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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Appréhender la nation, vivre la diaspora : regards arméniens

Lenoir-Achdjian, Annick January 2001 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

"Forget-Me-Not" The Politics of Memory, Identity, and Community in Armenian America

Kim, Hannah Marijke 14 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Making, remembering and forgetting the Late Antique Caucasus

Aleksidze, Nikoloz January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis examines probably the ultimate focal point in the history of the Christian South Caucasian Cultures – the Caucasian Schism that occurred in the early seventh century – a major scandal that ended the ecclesiastical communion between the Georgian and Armenian Churches and gave impetus to the rise of the so-called national Churches. The schism became the central point of reference in both medieval and modern Caucasian historiographies. Modern scholarship has advanced different claims concerning the nature, reasons and results of the Schism, in many cases arguing that almost all aspects of the respective cultures have been affected by the Schism. As for medieval Armenian historical narratives, they made a good conceptual use of the schism, presenting the schism as a major interpretive schema for the explanation of all aspects of their relations with their northern neighbours. Contrary to such view, I argue that our knowledge of the reasons behind the schism and theological controversies that preceded, accompanied or followed the Schism in the sixth century is in most cases determined by the conceptual framework created in the Middle Ages together with the changes in political state of affairs in the Caucasus. In the period between the tenth to thirteenth centuries, when all major South Caucasian powers were struggling for the unification of the Caucasus under their aegis, the remembrance of the schism became particularly important. The remembrance and indeed forgetting of the Caucasian unity and separation became a rhetorical tool in medieval Armeno-Georgian debates. Therefore instead of taking the Schism at face value, I propose to abandon the traditional liminalist perception of the history of unity and separation in the Caucasus, and adopt a more rewarding approach, that is to say to try to understand when, why and by whom were the crucial events of the Late Antique Caucasian history conceptualized and adapted for contemporary ideological needs.

Prolegomena to a critical edition of the Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa, with a discussion of computer-aided methods used to edit the text

Andrews, Tara L. January 2009 (has links)
The Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa is the primary Armenian-language historical source for the eleventh and early twelfth centuries. Matthew was a monk who lived in the ethnically mixed city of Edessa; within his Chronicle, he describes the apogee of independent Armenia, its fall to piecemeal Byzantine annexation, the subsequent loss of Byzantium's eastern territory to the newcomer Saljuq Turks, and the sectarian tension that accompanied the First Crusade. This thesis sets out the methodology adopted for the construction of a critical edition of the text, addresses the approach that Matthew took to the composition of the Chronicle, and gives the edited text of the prophecies attributed to Yovhannēs Kozeṙn and the author's prologues to Books Two and Three of the Chronicle. Chapters 2 and 3 comprise a review of the scholarship to date on the Chronicle, and a discussion of the approach taken to a critical edition of the text. The Chronicle survives in a large number of relatively recently copied manuscripts; it was therefore necessary to devise an approach to text collation and editing that takes full advantage of recent advances in computational methods of philology. I have developed a set of software tools to assist in the task of editing the Chronicle; these tools are useful for the creation of text editions in any language that can be represented through the TEI XML standard. Chapters 4–8 give an examination of the overall framework of Matthew’s Chronicle, and of his interpretation of recent history within that framework. Following a long tradition of the use of prophecy to explain Armenian history, Matthew uses two prophecies attributed to the eleventh-century clerical scholar Yovhannēs Kozeṙn, themselves extended in the twelfth century under the influence of the Apocalypse attributed to Methodius, to frame his argument that both the Byzantine emperors and the Armenian kings had abandoned their responsibility toward the Armenian people. His attitude toward recent history, and particularly toward the Latins of Outremer, may be used to demonstrate that he wrote the Chronicle no later than 1137.

Rome et le Royaume d'Arménie : interactions politiques, militaires et culturelles (65 av. - 224 ap. J.-C.) / Rome and the Kingdom of Armenia : political, military and cultural interactions (65 BC - AD 224)

Kéfélian, Anahide 06 March 2017 (has links)
Pendant près de cinq siècles, Rome ne cessa de tenter de maintenir sous influence l'Arménie face aux ambitions parthes puis sassanides, en raison de la position stratégique de ce royaume. Cette thèse se concentre sur les relations entretenues par Rome depuis la deditio de Tigrane II en 65 av. J.-C., et jusqu'en 224 ap. J.‑C., date de l'arrivée des Sassanides. Généralement, les études de ces relations ne se limitent qu'à donner la vision événementielle de la question. Cette thèse remet en contexte les relations diplomatiques entre Rome et l'Arménie ainsi que les interactions qui en découlent en prenant en considération d'autres sources jusqu'alors peu étudiées. Dans ce but, une analyse thématique, divisée en trois parties, a été réalisée. La première partie analyse la représentation de l’Arménie transmise par Rome par l’étude de son image monétaire et sa représentation dans la sculpture. La seconde remet en contexte les relations diplomatiques, vues précédemment à travers le prisme idéologique des monnaies, pour comprendre les tactiques romaines visant à intégrer et maintenir le royaume d'Arménie dans la sphère romaine. Enfin, la troisième partie se concentre sur la présence romaine dans le royaume d'Arménie en étudiant la répartition des troupes romaines et les interactions culturelles et linguistiques qui en découlent. / For almost five centuries, the Roman Empire tried to keep Armenia under its influence against the ambitions of the Parthians and Sassanians, due to the strategical location of this kingdom. This thesis reviews the relationship of the Roman Empire with Armenia from the deditio of Tigrane II in 65 BC until the arrival of Sassanians in AD 224. Typically, such studies are only based on factual events. In this thesis however, the diplomatic relationship between Rome and Armenia and the resulting interactions are put into context by also taking into account other sources, which have rarely been studied until now. Therefore, a thematic analysis was performed, which is divided in three parts. The first part deals with the depiction of the Armenian Kingdom that Rome conveyed by analysing its monetary iconography and its representation in the sculptures. The diplomatic relationships, beforehand seen through the ideological prism conveyed by the coins, are put into context in the second part. This allows to understand the tactics used to integrate and keep the Armenian Kingdom in the Roman sphere of influence. The third and last part concentrates on the Roman presence in the Armenian Kingdom by studying the distribution of Roman troops and the resulting cultural and linguistic interactions.

The international dimensions of electoral frauds and electoral malpractices : the South Caucasus / Les dimensions internationales des fraudes électorales : le Caucase du Sud

Dominioni, Samuele 19 December 2016 (has links)
Pendant ces dernières années il y a eu aussi beaucoup des recherches axées à analyser pourquoi souvent les élections ne respectent pas ces standards, quel est leur rôle dans les régimes hybrides et autocratiques, et il y a aussi des recherches qui enquêtent notamment les fraudes électorales. Cette thèse propose une contribution dans le débat et elle souligne que les études sur les fraudes électorales on souvent sous-traitées : les dimensions internationales. Ces dimensions sont conceptualisées dans deux façonnes. La première concerne la pression démocratisant occidentale et comment elle peut influencer le changement et/ou l’évolution des fraudes électorales. La deuxième, concerne les dynamiques des socialisations en terme d’échange d’informations parmi les régimes hybrides par rapport diffèrent modalités de fraudes électorales. Selon mes analyses dans les cas où il y a une pression démocratisant occidentale plus forte les autorités locales changent les méthodes des fraudes électorales. Ce changement ne doit pas être considéré forcement comme un amélioration de l’intégrité électoral tout court. Plutôt, avec l’amélioration des cadres légales de la gestion électorale, les autorités modifient les fraudes pour essayer d’éluder le criticisme occidental. En autre, pour bien modifier les méthodes des fraudes électorales les autorités d’un pays recourent à des pratiques d’apprentissage tout en regardant les expériences des autres pays. Ces arguments théoriques ont été vérifiés sur trois cas d’études, notamment Armenia, Azerbaïdjan et Géorgie. Ces pays ont des caractéristiques en commune, qui permettent des analyses diachroniques et synchroniques concernant les fraudes électorales à partir de leurs indépendances de l’Union Soviétique. / During the last years many research have been conducted to analyse why elections fail, what is their role in hybrid as well as authoritarian regimes, and there is a growing stream of literature that is investigating electoral frauds and electoral malpractices. This thesis provides a contribution in this debate by pointing to one of the less analysed factors in the study of electoral frauds and electoral malpractices, which is the international dimension. The latter is conceptualized in two ways: the first one relates to Western democratizing pressure and how it can affect the change or the evolution of electoral frauds and malpractices. The second one concerns socialization dynamics in terms of methods of frauds and malpractices among authorities in different countries. It is argued that where there is a stronger Western democratizing pressure authorities change the way they conduct elections, even if this change does not forcefully means democratization. Rather, along with formal improvements in elections management, authorities alter and modify methods of frauds and malpractices as a way to elude Western criticism. In order to properly modify electoral frauds and malpractices, authorities resort to learning practices by looking at other experiences. These theoretical arguments have been verified on three cases study, which are Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. These countries share some key characteristics, which allowed for cross-temporal and spatial analysis regarding electoral frauds and malpractices since their independence from the Soviet Union.

Les Arméniennes de l'Empire ottoman à l'école de la France (1840-1914) : stratégies missionnaires et mutations d'une société traditionnelle / The Armenians of the Ottoman Empire at the School of France (1840-1915) : missionary strategies and changes from a traditionel society

Coutant, Paulette 16 November 2017 (has links)
A travers l’étude de l’éducation des jeunes Arméniennes, ce travail permet d’éclairer les évolutions culturelles et sociales d’une des minorités de l’Empire ottoman, avant sa disparition lors du génocide de 1915. Au début du XIXe siècle, les missionnaires protestants américains furent les pionniers dans la formation féminine au moment où les élites arméniennes se montraient aussi soucieuses du progrès de la nation par l’instruction. Les congréganistes catholiques français présents depuis des siècles auprès des chrétiens orientaux cherchent à réagir face à cette vigoureuse concurrence. Ils font appel à des religieuses des provinces de France, capables de s'adapter à des situations précaires. Pénétrer dans les familles, former la jeune fille, future mère, c'est permettre l'enracinement d'une culture catholique de tradition française. Le cadre chronologique, allant de 1840 à 1915, englobe la période de la présence des missions féminines dont l’action a été moins étudiée que celle des ordres masculins. La recherche s'appuie sur des archives publiques (diplomatiques et nationales) et surtout religieuses des ordres concernés (Dames de Sion, Franciscaines de Lons-le-Saunier, Oblates de l’Assomption, Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de l’Apparition, Sœurs de Saint-Joseph de Lyon, Capucins, Frères des Ecoles chrétiennes, Jésuites à Vanves et à Rome, Œuvres Pontificales missionnaires à Lyon), le plus souvent inexploitées, ainsi que sur la presse et les témoignages d’époque. Piliers des établissements catholiques français des zones rurales, en Anatolie orientale, mais aussi de ceux des grandes métropoles, de nombreuses Arméniennes acquièrent très jeunes une double culture franco-arménienne devenant ainsi des médiatrices pour la pénétration du savoir et de la culture de la France dans les établissements, et au-delà dans la société de l’Empire ottoman finissant. Des thèmes d’une portée plus générale sont abordés : les stratégies des religieux pour s’implanter et durer en terre musulmane face au frein du pouvoir ottoman et des Eglises nationales, l’évolution du statut de la femme et sa professionnalisation en Orient, l'éclosion d'élites féminines ouvertes à la modernité. En 1920, une page se tourne avec la destruction des écoles missionnaires en Anatolie, en même temps que l'extermination des chrétiens dans cet espace. / Throughout the study of the education of young Armenian girls, this piece of work allows light to be thrown on the cultural and social evolution of one of the minorities of the ottoman Empire, before its disappearance after the genocide of 1915. At the beginning of the 19th century, the American Protestant missionaries were pioneers in guidance of young women at the moment when the Armenian elite showed itself equally concerned about the nation's progress through education. The French Catholic Congregationallsts, present for centuries with the Eastern Christians, are trying to react to this vigorous competition. They made an appeal to nuns from the provinces of France who were capable of adapting themselves to precarious situations. To engage with the families, shape the young girl, a future mother, is to allow the implanting of catholic culture with the French tradition. The chronological framework, from 1840 to 1915, covers the whole period of presence of female missions whose actions were less studied than those of male orders. The research relies on the public archives (diplomatic and national) and above all religious from the relative orders (Ladies of Sion, Franciscaines of Lons-le-Saunier, Oblates of the Assumption, Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition, Sisters of St Joseph of Lyon, Capucines, Brothers of Christian schools, Jesuits at Vanves and in Rome, missionary Pontifical works at Lyon), the most frequently unexploited along with the press and witnesses of the time. Pillars of the French Catholic establishments in rural areas in western Anatolia but also those of large metropolitan areas, very many Armenian women acquired a dual Franco-Armenian culture, becoming in this way the vehicles for the absorption of French knowledge and culture in the establishment, and further into the society of the Ottoman Empire which was coming to the end. Some themes of a more general view are tackled : the strategies of monks and nuns to implant themselves and last in Muslin territory faced with the restrictions of Ottoman power, the blossoming of elite young girls open to modernity. In 1920, a page was turned with the disappearance of missionary schools in Anatolia at the same time as the disappearance of Christians in this place.

An Examination of Integrated Rural Tourism Development in the Goris Region of Armenia

Petersen, Luke Alan 01 May 2010 (has links)
Rural tourism is a popular development tool in both developed and developing countries. However, rural economic development can be problematic when considering the diversity of resources and stakeholder groups. In the Republic of Armenia the current system of tourism development is not benefiting rural communities in the regions. This study seeks to provide a deeper understanding of community dynamics in the rural region of Goris through the study of tourism integration. A novel assessment tool is implemented which provides a systematic qualitative evaluation of stakeholder perceptions through which strengths and weaknesses of the local tourism sector are derived. Data extracted from semi-structured interviews provide a clearer understanding of current conditions that will provide valuable insight for policy and development initiatives that seek to maximize local cooperation and benefit. It is clear from this analysis that local strengths include endogenous natural, human, and historical resources, embedded community valuation of tourism, and complementarity. Local weaknesses are related to accessibility, inadequate infrastructure, information disparity and environmental stewardship. Recommendations are made for follow up, planning and implementation.

How does the ethnic kinship affect the mode of provided external support in an intra-state armed conflict?

Piloyan, Torgom January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Měnová politika Arménské centrální banky / The Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of Armenia

Gevorgyan, Kristine January 2011 (has links)
My thesis titled The Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of Armenia starts with characteristics of Armenia, where I focus on economic attributes of the country, international conflicts and their effects on Armenia, population development, poverty and corruption. The second part is focused on economic development of Armenia, the country's employment rate, particular items of the balance of payments and international trade. Furthermore, this part also consists of information related to the development of Armenian currency and the country's foreign debt. The third, significant part of my thesis deals with the Central Bank of Armenia and Armenia's financial system, concentrating mainly on history and the present of the subject central bank. Later in this part, I inquire into Armenia's monetary policy, where I focus on its applied transmission mechanisms and the CBA's instruments.The final part of this thesis is about what effects the CBA has on Armenia's economic development. I look into effects of monetary policy on price level development and meeting the inflation objectives. The conclusion part summarizes and gathers all pieces of information I have obtained by studying numerous literature resources and conducting personal interviews with several representatives of the Armenian banking system.This part also summarizes benefits of the CBA and its effects on economic development of Armenia, credibility evaluation and effectiveness in the objectives.

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