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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklos vadovų ir mokytojų motyvavimo strategijos, kaip mokinių vidinės mokymosi motyvacijos veiksniai / The school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, as factors influencing intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren

Titenytė, Aurelija 17 June 2005 (has links)
This work is based on self-determination theory which emphasizes that three innate psychological needs must be satisfied to maintain a healthy development and functioning of human. And social contexts that support satisfaction of basic needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness facilitate natural growth including intrinsically motivated behaviour and integration of extrinsic motivations. The aim of this work is to find how the school managers’ and teachers’ motivational orientations, being a factors of social conditions at school, influence intrinsic learning motivation of schoolchildren. 13 out of 18 invited Utena district schools agreed to participate in a survey. Total of 22 school managers, 129 teachers and 380 schoolchildren of eight and ninth grade were surveyed using six different questionnaires, developed by Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester. The results revealed a weak correlation between school managers’ autonomy support and teachers’ perceived autonomy (0.201, p<0.05); however a stronger perceived autonomy of teachers more significantly correlated with their total need satisfaction (0.512, p<0.01). It was also noticed, that older managers were more autonomy-supportive. The younger teachers reported a lower perceived autonomy and declared a less positive need satisfaction. The older teachers were as well found to be more autonomy supportive towards their students. The survey results showed that teachers’... [to full text]

Motyvacijos raiška švietimo organizacijoje, taikant apsisprendimo teoriją / The expression of motivation in organization of motivation using the theory of self - determination

Palilionytė, Vaida 20 August 2013 (has links)
Apsisprendimo teorija (self-determination theory) pabrėžia vidinės motyvacijos, priklausančios nuo psichologinių kompetencijos, ryšių/santykių ir autonomijos poreikių patenkinimo, svarbą, mokantis ar užsiimant bet kokia kita veikla (Deci and Ryan, 2000). Tai nauja motyvacijos teorija, patvirtinanti žmonių santykių motyvacines teorijas, papildanti poreikių teorijas ir net paneigianti atlygio motyvacinę teoriją, tačiau ji jau susilaukė pripažinimo visame pasaulyje (Titenytė – Mackonienė, 2005). Daugelis švietimo įstaigų, tiek Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, tiek kitose šalyse pripažįsta šios teorijos išryškintą pagrindinių žmogaus psichologinių poreikių svarbą ir sėkmingai restruktūrizuojasi tam, kad būtų galima kuo geriau patenkinti pagrindinius mokinių ir pedagogų psichologinius poreikius. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti motyvacijos raišką švietimo organizacijoje, taikant apsisprendimo teoriją. Tyrimo objektas: motyvacijos raiška švietimo organizacijoje. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti naudoti teoriniai, empiriniai ir statistiniai metodai. Išanalizuota literatūra apie motyvacijos sampratą, išnagrinėtos motyvacinės teorijos, apibrėžtos poreikių ir vidinės motyvacijos sąsajos (Apsisprendimo teorija). Naudojantis, Deci, Connell ir Ryan pripažintais klausimynais mokytojams ir mokiniams, atlikta anketinė apklausa. Klausimynai adaptuoti A. Titenytės – Mackonienės (2005). Aprašomoji statistika taikyta, siekiant anketinės apklausos metu gautos informacijos statistiniam apdorojimui. Tyrimo duomenys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Self-determination theory emphasizes the inner motivation, which depends on competence of the psychology, the satisfaction of communication/relationship and autonomy, the importance of learning or performing any other activity (Deci and Ryan, 2000). This is a new theory of motivation stating that motivational theories of human relations, refilling the needs of even contradicting theories and reward motivation theory, but it has gained recognition all over the world (Titenyte - Mackoniene, 2005). Many educational institutions, in the United States and other countries recognize this theory highlighted the basic human psychological needs and the importance of a successful restructures in order to be able to better meet students 'and teachers' basic psychological needs. The aim of the research: to explore the expression of motivation in organization using the theory of self – determination. The object of the research: the expression of motivation in organization using the theory of self – determination. The reach the goal of the study is used the theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. The literature on the motivation of the concept of motivational analysed, defined needs and intrinsic motivation interface (decision theory). Using, Deci, Connell and Ryan recognized questionnaires for teachers and students conducted an interview . Questionnaires adapted of A. Titenyte’s – Mackoniene’s (2005). Descriptive statistics applied to the questionnaire information obtained during... [to full text]

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