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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The origins of Chinese traditional architecture

Hsu, M. F. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.

Out of context: Spatializing culture in a pluralistic reality

Suthar, Mansi Dharmendrakumar 27 July 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between architecture, cultural identity, and context in a pluralistic reality, focusing on the context of Indian temple complexes in the American suburb of Jersey City. It argues that Architecture becomes alienating when its form and function do not reflect the culture of its occupants, resulting in inflexible and un-adaptable spaces. Traditional temple complexes in India serve as examples where space is activated daily, expressing authentic cultural symbols that emerge from the community's experiences and demand for expression. However, With the increasing prevalence of Indian culture in American cities, insular temples so thoroughly commit to traditional authenticity to such an extent that they lose the ability to self define and relate to their surrounding context. By analyzing customs and traditions, this thesis emphasizes on the importance to reinterpret and incorporate them into contemporary architectural terms, rather than merely adapting traditional forms, The project proposes a contemporary design intervention for the Indian community in Jersey City's India Square, aiming to provide a space that represents their cultural identity while engaging with the broader American narrative. By studying the principles of a temple in a secular way and integrating elements that represent the Indian community, the design seeks to create an immersive experience for visitors and foster a stronger sense of community and connection to the built environment. Through an exploration of architectural design processes, historical context, and community engagement, the thesis aims to demonstrate how architecture can respect existing conditions, relate to current needs, and provide opportunities for expansion and adaptive reuse. Through the integration of archetypal experiences and rituals related to the site's festive celebrations, it creates a dialogue with the surrounding socio-cultural context that also promotes collaboration and inclusivity. / Master of Architecture / The thesis explores the question of how architecture can preserve cultural identity and experience in a foreign context. The thesis explores the challenges of adapting religious architecture in different contexts and the potential loss of authenticity when adhering strictly to traditional forms. The research focuses on Indian temples in the United States, particularly in New Jersey, where Indian culture has become prevalent. It argues that integrated and adaptive temple complexes are more effective and authentic in expressing cultural identity than insular ones, as they allow for a stronger connection with the surrounding context. As a response, this thesis proposes a contemporary design intervention for the Indian community in Jersey City's India Square, aiming to provide a space that represents their cultural identity while engaging with the broader American narrative. By studying the principles of temples in a secular way and integrating elements that explicitly represent the Indian community, the design seeks to create an immersive experience for visitors and foster a stronger sense of community and connection to the built environment. By exploring architectural design processes, historical context, and community engagement, the thesis demonstrates how architecture can cater to community's needs, and provide opportunities for expansion and future reuse.

Um processo para monitoração de requisitos de qualidade de software utilizando informações arquiteturais / A process for monitoring software quality requirements using architectural information

Menezes, Suzy Kamylla de Oliveira 16 December 2016 (has links)
Advances in building computer systems allowed the development of increasingly sophisticated software. In this context, software developers are faced with complex problems that can be difficult to resolve. One of the fundamental steps to build a software is to define its main features, that is, define the requirements that can be satisfied, which is not an easy task. Typically, requirements are classified as functional and non-functional. The non-functional requirements define system’s properties or how it should operate. They are also called quality requirements, since they are important to ensure that the system is feasible to use and meets the needs of users. Despite their importance, they are difficult to assess and be measured in order to generate evidence of its full service. One reason for this difficulty is the need to evaluate the software at run-time, which is a complex task that involves large volumes of data to be analyzed. This work aims to systematize and facilitate the monitoring of quality requirements from characteristics of architectural styles used in the software architecture design. In this sense, the research question that guided this study was “how to monitor and analyse quality requirements for a software system”. On that basis, it was proposed a process, called ArMoni, for monitoring quality requirements using architectural information, such as architectural styles. To assess the practical use of the proposed process, an evaluation experiment with students from the Computer Science course was performed. Students performed the monitoring of a real application called Falibras. This target system performs online text translation from Portuguese to the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). Through the experiment, it was observed that the students considered the proposed process feasible to direct monitoring decisions. On the other hand, students who did not have access to the proposed process and do not know the architecture of Falibras have related more difficult to analyze the system. Thus, we have realized that it is important for the software developer to have guidelines that assist him/her in understanding the relevant quality requirements for the software that is being monitored, such as a processes that address the monitoring of these requirements. Preliminary results indicate that the ArMoni process contributes to guide the monitoring and analysis of the system based on architectural information, such as the architectural styles and we have noticed that it benefits mainly less experienced developers. Thus, this work presents academic relevance in software engineering and can assist developers and software engineers to monitor quality requirements, such as reliability and efficiency, as well as to identify possible structural bottlenecks that could compromise the satisfaction of these requirements. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os avanços na construção de sistemas computacionais possibilitaram que sistemas cada vez mais sofisticados surgissem. Nesse contexto, os desenvolvedores de software deparam-se com problemas complexos que podem ser difíceis de solucionar. Um dos passos fundamentais ao construir um software é definir as principais características dele, isto é, definir os requisitos. Contudo, nem sempre é trivial definir quais são esses requisitos. Normalmente, os requisitos são classificados como funcionais e não-funcionais. Os requisitos não-funcionais definem propriedades do sistema ou como esse deve operar. Eles também são chamados de requisitos de qualidade, pois são importantes para garantir que o sistema seja viável para uso e atenda às necessidades dos usuários. Apesar da sua importância, eles são difíceis de serem avaliados e mensurados de forma a gerar evidências do seu pleno atendimento. Uma das razões para essa dificuldade é a necessidade de se avaliar o software em tempo de execução, o que é uma tarefa complexa que envolve grandes volumes de dados a serem analisados. O objetivo dessa dissertação é sistematizar e viabilizar a monitoração de requisitos de qualidade a partir de características dos estilos arquiteturais utilizados no projeto da arquitetura de software. Nesse sentido, a questão de pesquisa que direcionou esse estudo foi “como monitorar e analisar requisitos de qualidade em um sistema de software”. Com base nisso, foi proposto um processo de monitoração de requisitos de qualidade utilizando informações arquiteturais, tais como estilos arquiteturais, denominado ArMoni. Para avaliar a utilização prática do referido processo foi realizado um experimento avaliativo com alunos do curso de Ciência da Computação. Os alunos realizaram a monitoração de uma aplicação real denominada Falibras. Esse sistema realiza tradução online de textos em língua portuguesa para a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS). Através do experimento, foi possível perceber que os alunos consideraram o processo proposto viável para direcionar as decisões de monitoração. Por outro lado, os alunos que não tiveram acesso ao processo proposto e não conheciam a arquitetura do Projeto Falibras sentiram mais dificuldades para analisar o sistema. Desse modo, é importante para o(a) desenvolvedor(a) de software ter recursos que o(a) auxiliem na compreensão dos requisitos de qualidade relevantes para o software que está sendo monitorado, bem como processos que direcionem a monitoração desses requisitos. Os resultados preliminares apontam que o processo ArMoni contribui para guiar a monitoração e analisar os requisitos de qualidade a partir de informações arquiteturais, tais como os estilos arquiteturais que compõem o sistema e nota-se que ele beneficia principalmente desenvolvedores menos experientes. Assim, essa dissertação apresenta relevância acadêmica na área de engenharia de software e poderá auxiliar desenvolvedores(as) e engenheiros(as) de software a monitorar requisitos de qualidade, tais como confiabilidade e eficiência, além de identificar possíveis gargalos estruturais que podem comprometer a satisfação desses requisitos.

Les défenses de la Grèce du Nord : architecture, géographie, histoire et phénomènes régionaux aux périodes archaïque, classique et hellénistique

Ouellet, Keven 09 1900 (has links)
Du VIIIe au VIe siècles av. n.è., les Grecs ont colonisé la côte nord de la mer Égée, de la rive orientale du golfe Thermaïque jusqu’à l’embouchure du fleuve Évros. Situées souvent en territoire hostile, dans une région aux richesses multiples qui suscitaient les convoitises, ces cités naissantes se sont rapidement dotées de systèmes défensifs pour assurer leur sécurité. À travers les périodes, plusieurs puissances se sont intéressées aux territoires du nord de l’Égée marquant elles aussi le paysage défensif de la région en fortifiant leurs établissements. Ce projet de recherche concerne l’étude systématique de ces systèmes de défense. Si quelques chercheurs, essentiellement Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis et Alexander Cambitoglou, se sont intéressés aux fortifications de certains établissements précis (Thasos, Amphipolis et Torone), aucune synthèse portant sur l’ensemble du territoire, pourtant très riche en architecture militaire, n’a été entreprise, d’où l’intérêt d’un tel projet. Plus précisément, nous poursuivons les objectifs suivants : 1) étudier la géographie et la démographie de la région afin de mieux comprendre la distribution du territoire ainsi que la manière dont il était défendu ; 2) situer les ouvrages défensifs dans le contexte de l’histoire politico-militaire de la région. Mise à part l’œuvre monumentale de N.G.L. Hammond (mais qui concerne principalement la Macédoine), celle de Benjamin Isaac (dont la portée chronologique est relativement restreinte) ou celle de Angelos Zannis (qui se concentre uniquement sur le pays entre le Strymon et le Nestos) il n’existe pas réellement d’analyse de l’histoire militaire du nord de la Grèce. Il s’agira ici d’analyser les effets des mouvements politiques et militaires (présence perse, avancée macédonienne, ingérence athénienne, expansion thasienne, conflits thraces, etc.) sur le développement des systèmes de défense. 3) Il s’agira également de localiser, répertorier, décrire, dater et illustrer (photographiquement et topographiquement) la totalité des ouvrages défensifs du nord de la Grèce. 4) Finalement, nous tenterons d’analyser les méthodes de défense, les techniques de construction, les particularités stylistiques et les formes des différentes structures défensives. L’objectif visé ici est de mieux apprécier l’héritage culturel et les influences régionales dans la mise en place et la construction des systèmes de défense. L’analyse des techniques et des styles permettra de mieux comprendre les liens entre colonies et cités-mères, d’aborder la question de la mobilité artisanale et des effets de la migration sur l’architecture militaire. / From the 8th century BC onwards, Greek colonists established many colonies between the Thermaic Gulf and the Evros river. Often located on hostile territory where the land is a very important source of wealth, these new cities have ensured their safety and stability by quickly establishing defense systems around their settlements. Throughout the periods, several powers have also taken interest in the northern Aegean territories and marked the military landscape of the region by fortifying their own urban centers. This research project concerns the systematic study of these fortifications. If some researchers, mainly Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis and Alexander Cambitoglou, have shown interest in the fortifications of specific cities (Thasos, Amphipolis and Torone), no synthesis covering our region, yet very rich in military architecture, has been undertaken, hence the interest of this project. More specifically, we pursue the following objectives: 1) to study the geography and demography of the region in order to better understand the distribution of the territory and the way it was defended by the settlers; 2) to contextualize the defensive structures within the politico-military history of the region. Apart from the monumental work of N.G.L. Hammond (but focusing mainly on Macedonia), the one of Benjamin Isaac (whose chronological scope is relatively limited) or that of Angelos Zannis (which focuses only in the country between Strymon and Nestos) there is no real analysis of the military history of northern Greece. Therefore, our objective is to analyze the effects of political and military movements (Persian presence, Macedonian advance, Athenian interference, Thasian expansion, Thracian conflicts, etc.) on the development of the military architecture. 3) The aim is also to catalog, locate, describe, date and illustrate (photographically and topographically) all the defensive works of northern Greece. 4) Finally, we will analyze and argue on the different defense methods, the construction techniques and the stylistic features and forms of the fortifications. The objective here is to have a better appreciation of the cultural heritage and the regional influences in the establishment and construction of defense systems. The analysis of techniques and styles will provide a better understanding of the links between new settlements and mother-cities, it will also allow to address the question of artisanal mobility and the effects of migration on military architecture.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en el Centro Histórico de Lima / Museum of Contemporary Art

Bravo Carrión, Sebastian 22 April 2021 (has links)
Un Museo de Arte Contemporáneo es aquel que ofrece colecciones de pintura, escultura, dibujos, grabados; conocidos como bellas artes; y también nuevas técnicas como la instalación, el performance, el video art, la fotografía o el arte sonoro; que en conjunto se llaman artes visuales. En el Perú existen 6 museos que difunden el arte contemporáneo, siendo todos de administración privada y el principal representante en Lima el MAC, ubicado en el distrito de Barranco. Sin embargo, dicha institución no tiene un alcance metropolitano debido a su ubicación foránea. A esto se le añade que está en un terreno concedido por 30 años por parte de la municipalidad distrital a cambio de su futura administración y que su colección se basa en donaciones privadas o préstamos por parte del Ministerio de Cultura. Esto nos refleja la ausencia que tiene el estado peruano con respecto al arte contemporáneo siendo el Perú uno de los países con mayor riqueza cultural en el mundo. El proyecto se desarrolla en el Centro Histórico de Lima, donde se encuentra el 50% de todos los museos de la capital convirtiendo a la zona en un gran foco cultural. El museo se sitúa en un entorno urbano importante donde convergen edificios de diferentes estilos arquitectónicos correspondientes a distintas épocas y busca sumarse a ellos a través de una arquitectura contemporánea que responda a las características del lugar integrando alineamientos, alturas, formas, ritmos y materiales; ya que a pesar de la peculiaridad de cada edificio logran entenderse en conjunto. / A Museum of Contemporary Art is one that offers collections of painting, sculpture, drawings, and engravings; known as fine arts; and also new techniques such as installation, performance, video art, photography or sound art; which together are called visual arts. In Peru, there are six museums that spread contemporary art, all of which are private managed and the main representative in Lima is the MAC, located in the district of Barranco. However, this institution does not have a metropolitan scope due to its remote location. To this is added that the district municipality in exchange for its future administration on land grants it for 30 years and that its collection is based on private donations or loans from the Ministry of Culture. This reflects the absence of the Peruvian state with respect to contemporary art, Peru being one of the countries with the greatest cultural wealth in the world. The project takes place in the Historic Center of Lima, where 50% of all the museums in the capital are located, making the area a great cultural focus. The museum is located in an important urban environment where buildings of different architectural styles corresponding to different periods converge and seeks to join them through contemporary architecture that responds to the characteristics of the place by integrating alignments, heights, shapes, rhythms and materials; since despite the peculiarity of each building they manage to understand each other together. / Tesis

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