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Společenství vlastníků jednotek jako subjekt práva / Unit owners association as a subject of lawVrobel, Rostislav January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to describe unit owners association as a subject of law in the Czech Republic. It focuses on analysis of the most significant problems of the current legal regulation in the Act No. 72/1994 Coll., on apartment ownership. It also concurrently reflects the legislation in the new civil code, in which is the apartment ownership incorporated. The subject of thesis was selected because of its actuality in the professional literature and in the daily life. The issue of the unit owners association affects more and more inhabitants because of its mandatory membership and increasing amount of apartment owners. This dissertation consists of six individual chapters. Each chapter looks at the basic principles of the unit owners association and contains subchapter reflecting legal regulation in the new civil code. The first chapter concentrates on the legal regulation of the unit owners association. It looks at the most significant changes in the apartment ownership legislation, which have constituted unit owners association as a legal person. It also includes basic analysis and classification of amendment to apartment owners legislation in the new civil code. The second chapter looks at the legal status of unit owners association. It describes its characteristics as a person of law,...
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Společenství vlastníků jednotek jako subjekt práva: (srovnávací studie s návrhem úpravy v novém občanském zákoníku) / Unit Owners Association as a Subject of Law: (A Comparative Study of the New Civil Code Bill)Vohnická, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Unit owners association as a subject of law (A comparative study of the new civil code bill) The purpose of my thesis is to analyse current legislation regarding apartment ownership which incorporates provisions regarding unit owners associations and compare it with the new Civil Code bill which will incorporate these provisions in the future. The methodology is primarily critical analysis. I explain the main problem by way of practical examples. The reason for choosing this subject of research is its topicality and the large numbers of people who live in apartments in the Czech Republic who are required to be members of unit owners associations. The thesis is composed of six chapters, five of which deal with various elements of the provisions regarding unit owner associations. Following these chapters, I look at the new Civil Code bill. The final chapter describes some provisions which apply outside the Czech Republic. Chapter One explains the legal status of unit owners associations as a legal entity and their characteristics. The chapter is subdivided into three main parts. Part One deals with the extent of the association's legal capacity. Part Two describes who represents the association and Part Three concerns the register of unit owners associations. Chapter Two describes the creation and...
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Vlastnictví bytů a nebytových prostor / Ownership of flats and non-residential premisesBrinda, Pavol January 2017 (has links)
The subject of dissertation thesis is description of selected issues of apartment ownership. The thesis analyses in detail the historical development of the institute in the world from antiquity to the modern legal regulations of the 21st century. Particular attention is paid to the historical development of apartment ownership in the territory of today's Czech Republic. In the next part, the author describes the legislative and theoretical concepts of apartment ownership used in various legal systems of Europe. In the light of these foreign legal regulations, author also evaluates the legal construction of apartment ownership introduced by the new Czech Civil Code. After defining apartment ownership and describing its basic features, the author focuses on a detailed analysis of one of the basic elements of this institute - its subject. In this part, the thesis deals mainly with the question how the new Civil Code has defined the unit, the flat and the common parts of the land and building. The author deals in detail with new possibilities in determining the size of co-ownership shares of unit owners on common parts of the land and building. As part of the analysis of the subject of apartment ownership, the author does not just describe existing legislation, but also compares it with the previous...
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Stanovy společenství vlastníků jednotek / Articles of apartment owners associationLevý, Jan January 2012 (has links)
THESIS SUMMARY: ARTICLES OF APARTMENT OWNERS ASSOCIATION The thesis deals with the regulation of apartment owners associations in the Czech Republic, in particular, with the articles of association of such legal entity. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the Czech statutory regulation (especially The Act on Ownership of Apartments No. 72/1994 of Collection of Laws, and The Government Order No. 371/2004 Coll.) of the apartment owners association in general. There has been provided a short survey of the historical evolution of the ownership of apartments in the world as well as in the Czech Republic and a short depiction of the approaches on apartment ownership models - Anglo-Saxon-French and German Models. Greater attention in the first part is given then to the legal entity of apartment owners association. It examines the foundation and dismissal of the association, its legal capacity (and limits given by law), the membership in such association, and its bodies - assembly, statutory body, and other optional bodies. The second part is devoted to the articles. It is always necessary to examine the articles in light of the current legislation, which greatly affects the content of the articles. In the beginning of the second part, short characteristics of the articles is given,...
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3D property rights : an analysis of key factors based on international experiencePaulsson, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis are to establish the fundamental principles in the field of 3D property rights by studying such systems in different countries with a particular focus on management questions, to systemize the acquired knowledge and demonstrate different ways of dealing with key factors essential to a well-functioning 3D property rights system. A theoretical background to the 3D property concept is given by presenting proposals as to a definition of 3D property and a classification of the primary forms of 3D property rights examined into specific types and categories, as well as an overview of international 3D property use. A general description of the characteristics of 3D property, with a focus on the condominium form, is also presented. A presentation of three different 3D property rights models is given as exemplified by the countries investigated, including the independent 3D property model in Sweden, the condominium form model in Germany, and a combination of the independent 3D property form and the condominium form as evidenced by the legal systems of two Australian states, New South Wales and Victoria. It has been possible to discern from this study a number of key factors related to 3D property rights that seem to be common for most forms and systems. These include the delimitation of property units, the content of the definition of common property, the creation of easements, the forms of cooperation between property units, management and regulation issues, as well as the settlement of disputes and insurance solutions. The problems experienced within the 3D property systems studied to a large extent have concerned issues within these mentioned key areas, where the management aspect seems particularly difficult. Changes in society and the creation of new development forms to a large extent have also contributed to the need for statutory amendments. More or less substantial amendments have been required in both the Australian and German statutes studied, with shortcomings still remaining after many years of use. However, these systems in general seem to be working well, and the condominium form in particular seems to be a well-functioning concept. Based on these systems, it has been possible to discern a tendency that the more detailed and complex the legislation, the greater the need for gradual amendments. In conclusion, it would be of benefit for countries planning on introducing a system for 3D property rights to utilize the experiences of other countries, while not forgetting to consider differences in legal systems, society, etc. / QC 20100812
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Ägarlägenheter : En studie av tre delmarknader i viss jämförelse med bostadsrätt / Apartment ownership : A study of three swedish submarkets with some comparison to co-operative apartmentsSöderström, Jennie, Thaqi, Alban January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>Background </em></p><p>Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries, such as Norway, Denmark and UK. During spring 2009 the Swedish Parliament passed a new legislation which made it possible for apartment ownerships also in Sweden. But apartment ownership has had a slow start, which partly can be explained by the recent recession.</p><p><em>Purpose & method</em></p><p>The purpose of this paper is to study the market of apartment ownership in Öckerö, Stockholm and Karlstad. The study is a qualitative examination where relevant companies from the submarkets have been interviewed.</p><p><em>Result</em></p><p>The result of this study shows that the interest for apartment ownership is over all high in all three submarkets. It is yet clear the knowledge about apartment ownership is generally poor among the public, and when the banks still misses proper routines for mortgages, it creates uncertainty, and slows down the market. Furthermore, the existing legislation restricts the establishment because few objects are entitled to be reorganized. The conclusion of this study is thus that the market for apartment ownership would gain on an expansion of the legislation and a more efficient marketing.</p> / <p><em>Bakgrund </em></p><p>Lägenheter med äganderätt är sedan länge en populär och väletablerad boendeform i många länder, som exempelvis i Norge, Danmark och England. Våren år 2009 antog Riksdagen en ny lag som tillåter ägarlägenheter även i Sverige. Boendeformen har dock fått en trög start som delvis kan förklaras av den rådande lågkonjunkturen.</p><p><em>Syfte & metod</em></p><p>Syftet med studien är att studera marknaden för ägarlägenheter i Öckerö, Stockholm och Karlstad. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där relevanta företag från respektive delmarknad har intervjuats.</p><p><em>Resultat </em></p><p>Studiens resultat visar att intresset för ägarlägenheter är övervägande stort på samtliga delmarknader. Det är dock tydligt att det finns en okunskap om ägarlägenheter hos allmänheten och då bankerna i dagsläget saknar rutiner för utlåning skapar det en tröghet på marknaden. Även den nuvarande lagstiftningen som inte tillåter att befintliga bostäder ombildas till ägarlägenheter hämmar etableringen eftersom färre objekt blir aktuella. Slutsatsen av studien är således att marknaden för ägarlägenheter skulle vinna på en utvidgning av lagstiftningen samt en effektivare marknadsföring. <strong></strong></p>
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Ägarlägenheter : En studie av tre delmarknader i viss jämförelse med bostadsrätt / Apartment ownership : A study of three swedish submarkets with some comparison to co-operative apartmentsSöderström, Jennie, Thaqi, Alban January 2010 (has links)
Background Apartment ownership is a popular and well established type of housing in many countries, such as Norway, Denmark and UK. During spring 2009 the Swedish Parliament passed a new legislation which made it possible for apartment ownerships also in Sweden. But apartment ownership has had a slow start, which partly can be explained by the recent recession. Purpose & method The purpose of this paper is to study the market of apartment ownership in Öckerö, Stockholm and Karlstad. The study is a qualitative examination where relevant companies from the submarkets have been interviewed. Result The result of this study shows that the interest for apartment ownership is over all high in all three submarkets. It is yet clear the knowledge about apartment ownership is generally poor among the public, and when the banks still misses proper routines for mortgages, it creates uncertainty, and slows down the market. Furthermore, the existing legislation restricts the establishment because few objects are entitled to be reorganized. The conclusion of this study is thus that the market for apartment ownership would gain on an expansion of the legislation and a more efficient marketing. / Bakgrund Lägenheter med äganderätt är sedan länge en populär och väletablerad boendeform i många länder, som exempelvis i Norge, Danmark och England. Våren år 2009 antog Riksdagen en ny lag som tillåter ägarlägenheter även i Sverige. Boendeformen har dock fått en trög start som delvis kan förklaras av den rådande lågkonjunkturen. Syfte & metod Syftet med studien är att studera marknaden för ägarlägenheter i Öckerö, Stockholm och Karlstad. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där relevanta företag från respektive delmarknad har intervjuats. Resultat Studiens resultat visar att intresset för ägarlägenheter är övervägande stort på samtliga delmarknader. Det är dock tydligt att det finns en okunskap om ägarlägenheter hos allmänheten och då bankerna i dagsläget saknar rutiner för utlåning skapar det en tröghet på marknaden. Även den nuvarande lagstiftningen som inte tillåter att befintliga bostäder ombildas till ägarlägenheter hämmar etableringen eftersom färre objekt blir aktuella. Slutsatsen av studien är således att marknaden för ägarlägenheter skulle vinna på en utvidgning av lagstiftningen samt en effektivare marknadsföring.
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Ägarlägenheter - den efterfrågade produkten / Apartment ownership - the requested productJönsson, Pebbles, Magnusson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Sammandrag I Sverige finns upplåtelseformerna hyresrätt, kooperativ hyresrätt, bostadsrätt och äganderätt. Den förste maj 2009 gjorde lagstiftning det även möjligt att upplåta ägarlägenheter, och detta blev introduktionen till den nya boendeformen. Däremot är ägandeformen en vanlig företeelse utomlands där ägarlägenheter funnits under lång tid. När regeringen införde ägandeformen i Sverige hade de en förhoppning om att det skulle byggas mellan 3 000 och 5 000 ägarlägenheter varje år, det är dock inte förrän år 2021 som antalet registrerade och färdigbyggda ägarlägenheter överstigit 3 000 i antalet. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den aktuella efterfrågan på marknaden för produkten ägarlägenheter ur fastighetsmäklares och projektledarens perspektiv, samt byggbolagens intresse för att producera upplåtelseformen. Forskningsfrågorna besvaras med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod och med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Inom det kvalitativa forskningsområdet har en semistrukturerad intervjustudie genomförts. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har respondenterna fritt fått berätta om sina erfarenheter och uppfattningar. Studien har visat på en ökad efterfrågan av ägandeformen bara under de senaste åren, trots en pandemi. Efterfrågan har inte bara ökat hos konsumenterna utan även byggbolagens intresse för upplåtelseformen har blivit större då flera byggbolag vill hjälpa till att utvidga utbudet kring boendeformen. Förutom efterfråga finns det flera aspekter som påverkar produktionen av den nya upplåtelseformen, som exempelvis kommunernas inställning och uppmuntran till att uppföra ägarlägenheter på deras mark. Dagens stora efterfrågan, kommunens positiva inställning och entreprenörernas vilja att satsa kapital i projekt med ägarlägenheter bidrar till en ljus framtid för upplåtelseformen. / Abstract In Sweden there are three forms of housing tenures: tenancy, cooperative tenancy, tenant-ownership, and owner-occupied apartments. On May first, 2009, legalization made it possible to build owner-occupied apartments, which was the introduction to the new form of housing. On the other hand, the form of ownership is a common phenomenon abroad where owner apartments have existed for a long time. When the government introduced owner-occupied flats in Sweden, they had a hope that between 3 000 and 5 000 units would be built each year, it is not until 2021 that the number of registered and completed apartments exceeded 3 000. The purpose of this exam is to examine the current demand on the market for the product, from a real estate agent and project managers perspective, but also the construction companies’ interest in producing this new product. Research questions were answered with the help of a qualitative and abductive approach. Within the qualitative research area semi-structured interviews have been conducted. Through semi-structured interviews the interviewees have been allowed to freely speak about their experiences and perceptions. The study has shown an increased demand for the form of apartment ownership only in recent years, despite a pandemic. Demand has not only increased among consumers, but also the construction companies’ interest in this new product has increased. This is because the construction companies want to help expand the range of housing. In addition to demand, there are several aspects that affect the production of the new form of lease, including the municipality's attitude and encouragement to build owner apartment flats on their land. Today´s high demand, the municipality´s positive attitude and the contractor’s willingness to invest capital in projects with apartment ownership flats, has contributed to a bright future for the form of lease.
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