Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aquatic insect""
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An assessment of electrofishing at different conductivities as a collection method for stream invertebrates / En bedömning av elfiske vid olika konduktiviteter som en insamlingsmetod för ryggradslösa djurBorgiel, Björn January 2020 (has links)
Electrofishing is a commonly used method to capture fish, but not as frequently used for collecting invertebrates, so-called “electrobugging”. It is well known that electrofishing has a negative effect on some organismss, but not many studies have investigated how invertebrates, e.g. invertebrate larvae are affected. There is no knowledge of whether the larva is damaged or killed by electrofishing. Some larvae can be used assess water quality. A measurement of how polluted freshwater is, the three orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) are used, which are very sensitive to pollution and eutrophication in running water. When electrofishing you need to adapt the method due to the water, where an important parameter is the conductivity. In this study, an investigation on how EPT is affected by two different conductivities 15.7 and 25.0 mS/m. How EPT is affected by the catching methods kick sampling and electrobugging. As well as whether there is a difference in catch efficiency between electrobugging and kick sampling depending on the different orders being captured. In this study, the conductivity tests were conducted in a laboratory and the comparison of the two catch methods and catch efficiency were conducted in field. It was 12.5 % of EPT which died in control and 2.5 % died of electrobugging in the two different conductivities. In kick samples, the delayed mortality was higher in the order Trichoptera (31%) than in Ephemeroptera (21%). Water conductivity has no effect on the extent to which EPT is affected by electrobugging at 400V. Only Ephemeroptera is more adversely affected by electrobugging than by kick sampling as a collection method. There is a difference in catch efficiency between electrobugging and kick sampling regarding the order that is caught. / Elfiske är en vanlig metod för att samla in fiskar, men används inte lika ofta för att samla in evertebrater, så kallad ”electrobugging”. Att elfiske påverkar en del organismer negativt är känt men det är inte så många studier som undersökt hur evertebrater t.ex. sländor, påverkas. Det saknas kunskap om huruvida sländorna skadas eller dör till följd av elfisket. Några sländeordningar kan användas för att tala om hur vattnet mår. Ett mått på hur förorenat sötvatten är så används de tre ordningarna Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, och Trichoptera (EPT) vilka är väldigt känsliga för föroreningar och övergödning i rinnandevatten. När man elfiskar behöver man anpassa metoden efter vattnet, där en viktig parameter är konduktiviteten. I denna studie undersöktes hur EPT påverkas av två olika konduktiviteter 15,7 och 25,0 mS/m. Hur EPT påverkas av fångstmetoderna sparkprov och electrobugging. Samt om det finns en skillnad i fångsteffektivitet mellan electrobugging och sparkprover beroende på vilka olika ordningar som fångas. I denna studie gjordes test på konduktivitet i labb och jämförelsen av de två fångstmetoderna och fångsteffektiviteten i fält. Det var 12,5 % av EPT som dog i kontroll och 2,5 % dog av electrobugging i de två olika konduktiviteterna. I sparkprover var den fördröjda dödligheten högre hos Trichoptera (31%) än hos Ephemeroptera (21 %). Vattnets konduktivitet har inte någon betydelse i för i vilken utsträckning EPT påverkas av electrobugging vid 400V. Det är endast Ephemeroptera som påverkas mer negativt av electrobugging än av sparkprover som insamlingsmetod. Det finns en skillnad i fångsteffektivitet mellan electrobugging och sparkprover gällande vilka ordningar man fångar.
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Exploring the biodiversity of aquatic insects in wetlands near conventional and organic agriculture areas : A descriptive pilot study with field- and laboratory work conducted in rice crop areas in the southern Brazilian Pampas biome. A study with aquatic insects used as bioindicators together with water parameters, to discuss future sustainable agriculture and the Agenda 2030 goalsFransson, Emma, Tekla, Tingström January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of how agricultural activities in rice cultivation areas in southern Brazil’s Pampas biome in affect biodiversity. Aquatic insects and water parameters such as pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen and conductivity are used as bioindicators and are measured in field sampling and analyzed in laboratory studies. Research questions have been used to further discuss how water near rice cultivation areas and sustainable agriculture should be used for the future. Three different sampling points were used for the study, organic (OR) rice fields, conventional (CON) rice fields and natural wetlands (NA). Results show no significant influence of nitrogen on the insect richness or abundance, nitrite shows significant influence but not enough to draw any strong conclusions from the result. Water parameters with the highest correlation to the insect community in this study are pH, ORP, conductivity and total dissolved solids. Both the measured pH value and ORP are strongly correlated to the chemical status of the water and the insects that live there. Too high or too low pH value is not favorable for aquatic insects or the waters biodiversity, nor a too low value of ORP. Results could not show a significant difference among the aquatic insect composition between the three measured sampling sites. Although when measuring difference in insect composition, values from PERMANOA and NMDS indicates that the measured organic areas have a higher similarity to the natural areas than the conventional areas. This study is strongly linked to a sustainable development and Agenda 2030s goal 4 and 15 since biodiversity is a fundamental thing on this earth and needs to be preserved.
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The aquatic insects of Mill Creek, CaliforniaBisagno, Eugene J. 01 January 1987 (has links)
The study of insects has been a hobby for me for more than twenty years. Their diversity and adaptation to many habitats has been of particular interest. Ever since the removal of my first aquatic nymph from the crashing waters of the American River, I have been especially fascinated, with these insects. Since I had access to a relatively undisturbed year round stream, I chose to study the aquatic insects of this stream. The purpose of this study was to survey the aquatic insect fauna of Mill Creek during the course of a year and relate these findings to the River Continuum Concept.
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Nutrient Flux from Aquatic to Terrestrial Invertebrate Communities Across a Lakeside EcotoneLoreaux, Hosanna B. 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Cattle Disturbance on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Missouri Farm PondsMittelhauser, Jennifer 07 1900 (has links)
I surveyed macroinvertebrate assemblages in ponds in three grazing regimes (ungrazed, rotationally grazed, and continuously grazed) in spring and summer of 2019 on the Osage Plains ecoregion of Missouri. Total suspended solids, turbidity, and organophosphates were lower in ungrazed ponds than in both grazed treatments, and water transparency and aquatic macrophyte cover was significantly higher. Richness was positively correlated with average depth, deepest depth, and water transparency and negatively correlated with turbidity and organophosphate levels. Overall, ungrazed ponds supported higher taxa richness and diversity across all taxa, as well as higher Diptera: Chironomidae, Odonata, and Trichoptera richness. Ungrazed ponds contained 29 unique genera and three unique families compared to two unique genera and two families in rotationally grazed ponds, and one 6 unique genera and one family in continuously grazed units. PerMANOVA results confirmed differences in habitat variables between ungrazed treatments and both grazed treatments; PCA analysis indicated that decreased taxa abundances were mostly associated with nitrate, bank slope, temperature, and pH and, while transparency and vegetation (emergent and cattails) were associated with increased abundances. PerMANOVA results confirmed seasonal differences in ungrazed ponds and continuously grazed treatments for total taxa and families. Chironomid communities differed between treatments and between seasons for ungrazed ponds and both grazing treatments. Fish presence reduced abundance of total taxa across seasons and in spring and Chironomidae taxa across seasons.
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Distribuição de Trichoptera Kirby, 1813 (Insecta) em riachos de Mata Atlântica da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. / Distribution of Trichoptera Kirby, 1813 (Insecta) in Atlantic Rainforest streams of Serra de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo State, Brazil.Yokoyama, Elisa 28 July 2008 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram levantados dados sobre a fauna de imaturos de Trichoptera dentro e fora de unidades de conservação estaduais da região da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de testar os efeitos dos fatores ambientais e do estado de conservação ambiental sobre a composição faunística, abundância e riqueza das larvas. Também foi testada a relação entre a abundância e a distribuição dos diferentes gêneros de Trichoptera. As coletas foram feitas em riachos de 1a a 4 a ordem totalizando 33 pontos de coleta. 25 pedras de tamanho padronizado (18-20 cm de maior diâmetro) foram amostradas com auxílio de um puçá. Análises de ordenação e agrupamento não detectaram nenhuma estruturação da fauna de Trichoptera. Entre os fatores ambientais testados, os escores de integridade ambiental, características físico-químicas e localização do riacho (dentro e fora das unidades de conservação) não foram significativos para explicar a distribuição faunística, enquanto vazão e distância geográfica foram significativos, porém com baixo poder explicativo. Não houve diferença significativa entre a abundância e a riqueza (observada e padronizada) de riachos dentro e fora das unidades de conservação. A ausência de estruturação da fauna pode ter sido provocada pelos picos de chuva registrados antes e durante as coletas, o que poderia ter homogeneizado a fauna, e pelo diferentes graus de impacto antrópico encontrados nos riachos fora dos parques, os quais podem não ter sido fortes o suficiente para provocar diferenças de comunidades. Foi encontrada uma relação positiva entre a abundância relativa e a distribuição de gêneros, corroborando resultados de diversos estudos de macroecologia. / Data on the fauna of immature stages of Trichoptera were gathered for sites within and outside the range of conservation units in Serra de Paranapiacaba, State of São Paulo, aiming to test the effects of environmental variables and degree of environmental integrity on faunistic composition, abundance and richness of larvae. The relationship between abundance and occupancy of Trichoptera genera was also tested. Sampling was conducted in 1st-4th order streams, in a total of 33 stations. 25 stones with a standardized size (18-20cm along the longest axis) were sampled with a net (0,250mm mesh size). Ordination and cluster analysis failed to detect any faunal structure of Trichoptera. Among the environmental variables, the environmental integrity scores, physico-chemical factors and location (inside and outside of the conservation unit) were non significant in explaining the distribution, whereas discharge and geographic distance were significant, although with little explanatory power. No significant differences were found for abundance and richness (observed and standardized) between sites inside and outside of the conservation units. The absence of faunal structure may have resulted from peaks of rain recorded just before and during sampling days, which could have homogeneized the fauna, and due to differences in the degree of anthropic impacts found for sites outside of the conservation units, which may not have been severe enough to cause the differentiation of faunal assemblages. A positive relationship between relative abundance and distribution of genera was found, in accordance with various macroecology studies.
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Avaliando os efeitos do tamanho do riacho, do tipo de mesohabitat e da estação do ano sobre a fauna de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera / Assessing the effects of stream size, type of mesohabitat and season on the fauna of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and TrichopteraPaciencia, Gabriel de Paula 27 August 2012 (has links)
Na presente tese investigamos o papel de alguns dos fatores mais importantes na estruturação da fauna de EPT em riachos. No primeiro capítulo, abordamos os efeitos do tamanho do riacho, do tipo de mesohabitat (corredeira e remanso) e da estação do ano (seca e chuva) sobre a abundância, riqueza e composição de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera (EPT). Segundo os nossos resultados, a abundância respondeu de forma significativa às interações entre o tipo de mesohabitat e o tamanho do riacho; e entre estação do ano e o tamanho do riacho. A riqueza foi influenciada significativamente pelo tamanho do riacho. Adicionalmente, tanto o tipo de mesohabitat quanto o tamanho do riacho afetaram significativamente a composição faunística (DCA I). O tipo de mesohabitat pode ser considerado um bom preditor da fauna de EPT, mesmo em um sistema altamente sazonal como é o caso dos riachos aqui estudados. No segundo capítulo, apresentamos equações representativas da relação tamanho corpóreo (comprimento do corpo e largura da cápsula cefálica) para táxons de EPT. Considerando os dados obtidos, recomendamos, sempre que possível, a utilização do comprimento do corpo e apenas as equações com o R2 acima de 0,65, as quais podem ser úteis em trabalhos onde informações gerais sobre a biomassa de EPT são necessárias. Este capítulo serviu de base para o capítulo III. No terceiro capítulo, abordamos os padrões de distribuição de frequência do tamanho corpóreo e a relação entre tamanho corpóreo e abundância de EPT. Os nossos resultados mostraram que independente do riacho, do tipo de mesohabitat e da estação do ano, no geral, as distribuições se encaixaram em uma distribuição normal. Considerando as relações entre o tamanho corpóreo e abundância, os dados de 50% das assembleias de EPT analisadas individualmente se encaixaram numa forma piramidal. Em nenhum dos casos, observamos relações lineares negativas, portanto, os nossos dados discordam da Regra de Equivalência Energética. Nossos resultados sugerem que um único fator (e.g. balanço energético) é insuficiente para explicar a relação tamanho-abundância de EPT em ambientes altamente variáveis como os riachos aqui estudados. / In this thesis we investigate the role of some of the most important factors in structuring EPT fauna in streams. In the first chapter, we discuss the effects of stream size, type of mesohabitat (riffles and pools) and season (rainy and dry) on the abundance, richness and composition of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT). According to our results, the abundance responded significantly to the interactions between mesohabitat type and size of the stream, and between season and size of the stream. Richness was significantly influenced by the size of the stream. Additionally, both the mesohabitat type and size of the stream significantly affected the faunal composition (DCA I). The type of mesohabitat can be considered a good predictor of EPT fauna, even in a highly seasonal system like the streams studied here. In the second chapter, we present equations representing the relative body size (body length and width of head capsule) for EPT taxa. Considering the data obtained, it is recommended, where possible, using the length of the body and only equations with R2 above 0.65, which may be useful when general information on the EPT biomass is necessary. This chapter supported the Chapter III. In third chapter we discuss the patterns of frequency distribution of body size and the relationship between body size and abundance of EPT. Our results show that regardless of the stream, the type of mesohabitat and the season, in general, the data on body size fit the normal distribution. Considering the relations between body size and abundance, the data of 50% of EPT assemblages analyzed individually fit the pyramidal shape. In any case, we observed negative linear relationship, therefore, our data disagree with the Energy Equivalence Rule. Our results suggest that a single factor (e.g. energy balance) is insufficient to explain the relationship between size and abundance of EPT in highly variable environments such as streams studied here.
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Avaliação do papel das perturbações físicas do substrato sobre a fauna de macroinvertebrados aquáticos de um riacho neotropical / Assessing the role of substrate physical disturbance on the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of a Neotropical stream.Gandolfo, Rafael Silva 13 July 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho testou o efeito da frequência, intensidade e tamanho da área de perturbações físicas sobre a comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquáticos, visando responder as seguintes questões: 1) a abundância, riqueza e composição dos macroinvertebrados são afetadas pelas perturbações físicas? 2) os resultados encontrados se enquadram nas predições da hipótese da perturbação intermediária (HPI) ou do modelo de equilíbrio dinâmico (MED)? Para responder estas questões manipulações experimentais do substrato (frequência, intensidade e tamanho da área de perturbação) foram realizadas e foram avaliados os seus efeitos sobre a fauna de macroinvertebrados aquáticos de um riacho de Mata Atlântica do Sudeste do Brasil. Os nossos resultados mostraram que as perturbações físicas não influenciaram a abundância e a riqueza da fauna, não se encaixando nas predições da HPI e do modelo de equilíbrio dinâmico MED. Por outro lado, a frequência afetou a composição faunística sugerindo que alguns grupos demandam um maior tempo para colonizar o substrato. Apesar de reconhecermos que alguns poucos grupos são afetados pela frequência de perturbação, a maior parte da fauna do riacho estudado deve ter uma alta mobilidade e resiliência talvez como um reflexo do alto dinamismo deste riacho, no qual é possível observar que o substrato se move em maior ou menor grau dependendo das intensidades das chuvas. Os nossos resultados sugerem que as perturbações experimentais criaram manchas desocupadas, as quais foram rapidamente ocupadas pela maior parte da fauna de macroinvertebrados aquáticos. Portanto, a capacidade de colonização dos diferentes táxons e a redistribuição entre manchas ocupadas e desocupadas devem ter um papel fundamental na dinâmica da fauna do riacho estudado. / The present work tested the effects of frequency, intensity and disturbance area on the aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages, in order to answer the following questions: 1) do the physical disturbances affect the abundance, richness and composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages? 2) Do the finding results confirm the intermediate-disturbance hypothesis (HPI) or dynamic-equilibrium model (MED) predictions? To answer these questions, experimental manipulation of substrate (frequency, intensity and size of disturbed area) were made and their effects on aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna in an Atlantic Forest stream (Southeast of Brazil) were evaluated. The abundance and richness were not influenced by the physical disturbance and this result was not in accordance with predictions of the HPI and MED. On the other hand, the frequency affected the faunal composition suggesting that some groups demand a longer period to colonize the substrate. Although, we recognize that some groups are affected by the disturbance frequency, the most part of the stream fauna should have a higher mobility and resilience, maybe as a reflect of the higher dynamism of this stream, in which is possible to observe that the substrate moves in a higher or lower rate depending on the rain intensity. Our results suggest that the experimental disturbance generate unoccupied patches which were promptly occupied by the major part of the taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna. Therefore, the colonization capacity of the different taxa and the redistribution between occupied and unoccupied patches should have a fundamental role on the fauna dynamics in the studied stream.
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Indirect effects of river regulation : consequences for landbirds of reduced numbers of aquatic insectsStrasevicius, Darius January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstrakt: Jag har undersökt hur älvreglering påverkar mängden knott (Tvåvingar: <i>Simuliidae</i>) längs flera norrlandsälvar och vilka konsekvenser denna påverkan får för den landlevande fågelfaunan. Studien visar att utbyggnad av älvar har en negativ effekt på mängden knott. Det fanns sju gånger högre tätheter av knott längs "orörda älvar" jämfört med utbyggda älvar.</p><p>Skillnaden i antal knott mellan älvtyperna var mycket större för knotthanar än för knotthonor, vilket förklaras av att honorna är rörligare eftersom de flyger och letar efter blod. Knott lever av blod från ett flertal däggdjur och fåglar och visar en stor variation i värd-specificitet mellan olika arter. Jag fann en högre frekvens av haemosporida blod parasiter (<i>Leucocytozoon</i>) i fåglar längs "orörda" Vindelälven jämfört med den reglerade Umeälven. Detta mönster stämmer väl överens med tätheten fågelparasiterande knott som är lägre längs Umeälven. Knott attackerade främst värdar som var stora och vanliga. Fågelsamhällets sammansättning skiljde sig mellan orörda och utbyggda älvdalar. Tätheten av icke insektsätande fåglar tenderade att minska, efter häcksäsongen, längs orörda älvar medan den ökade längs utbyggda älvar. Den insektsätande fågeln svartvit flugsnappare (<i>Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas</i>) uppvisade större häckningsframgång längs orörda älvar jämfört med utbyggda älvar. Detta är förmodligen en effekt av den större mängden insekter som finns längs orörda älvar.</p> / <p>The effects of river regulation on blackfly (Diptera: <i>Simuliidae</i>) abundances and consequences for the avifauna in terrestrial environments were studied along multiple rivers in northern Sweden. I found that impoundment of rivers has detrimental effect to blackfly abundances. The densities of large-river breeding blackfly species were several-fold higher along free-flowing than along regulated rivers. The difference in abundances was much larger in males than blood-seeking females. Blackflies attacked a variety of mammalian and avian hosts and showed different levels of host-specificity between species. I found higher prevalence of haemosporidian blood parasites (<i>Leucocytozoon</i>) in birds along the free-flowing Vindel River in comparison to the regulated Ume River, where the lower densities of ornithophilic blackflies were reduced. Blood-seeking blackflies predominantly attacked large and/abundant hosts.</p><p>Assemblages of birds differed between valleys of regulated and free-flowing rivers. Densities of noninsectivorous birds tended to decrease along free-flowing rivers in the post-breeding season, but increased along regulated rivers at the same time. Insectivorous European pied flycatcher (<i>Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas</i>) showed greater fledging success along free-flowing than regulated rivers, which probably reflects the higher insect abundances found along freeflowing rivers.</p>
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Indirect effects of river regulation : consequences for landbirds of reduced numbers of aquatic insectsStrasevicius, Darius January 2007 (has links)
Abstrakt: Jag har undersökt hur älvreglering påverkar mängden knott (Tvåvingar: Simuliidae) längs flera norrlandsälvar och vilka konsekvenser denna påverkan får för den landlevande fågelfaunan. Studien visar att utbyggnad av älvar har en negativ effekt på mängden knott. Det fanns sju gånger högre tätheter av knott längs "orörda älvar" jämfört med utbyggda älvar. Skillnaden i antal knott mellan älvtyperna var mycket större för knotthanar än för knotthonor, vilket förklaras av att honorna är rörligare eftersom de flyger och letar efter blod. Knott lever av blod från ett flertal däggdjur och fåglar och visar en stor variation i värd-specificitet mellan olika arter. Jag fann en högre frekvens av haemosporida blod parasiter (Leucocytozoon) i fåglar längs "orörda" Vindelälven jämfört med den reglerade Umeälven. Detta mönster stämmer väl överens med tätheten fågelparasiterande knott som är lägre längs Umeälven. Knott attackerade främst värdar som var stora och vanliga. Fågelsamhällets sammansättning skiljde sig mellan orörda och utbyggda älvdalar. Tätheten av icke insektsätande fåglar tenderade att minska, efter häcksäsongen, längs orörda älvar medan den ökade längs utbyggda älvar. Den insektsätande fågeln svartvit flugsnappare (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas) uppvisade större häckningsframgång längs orörda älvar jämfört med utbyggda älvar. Detta är förmodligen en effekt av den större mängden insekter som finns längs orörda älvar. / The effects of river regulation on blackfly (Diptera: Simuliidae) abundances and consequences for the avifauna in terrestrial environments were studied along multiple rivers in northern Sweden. I found that impoundment of rivers has detrimental effect to blackfly abundances. The densities of large-river breeding blackfly species were several-fold higher along free-flowing than along regulated rivers. The difference in abundances was much larger in males than blood-seeking females. Blackflies attacked a variety of mammalian and avian hosts and showed different levels of host-specificity between species. I found higher prevalence of haemosporidian blood parasites (Leucocytozoon) in birds along the free-flowing Vindel River in comparison to the regulated Ume River, where the lower densities of ornithophilic blackflies were reduced. Blood-seeking blackflies predominantly attacked large and/abundant hosts. Assemblages of birds differed between valleys of regulated and free-flowing rivers. Densities of noninsectivorous birds tended to decrease along free-flowing rivers in the post-breeding season, but increased along regulated rivers at the same time. Insectivorous European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas) showed greater fledging success along free-flowing than regulated rivers, which probably reflects the higher insect abundances found along freeflowing rivers.
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