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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikační rozhraní pro administraci projektu Libvirt / Libvirt Admintration API

Škultéty, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou virtualizace, konkrétně virtualizační knihovnou libvirt, cílem které je správa virtuálních strojů a podpora různých typů hypervizorů a virtualizačních řešení jednotným způsobem transparentním pro uživatele. Podstatná část funkcionality knihovny libvirt je na pozadí implementována formou démona libvirtd. Ačkoliv libvirtd démon poskytuje služby pro správu virtuálních strojů, neumožňuje správu sebe samého, kromě změn hodnot parametrů v konfiguračním souboru. Pro změnu nastavení je pak standardním přístupem změna v konfiguračním souboru a následný restart démona. Jelikož uvedený způsob mění pouze perzistentní konfiguraci a restart démona nemusí být vždy optimální řešení, vznikla idea administrativního rozhraní knihovny libvirt, které by umožnilo správu démona za běhu. Hlavním přínosem této práce je návrh a popis implementace aplikačního rozhraní pro administraci knihovny libvirt. Konkrétně pro tuto práci byla zvolena rozhraní pro konfiguraci počtu obslužných vláken, nastavení úrovně a filtrovacích parametrů pro žurnálovací podsystém a správu připojených klientů na straně démona libvirtd.

Reprezentace business procesů jako zdrojů REST architektury / Business Process Representation as RESTful Resources

Chernikava, Alena January 2016 (has links)
Almost every company in the world deals with business processes on a daily basis. And business can derive signi cant bene t from taking a formal approach. This means, that the business process is formally described (for example using Business Process Modeling Notation 2.0) and implemented in some Business Process Engine (BPE). The aim of the thesis is to design a general API (BP Orchestration Web Services) that does not depend on BPE for business process monitoring and manipulation. The main problem of current APIs is that they are not uni ed, do not provide enough exibility and are too tied to the one particular BPE. This thesis includes general information about work ow, about BPMN and basic principles of REST architectural style. Based on this knowledge problesms were formally stated and as a solution BP Orchestration Web Services were designed and implemented. Web Services allow to instantiate a process from abstract de nitions, monitor the state of the process and manipulate with the process (including advanced manipulations such as exchanging a sub-process in the running instance for some another compatible sub- process). The RESTful API was designed in a way to minimize the client implementation and restrict client’s knowledge about internal details. As part of the thesis a connector to BonitaBPM was implemented and integration with BonitaBPM was done.

Podpora MongoDB pro UnifiedPush Server / MongoDB Support for UnifiedPush Server

Pecsérke, Róbert January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací rozšíření pro UnifiedPush Server, které serveru umožní přistupovat k nerelační databázi MongoDB a využívá potenciál horiznotální škálovatelnosti neralačních databází. Součástí práce je i návrh výkonnostních testů a porovnání výkonu při behu na jednom a vícero uzlích, návrh migračního scénáře z MySQL na MongoDB, identifikace úzkých míst. Aplikace je implementována v jazyce Java a využívá Java Persistence API pro přístup k databázím. Pro přístup k nerelačním databázím používá implementaci standardu JPA Hibernate OGM.

Mobilní aplikace pro subjektivní měření kvality zážitku streamovaného videa / Mobile applications for subjective measurement QoE of streaming video

Šeda, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the subjective measurement of the quality of experience on streaming video through a mobile application. After wide analysis of possibilities how to realize subjective measurement of quality of experience, the mobile and web application were created. These tools enable to obtain user ratings of streaming videos and then evaluate them. The user ratings are stored to the central database via secured REST API.

An examination of automated testing and Xray as a test management tool

Bertlin, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Automated testing is a fast-growing requirement for many IT companies. The idea of testing is to create a better product for both the company and the customer. The goal of this study is to examine different aspects of au- tomated testing and Xray as a test management tool. The literature study considers information from several different scientific reports. It shows that the benefits of automated testing include increased productivity and reliable software but also pitfalls like a high initial cost and a maintenance cost. Research suggests that automated testing is complementary to man- ual testing. Manual testing is more suited for exploratory testing, while automated testing is better for regression testing. Using historical data manual tests can be placed into prioritised clusters. The coverage of each test within a cluster determines its priority, where a test with high cover- age has a high priority. A near-optimal solution for prioritising automated tests is the combination of two well-known strategies, the additional cov- erage strategy and the total coverage strategy. Tests are prioritised based on how much of the code they uniquely cover. Code coverage is mea- sured using statements, methods or complexity. Furthermore, this thesis demonstrates a proof of concept for how the unified algorithm can pri- oritise Xray tests. Xray is evaluated according to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard together with a survey done on Xray practitioners. The evalua- tion for Xray shows that Xray provides the necessary tools and functions to manage a testing suite successfully. However, no official encryption exist for the Jira server, and Xray lacks integrated documentation.

Redakční systém s integrací webových služeb

Pospěch, Roman January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of content management system that allows users to easily manage their websites. In order to facilitate the user's work, the issue of web services integration is also addressed. Based on the specified requirements, commonly used systems are compared in terms of the simplicity of web administration and the ability to connect to various web services. According to these findings, it is designed and implemented content management system that allows the user to perform operations with web services provided by Facebook, Google and Twitter. The implemented system was deployed and tested on the website that was created according to real requirements.

DirectX 12: Performance Comparison Between Single- and Multithreaded Rendering when Culling Multiple Lights

J'lali, Yousra January 2020 (has links)
Background. As newer computers are constructed, more advanced and powerful hardware come along with them. This leads to the enhancement of various program attributes and features by corporations to get ahold of the hardware, hence, improving performance. A relatively new API which serves to facilitate such logic, is Microsoft DirectX 12. There are numerous opinions about this specific API, and to get a slightly better understanding of its capabilities with hardware utilization, this research puts it under some tests. Objectives. This article’s aim is to steadily perform tests and comparisons in order to find out which method has better performance when using DirectX 12; single-threading, or multithreading. For performance measurements, the average CPU and GPU utilizations are gathered, as well as the average FPS and the speed of which it takes to perform the Render function. When all results have been collected, the comparison between the methods are assessed. Methods. In this research, the main method which is being used is experiments. To find out the performance differences between the two methods, they must undergo different trials while data is gathered. There are four experiments for the single-threaded and multithreaded application, respectively. Each test varies in the number of lights and objects that are rendered in the simulation environment, gradually escalading from 50; then 100; 1000; and lastly, 5000. Results. A similar pattern was discovered throughout the experiments, with all of the four tests, where the multithreaded application used considerably more of the CPU than the single-threaded version. And despite there being less simultaneous work done by the GPU in the one-threaded program, it appeared to be using more GPU utilization than multithreading. Furthermore, the system with many threads tended to perform the Render function faster than its counterpart, regardless of which test was executed. Nevertheless, both applications never differed in FPS. Conclusion. Half of the hypotheses stated in this article were contradicted after some unexpected tun of events. It was believed that the multithreaded system would utilize less of the CPU and more of the GPU. Instead, the outcome contradicted the hypotheses, thus, opposing them. Another theory believed that the system with multiple threads would execute the Render function faster than the other version, a hypothesis that was strongly supported by the results. In addition to that, more objects and lights inserted into the scene did increased the applications’ utilization in both the CPU and GPU, which also supported another hypothesis. In conclusion, the multithreaded program performs faster but still has no gain in FPS compared to single-threading. The multithreaded version also utilizes more CPU and less GPU

Jämförelse av NoSQL databaser i en Node.js REST api : Med fokus på att hämta data / Comparison of NoSQL databases in a Node.js REST api : Focus on retrieving data

Sykes, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Följande arbete jämför databashanterarna MongoDB och Couchbase responstid i att hämta data i en Node.js REST api. Datasetet har en enkel struktur och består av befolkningsdata. Jämförelsen ska svara på vilken av dessa databashanterare som har kortast responstid i att hämta befolkningsdata i en Node.js REST api, eftersom responstiden är väldigt viktig för användare. Testet sker med egenutvecklade script och mäter tiden det tar att skicka en begäran till REST api:t och visa den hämtade datan på webbläsaren. REST api:t består av 5 endpoints vilket testades 6000 gånger var för MongoDB och Couchbase. MongoDB hade kortast responstid på samtliga test. I framtida arbeten kan resten av CRUD operationerna testas och då inte bara att hämta data, långsiktig kan datasetet ändras för att kunna testa mer komplexa sökfrågor.

A performance comparison on REST-APIs in Express.js, Flask and ASP.NET Core

Qvarnström, Eric, Jonsson, Max January 2022 (has links)
APIs can have different architectures and standards, one of which is REST. REST stands for representational state transfer and is a commonly used architecture when implementing and creating APIs for the web. Choosing a web framework for a REST API implementation is not as trivial as one might think; there are many metrics to consider, one of which is performance. In this study, we compared the most used back-end web frameworks in 2021, ASP.NET Core, Express.js, and Flask, to see which performs best in throughput, response time, and computer resource usage. Finding the best-performing framework will help future developers choose which framework to use in terms of performance. Selecting a good framework from the beginning is essential to prevent the need to change framework in the future. To benchmark the different APIs, we did an experiment where we used JMeter, an open-source software for testing the performance of websites and APIs. By varying the number of virtual users and throughput, we were able to find the limit of each framework and their respective resource usage during different loads. We have concluded that ASP.NET Core had the best performance when it comes to response time and throughput. Furthermore, ASP.NET Core had the most efficient memory utilization throughout the entire experiment, and during loads higher than 4500 throughputs per second, it was also the most CPU efficient. Below 4500 throughput per second, Express.js was the most CPU-efficient framework but still had more memory usage than ASP.NET Core. According to our metrics, the performance of Flask was far behind Express.js and ASP.NET Core and should therefore not be considered a high-performance framework.

The "RESTful" Services: Are they "RESTful" Yet? : - A Follow-up Study / De "RESTfulla" tjänsterna: Är de "RESTfulla" än? : - En uppföljningsstudie

Yousif, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
The Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture style surfaced quickly to be the favorable scheme to standardize the communication for network-based hypermedia systems due to its uniform discipline. As a result, various giant web services adopted the REST architecture as their primary architectural choice for their services. Regardless of the REST style's uniform discipline, de-facto practices appeared among REST services. Consequently, numerous studies have analyzed REST services and found to a significant extent, misalignments between the theoretical aspects of REST and the practices of REST. One of the studies examined a set of services that claimed to be REST against a class of 17 design criteria that realize the principles of the REST architecture, and it found that the majority of the subject services were inconsistent in applying the REST principles. This study has followed the research mentioned earlier and examined a limited set of REST services and surveyed REST practitioners to examine their practices against the same class of the 17 design criteria to determine to what extent they are applying the 17 design criteria and analyze the statistical differences between the practices of REST services and the practices of REST practitioners. The study results show that REST services and REST practitioners applied most of the 17 design criteria. However, the study also found heterogeneous practices in REST services that go against the principles of the REST style. Furthermore, the statistical analysis results suggest a misalignment between the practices of REST services and REST practitioners in relation to the 17 design criteria.

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