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Caracterização litofaciológica das formações Pirambóia e Botucatu, em superfície, no município de Ribeirão Preto (SP), e sua aplicação na prospecção de águas subterrâneas /Massoli, Marcos. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Rita Caetano-Chang / Banca: Osmar Sinelli / Banca: Setembrino Petri / Banca: Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim / Banca: Giancarlo Lastoria / Resumo: Apesar da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, com cerca de 550.000 habitantes, ser totalmente abastecida por águas subterrâneas provenientes do Aqüífero Guarani, são pouco conhecidas as características litofaciológicas das formações Pirambóia e Botucatu na área, por causa da indisponibilidade de informações diretas, como afloramentos ou testemunhos de sondagens. Por isso, foram utilizadas, principalmente, informações indiretas para a realização deste estudo, a partir da interpretação de perfilagens geofísicas de poços perfurados na área urbana de Ribeirão Preto, com destaque para as curvas de raios gama e eletrorresistividade. As curvas geofísicas utilizadas foram calibradas a partir do padrão mostrado pelas diagrafias de perfilagens obtidas de poços testemunhados perfurados na Bacia do Paraná, com testemunhos, bem como pela descrição de perfis geológicos de poços perfurados na área de estudo. Com base nos padrões das curvas geofísicas utilizadas, associados aos perfis geológicos de poços disponíveis, foi possível o reconhecimento de 4 litofácies recorrentes no tempo, a saber: arenitos limpos, arenitos conglomeráticos, arenitos argilosos e lamitos, ocorrentes tanto na Formação Pirambóia quanto na Formação Botucatu, porém com importâncias distintas. Enquanto na Formação Pirambóia são freqüentes as litofácies de arenitos conglomeráticos, arenitos limpos e arenitos argilosos, na Formação Botucatu predomina amplamente a litofácies de arenitos limpos, com ocorrência subordinada das demais litofácies. A porção sudeste da área é a mais propícia à prospecção de águas subterrâneas, pela ocorrência, essencialmente, de arenitos limpos e arenitos conglomeráticos e ausência de intrusões de diabásio. / Abstract: Despite of the Guarani Aquifer constitute the major source of Ribeirão Preto municipal water supply, little is known about the lithological characteristics of the Botucatu and Piramboia formations greatly resulting from the lack of good outcrops and well bore cores. As a consequence, indirect information such as geophysical logs particularly gamma ray and resistivity induction logs collected from wells drilled in the urban area of Ribeirão Preto were utilized in the present study. The geophysical logs were calibrated to type curves defined in previous stratigraphical studies performed in the Parana Basin. Four lithofacies were recognized: clean sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, muddy sandstone and mudstones in both Piramboia and Botucatu formations, however in distinct importance. While conglomeratic clean and muddy sandstones are important lithofacies in Piramboia formation, in Botucatu formation clean sandstone predominates. Favorable areas for groundwater prospecting are located in the southeastern portion of the city, where clean and conglomeratic sandstone predominate associated with absence of basaltic intrusive bodies. / Doutor Read more
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Estimativa da vulnerabilidade de aqüíferos utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica e geoestatística-UGRHI-PCJ / Aquifer vulnerabilty assessment using geographic information system and geoestatistics - UGRHI-PCJAlexandre de Silvio Russo 26 February 2009 (has links)
A estimativa da vulnerabilidade natural de aqüíferos é uma das primeiras tarefas a ser realizada para o planejamento, controle e prevenção da qualidade das águas subterrâneas e criação de perímetros de proteção para as mesmas. Nesse estudo o modelo GOD (G - groundwater confinement, O - overlay strata e D - depth to groundwater) (FOSTER et al. 1998) foi adotado para a estimativa da vulnerabilidade natural dos aqüíferos pertencentes à Unidade de Gerenciamento dos Recursos Hídricos do Estado de São Paulo das Bacias Hidrográficas dos Rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí, sendo realizada uma extensa pesquisa sobre as características fisiográficas e ambientais da área de estudo, e critérios hidrogeológicos adotados para a estimativa de vulnerabilidade de aqüíferos. O modelo GOD utiliza como parâmetros o tipo de confinamento da água subterrânea, a litologia da zona vadosa e a profundidade do nível da água. Para a elaboração do respectivo mapa, foram adotados como base de dados o Mapa Geológico do Brasil ao Milionésimo (CPRM, 2004) e o Mapa de Águas Subterrâneas do Estado de São Paulo (DAEE, IG, IPT e CPRM, 2005). Apesar da notoriedade do modelo GOD e de sua extensa aplicação no Brasil e América Latina, foi sugerido ao final dessa pesquisa a inclusão da pluviometria como quarto parâmetro a ser considerado ao modelo GOD para a elaboração de mapas de vulnerabilidade em escalas inferiores a 1:250.000. Como incremento à pesquisa acadêmica, foram aplicados métodos geoestatíscos como a krigagem residual para a interpolação dos dados de elevação de cinco imagens SRTM, a análise de regressão múltipla dos índices pluviométricos anuais obtidos pelas estações pluviométricas do DAEE presentes na região e, a krigagem com deriva externa dos dados de saída da análise de regressão múltipla. Os mapas de vulnerabilidade, assim como as figuras dos resultados da krigagem residual das imagens SRTM e krigagem por deriva externa dos índices pluviométricos médios anuais, foram desenvolvidos utilizando o software específico para integração de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica SIG. / The natural aquifer vulnerability estimative is one of the primary tasks to be accomplished for a groundwater planning, control and prevention program, that would for example aim a protection perimeter design for human use or environmental protection. In this study the GOD model (G from groundwater confinement; O from overlay strata; D from depth to groundwater) (FOSTER et al. 1998) was applied for the natural groundwater vulnerability estimative of Sao Paulo State Water Resource Management Unit of the Hydraulic Basins of Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí. An intensive bibliographic research related to physiographic and environmental characteristics from the researched area, and hydrogeologic criteria used for aquifer vulnerability estimative were also included. The GOD model uses as parameters the type of groundwater confinement, the vadoze zone representative litology and depth to groundwater in meters. To perform the estimative analysis and map elaboration the Brazilian Geologic Map 1:1.000.000 (CPRM, 2004) and the Sao Paulo State Groundwater Map (DAEE, IG, IPT and CPRM, 2005) were used as input database. In spite of the fact that the GOD model is well known and have been extensively applied both in Brazil and South America, it was suggested in this study the insertion of a pluviometric index as a fourth parameter to be considerate in the GOD model, for a groundwater vulnerability estimative in scales lower than 1:250.000. As an increment for academic research, it was also applied geostatistic methods as residual krigage of five SRTM images, multiple regression analysis of annual mean pluviometric data obtained from DAEEs pluviometric stations and, krigage with external derivation from the multiple regression analysis output data. All maps, figures and GOD model input data were developed, designed and analyzed using specific software for Geographic Information System integration, better known as GIS. Read more
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Plumas de contaminação por hidrocarbonetos em diferentes cenários hidrogeológicos paulistas / Hydrocarbon contamination plumes on different hydrogeological scenarios in the State of Sao PauloGiovanna Cristina Setti Galante 22 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho estabeleceu cenários típicos para o Estado de São Paulo, a partir de dados de investigações ambientais de empreendimentos que armazenam, manipulam ou comercializam combustíveis derivados de petróleo (posto de combustíveis, TRR - transportador retalhista e revendedor, garagem e bases). As plumas de contaminação em fase dissolvida foram caracterizadas a partir de dados levantados em campo e dos resultados obtidos com o modelamento das plumas, usando o modelo Domenico. Desse modo, foi possível comparar as características das plumas reais com as calculadas e posteriormente discutir sobre os perímetros de proteção de poços de abastecimento (PPP). Uma das conclusões é de que não existe correlação entre a extensão das plumas de fase dissolvida (benzeno) real e a calculada. E ao comparar as extensões das plumas calculadas (Domenico) com os PPP calculados por modelo numérico, pode-se notar que somente em 3 cenários houve alguma correlação. Uma das principais recomendações é a reavaliação dos PPP, considerando os dados deste trabalho. / The current work has aimed to establish typical hydrogeological scenarios within the boundaries of São Paulo state, Brazil, based on environmental assessment data obtained at sites that store, manipulate or commercialize petroleum originated fuel (gas stations, TRR and fuel distribution plants). The dissolved phase contamination plumes were characterized based on field obtained data and numeric modeling, adopting Domenico model. In this way, it was possible to analyze the features of the real contamination plumes, compared with the modeled ones, and establish a discussion about production wells protection perimeter (PPP). One of the main conclusions is that there is no correlation between the extension of the real dissolved plumes (benzene) and the modeled ones. While comparing the extension of the modeled plumes (Domenico) with the PPP calculated by numeric modeling, it is possible to observe that only 3 of the analyzed scenarios have presented some identifiable correlation. One of the main recommendations is to perform a reevaluation of the PPP methodology, taking into account the data obtained in the current work. Read more
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Vulnerabilidade e riscos à poluição / contaminação das águas subterrâneas na área do complexo industrial portuário do Pecém – Estado do CearáMORAIS, João Bosco Andrade De 01 July 2016 (has links)
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João Bosco Andrade de Morais - Vulnerabilidade e Riscos à Poluição - Contaminação das Águas Subterrâneas - UFPE.pdf: 10658256 bytes, checksum: b5c0cab728030b2d337b84e92be6ea77 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-01 / A implantação de grandes indústrias em região costeira imprime uma situação preocupante de grande envergadura. As águas subterrâneas e as poluições advindas das plantas industriais exigem avaliações que consideram oconjunto de variáveis inter-relacionadas. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de métodos de avaliação da vulnerabilidade aquífera representa o primeiro passo na direção de uma gestão sustentável da água subterrânea é muito importante para produzir informações para o planejamento do uso do território e da água. Esta Tese teve como objetivo a avaliação da vulnerabilidade aquífera natural e do risco de contaminação na área do Complexo Industrial Portuário do Pecém (CIPP), concebido para abrigar diversas atividades industriais na faixa costeira dos municípios de São Gonçalo do Amarante e Caucaia –Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará. A metodologia se encontra compartimentada em 3 (três) etapas: a de coleta de dados secundários que permitiu refletir e compreender os princípios e métodos aplicados na qualificação da vulnerabilidade; a dos indicadores primários, que se propõe obter dados empíricos com base no cadastramento de poços sendo gerado um arquivo de dados para a elaboração das bases temáticas. A etapa final da Tese, trata da avaliação da metodologia de mensuração da vulnerabilidade intrínseca, utilizando uma metodologia que comporta um elenco de variáveis, selecionadas para a aplicação do método são: Granulometria (G); Ambiente Hidrogeológico (A); Transmissibilidade (T); Nível Estético (NE); e Condutividade Hidráulica (K), a análise das variáveis propiciou o entendimento adequado para compor a equação do método utilizado, sendo o nome GATNEK um acrônico das variáveis. Os aquíferos são representados pelos Sistemas Dunas, Barreiras e Manto de Intemperismo do Cristalino, livres e com nível estático predominantemente inferior a 10m de profundidade. A vulnerabilidade oscila de baixa a alta, sendo moderada para o Sistema Barreiras e alto para o Sistema Dunas. Este modelo permite o cálculo de vulnerabilidade natural e de risco à poluição para aquíferos granulares freáticos. / The implementation of major industries in coastal regionshow us a worrying situation of great magnitude. Groundwater and pollution arising from industrial plants require evaluations that consider the set of interrelated variables. In this sense, the development of methods of assessment of aquifer vulnerabilityfigures the first step towards sustainable management of groundwater which is very important to produce information for planning the use of land and water. This thesis aimed to evaluate the natural aquifer vulnerability and the risk of contamination in the area of the Complex Industrial Port of Pecém (CIPP), designed to house several industrial activities in the coastal strip of the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante and Caucaia, Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, Ceará. The methodology is compartmentalized into three (03) steps: a collection of secondary data that allowed to reflect and understand the principles and methods applied in the qualification of vulnerability; the primary indicators, which aims to obtain empirical data based on registrationof wells being generated a data file for the preparation of thematic bases. The final step of the thesis deals with the evaluation of the measurement methodology of the intrinsic vulnerability, using a methodology that includes a list of variables selected for the application of the method are: Particle size (G); Lythology aquifer (A); Transmissivity (T); Static level (NE); and Hydraulic Conductivity (K), the analysis of the variables provided the proper understanding to compose the equation of the method used, and the name GATNEK acronym one of the variables.The vulnerability ranges from low to high, with moderate to high barriers system and to the Dunas System. This model allows with total security the natural vulnerability of calculation and risk of pollution to groundwater granular aquifers. Read more
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Potencial de contaminação de aqüífero freático por esgoto doméstico-quantificação do decaimento bacteriológico / Potential of freatic aquifer contamination by domestic sewage-quantification of the bacteriological decayVirginia Maria Tesone Coelho 28 November 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, para fins de determinação do comportamento de microrganismos termotolerantes em águas de aqüífero freático, foi realizada em terrenos aluviais na ETE de Vila dos Remédios, Salesópolis - SP. No local foram instalados uma vala de infiltração para esgoto doméstico bruto e 55 poços de monitoração da água subterrânea, de modo a caracterizar a pluma de contaminação em seu deslocamento ao longo da área ensaiada. Seguindo as normas técnicas de coleta e análise físico-químicabacteriológica das águas subterrâneas foram executadas, com o intuito de conhecimento específico do local de pesquisa, 55 poços com amostragem e caracterização litológica do solo local até profundidade de 2,5m, prospecção geofísica eletrorresistiva de caracterização inicial e eletromagnética (EM-31) de acompanhamento do deslocamento da pluma de contaminação, amostragem e caracterização físico-química-bacteriológica do esgoto bruto e das águas subterrâneas. Dois mil litros de esgoto bruto, coletado diretamente da rede, foi introduzido no solo através de vala de infiltração, de modo a caracterizar uma injeção pontual, sem transbordamento e de maneira contínua, com uma taxa de infiltração de aproximadamente 80L/h. O deslocamento da pluma de contaminação formada no aqüífero freático saturado foi monitorado através de amostras de água coletadas sistematicamente, ao longo do tempo, cujos resultados permitiram calcular a velocidade de deslocamento da pluma, como sendo de 8,6 x 10-4 cm/s e, um decaimento de organismos termotolerantes em ambiente de aqüífero saturado de 21dias. Estes resultados permitem o cálculo direto de perímetros de proteção aplicáveis a poços e fontes naturais de captação de água subterrânea, no caso de possibilidades de contaminação por esgoto domiciliar, neste contexto litológico. / The objective of this research was to study the behavior of thermo-tolerant microorganisms in the phreatic aquifer, in alluvial terrains where the sewage was disposed. The study area was close to the sewage treatment plant of Vila dos Remédios, Salesópolis, SP. An injection trench and 55 monitoring wells were installed in the area. The sewage was discharged in the trench and samples of the groundwater were taken to study the contamination plume migration and its physic-chemical and bacteriological characteristics through the time. The wells were constructed with 2.0 meters of depth and the samples were used to characterize the lithological setting. An initial eletroresistivity survey was performed and, together with the groundwater sampling, electromagnetic survey (EM-31) was periodically conducted to evaluate the plume migration. Two thousand liters of domestic sewage \"in natura\" was introduced in the trench to characterize a punctual injection, with a continuous infiltration rate of 80L/h. The migration of the contamination plume was continuously monitored during nine months and the results allowed calculating the migration speed as being 7,67x10-4 cm/s. The thermo-tolerant microorganisms were extinguished 21 days after the sewage injection. These results allow calculating the protection perimeter applied to groundwater wells and natural springs to avoid sewage contamination in the same lithological context. Read more
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NUMERICAL MODELING OF GROUNDWATER FLOW IN MULTI-LAYER AQUIFERS AT COASTAL ENVIRONMENT / 海岸域における複層地下水の数値解析手法に関する研究 / カイガンイキ ニ オケル フクソウ チカスイ ノ スウチ カイセキ シュホウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウMUHAMMAD RAMLI 23 March 2009 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14599号 / 工博第3067号 / 新制||工||1456(附属図書館) / 26951 / UT51-2009-D311 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 大西 有三, 教授 間瀬 肇, 准教授 西山 哲 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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Using average net returns and risk measures to compare irrigation management strategiesBretz, Frances January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Nathan P. Hendricks / Risk and uncertainty are inherent in agriculture especially when lack of precipitation needed for crop production is common. Precipitation in the High Plains is highly variable. To supplement precipitation, the Ogallala Aquifer, a large underground water storage reservoir, was developed for irrigation. However, as the saturated thickness of the aquifer decreases, the rate at which water can be extracted (i.e., well capacities) decreases. Limited well capacities induce risk in agricultural production because producers may not be able to irrigate sufficiently in dry years.
This study’s objective was to develop a method to assist producers in comparing alternative irrigation management strategies in the face of risk due to a limited well capacity. The objective was accomplished by simulating average net returns for 172 different irrigation strategies across 30 years (1986-2015) of historical weather (Kansas Mesonet 2016). Management strategies include different combinations of corn and wheat production with full irrigation, moderate irrigation, deficit irrigation and dryland production. The three risk measures were Value at Risk (VaR), expected shortfall, and standard deviation.
The risk-return tradeoff is estimated for management strategies for two well capacities, 300 GPM (gallons per minute) and 600 GPM. Estimating these risk measures can help producers better evaluate the optimal management strategy compared to the approach of only equating average net returns. Read more
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Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using a GIS-Based Modified DRASTIC Model in Agricultural AreasGheisari, Narges January 2017 (has links)
DRASTIC model is the most widely used method for aquifer vulnerability mapping which consists of seven hydrogeological parameters. Despite of its popularity, this technique disregards the effect of regional characteristics and there is no specific validation method to demonstrate the accuracy of this method. The main goal of this research was developing an integrated GIS-based DRASTIC model using Depth to water, Net Recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography, Impact of vadose zone and Hydraulic Conductivity (DRASTIC). In order to obtain a more reliable and accurate assessment, the rates and weights of original DRASTIC were modified using Wilcoxon rank-sum non-parametric statistical test and Single Parameter Sensitivity Analysis (SPSA). The methodology was implemented for the Shahrekord plain in the southwestern region of Iran. Two different sets of measured nitrate concentrations from two monitoring events were used, one for modification and other for validation purposes. Validation nitrate values were compared to the calculated DRASTIC index to assess the efficacy of the DRASTIC model. The validation results obtained from Pearson's correlation and chi-square values, revealed that the modified DRASTIC is more efficient than original DRASTIC. The modified rate/weight DRASTIC (spline) model showed the highest correlation coefficient and chi square value as 0.88 and 72.93, respectively, compared to -0.3 and 25.2 for the original DRASTIC (spline) model. The integrated vulnerability map showed the high risk imposed on the southeastern part of the Shahrekord aquifer. In addition, sensitivity analysis indicated that the removal of net recharge parameter from the modified model caused larger variation in vulnerability index showing that this parameter has more impact on the DRASTIC vulnerability of the aquifer. Moreover, Aquifer media (A), Topography (T) and Impact of vadose zone (I) were found to have less effect and importance compared to other variables as expected. Therefore, reduced modified DRASTIC model was proposed by eliminating A, T and I parameters. Pearson's correlation coefficient and chi-square value for the reduced model were calculated as 0.88 and 100.38, respectively, which was found to be as reliable as full modified DRASTIC model. Read more
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The Role of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Preadaptation in the Biotransformation of Trace Organic Chemicals during Aquifer Recharge and RecoveryOuf, Mohamed 05 1900 (has links)
Aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR) is a low-cost and environmentally-friendly treatment technology which uses conventionally treated wastewater effluent for groundwater recharge and subsequent recovery for agricultural, industrial or drinking water uses. This study investigated the effect of different dissolved organic carbon (DOC) composition in wastewater effluent on the fate of trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) during ARR. Four biologically active columns were setup receiving synthetic wastewater effluent with varying DOC compositions. The difference in DOC composition triggered variations in the microbial community’s diversity and hence its ability to degrade TOrCs. It was found that the presence of protein-like DOC enhances the removal of DOC in comparison with the presence of humic-like DOC. On the other hand, the presence of humic-like DOC, which is more difficult to degrade, improved the removal of several degradable TOrCs. Other column experiments were also carried out to investigate the role of previous and continuous exposure to TOrCs in their removal. The use of soil pre-exposed to low concentrations of TOrCs and DOC provided better removal of both DOC and TOrCs. The findings of this study suggest that the presence of more humic-like DOC in the effluent enhances the biotransformation of TOrCs during ARR. In addition, long exposure to both DOC and TOrCs increases the degree of their removal over time Read more
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Determination of recharge and groundwater potential zones in Mhinga Area, South AfricaShamuyarira, K. K. 18 May 2017 (has links)
MESHWR / Department of Hydrology and Water Resources / This study was focused on determining groundwater recharge and groundwater potential for Mhinga area in South Africa, which is a rural area that depends mainly on groundwater for domestic water supply. Numerical modelling was used to simulate the groundwater behaviour in the aquifer and estimate groundwater recharge. MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 models were coupled and used to estimate groundwater recharge within calibration and validation periods of 2007/07/01 to 2009/12/31 and 2010/01/01 to 2013/05/21, respectively. Due to limited data availability for Mhinga, modelling was carried out at quaternary scale and then localised to Mhinga area. Remotely sensed data (satellite images, shapefiles and maps) was used to produce the groundwater potential map for Mhinga. The data were assigned with weights using Saaty’s Analytical Hierarchy Process and overlain on ArcGIS platform. Borehole drilling statistics of the boreholes in A91H quaternary catchment were used to validate the groundwater potential map. In streamflow modelling using MIKE 11, values of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), correlation coefficient (R), root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) were 0.51-0.89, 0.73-0.97, 3.61-7.96 and 1.13-2.75, respectively. In integrated groundwater modelling using MIKE SHE, values of NSE, R, RMSE and MAE were 0.72-0.84, 0.87-0.93, 0.18-0.32 and 0.13-0.26, respectively. These values showed that MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 models had satisfactory performances. Groundwater recharge estimates were generally very low ranging from 0 to 2.75 mm/year, which constituted 0 – 0.42 % of Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) for the A91H quaternary catchment. This was associated with high evapotranspiration (mean of approximately 4 mm/day) compared to the low precipitation levels (MAP of 656 mm/year). Moreover, in the low lying areas, with gentle slopes, low recharge between 0.2 – 0.4 mm was observed. The groundwater potential (GWP) map produced revealed that Mhinga is predominantly covered by regions of very low and low groundwater potential, which was associated with the type of geology. Area coverages of 34.47 % had very low, 51.39 % had low, 7.66 % had moderate and 6.48 % had high groundwater potential. Moderate to high groundwater potential zones were located along the geologic fault zones. In A91H, 112 unsuccessful boreholes were drilled, 69 (61.6 %) fell in the very low GWP zones, 16 (14.3 %) fell in the low GWP zones, 17 (15.2 %) fell in moderate GWP zones and 10 (8.9 %) fell in the high GWP zones. In the Mhinga, 19 unsuccessful boreholes were drilled of which, 11 (57.9%) fell in the very low GWP zones, while 6 (31.6%) fell in the low GWP zones and 2 (10.5%) fell in the moderate GWP zone. Hence 89.5% of all the unsuccessful boreholes drilled occurred in the very low to low GWP zones. It is concluded that the study area is mainly dominated by of areas with low recharge and very low to low groundwater potential. It is recommended that the MIKE SHE – MIKE 11 model and the GIS models should be developed further and improved as more data is collected to refine the conceptualisation of the aquifer. Read more
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