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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parní turbína pro pohon kompresoru / Steam Turbine for Compressor Drive

Čoupek, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the master's thesis is the design of a condensing steam turbine to drive a compressor with specified parameters. Firstly, the thermodynamic calculation of the flow channels is made, which are verified by strength control to meet the API 612 standard. Following, the calculation for the axial and radial bearings, on which the turbine is mounted, is described and the operating characteristic is developed. Finally, a construction drawing of the longitudinal section of the steam turbine is attached.

Možnosti technologie Google Wave / Google Wave Technology

Michlík, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The Master’s thesis explains API and features of Google Wave technology, which was designed for flexible real-time collaboration of defined participants. The project aim was description of Google Wave basic elements and creation of sample Wave extensions, demonstrating capabilities of the communication protocol. The first extension (robot) was developed using client libraries in Java. The second extension (gadget) shows another approach of Google Wave extensions, based on XML, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Demonstrace a proměření "next-gen" grafických API / Demonstration and Benchmarking of Next-Gen Graphics APIs

Mainuš, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The goal of master’s thesis was to demonstrate and benchmark peformance of Mantle and Vulkan APIs with different optimization methods. This thesis proposes a rendering toolkit with optimization methods based on parallel command buffer generating, persistent staging buffers mapping, minimal pipeline configuration and descriptor sets changing, device memory pre-allocating with managing and sharing between multiple resources. The result is reference implementation that could render dynamic scene with thousands of objects in real time.

Utredning och impementation av säkerhetslösningar för publika API:er

Grahn, Kristoffer January 2020 (has links)
Examensarbetet går igenom vanliga säkerhetsrisker med publika API:er och ger information om IIS, Apache, Nginx, OAuth 2.0 och några av deras säkerhetsmoduler som kan implementeras. IIS och Apache har inbyggda hanteringsprocesser för att motverka ”Distributed-Denial-of-Service” (DDoS) attacker som jämförs med varandra utifrån analys av en befintlig rapport som testar två olika DDoS attacktyper. Säkerhetslösningarnas autentiseringsmoduler bryts ner i olika verifieringsprocesser, där det framkommer att verifieringsprocesserna har en gemensam svaghet mot ”Man-in-The-Middle” (MitM) attacker. Rapporten går in djupare hur man kan skydda sig mot MitM attacker med bra krypteringsprotokoll, ”Transport Layer Security” (TLS), samt undersöker den nyaste versionen TLS 1.3 / The thesis examines common security risks with public APIs and provides information about IIS, Apache, Nginx and OAuth 2.0 and some of the security modules they provide that can be implemented. IIS and Apache have builtin modules for handling Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks that are compared against eachother through analyzing a existing report that tests two different DDoS attack types. The security solutions authentication modules are broken down into different types of verification processes, where it comes forth that the processes share a common security risk against Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks. The report goes through how you can protect against MitM attacks with secure encryption protocols, Transport Layer Security (TLS), and analyzes the newest version TLS 1.3.

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Java framework : A comparison between reactive and non-reactive APIs

Nordlund, André, Nordström, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
Vill man bygga en API tjänst idag existerar det en mängd olika ramverk att välja mellan, varav några av dessa använder reaktiva system. Denna teknik tillåter värden att använda sina resurser på ett mycket mer effektivt sätt än med de icke reaktiva ramverken. Två ramverk som kan användas för att utnyttja denna teknik är Spring Boot och Quarkus. Spring Boot är ett väl etablerat API ramverk med mycket inbyggd funktionalitet som hjälper utvecklare att bygga robusta API tjänster. Quarkus å andra sidan är ett nyare ramverk med fokus på att vara en liten och lätt API som är främst för containers. Även fast dom fokuserar på olika saker borde dom i slutet presentera på samma nivå och ge snarlika resultat. Målet med denna studie är att jämföra reaktiva API tjänster med icke-reaktiva API tjänster med hjälp av Spring Boot och Quarkus. Samt svara på frågor om vilket ramverk och teknik som är den bästa för olika scenarion. För att få kunskap om ämnet om reaktiva system gjordes det först en teoretisk studie för att veta vad som definierar ett reaktivt system samt vad som krävs av operativsystemet för att exekvera en sådan tjänst. För att kunna utföra jämförelsen byggdes det en reaktiv samt icke-reaktiv variant av de två olika ramverken som ger totalt fyra applikationer att jämföra. Flera olika tester var byggda och exekverade på de fyra olika applikationerna. Resultaten visade att reaktivt Quarkus var överlägsen jämfört med de andra applikationer när storleken på transaktionerna var små. I de fall att transaktionerna var stora eller behövdes behandlas var istället Spring Boot bättre. Jämförelsen av CPU- och minnesanvändning resulterade i att reaktivt Quarkus använder både mindre minne och använder mindre CPU. / As technology evolves, more and more companies strive to automate as much work as possible. The use of chatbots in messaging apps is becoming more and more common as replacements in the operation of customer service because of the efficiency and reliability it poses. Replacing customer service with chatbots also saves companies money. In this paper an IT company have asked for the implementation and proof of concept of integration between their server-side application, to Microsoft Teams. They want it to be possible to use a chatbot in Teams to send tickets containing data to their system in order to be handled by users of their application. In this paper a solution to this problem is described as well as discussions about the chosen implementation. The discussion is focused on the final solution, user tests, related work, ethical issues as well as future work. User tests of the implemented solution are included in the results. The conclusion of the work is that this implementation is useful and saves time and effort both for the customer and the employees. There is much potential for future work to be expanded upon, including specialized Ticket Forms and implemented AI.

Utveckling av kommunikationsapp för servicebranschen : Swapp – för ett enklare restaurangbesök

Hagvinprice, Cantona Luthon January 2015 (has links)
In recent years there have been many breakthroughs in software and hardware, which has increased the demand for mobile application development. Technology and innovation today has a big impact on how we live our lives as cell phones and the internet have taken market share and has become a part of everything we do, which is forcing companies to become more digitalized. The goal of this thesis is to develop a mobile application that will be used as a communication tool to streamline the work/communication within service industries. The work begins with a quantitative study where two restaurants were interviewed, TGI Friday and Grand Hotel, with the goal to get an image of the problem that needs to be solved. During the development phase Scrum is used as a project method to plan the progress of the project. In the end of the development a usability test is performed and the system is evaluated using Semat Kernel. The project results in a mobile application written in Objective C and Swift programming languages using the integrated development environment Xcode with ability to create account login using Facebook, and a map that displays the users current location and the ability to call the waitress anywhere in the restaurant. / De senaste åren har det varit många genombrott inom mjukvara och hårdvara, vilket har ökat kraven på mobilapplikationsutveckling. Teknik och innovation har idag en stor inverkan på hur vi lever våra liv eftersom mobiltelefoner och internet har intagit marknadsandelar och blivit en del av allt vi gör. Något som tvingar företag att bli mer digitaliserade. Målet med detta kandidatexamensarbete var att utveckla en mobilapplikation som ska användas som ett kommunikationsverktyg för att effektivisera arbetet och kommunikationen inom restaurangbranschen. Arbetet inleds med en kvantitativ förstudie där intervjuer genomfördes på två restauranger, T.G.I Friday och Grand Hôtel, med mål att få en bild kring problemet som ska lösas. Under utvecklingsfasen används Scrum som arbetsmetod i projektet. I slutet av utvecklingsfasen genomfördes en testanalys för att utvärdera användargränssnittet. Sedan används Semat Kernels utvärderingskriterier för att utvärdera systemet. Projektet resulterar i en mobilapplikation skriven i Objektive C och Swift programmeringsspråk med utvecklingsmiljö Xcode. Systemet möjliggör skapandet av konto och inloggning med Facebook samt en karta som visar användarens nuvarande position samt att användaren kan exempelvis kalla på personalen med hjälp av en knapp.

WordHunch : Server kommunikation och Datahantering i MySQL och Java / WordHunch : Server communications and Data Management in MySQL and Java

Waora, Dushant Singh January 2015 (has links)
Målet med detta projekt var att utforma en kommunikation och databassystem för ett multiplayer ordbaserat spel åt Tweakers HB. Tweakers HB är ett produktbolag som utvecklar mobila applikationer där Wordhunch är en utav deras produkter. Systemet är en webbaserad API som stöds av en databas system för att kunna hantera olika aspekter av ett multiplayer ordbaserat spel. API: et kommer att användas av en Android applikation som utvecklas av andra utvecklare på Tweakers HB. Kommunikationssystemet har tagits fram med Extreme Programming samt testdriven utveckling. Utvecklingen skedde med välkända och beprövade metoder för att kunna säkerställa att ett system med hög kvalitet levereras. Båda system utnyttjar gamla och vältestade verktyg så som MySQL för databashantering medan REST-arkitektur används för kommunikationssystem. I slutet av utvecklingen uppfylldes alla ställda krav. System klarar av prestandakravet enligt de tester som utfördes. Under testning har flera komplikationer uppstått som inte var kända under utvecklingen eller före som t.ex. ta fram det korrekta ord när ett felstavat ord har skickats in. / The goal of the project was to design a communication and database system for a multiplayer word based game for Tweakers HB. Tweakers HB is a company that develops mobile applications, where WordHunch is one of their products. The product itself is a web based API which is supported by a database system for handling different areas of a multiplayer based mobile game. The API will be used by the other developers of Tweakers HB for communication between Server and multiple Android and iOS mobiles. The system is a fully accomplished system. The system has been produced using Extreme programming. Development was done with well-known and proven methods to ensure that a system of high-quality was delivered. Both systems utilizes old and well tested products like MySQL for database management while REST architecture style for API system. At the end of the project all requirements were met. The system passed all the required tests conducted and will be able to handle large quantity of incoming traffic from Android and iOS mobile devices, according to tests. During testing multiple issues came up which were neither known before the production or under production for ex. retrieving the correct word when a misspelled word has been submitted.

Comparative analysis for filtering toxic messages using machine learning models / Jämförande analys för filtrering av olämpliga meddelanden med maskininlärningsmodeller

Murman, Mats-Hjalmar, Lundin, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
Online communication has become prevalent within today’s society. The issue with such platforms is that people are allowed to express what they want without repercussion. Consequently, toxicity on these platforms becomes common. One approach to limit such inappropriate messages could be using a filtering method. The thesis will discuss how to create a toxicity filter using machine learning along with an API for filtering messages by using the models created. The study also analyse which models perform the best in terms of three metrics: accuracy, precision and recall. The results indicate that KNN had the best result for predicting multiple variables while SVC and Logistic Regression worked best on single variable. Thus, making machine learning a viable method for filtering toxic messages. / Online kommunikation har blivit allmänt förekommande i dagens sammhälle. Ett problem som har uppstått är att man kan säga vad som helst utan åtanke. En konsekvens av detta blir att opassande medelanden förekommer i stor grad. För att begränsa olämpliga meddelanden kan ett filter användas. Rapporten kommer att disktuera hur ett sådant filter kan göras med hjälp av maskininlärning och sedan implementera till ett API. Denna rapport kommer även att analysera vilken model som fungerar bäst inom noggrannhet, precision, och återkallelse. Resultaten av denna rapport visar att KNN hade bästa resultat för flera variabler men Logistic Regression var bäst på en enskild variabel.

Proactive Mitigation of Deprecated API Version Usage : Utilizing continuous integration to automatically and proactively detect deprecated API version usage in microservice ecosystems

Nilsson, Eric January 2021 (has links)
The notion of change is one of the more pronounced challenges API developers face, since a change to published APIs means a change for its’ consumers. API Versioning is a commonly used strategy to mitigate the risks of changing APIs, however, the strategy introduces a possibility of having practically innumerable number of API versions published at once, all possibly used by different consumers, creating considerable overhead for API developers to manage. API Versioning and API version management are well-researched disciplines. Nevertheless, Yasmin et al. (2020) have identified a research gap in the support for API consumers to made aware of API deprecations in a proactive and automatic fashion. API Versioning in the context of microservices– which the literature seldom addresses– may serve as an interesting solution space for answering the call of Yasmin et al. (2020), due to the architecture’s strong ties to continuous integration– a practice concerned with automatically and proactively ensuring software quality. Concisely, this thesis is set out to answer Yasmin et al.’s (2020) call for research by utilizing the underexplored contextualization of microservices and continuous integration. Using a Design Science Research strategy, this thesis proposes a model detailing how deprecated RESTful web API version usage can be automatically and proactively detected in microservices using continuous integration. The model is subsequently proven to be instantiable via a proof of concept, designed for and situated at a national Swedish bank. Through a series of in-vitro simulations at the bank, the proof of concept is demonstrated to successfully being able to automatically and proactively detect deprecated RESTful web API version usage. An evaluation of the solution shows that the proof of concept– and by extent the model– fulfills the demarcated research objectives of automaticity, proactivity, generality, and autonomy. Thus, the proposed solution is determined to be both novel and useful, successfully answering the call of Yasmin et al. (2020) in the context of microservices and continuous integration.

Informační systém laboratoře inteligentních systémů / Information System of Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

Kundrát, Miloš January 2009 (has links)
Information system of laboratory intelligent systems. A target of my masters thesis is online reservation and evidence information system of the property of laboratory Department of Intelligent Systems on the Faculty of Information Technology (DIS FIT). This system files and manages all property of the laboratory, collects detailed information (description and utilization of the property, related photos and associated documents. It makes possible to manage not only the property and in addition to it documents in electronic form as well, but it contains full-value reservation system with a possibility of entering and handling a reservations and loans for use. The system is divided to an administrator and user part. A researching program unit is a part of the system DIS FIT. It makes possible to lookup the online documents in worldwide net Internet, scilicet with minimal service of the authorized user on the basis of keywords (authors name, documents title, eventually the others) and it makes possible to store documents direct into the systems database.

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