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Bidodeeloltag Neek'ahgo: Perceptions and Uses of Mathematics on the San Carlos Apache ReservationStevens, Philip Joel January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines the perception and uses of mathematics on the San Carlos Apache reservation. The initial research questions were: 1) To what extent can the identification of Apache mathematics concepts provide a theoretical basis for the inclusion of Apache mathematical knowledge into the classrooms? 2) How will the identification of Apache mathematics use within the community affect the perception of community members' mastery of mathematics in general? Eight enrolled adult Apache community members were interviewed and observed utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods regarding their use and perception of mathematics. The data suggests that the English word "mathematics" represents a narrow perception of mathematics whereas the study interviewees indicated that they engaged in complex mathematical concepts that are identified and discussed as a culturally distinct phenomena, Apache mathematics.
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Slow rate denial of service attacks on dedicated- versus cloud based server solutions / En jämförelse mellan resursbindande denial of service attacker mot dedikerade och molnbaserade serverlösningarAndell, Oscar, Andersson, Albin January 2018 (has links)
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks remain a serious threat to internet stability. A specific kind of low bandwidth DoS attack, called a slow rate attack can with very limited resources potentially cause major interruptions to the availability of the attacked web servers. This thesis examines the impact of slow rate application layer DoS attacks against three different server solutions. The server solutions are a static cloud solution and a load-balancing cloud solution running on AmazonWeb Services (AWS) as well as a dedicated server. To identify the impact in terms of responsiveness and service availability a number of experiments were conducted on the web servers using publicly available DoS tools. The response times of the requests were measured. The results show that the dedicated and static cloud based server solutions are severely impacted by the attacks while the AWS load-balancing cloud solution is not impacted nearly as much. We concluded that all solutions were impacted by the attacks and that the readily available DoS tools are sufficient for creating a denial of service state on certain web servers.
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Dragoons in Apacheland: A History of Anglo-Apache Relations in Southern New Mexico, 1846-1861January 2011 (has links)
abstract: During the 1850s, Indian policy objectives pursued by the civil and military branches of government in New Mexico would have a lasting impact on future relations between the two cultures. Many later policies originated in this antebellum period, but often receive only a summary analysis by scholars who focus on the more popular post-Civil War period. Debates over proper policies and enforcement would proliferate in the 1850s as military and civil officials vied with one another over their own perceived authority. Many officials pursued viable policies, but did not remain in office long enough to ensure their implementation. Additionally, personal egos and stubbornness often undermined interagency cooperation. An overall cultural misunderstanding regarding Apache tribal structure and the inability to distinguish between subgroups exacerbated the conflict. Anti-Indian sentiments prevailed in the military, which often contradicted the more humanitarian approach advocated by the Indian Department. As a result, a contention for power and prestige emerged on three separate fronts: civil government leaders, military leaders, and within the Apache tribe. This thesis offers a contextualization of events that transpired during the 1870s and 1880s by demonstrating how these three entities contended amongst each other for power, undermining policy objectives in the antebellum era. Americans sought to conquer and control--to exert authority and power--over all components of the western landscape in order that they might realize its full economic potential. The Apaches formed a part of this landscape much the same as lofty mountain ranges, raging rivers, and parched deserts. All of these required conquering before that nineteenth century American dream could be fully imbued in the Southwest, and over the several decades following Kearny's arrival countless individuals streamed westward in torrents intent on accomplishing just that. The Apaches, like all western tribes, thus fell into an unstoppable cycle of conquest driven by an insatiable Anglo-American obsession with exerting control. Just as swarthy lawyers challenged claims to gain legal dominion over western tracts of land; just as engineers constructed dams and sought ways to manipulate streams and rivers; just as the plow tilled millions of acres of raw lands; just as the miner's pick slowly chipped away at formidable peaks; so too did the United States Army subdue the Apaches, all of these being a means towards a common end for the American West. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. History 2011
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Speaking Place, Saving Place: Western Apache Cultural Diversity and Public DiscourseJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: Public discourse conveys and constructs sophisticated, nuanced and often conflicting notions of place, identity, culture, and religion. Comprehending the significance of place-based discourse is essential to understanding many of the contemporary difficulties facing Native American peoples. This is particularly true of the Western Apache people who constitute their places via discursive engagement. This project examines the Western Apache in their fight to save Dzil nchaa si an (Mount Graham) from a multi-telescope observatory upon its summit. Using discourse and text analysis to examine the public rhetoric, I suggest that the Western Apache understand the mountain as a participatory partner in community viability and Apache identity. I also suggest that the discourse surrounding the Mt. Graham controversy provides a mechanism to understand how Apache discourse links past and present practices and identity as seen through four emerging thematic elements: ethics, relatedness, knowledge, and religious verbiage. Understanding how discourse reveals cultural norms and practices and sustains cultural integrity is important as communicative disjunctures impact the effective responses of Native American and other diverse groups. These issues are framed within the national debate regarding cultural significance and bear directly upon the success of other preservation efforts. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Anthropology 2012
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Building a high throughput microscope simulator using the Apache Kafka streaming frameworkLugnegård, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
Today microscopy imaging is a widely used and powerful method for investigating biological processes. The microscopes can produce large amounts of data in a short time. It is therefore impossible to analyse all the data thoroughly because of time and cost constraints. HASTE (Hierarchical Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Image Data) is a collaborative research project between Uppsala University, AstraZeneca and Vironova which addresses this specific problem. The idea is to analyse the image data in real time to make fast decisions on whether to analyse further, store or throw away the data. To facilitate the development process of this system a microscope simulator has been designed and implemented with large focus on parameters relating to data throughput. Apart from building the simulator the framework Apache Kafka has been evaluated for streaming large images. The results from this project are both a working simulator which shows a performance similar to that of the microscope and an evaluation of Apache Kafka showing that it is possible to stream image data with the framework.
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Design och implementering av ett webbaserat personalhanteringssystem / The development of a web based information system for employee administrationNorberg, Johan, Maros, Dean January 2005 (has links)
Quickmatch is a company that recruits students to other companies that need temporary workers. Today all administration is done by hand, which is very time demanding and therefore inefficient. Employees send assignment reports by e-mail about the working hours and breaks to the administration office. Since these reports are handled manually, there is a great need for an automated system that makes the company more scalable. The purpose of this work was to solve the defined problem, i. e. increase the efficiency of the assignment administration by automation. In practical terms the solution was described as a web based information system. The requirements of such a system is high. Properties like compatibility with future software, platform independence and security are particulary important. Also aspects like usability and cost effectiveness influence the system design. The technology that was chosen was the web server Apache, the database server MySQL and the scripting language PHP. Because of the importance of the aspect of platform independence, no special platform came to attention; the goal is a working system on all platforms. The information system on the client side is based on normal browser software. No extra plugins should be needed for being able to use it. The decision was based on the goal that you should be able to use it on any computer connected to the Internet. To achieve the aspects of future and platform independent compatibility the page description language XHTML 1.0 Strict was chosen in combination of CSS. The language JavaScript was also selected to create DHTML functionality. On the server side the aspects of future and platform independent compatibility made the decision of minimizing dependencies. No other software than Apache, MySQL and PHP should be nessecary on the server. To minimize the dependency a SMTP client was written with PHP's socket functions. The mail function was used to send forgotten passwords to employees and to send assignment reminder messages. The database model that was chosen was UML. The decision was made because of the model's frequent uses for both academic purposes and in the industry. It was also because of the need for a model to guarantee an efficient system design. The work resulted in a information system that solved the defined problem. The assignment administration was made more efficient than before, which reduces the burden of work. The general aspects of the system was considered within acceptable limits. That consideration was based on the achieved specifications of requirements and the results of the testphase of the implemented system. Because of the limited time frame the system was reduced to only solve the defined problem. The design of the system does however have the capabilities for future extensions. / Företaget Quickmatch är ett rekryteringsföretag som baserar sin verksamhet på studenter och hyr ut studenterna till olika företag som har behov av arbetskraft. I dagsläget hanteras alla uthyrningsuppdrag manuellt, vilket innebär att mycket tid ägnas åt att behandla uppdragsrapporter som anställda skickar med e-post. Denna aktivitet anses vara ineffektiv och ett stort intresse finns för en datorbaserad lösning som automatiserar den största delen av det administrativa arbetet. Syftet med detta arbete var att lösa dessa problem, dvs. att effektivisera uppdragshanteringen samt löneberäkningsdelen genom automatisering. I praktiska ordalag handlar denna effektivisering om ett webbaserat informationssystem. De krav som ställs på ett sådant system är stora. Egenskaper såsom långsiktighet, kompatibilitet, korrekthet och säkerhet är särskilt viktiga. Även aspekter som användbarhet och kostnad påverkar valet. Den teknologi som valdes för att skapa systemet var webbservern Apache, databasservern MySQL samt scriptspråket PHP. Eftersom principen om plattformsoberoende är en mycket viktig egenskap hos systemet valdes inte någon speciell plattform som systemet skulle basera sig på; målet var att det skulle fungera på alla plattformar. Informationssystemet baserar sig på vanliga browserprogramvaror. Inga extra plugin skall behövas för att kunna använda systemet. Målet med detta vägval är att man skall kunna använda systemet ifrån vilken dator som helst som har Internetuppkoppling. För att efterfölja målet om långsiktighet och kompatibelitet mellan plattformar valdes sidbeskrivningsspråket XHTML 1.0 Strict i kombination med användningen av CSS. Förutom klientens tolkning av sådana data används också JavaScript för DHTML-funktionalitet. Serversidan har också stora krav på kompatibilitet och långsiktighet. Det anses vara mycket viktigt att minimera systemens beroenden till andra programvaror på servern förrutom Apache, MySQL och PHP. Av denna anledning skrevs en egen SMTP-klient med hjälp av PHPs socketfunktioner. Mailfunktionen används för systemets hantering av glömda lösenord samt påminnelsefunktionalitet för uppdragshanteringen. Den systemutvecklingsmodell som valdes var UML eftersom den både används inom den akademiska världen samt på många företag. Den anses dessutom vara fördelaktig att använda för att garantera en god systemdesign. Arbetet har resulterat i ett system som sköter administreringen av företagets uppdrag samt löneberäkningar. Därmed löses det problem som definierats. En effektivisering med hjälp av informationssystemet minskar arbetsbördan hos företaget. De generella målaspekter som definierats anses vara acceptabla. Kravspecifikationen har efterföljts samt tester av implementation har givit ett positivt resultat. Eftersom utvecklingen av systemet har utförts inom en begränsad tidsperiod är systemet avgränsat till uppdragshanteringen. Systemets design skapar stora möjligheter för framtida utbyggnad.
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Webbserverprogram: Öppen källkods-alternativ till ApacheSvantesson, Carlhåkan January 2012 (has links)
Det har blivit allt vanligare för företag att marknadsföra sig via Internet vilket oftast innebär att företaget behöver en webbplats. Denna webbplats använder ett webbserverprogram för att hantera kundernars förfrågningar och det webbserverprogram som är störst på marknaden med god marginal är Apache. Apache har existerat i över 15 år och är öppen-källkod. Det här examensarbetet undersöker om det finns några öppen källkods-alternativ till det marknadsledande webbserverprogrammet Apache genom att titta på funktionalitet och prestanda. Prestandatesterna har genomförs både med statiska och dynamiska webbsidor. De alternativ som undersöks är Nginx och Lighttpd. Resultaten visar på att både Nginx och Lighttpd i det stora hela presterar bättre än Apache. Det här syns främst i de statiska prestandatesterna där Nginx och Lighttpd presterar mer än dubbelt så bra som Apache. I de dynamiska prestandatesterna så har Nginx och Apache jämförbar prestanda medan Lighttpd inte riktigt kommer upp i samma prestanda. Nginx saknar viss funktionalitet i jämförelse med de andra två, det är dock inga kritiska funktioner som saknas.
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Zakázková webová aplikace s informačním systémem malé firmy / Custom web application with information system for small companyPecharová, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerning the creation of individual information system for small house-keeping business. The goal is to obtain a system that would meet the needs of the company. The paper focuses on information system design and development in its own by using Java.
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Dynamicky zasílané WWW-stránky / Dynamic web pagesKotlín, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
Serving dynamic web pages raises higher load of web servers and associated technologies. This can to some extent eliminate setting up reverse proxy with cache in front of the web server. The primary goal of this thesis is to implement this technique via presently most popular web server -- Apache. These Apache's proxy features were at first well tested and described, later practically applied in real LAMP software bundle enviroment (Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL).
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Valoración de los scores Apache II y Ranson como predictores de severidad en pancreatitis aguda al ingreso en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, agosto 2011 a julio del 2012Pérez Reyes, Rolando Martin January 2014 (has links)
Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / El documento digital no refiere asesor / Valora los scores de Ranson y APACHE II, como predictivos de severidad en pacientes con diagnóstico de ingreso al Servicio de Medicina de pancreatitis aguda en el Hospital de Nacional Dos de Mayo. Agosto 2011 a julio de 2012. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Se revisaron 81 historias de pacientes con diagnóstico de pancreatitis aguda a quienes se les aplicó los Scores Ranson y APACHE II como scores predictores de severidad en el servicio de Medicina del Hospital de Nacional Dos de Mayo en el periodo que comprendió el estudio. Para el análisis descriptivo de variables cuantitativas se empleó medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, para el análisis cualitativo se utilizó frecuencias absolutas y relativas. La valoración de los indicadores predictivos se realizó a través de la sensibilidad, especificidad, Valor Predictivo Positivo (VPP) y Valor Predictivo Negativo (VPN). El 55.6% de pacientes con pancreatitis aguda fueron varones y el 44.4%, mujeres. La edad promedio fue 50,5 años donde el rango de edad estuvo comprendido entre 24 años a 76 años. La etiología de la pancreatitis aguda más frecuente fue de tipo biliar (65.4 %). El score APACHE II permitió clasificar a los pacientes como grado severo de pancreatitis aguda al 18.5 % de ellos mientras que el score Ranson clasificó como grado severo al 14.8 % de los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda. Los Scores de Ranson y APACHE II permitieron identificar una predominancia de casos leves de pancreatitis aguda. Los resultados de TAC evidenciaron que el 48,1% tuvieron resultado normal, en los pacientes con hallazgos anormales se encontró edema de páncreas en el 7,4% y necrosis (mayor al 50%) en el 7,4%. La evaluación de los valores predictivos del score Ranson fue: Sensibilidad 57.1%, Especificidad 100%, Valor Predictivo Negativo (VPN) 86.9% y Valor Predictivo Positivo de 100%. La Sensibilidad de APACHE II fue 71.4%, Especificidad 100%, VPN 90.9% y VPP de 100%. Se observó que los scores APACHE II y Ranson poseen un buen valor predictivo positivo como negativo, lo que permite descartar severidad dentro de las 24 horas de ingreso de los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda evaluados. Los scores APACHE II y Ranson tienen la capacidad de predecir severidad de la pancreatitis aguda en todos los pacientes que son evaluados dentro de las 24 horas al ingreso, no se observó diferencias en el valor predictivo entre ambas pruebas. / Trabajo de investigación
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