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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologie přípravy vzorků pro měření izotopických poměrů stříbra v archeologických vzorcích / Silver separation technique for isotopic measurement in archaeological samples

Venhauerová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Silver isotopes nowadays present a very fast evolving system. One of the field in which this isotopic system is used is archaeology where the silver isotopes are used as a tracer of monetary and power changes between geographical regions. Through statistical analysis of measured data and their comparison with so far published values can be estimated probability of common source area of metal used for coinage. On Celtic coin samples (180-70 BC) provided by the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague (A. Danielisová) the isotopic composition of silver was measured. Silver was separated from the matrix elements by a method which uses ascorbic acid to precipitate silver. However, the weights of samples commonly used for this method are generally distinctly higher than the amounts of the obtained fragments of Celtic coins. Regarding the differences in the method and low weights of fragments, tests with variable concentrations of ascorbic acid and amounts of silver were performed. The amounts of silver used for this method are commonly ~30x-70x higher. The results showed that this method effectively separates silver from matrix elements and is sufficient for higher concentrations of silver; with lower ones the yields are reduced. The separated silver was measured using MC-ICP-MS. The adjusted...

Archeologie okouzlení novými technologiemi ve vědeckých diskurzech / Archeology of enchantment by new technologies in science discourses

Veselská, Jindra January 2017 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The theses focuses on enchantment by new information technologies which occurred in humanities and social science discourses at the turn of twentieth and twenty-first century. Using archaelogical method of Michel Foucault and its recent inspirations historical epistemology and ontology it investigates the conditions which built the term enchantment in aesthetics. Based on examinig Max Weber's thesis about the disenchantment of the world the work finds that the concept of enchantment implies epistemological and ontological contradictions. These tensions can be traced also in contemporary interpretations that use the concept of enchantment in connection with new information technologies. In conclusion, the theses consideres the possibility of using the concpet of sublime discourses for the description and explanation of the phenomenon, which do not imply the contradictions present in the notion of enchantment.

Archeologie médií a temporalita nových médií / Media Archeology and New Media Temporality

Pýcha, Čeněk January 2017 (has links)
Media Archeology and New Media Temporality Mgr. Čeněk Pýcha Abstract This master thesis focus on the relationship between digital technologies and the concepts of our society about the past. There are defined methodological approaches of media archeology in the first part, this approaches are used like the tool for research of media temporality in the next parts. The methodological approach is applied in the empirical based case studies in the second part. The first case study researches the digital archives of testimonies of witnesses and the concepts of time that are created by these archives. The second empirical case study focuses the ways of photographs that documented holocaust, in the social media, especially on Pinterest. In the conclusion, the master thesis is assigned like the part of contemporary debates about the concepts of the past. Keywords: Digital media, memory, media archeology, time, cultural techniques

Uvězněni v nekonečnu: Středoevropská panoramata a jejich role v procesech národní emancipace / Trapped in the Infinity: Central European Panoramas and Their Role in the National Emancipation Processes

Forejt, Matěj January 2020 (has links)
From pioneer times of C. W. Ceram on, many media-archaeology scholars' attention was attracted by on of the most monumental apparatuses - a panorama. Like in a case of many other optical toys, the panorama contains several phenomena of film medium a long time before its invention. In addition to that, the panorama is considered to be the first form of mass entertainment ever. All of its characteristics were defined already by Robert Barker, a British painter and an inventor of the panoramic painting. Contrary to an original way of its commercial exhibiting, a group of panoramas of the late 19th century was produced in a context of nationalist movements in Central Europe. This very group of panoramas is the main object of this thesis. Its main goal is to define an emancipatory-patriotic panorama as a specific media genre. Furthermore, related problems of media constancy, collective identity, and memory spaces are examined.

Počátky sakrální architektury v západních Čechách. Kapitoly z církevní archeologie / The Beginning of the Sacral Architecture in West Bohemia. Chapters from Church Archeology.

Čechura, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is a research of the oldest sacral architecture on the example of one region - West Bohemia. While historical research has suggested that the oldest churches were built at administrative castles and formed the basis of a great-parish system, archaeological sources show a different image. Already during the 11th century, we have documented a number of churches in the landscape. Their relationship to older burial grounds is being explored. Compared to the supposed discontinuity between older row burial sites and church cemeteries, it appears that in many cases there was a direct spatial connection. The churches were founded in places of older settlement, as well as in places of older cemeteries. Archaeological research has documented wooden buildings and stone architecture too. In several cases, spatial and functional links to residences have been explored. In many cases, a greater age of churches was proved. Some churches were preceded by an older sacral building. The position of some churches on important roads and borders indicates their symbolic role. The results of archaeological research formulated to questions who were the builders of these churches and what was their role in medieval society. Thus, the view of the early Christianization of the early medieval population...

Církevní dějiny Benešova ve světle archeologických výzkumů / Ecclesiastical History of Benesov in the Light of Archeological Research

Váňová, Libuše January 2011 (has links)
99 Bibliografická citace Církevní dějiny Benešova ve světle archeologických výzkumů /rukopis/: diplomová práce / Váňová Libuše; vedoucí práce: Petr Kubín. - Praha, 2011. - 99 s. Anotace: Diplomová práce "Církevní dějiny Benešova ve světle archeologických výzkumů" vychází z dosud publikovaných prací, které mapují historii města a jeho církevních objektů. V první fázi je tedy nejprve věnována pozornost současnému zpracování tématu. Druhá fáze je pak zaměřena na přehled archeologických výzkumů, které se v dané lokalitě v průběhu doby uskutečnily. Důraz je kladen na výzkumy objektů sakrální povahy (klášter minoritů, farní kostel sv. Mikuláše, špitál s kostelem sv. Alžběty, areál piaristické koleje). Výsledky těchto výzkumů jsou pak konfrontovány s řečí písemných pramenů. V rámci objektivity nebylo možné opomenout i některé profánní objekty. Bez jejich archeologického prověření by totiž unikaly dějinné souvislosti. Za přínos lze považovat, že se podařilo objevem slovanského pohřebiště z 10. - 11. století podpořit zprávu (byť z pozdního pramene), která hovoří o svěcení kostela v Benešově v roce 1070. Klíčová slova: Církevní dějiny Benešova - historie města - archeologie Abstrakt: Thesis "Ecclestical History of Benesov in the light of archeological research" is based on Publisher work, which charts the history of...

Teorie znaků Rogera Bacona / Roger Bacon's Theory of Signs

Karľa, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is Roger Bacon`s work De signis. Its goal is to consider in what sense Bacon works out the general theory of signs. In this sense the thesis` method is situated in the field of "archeology of sings". First it examines Bacon`s definition of sign as a relation, investigates its formal properties and ways of application in particular cases, i.e. Bacon`s classification of signs. Then it shows the way in which Bacon applies this general notion in particular examinations, that is in problems of what the words signify, concept of univaocation and equivocation, theory of analogy and last but not least it considers a question of the nature of signification itself. The last chapter is dedicated to the examination of the (re)imposition phenomenon together with consideration of result it has on the notion of sign relation`s nature and how it serves as an explanation of the process in which these relations work. Keywords: Roger Bacon, John Deely, Charles S. Peirce, medieval semiotics, archeology of signs.

Svět správného chlapa: Analýza diskursu televizních reklam na pivo / The Right Guy World: The Analysis of Television Beer Commercial Discourse

Kroulík, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This paper's aim is to critically describe and use Michel Foucault's method archaeology for discursive description of contemporary television beer advertisements broadcasted in the Czech Republic. Theoretical part tries to define terms as denounce, discursive formation and discourse and propose their possible usage in practical research. The paper supposes that television beer advertisements are governed by the same discourse which was used in other beer advertisement and all advertisements form a coherent whole. Analytical part's aim is to describe this coherent whole from the aim of discourse and specific chose of denounces that form picture of beer and its role in a men world. Key words: Foucault, discourse, archaeology, television advertisement, beer

Kulturní krajina / Cultural landscape

Plachký, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with current cultural landscape and reflection of individual social topics in Europe. The installation consists of three objects that solve the individual theme, using material experiments. Their reactions shift these topics further to certain associations.

Archeologický park v Mikulčicích / The Archeological Park Mikulcice

Vomelová, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
The concept evolves in two layers, in response to nature of the location and the theme. Characteristics of the floodplain forest landscape in the basin of river Morava and the essence of archeologicaly valuable area. Museum is a longitudinal object, in local landscape as natural as a tree-trunk drifted ashore in a spring submersion. The volume of the archeological centre is attached loosely as a branch captured by its weight. Orientation of the museum provides a composed view of the archeological park.

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