Spelling suggestions: "subject:"armenian.""
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Válčení a komunikace institucí na sociálních médiích během konfliktu o Náhorní Karabach v roce 2020 / Warfare and Institutional Communication on Social Media in 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh ConflictKopečný, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The thesis concerns with communication of Armenian and Azerbaijani Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Defence on Facebook in relation to 2020 Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The official institutional accounts were used to bolster one sided narratives of the conflict, often by emotional appeals and misinformation targeting international and domestic audence. By analyzing FB communication of the named institutions, it aims to identify the key narrative-building tools utilized by state institutions in communication practice and how these tools are used prior to and during wartime. It also aims at comparing the communication practice across the institutions and in between the countries by analyzing Facebook posts of named ministries over period of 100 days using a dataset generated via Crowdtangle.
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Prvek překvapení: Studie dvou moderních překvapivých útoků / The Element of Surprise: A Study of Two Modern Surprise AttacksTadevosyan, Tatevik January 2020 (has links)
The thesis analyses two modern surprise attacks - the 1982 Falklands War between Argentina and Great Britain; and the 2016 April War (also known as the Four Days War) among Azerbaijan, Armenia, and de facto Republic of Nagorno Karabakh. Using literature of the Theory of Surprise, the study tries to determine the reasons why states chose the strategy of surprise, and how did they decide on the timing of the wars. It also displays the shortcomings inherent in the strategy of surprise, and points out where the mistakes, false assumptions of the belligerents in these two cases studies lay. Finally, a comparative study of the cases highlights the ideas that can improve a state's preparedness and hopefully avoid surprise attacks in the future. Thesis title: The Element of Surprise: A Study of Two Modern Surprise Attacks Author: Tatevik Tadevosyan Study programme: Security Studies Supervisor: Dr Jan Ludvík, PhD Year of the defence: 2020
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Strategické přístupy k řešení arménsko-ázerbájdžánského konfliktu zúčastněnými státy a klíčovými vnějšími aktéry / Strategies of resolution of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict by Participating States and Key Outside ActorsKuľková, Miroslava January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis "Strategy of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict resolution by participating states and key external actors"deals with the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the center of which lies the dispute about the Nagorno Karabakh. Using qualitative analysis of grand strategy of Armenia and Azerbaijan and grand strategies of key regional and external stakeholders it uncovers interests, objectives and postures of the players in their strategic environment. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of the grand strategies I assess their effectiveness in relation to fulfillment of the state's goals and also the role, which conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan plays in their strategy. In theoretical part I present short overview of the evolution of the concept of grand strategy and also operationalization of assessment of the strategies. In the second chapter I describe the historical background of south Caucasus, which is crucial for understanding of the conflictive nature of some interstate states in the region. In the third chapter I analyze grand strategies of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, Russia, USA and EU. In the last chapter I summarize the effectiveness and relevance of chosen strategies.
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Eurasijský ekonomický svaz: Cesta k ekonomické prosperitě, nebo mocenským ziskům? / Eurasian Economic Union: Towards Economic Prosperity, or towards Power Gains?Pavlíček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) emerged more than one year ago but so far there has been no consensus on the nature and the main aspects of the cooperation. Whereas some observers underline pure economic incentives of the integration, others see the regional organization as a tool for increasing the power of the strongest members, and especially Russia. Strongly echoed in public discourse is a comparison to the former Soviet Union. To tackle the issue, the thesis asks: What are the main motives for participation in the project? Which main benefits are expected by the members to be gained? These questions are answered through a content analysis of verbal expressions of five presidents who hold the main decision-making powers in EEU's member states. Based on theoretically generated analytical categories, the thesis conducts a quantitative analysis of the discourse, which is then discussed in the context of the post-Soviet space. The findings reveal the motives which the presidents use to legitimize the membership and show the main cleavages that threaten to undermine the development of the organization.
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No description available.
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A Hierarchy of Survival: The United States and the Negotiation of International Disaster Relief, 1981-1989Poster, Alexander O. 26 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Gouvernance et assurance qualité dans l'enseignement supérieur arménien : entre l'héritage soviétique, le processus de Bologne et les réformes récentes / The governance and quality assurance of armenian higher education : between the Soviet heritage and Bologna Process and the recent reformsNavoyan, Arayik 24 November 2015 (has links)
L'héritage soviétique, les développements récents dans le secteur de l'enseignement supérieur arménien qui se sont produits durant les trois dernières décennies en Arménie et son intégration dans l'Espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur, conditionnent les nouveaux défis du secteur et la nécessité d'une révision du système de régulation de l'enseignement supérieur. Cette révision doit permettre la mise en place de mécanismes plus efficaces de régulation de l'enseignement supérieur et d'assurance qualité dont l’État arménien a besoin, afin de répondre aux enjeux du secteur arménien de l'enseignement supérieur et pour contribuer à son développement. Notre recherche propose, en vue d'applications au contexte arménien, une analyse des structures, des relations et des processus à travers lesquels la politique d'enseignement supérieur est développée, introduite et révisée au plan national et sous l'influence de la coopération internationale. Cette recherche nous a permis tout d'abord de décrire les principaux modèles théoriques de la gouvernance dans l'enseignement supérieur : le concept de coordination de l'enseignement supérieur, la configuration universitaire et l'utilisation d'un égaliseur de la gouvernance, afin de mettre en lumière et de comprendre les interactions complexes des multiples acteurs impliqués dans ce processus. Ensuite, elle met en valeur l'application et les effets des modèles de régulation par l'Etat de l'enseignement supérieur, ainsi que ses instruments comme le cadre législatif dans le contexte de la politique publique, le degré d'autonomie des établissements et les mécanismes de financement. Ce travail s'intéresse enfin à la politique d'assurance qualité comme domaine d'action politique au service de la régulation de l'enseignement supérieur. A la suite de ces considérations d'ordre conceptuel et de clarifications portant sur les notions de la qualité et de l'assurance qualité dans l'enseignement supérieur, ainsi qu'une présentation de ses mécanismes comme l'audit, l'évaluation et l'accréditation, nous examinons, en les discutant, les choix politiques fondamentaux relatifs aux objectifs, à l'organisation générale, ainsi qu'aux outils opérationnels du système d'assurance qualité en faveur desquels un gouvernement souhaite opter pour garantir la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur. Sur la base des résultats d'études qualitatives et quantitatives réalisées auprès d'experts et d'enseignants et ceux de l'analyse de l'évolution des caractéristiques, de la politique, des instruments de la régulation, ainsi que du système d'assurance qualité de l'enseignement supérieur arménien, toute une série des propositions portant sur l'évolution du système de régulation de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'assurance qualité sont présentées dans cette étude. En particulier, pour se débarrasser de l'héritage soviétique dans les domaines de l'élaboration et de l'organisation des programmes d'enseignement supérieur et pour contribuer à la pertinence des formations en licence et master en vue de l'application du cadre national des qualifications éducatives, des projets concrets de « Cadre national arménien des formations en licence », de « Cadre national arménien des formations en master », ainsi que de « Référentiel national de l'enseignement supérieur en Licence : spécialité « Gestion » sont élaborés jusque dans leurs détails et présentés en annexes à ce travail. Cette recherche devrait permettre aux décideurs politiques, aux responsables d'établissements d'enseignement supérieur, aux enseignants et plus généralement à toutes les parties prenantes intéressées, de mieux comprendre les changements complexes intervenus dans le système d'enseignement supérieur arménien post-soviétique sous l'influence du Processus de Bologne et ainsi contribuer à l'évolution de la régulation du secteur, afin de répondre aux défis de l'enseignement supérieur arménien. / The Soviet heritage, the recent developments in the sphere of Armenian higher education throughout the last three decades and the integration of the Republic of Armenia into the European Higher Education Area have blazed the path for new challenges in the sector and outlined the necessity to revise the regulatory framework of higher education. The said revision will allow for the implementation of more efficient mechanisms of higher education regulation and quality assurance that Armenia faces with the aim of responding to the objectives of the sector of Armenian higher education and the contribution to the development of the latter. Our research, which addresses Armenian context, offers analysis of structures, relations and procedures through which the policy of higher education is developed, introduced and revised nationally and the impact it has on international cooperation. This research will first and foremost permit to describe the principle theoretical models of governance in higher education: the concept of coordination of higher education, university configuration («La configuration universitaire»), governance equalizer with the aim of shredding light on and understanding the complex interactions of multitude actors involved in these processes. Moreover, our research highlights the implementation and the effects of regulatory models exercised by the State towards higher education, as well as the toolkit like, for instance, legislative framework within the context of public policy, the level of autonomy of institutions and the mechanisms of financing. This paper will also be of interest within the framework of quality assurance as a procedure of regulating higher education. Following the conceptual considerations and clarifications around such notions as are the quality and the quality assurance in higher education, as well as the presentation of such mechanisms as audit, evaluation and accreditations, we have undertaken the examination of fundamental political choices related to the objectives, general organization, as well as operational tools of the system of quality assurance, highlighting the ones a government would like to own in order to guarantee the quality assurance of higher education. Based on the results of qualitative and quantitative studies realized with experts and teachers, as well as the ones obtained from the analysis of the evolution of characteristics, politics, the instruments of regulation, as well as the system of quality assurance of Armenian higher education, a series of suggestions related to the evolution of the regulatory system of higher education and quality assurance are presented in this document. More particularly, with the aim of eliminating the Soviet heritage in such domains as are the development and the organization of academic programmes of higher education and for contributing the concord of Bachelor's and Master's programmes with the National Framework of Qualifications, concrete documents have been elaborated and are presented in the annex of this paper: «Armenian National Framework of BA studies», «Armenian National Framework of MA studies» and «Armenian Subject Benchmark Statement : Management». This research will allow political decision-makers, people who are responsible for institutions of higher education, teachers and other interested stakeholders to understand more profoundly the complex changes which occurred in the Post-Soviet system of higher education of Armenia as a result of Bologna Process and to contribute to the evolution of the sector with the aim of responding to the needs of Armenian higher education.
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Recherches sur la politique orientale de l’empire romain tardif : Rome, le royaume de Grande Armenie et l’Iran Sassanide dans la seconde moitie du IVeme siecle ap. J.-C. / Researches about the Later Roman Empire policy : Roma, the kingdom of Great Armenia and Sasanid Iran in the second half of the IVth centuryAune, François 19 May 2012 (has links)
A une date mal fixée au cours des années 380, mais généralement placée en 387, l’empereur Théodose, princeps depuis 379, abandonne officiellement les quatre cinquième de l’Arménie aux Perses sassanides. C’est un acte sans précédent : depuis plus de quatre siècles, la plupart de ses prédécesseurs avaient tout mis en œuvre pour maintenir le royaume caucasien dans la sphère d’influence romaine ou, à défaut, neutre face à un Etat iranien menaçant ou jugé comme tel. Dorénavant, la présence de l’Empire y est limitée à une bande de terre étroite située le long de ses frontières orientales et qui s’étend, du nord au sud, de l’extrémité orientale du Pont (Pontus en anglais) à la pointe septentrionale de la Syrie. Le cœur du pays et ses régions les plus importantes d’un point de vue historique et stratégique sont aux mains du grand rival oriental. Comment expliquer ce quasi retrait romain qui établit une situation qui perdurera jusqu’au début du 6ème siècle, une longueur inédite pour un accord entre les deux parties ? L’objectif de notre étude est de répondre à cette interrogation, en distinguant notamment les prémices de cette politique de repli à partir de la seconde moitié du 4ème siècle. / At an uncertain date in the 380's A.D. yet generally set in 387, Emperor Theodose, princeps since 379, officially abandons four fifths of Armenia to the benefit of the Sassanide Persian people. This had never happened before since for over four centuries, most his predecessors had managed to maintain the Caucasian kingdom into the Roman sphere of influence , or even to keep it neutral to a threatening -or considered as such - Iranian state. Now the presence of the Empire is limited to a narrow strip of land located along its oriental borders that stretches over from the eastern end of the Pontus to the northern end of Syria. The heart of the land and its most important regions from a historical and strategical point of view belong to the great opponent from the east. How can we explain this Roman quasi-withdrawal which lead to a situation that will last to the beginning of the 6th century – a period of time for an agreement between the two parties that had never been seen before in history ?Our study aims at answering this question, by identifying more particularly the beginnings of such a withdrawal policy from the second half of the 4th century.
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Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek : utmaningar och åtgärder. / Digital services to patrons with disabilities offered at the National Library of Armenia : challenges and measures taken.Khachatryan, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster
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Aid project exit strategies: building strong sustainable institutionsEngels, Jeffrey Edward January 2010 (has links)
Foreign aid project exit strategies that contribute to sustainable development have been rarely considered throughout the history of development studies and practice. The philosophical underpinnings of early development were based on economic theories. Over the years initiatives have manifested themselves by investments through international aid projects. As aid projects are donor-driven, most exit strategy planning involves closing down a project without turning it over to another organization to continue implementation. This means that aid benefits end with whatever impact the project has made, leaving ill-equipped local ministries or under-resourced NGOs to meet local development needs and fill the gap of terminated services. The project cycle—a popular development tool used by multinational and bilateral organizations alike—provides a framework to induce development, but makes no accommodation for an exit strategy that perpetuates development. This is a missed opportunity that reveals a flaw in the project cycle. This flaw can be corrected by revising the project cycle implementation stage to include building the capacity of people to perform the functions the project was designed for, as well as a local implementing entity through which they can work. Once accomplished, a sponsor can transfer project activities and resources to the local implementing entity though a phase-over process to extend development post-project for ongoing impact. / The aim of this thesis is to promote a greater understanding of exit strategies and analyze an aspect of project management essential to all foreign aid projects since every project must eventually end its interventions upon completion of its goals or within prescribed financial and time constraints. What are the conditions necessary to complete a foreign aid project phase-over to a local institution successfully? How can in-country local project staff contribute to institution-building before, during, and after a phase-over? What are the appropriate ways to measure the success of a phase-over? / This thesis examines the concept of exit strategy within the context of a case study of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Marketing Assistance Project (USDA-MAP) in Armenia (1995-2005) and the innovative phase-over approach it used to establish the Center for Agribusiness & Rural Development (CARD). To do this, the writings of Levinger & McLeod (2002), Gardner et al. (2005), and Esman (1972) are drawn upon to analyze this case. The actions taken by the USDA illustrate how an emphasis on internal local project staff, over external technical interventions, furthers development. The USDA’s exit strategy incorporated collective participation, empowered local stakeholders, promoted development ownership through localization, and built individual and institutional capacity. The resulting organization that was created is evidence of a successful phase-over and an innovative institution. This phase-over model offers a paradigm that embraces and promotes social/human assets within aid projects for sustainable development, and in so doing has ramifications for policy makers, project designers, and development practitioners to rethink conventional development practices.
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