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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multinets in P^2 and P^3

Bartz, Jeremiah 03 October 2013 (has links)
In this dissertation, a method for producing multinets from a net in P^3 is presented. Multinets play an important role in the study of resonance varieties of the complement of a complex hyperplane arrangement and very few examples are known. Implementing this method, numerous new and interesting examples of multinets are identified. These examples provide additional evidence supporting the conjecture of Pereira and Yuzvinsky that all multinets are degenerations of nets. Also, a complete description is given of proper weak multinets, a generalization of multinets.

Effets et usages du patrimoine urbain. Processus de territorialisation et actions publiques dans le quartier de la Mouraria (Lisbonne) / Effects and uses of urban heritage. Territorialization process and public actions in the neighborhood of Mouraria (Lisbon)

Galhardo, Jacques 07 May 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’analyse des processus de patrimonialisation et des différentes transactions entre un ensemble d’acteurs publics, dans le cadre d’une intervention municipale. Celle-ci s’est déroulée entre 2010 et 2014 dans une partie du centre ancien de Lisbonne désigné par « quartier de la Mouraria ». Il s’agit de comprendre comment une action publique patrimoniale trouve dans l’échelle d’un quartier populaire ancien les ressources nécessaires à des arrangements entre les acteurs publics. Mais c’est aussi l’occasion de comprendre comment, dans une « scène publique » traversée par les controverses et les conflits entre ces mêmes acteurs, ces derniers participent simultanément à la construction de formes variées d’engagement et de partenariat autour d’un projet complexe de réhabilitation/requalification. L’analyse des usages des ressources mémorielles et patrimoniales permet à la fois de comprendre la construction d’une territorialité spécifique et son intégration dans les normes et les stratégies urbaines. La recherche permet aussi de saisir les effets réflexifs de cette forme de territorialisation sur la fabrique de la ville. / The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the process of heritage policy and the different exchanges between public actors, within the framework of a town council intervention. The latter occurred between 2010 and 2014 in part of the old Lisbon city centre known as “the Mouraria neighbourhood”. The purpose is to understand how a public policy for heritage finds the necessary resources for arrangements between the public players at the level of an old popular neighbourhood. But this is also an opportunity to know how those very same players take part in the building of various forms of commitment and partnership around a challenging project of rehabilitation / requalification on a “public” stage swept by controversies and conflicts between them. Not only does analysing the use of heritage and memories resources enable to understand how to build a specific territoriality but also how to integrate it into the norms of urban strategies. This research also enables to grasp the reflexive effects of this form of territorialisation on the making of cities.


January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 近20年,中国品牌零售业的快速发展使其成为全球第三大零售市场。消费者的需求量在大幅增长,对于本土企业来说,机遇与挑战并存。 对于连锁型品牌零售企业,员工是其产品和服务的载体。而如何做好不同层次的人员的激励体系,并得以踏实的落实和执行,是企业经营中非常关键的环节,也是品牌零售企业在竞争中获取优势的根本保证。另外,由于连锁零售企业基层员工流动性大、总体素质较低,如何对这部分员工实施有效的绩效考核,成为很多连锁零售企业管理人员面临的一个难题。 本文将长期和短期激励作为主要的研究内容。从整体国内企业来看,运转良好的绩效考评体系并不多,大部分企业的绩效考评体系只注重短期激励而忽视了长期激励的作用,绩效考评关注的是目标的实现,与员工的发展相脱节。因此,如何做好品牌企业的激励体系,如何在人才竞争中取得先机,并最大化企业利润,是本文研究的重心。 目前的研究空白在于对连锁型店铺的激励绩效。而考虑到品牌零售中的连锁经营往往涉及到成百上千家门店,涉及到的从业人数较多,因而对门店的激励绩效的成败是关系到企业整体激励绩效好坏的关键。 本文对激励绩效方案的相关理论进行回顾、分析与总结,从委托代理理论、激励理论、交易成本理论和产权理论入手,分析连锁型品牌零售企业的激励绩效特点。连锁型品牌零售企业合伙制本质上与特许经营精神及设计理念一致,而想要改进的正是特许经营中加盟店与总部的博弈与消耗,形成利益共同体,达到企业价值最大化的目标。 通过连锁型品牌零售企业绩效激励的真实案例(永辉超市合伙人制度、拉夏贝尔店铺合伙人制度、康奈零投入型与交股金型两种店铺合伙人制度)分析得出风险共担、超额利润分成的合伙人制度在连锁型品牌零售企业激励绩效方案设计中的可行性及意义,并从中发现了已有实践存在的问题,并提出建议。 店铺合伙人制度激励店长、提高单店销售业绩、减少交易成本、提高管理效率的正向作用毋庸置疑,建议在实践中积极推行与完善。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019

Perceptions et couvertures des risques extrêmes en présence d'incertitudes sur les marchés de l'assurance et de la réassurance / Perception and coverage of extreme risks under uncertainty on the insurance and reinsurance markets

Dupont-Courtade, Théodora 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre les décisions individuelles des acteurs des marchés de l'assurance et de la réassurance face à différents types d'information, la couverture des risques extrêmes, et les arrangements contractuels entre assureurs et réassureurs. Le contexte général de l'assurance des risques extrêmes est marqué par une intensification et un accroissement des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles depuis une vingtaine d'années dans le monde, ce qui rend délicat une évaluation correcte des caractéristiques des événements et questionne l'assurabilité de ces risques du fait de la présence d'incertitudes. La thèse est constituée de deux parties utilisant une large palette d'outils quantitatifs. La première partie se concentre sur l'analyse des effets de l'information sur les décisions d'assurance, en particulier sur les primes que les agents sont prêts à payer ou accepter pour transférer ou supporter des risques spécifiques. L'information disponible peut donner lieu à des situations de risque ou d'ambiguïté, en distinguant deux types d'ambiguïté: l'imprécision, situation dans laquelle l'information est consensuelle mais imprécise, et le conflit, situation où il y a désaccord entre experts. Cette partie s'appuie sur des enquêtes distribuées auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de la population en tant qu'acheteurs potentiels d'assurance (chapitre 2) ou auprès de professionnels de l'assurance (chapitre 3) afin d'étudier les comportements d'assurance du côté de l'offre et de la demande. Cette partie présente aussi une approche expérimentale de ces comportements avec rémunération des participants (chapitre 4). La seconde partie étudie le marché de la réassurance. Après avoir présenté les spécificités et mécanismes de ce marché (chapitre 5), l'offre de réassurance est analysée à travers des comportements d'enchères de réassureurs (chapitre 6). A partir d'une base de données exclusive, cette partie détermine les facteurs explicatifs des primes de réassurance qui dépendent des caractéristiques des risques, mais également de celles des traités, des réassureurs et du marché. / This thesis aims to better understand the individual decisions of insurance and reinsurance market actors facing different information types, the coverage of extreme risks, and the contractual arrangements between insurers and reinsurers. The insurance context of extreme risks is characterized by the intensification and the increased number of natural and industrial disasters for the last twenty years in the world, which makes it difficult to properly evaluate the event characteristics and questions the insurability of these risks due to the presence of uncertainties. The thesis is composed of two parts using a wide range of quantitative tools. The first part focuses on the analysis of information effects on insurance decisions, especially the premium that actors are willing to pay or to accept in order to transfer or to take specific risks. The available information can lead to situations of risk or ambiguity, distinguishing two ambiguity types: imprecision in which the information is consensual but imprecise, and conflict where there is a disagreement between experts. This part is based on surveys distributed to a representative sample of the population as potential insurance buyers (chapter 2) or to insurance professionals (chapter 3) in order to study demand and supply behaviors. This part also presents an experimental approach in which participants are paid according to their performance (chapter 4). The second part examines the reinsurance market. After presenting the characteristics and mechanisms of the market (chapter 5), reinsurance supply is examined through auction behaviors of reinsurers (chapter 6). 8ased on a proprietary data-base, this part identifies the underlying factors of reinsurance premiums which depend on the risk characteristics, but also on the treaties, the reinsurers and the market.

Some Results in Discrete Geometry

Lund, Benjamin 11 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Internprissättning vid utveckling av immateriella tillgångar genom cost contribution arrangements : Nya riktlinjer för deltagare / Transfer pricing when developing intangibles through cost contribution arrangements : New guidelines for participants

Svensson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Företag inom en koncern kan vid utvecklande av immateriella tillgångar använda sig av cost contribution arrangements för att dela på kostnader och risker samt slippa korslicenser eftersom alla företag i ett CCA får rätt att nyttja tillgångarna. Hur stor del av vinsten som ska fördelas mellan företagen beror på hur mycket de bidrog med vid starten och fördelningen måste överensstämma med armlängdsprincipen. I 14 kap 19 § IL finns en regel som innebär att fördelningen kan korrigeras om det inte överensstämmer med vad ett oberoende företag gått med på under samma förhållanden. OECD:s riktlinjer för internprissättning är vägledande för svensk rätt och den reviderade versionen från 2010 har haft svagheter som företag kunnat utnyttja för att komma undan med oriktiga vinstöverflyttningar till länder med låg skattesats. OECD kom år 2015 ut med den slutgiltiga BEPS-rapporten där åtgärdspunkt 8-10 har som syfte att motverka oriktiga vinstfördelningar genom otillbörliga överflyttningar av risker och immateriella tillgångar mellan företag i intressegemenskap. Åtgärdspunkterna kommer troligtvis göra företag mindre benägna att, samt ge dem mindre möjlighet att, skatteplanera genom att oriktigt flytta vinster till lågskatteländer. Åtgärdspunkterna kommer dock troligtvis medföra fler tvister och nya tolkningsproblem. Målet med åtgärdspunkt 13 är att försäkra att företagen tar hänsyn till de krav som finns för att en transaktion ska vara armländsmässig samt underlätta för Skatteverket att avgöra om transaktionen överensstämmer med armlängdsprincipen. Åtgärdspunkten har fått kritik eftersom den lägger en stor börda på företagen, men OECD hävdar att den på sikt kommer att förenkla för företagen. De nya dokumentationskraven kommer att underlätta för Skatteverket att göra en internprisbedömning och minska möjligheterna att komma undan med felaktiga prissättningar.

Transcribing Orchestral Accompaniments of Large Choral Works for the Organ

Anderson, David Zane 08 1900 (has links)
The art of transcribing orchestral accompaniments for organ is one of the most difficult problems which organists must face. Although a few will become professional recitalists, most organists will at one time or other have a church position and be required to play oratorios and other large choral compositions which were originally scored for orchestra. Several of the most popular of these works (Handel's Messiah, Saint-Saëns's Christmas Oratorio, Fauŕe's Requiem) have already been arranged for organ, but the majority are available only in piano reductions. The main body of the paper deals with this latter group of works, for it is here that the most urgent problems exist. However, some of the organ arrangements now available need considerable revision because they try to imitate the whole orchestra and are virtually impossible to play. Therefore, some preliminary comments on already existing transcriptions seem necessary.

Images of gender arrangements of three American social organizations: a content analysis of top ranked Google images of individuals preforming organizational roles

Velasquez, Scott E. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work / Don L. Kurtz / This study explores existing beliefs and often unspoken social structural arrangements related to male privileges by examining three different, but rather important, American social organizations—the NFL, U.S. military and higher education institutions. With queries from the Google image database, I analyzed images for themes from search terms of organizations thereby tapping into the consciences of society. Since a high volume of images are produced by Google Image search, a maximum of 25 results of each search term are included as potential sources of images for this study. The primary category of non-specific gender search terms of Google images are: NFL Players, U.S. soldiers, and college students. In addition, this study also utilized a subset category of gender and sexuality specific Google search terms that are related to the primary category search terms. The subset category of gender and sexuality specific Google search terms of images are: women of the NFL, NFL gay players, U.S. female soldiers, U.S. gay soldiers, college volleyball players, and fraternity life. Both the U.S. military and the NFL presented images of men preforming competitive or aggressive activities that can be defined as masculine labors. These images are reflections of the ideal masculine male playing a special role in U.S. society—the “warrior” male. Yet most images depicted U.S, soldiers in clean combat uniform with military weapons at a ready to engage in battle. This suggests that either U.S. military have some control over images that can be displayed on popular websites. Even though page ranking software gives the appearance that popular websites are the product of algorithm but there is some evidence that ranking can be manipulated by organizations. Colleges take manipulating popular websites to another level to reach their potential clients. Unlike the U.S. military and the NFL’s search terms results that presented images of men preforming masculine activities, college students’ search term results images are images of students displaying activities that show individuals in the act of being polite and pleasant to others, as well as being supportive. I suggest that the idea behind presenting images with a feminine slant is to attract the group that is most likely to attend college after high school, which is female. College websites will most likely to have staged images of study groups and professors teaching to a small group of students. The websites featured staged images of students, in which students are almost flawless in appearance, a phenomena that could only be achieved through doctoring, cosmetics, and computer retouching. This type of images is more likely to be attractive to potential students that are searching the internet for potential colleges to attend in the future. Moreover, Photoshop images of students assist colleges and universities in controlling the images they want to introduce to potential students and media. Colleges are prudent on how much to display in images of heterosexual relationships. Most staged images that displayed heteronormativity are male and female students studying within each other personal space. It would seem that images of homosexual relationships are still taboo on college websites because there are no staged images that indicated homosexual relationship between college students. I believe that these reflections are presented as organizational websites’ marketing strategies. The marketing strategies of website designers are to implement a group think mentality of those seeking information of a specific term. This action is caused by search engine page ranking software in order to organize highly interconnected websites toward one idea thus influencing a large number of potential and current customers’ decisions. In today’s technologically connected society, societal perception of what constitutes masculinity, femininity and sexuality starts with a well-designed website. The findings will perhaps have important implications for understanding to how the negative outcomes of male privileges remain entrenched in social institutions and benefit certain segments of society at the cost of others.

Involving young people with ASD in organising their examination access arrangements

Tyrrell, Beverley January 2018 (has links)
Facilitating opportunities for children and young people to be involved in the decisions made about them fits with current legislation (United Nations, 1989), and has been found to improve motivation and self-esteem (Patall, Cooper, & Robinson, 2008; Griebler and Nowak 2012). The researcher asserts that, due to the nature of their difficulties, people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be prone to lack such opportunities. Examination access arrangements decisions are the focus of the study described in the second paper. The first paper describes a systematic literature review of methods used to elicit the views of students with ASD. The second paper reports a case-based action research project which involves students in organising their examination access arrangements. Participants include three year 7 students and two members of staff across two secondary schools. There is a lack of research which includes the views of those with ASD. Semi-structured interviews seemed to be the most popular data gathering method, but focus groups and electronic diaries have also been used with this group. There was a positive impact of involving students with ASD in organising their access arrangements. Advice was given regarding coping with resource limitations in this area, and provision commonly useful for students with ASD before and during examinations. More research is needed which involves participants with ASD and reflection on the suitability of their methods for this group. Findings from the action research project indicate that involving young people with ASD in deciding on their examination access arrangements can support more comprehensive identification of assessment needs. In order to increase the impact of this research, the findings were disseminated using the strategies outlined to those who may have a role in putting the findings into practice.

Critical knots for minimum distance energy and complementary domains of arrangements of hypersurfaces

Hager, William George 01 July 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, we will discuss two separate topics. First, we find a critical knot for an knot energy function. A knot is a closed curve or polygon in three space. It is possible to for a computer to simulate the flow of a knot to its minimum energy conformation. There is no guarantee, however, that a true minimizer exists near the computer's alleged minimizer. We take advantage of both the symmetry of the minimizer and the symmetry invariance of the energy function to prove that there is a critical point of the energy function near the computer's minimizer. Second, we will discuss how to determine the number of complementary domains of arrangements of algebraic curves in 2-space and ellipsoids in 3-space. In each of these situations, we supply equations that provide an upper bound for the number of complementary domains. These upper bounds are applicable even when the exact intersections between the curves or surfaces are unknown.

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