggested.


Miller, Peter Springer, 1937- January 1969 (has links)
No description available.

Tonto National Monument Cultural Landscape Assessment Presentation

Stoffle, Richard W. 09 January 2009 (has links)
This presentation is a summary of findings of the Tonto National Monument Ethnographic Study. This presentation was shared with the three participating tribes and their associated tribal governments.

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