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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The kinetics of spear growth and asparagus productivity : control by environmental and internal factors : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Ku, Yang Gyu January 2006 (has links)
Studies on asparagus growth in relation to yield were undertaken in environmentally controlled growth cabinets and in greenhouses. Bud production during the annual growth cycle was also investigated in the field. Growth cabinet experiments showed that increasing the temperature had a significant effect on bud break and relative spear growth rate (RSGR), but although prior chilling had a significant effect on the length of time to bud break at 10°C and 15°C, the effect on RSGR was not so clear. The cytokinin-active compound, N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea (CPPU), and the naturally occurring cytokinin, zeatin riboside (ZR) significantly stimulated spear elongation. However, spear leaf scale removal reduced spear elongation in the absence and presence of CPPU. CPPU only stimulated spear growth when spear leaf scales were present, indicating that other plant hormones may interact with cytokinins in promoting elongation. The importance of spear growth rate to yield was discussed. In greenhouse experiments, CPPU applied as a foliar spray at 10 or 20 mg L-1 was effective in producing longer and thicker cladodes that might be associated with increased photosynthetic rate. However, photosynthetic rate was unaffected by 10 mg L-1 CPPU treatment. Repeated CPPU applications to foliage reduced net assimilation rate (NAR) compared to untreated controls as determined by growth analysis studies. In asparagus plants, it was difficult to collect xylem sap and further experiments were undertaken with Capsicum annuum. The root exudate of CPPU-treated plants significantly decreased hypocotyl length in the lettuce gibberellin bioassay, suggesting that CPPU blocks gibberellin biosynthesis in roots. However, the application of GA3 to shoots did not reverse growth suppression caused by CPPU-treated roots. Bud production, both in growth cabinets and in open field plantings, started to occur during the spear harvest period in contrast to previously accepted views. During harvest three to four additional buds per cluster were produced in cabinet-grown plants and an average of 51 buds per m2 in field plantings. These results confirm that new bud initiation and development starts to occur during spear harvest, as well as during fern growth and establishment.
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The impact of asparagus supply chain quality management: An empirical research from Peru

Ramos, Edgar, Provost, Kelsey, Calle, Stephanie, Zavala, Kevin 01 January 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / This research analyzes the Peruvian organic production coffee industry, the relationship between Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Supply Chain Integration (SCI) concerning the performance of the Cooperatives and the Coffee Associations in Junin Region of Peru. It also analyzes the current scenario of the Coffee Sector and the participation of the Supply Chain (SC) in the processing and distribution of Organic Coffee in Junin, Peru. A diagnosis was made to the certified organizations from the market. The diagnosis and the surveys indicated that they do not have a correct flow of information, shared goals and objectives, strategic decisions, and sourcing materials among the different parties demonstrating the lack of interrelationship among the members. The final objective of this research is to improve the competitiveness of these organizations through the increase in the performance of the SC, for which a model of supply chain integration is proposed. / Revisión por pares

The California canning asparagus industry under government sponsored controls

Lucot, Weldon Walter 01 January 1947 (has links) (PDF)
This study is an analysis of the attempts to control the marketing of asparagus by federal license under the Agricultural Adjustment Act in 1934 and 1935; by state license under the California Marketing Agreement Act in 1936 and 1937; by proration program under the California Agricultural Prorate Act in 1938 to 1941; and by marketing orders under the California Agricultural Code from 1941 to 1945. Among the questions considered are the following: What was the economic position of the Asparagus Industry in 1934, when the programs were first instituted? What were the effects of some previous attempts at controlled marketing of asparagus? What types of controls were undertaken in the asparagus industry? What was the administrative setup and particularly the problem of the appropriateness of such controls in a "free enterprise" society?

Crown development and related changes in morphology and physiology of asparagus plants associated with their productivity : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Daningsih, Entin January 2004 (has links)
The results are presented of eight experiments designed to investigate the influence of interrelationships between bud population dynamics and carbohydrate supply from root stores on spear production in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L). These investigations involved studies in the field and the greenhouse, and using aeroponics and hydroponics techniques to facilitate non-destructive studies of plant development. The evidence indicated that spear yield was limited by the number of buds of adequate size for developing into marketable spears, rather than total bud number. It was shown that bud development continues throughout the harvest period. About 14% of these buds contributed to fern production after harvest, but the majority were involved, following a period of dormancy, in development of the next season's spears. Approximately 16% of the new buds contributed to spear yield in the current harvest, 68% were dormant until the following summer and contributed to 18% of total buds at that time. Spear production was most efficient in plants with large crowns, since the effects of correlative inhibition on spear development were greater in small than large crowns. Nevertheless, increase in crown size in terms of root mass is not necessarily accompanied by an equivalent increase in bud number or cluster number, and bud availability is potentially an important yield limiting factor. However, large crowns reduced the period of correlative inhibition within a bud cluster. Crown size and bud population were sensitive to nutrient supply, and it is suggested that control of nutrient supply over the harvest period may be best achieved by use of slow-release fertilizer or split application of nitrogen. Carbohydrate partitioning and possibly photosynthetic rate were also sensitive to daylength, and there was some evidence of genotypic variation in the response to daylength changes and contrasts. Principal component analysis indicated that numbers of buds and bud clusters, plant size and chlorophyll content were the main determinants of spear yield, and cluster analysis demonstrated potentially important genetic variation for these variables in potentially high yielding cultivars. Spear yield is the product of harvest intensity and harvest duration, and harvest duration itself was shown to be sensitive to genotype and management effects on bud initiation and development. A conceptual model is used to illustrate the influence of bud population and bud cluster characteristics on harvest intensity and duration, and on spear yield, and the relative importance of management manipulation of bud dynamics and carbohydrate supply to spear yield.
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Caractérisation moléculaire de la biodiversité des Fusarium associés à la fusariose de l'asperge (Asparagus officinalis L.) au Québec

Yergeau, Étienne January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Untersuchungen zu qualitätsbeeinflussenden, nacherntephysiologischen und phytopathologischen Prozessen bei Convenience-Produkten während der Kurzzeitlagerung am Beispiel von Spargel (Asparagus officinalis L.)

Kadau, Renate 31 August 2005 (has links)
In Deutschland nimmt der Anbau von Bleichspargel (Asparagus officinalis L.) sechzehn Prozent der Gesamtgemüseanbaufläche ein. Die Qualitätssicherung von Spargel, insbesondere aber von geschältem (Convenience-) Spargel stellt wegen der hohen Stoffwechselaktivität nach der Ernte eine Herausforderung dar. Insbesondere gilt es, die Textur und die Inhaltsstoffe vor qualitätsmindernden Veränderungen und verderbsförderndem Pilzbefall zu bewahren. Als Verpackung dienen in der Regel Folienverpackungen, die aber oft für das empfindliche Gemüseprodukt nicht geeignet sind. Daher wurde der Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Folienverpackungen (vier Polypropylenfolien, zwei biologisch abbaubare Folien und ein Oberflächencoating) mit unterschiedlicher Permeabilität für Sauerstoff und Kohlendioxid auf die Veränderungen der Qualitätsparameter ( Farbe, Textur, Frischmasse, Trockensubstanz, Gerüstkohlenhydrate ( Pectine, Lignin, Hemicellulose, Cellulose, Saccharose, Fructose, Glucose) von nicht geschälten und geschälten Spargel unmittelbar nach der Ernte und nochmals nach drei (bzw. vier) Lagertagen (2°C, 10°C, 20°C Lagertemperatur) ermittelt. Direkt nach der Ernte und nach drei Lagertagen wurde bei 10°C und 20°C Lagertemperatur die Kontamination mit Pilzen und der eventuell damit verbundene Gehalt an Fumonisin B1 geprüft. Die Lagertemperatur von 10°C (2 d Lagerdauer) erwies sich als geeignet zur Qualitätserhaltung von Convenience – Spargel. Bei 2°C und 20°C geschältem Spargel waren die Pectinfraktionen, bei nicht geschältem Spargel war der Hemicellulosegehalt Veränderungen unterworfen. Die Veränderungen dieser Qualitätsparameter waren mit den Veränderungen der Textur korreliert. Die Spargelspitze ist bei der Lagerung (2°C und 20°C) stoffwechselaktiver, als die restliche Spargelstange. Es zeigte sich, dass das Verhältnis von O2 zu CO2 (RQ) in der Verpackungsfolie signifikanten Einfluss auf die Qualitätsparameter von geschältem Spargel ausübte. Die geringsten stoffwechselphysiologischen Veränderungen wurden bei einem RQ von 0,65 festgestellt. Folienverpackungen mit RQ von 0,03-0,65 hatten sich für das endophytische Pilzwachstum als hemmend erwiesen. Das Mykotoxin Fumonisin B1 wurden in gesundheitlich unbedenklichen Mengen (< 1,67 mg * kg TS-1) in nicht gelagerten und in gelagerten Spargelstangen nachgewiesen. / The production area of white asparagus comprises 16 % of all vegetable crops in Germany. The economic important asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) is known for its high quality loss in postharvest. In order to protect convenience asparagus, i.e. fresh-cut peeled white asparagus from rapid deterioration in respect to phytopathological fungi, nutritive and sensory compounds the commercial use of film packaging might be an important tool. However, the film packaging materials used commercially do often not fulfil product physiological concerns. Therefore, the influence of different film packaging materials (four polypropylene-films, two biological degradable films and one coating) with different permeabilities for CO2 and O2 was investigated for unpeeled and peeled white asparagus during storage (2, 3, and 4 days) at temperatures of 2°C, 10°C, 20°C. Changes in the following quality attributes were studied: colour, texture, fresh weight, dry weight, structural carbohydrates (pectic substances, lignin, hemicellulose, cellulose), mono- and disaccharides (fructose, glucose, sucrose). Moreover, at harvest and after three days of storage the contamination with fungi and the content of the mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 was observed. The tests for contamination of fungi were conducted with slight nutrient agar (SNA) for seven days at 20°C under 14 h UV light and 10 h darkness (Nirenberg, 1976) Quality changes were most inhibited at a storage temperature of 10°C for two days. The ratio of O2 to CO2 (RQ) within the film packaging had a pronounced effect on the quality attributes of peeled asparagus. Changes in dry weight, fresh weight, lignin content were low at a RQ of 0,65 (P-Plus 2 film), whereas the water-soluble/insoluble pectin ratio (1 : 0,8) remained constant during the entire storage period. A low correlation was found between texture and hemicellulose, glucose, sucrose and the ratio of water-soluble to insoluble pectin. The meristematic zone of the asparagus tip revealed a higher metabolic activity than other morphological parts of the spear. Endophytic fungi, e.g. Fusarium spp., a precursor of mycotoxin, was found in control asparagus spears. During storage, the development of Fusarium spp. could be inhibited by all film packaging revealing a RQ of 0,003 - 0,65. The mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 occurred in all asparagus spears (control and stored spears), however the content (< 1,67 mg * kg TS -1) did not reach health risk threshold values.
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Factores que impactaron en el comercio de espárragos, frescos o refrigerados (0709200000) entre Perú y Reino Unido desde el año 2012 hasta el 2017

Sandoval Riveros, André Jancarlos, Vera Martinez, Rafael Antonio 01 February 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los diferentes efectos que impactaron en el comercio de Espárragos frescos o refrigerados de Perú con el Reino Unido durante los años 2012 al 2017, siendo estos efectos tanto públicos como del sector privado agroexportador. Por tal motivo, se precisó investigar y analizar el histórico de la desgravación arancelaria que se va dando a lo largo de los años gracias a los acuerdos comerciales que existen entre Perú y diferentes mercados con relación a los productos agroindustriales. Pero, haciendo énfasis y más dirigido al caso de los Espárragos frescos o refrigerados hacia el Reino Unido durante los años. Asimismo, se analizó el impacto de ciertos factores medio ambientales sobre las cosechas de espárragos en el territorio peruano y su consecuencia con las exportaciones a al mercado de Reino Unido. De igual manera cómo influye la mano de obra con respecto a efectos sociales al momento de analizar su relevancia en los tiempos cruciales de cultivo y cosecha. Además, al tratar temas políticos y económicos, se llevó a investigar y analizar sucesos políticos trascendentales que logran tener un impacto en las relaciones internacionales entre mercados, así como análisis económico de un mercado en específico. Bajo este fin, se recopiló y relacionó información proveniente de ciertas herramientas metodológicas como datos estadísticos de SUNAT, Veritrade y MINCETUR, información pública y entrevistas a personas con conocimientos en temas relacionados al comercio del sector agroexportador, relaciones internacionales, comercio exterior y derecho público internacional. / The main object of this research is to analyze the different effects that impacted the trade of fresh or chilled asparagus from Peru to the United Kingdom during the years 2012 - 2017, with both public and private agro-exporter effects. For this reason, it was necessary to investigate and analyze the history of tariff reduction that is taking place over the last years thanks to trade agreements that exist between Peru and different markets in relation to the agro-industrial products. But, making emphasis in the case of fresh or chilled asparagus towards the United Kingdom over the years. Likewise, the impact of certain environmental factors on the asparagus crops in the peruvian territory and its impact in the exports to the United Kingdom market was analyzed. In the same way, how handmade labor influences social effects, analyzing their relevance in the crucial times of cultivation and harvest. In addition, when dealing with political and economic issues, it was carried out to investigate and analyze transcendental political events that manage to have an impact on international relations between markets, as well as economic analysis of a specific market. To this end, information was collected and related from certain methodological tools such as statistical data from SUNAT, Veritrade and MINCETUR, public information and interviews with people with knowledge of issues related to trade in the agro-export sector, international relations, foreign trade and international public law. / Tesis
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La cadena de suministros y su relación con las exportaciones de la SPN 0709.20.00.00, espárragos frescos o refrigerados, a Estados Unidos durante el COVID-19, Perú 2020

Espinoza Alva, Kristley Rossalin, Zúñiga Cortez, Lilibeth Antuanette 12 August 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es determinar la relación de la cadena de suministros y las exportaciones de la SPN 0709.20.00.00, espárragos frescos o refrigerados, a Estados Unidos durante el COVID-19, Perú 2020. El espárrago es uno de los principales productos del sector agrícola que genera grandes volúmenes de exportación. En el año 2020 se observó una disminución en el valor exportado a nivel mundial; sin embargo, Estados Unidos es el mercado destino en donde las ventas han incrementado respecto a años anteriores, pese a la coyuntura. Por tal motivo, es de crucial importancia determinar si la cadena de suministros del sector agroexportador ha influenciado en las exportaciones de dicho producto al mercado de Estados Unidos durante la pandemia del COVID-19 en el año 2020. Para analizar la relación entre las variables cadena de suministros y exportaciones de espárragos, se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, enfocada en 4 aspectos: eficiencia de proveedores, transporte, atención al cliente y exportación. Se utilizó un cuestionario en escala de Likert, el cual estuvo dirigido a ejecutivos de empresas agroexportadoras de espárragos, sumando un total de 33 participaciones. Así mismo, para el análisis de los resultados se hizo uso del programa estadístico IBM SPSS Stadistics, con la finalidad de corroborar las hipótesis planteadas en el presente trabajo. De esta manera, a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el SPSS, se concluyó que la cadena de suministros no se relaciona con las exportaciones de espárragos a Estados Unidos durante el COVID-19 en el año 2020. / The objective of this research work is to determine the relationship of the supply chain and exports of heading 0709.20.00.00, fresh or refrigerated asparagus, to the United States during COVID-19, Peru 2020. Asparagus is one of the main products of the agricultural sector that generates large export volumes. In 2020 there was a decrease in the value exported worldwide; However, the United States is the destination market where sales have increased compared to previous years, despite the situation experienced by the pandemic. For this reason, it is of crucial importance to determine if the supply chain of the agro-export sector has influenced the exports of said product to the United States market during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. To analyze the relationship between the supply chain variables and asparagus exports, a quantitative investigation was carried out, focused on 4 dimensions: supplier efficiency, transportation, customer satisfaction and export. A Likert scale questionnaire was used, which was aimed at executives of asparagus agro-export companies, adding a total of 33 participations. Likewise, for the analysis of the results, the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics was used, in order to corroborate the hypotheses raised in the present work. In this way, from the results obtained in the SPSS, it was concluded that the supply chain is not related to asparagus exports to the United States during COVID-19 in 2020. / Tesis
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Zur Qualitätsausbildung und Qualitätserhaltung gartenbaulicher Produkte / (am Beispiel von Asparagus officinalis L.)

Masoud, Alaa Abd El-Gaber Badawi 26 August 2003 (has links)
Qualität wird nach ISO 8402 als Gesamtheit von Eigenschaften und Merkmalen eines Produktes, die sich auf deren Eignung zur Erfüllung festgelegter oder vorausgesetzter Erfordernisse beziehen, definiert. Produkte mit hohem Wassergehalt und großer Atmungsrate können erhebliche Qualitätsbeeinträchtigungen in der Nachernteperiode bis zum Verkauf bzw. Verzehr erleiden. Am Beispiel des Spargels, also junger und physiologisch sehr aktiver Pflanzensprosse, werden äußere und innere Qualitätsmerkmale sowie deren Beeinflussbarkeit durch züchterisch- pflanzenbauliche Maßnahmen und Lagerverfahren einschließlich Vorkühlung und Lagerdauer aufgezeigt. Das im Land Brandenburg gewachsene Untersuchungsmaterial wurde aus einem 2- faktoriellen Parzellenfeldversuch, einem Praxis- Sortenvergleichsversuch und durch Zukauf gewonnen. Bonituren und Sortierung nach äußerlich erfassbaren, Qualitätskriterien sowohl von frisch geerntetem als auch von zwei bzw. fünf Wochen unter Kühl- und CA- Lagerbedingungen (verschiedene Gaszusammensetzungen) gelagerten Grün- und Bleichspargels der männlichen Hybridsorte `Gijnlim` sowie der gemischtgeschlechtlichen, anthocyanfreien Sorte `Huchels Schneewittchen` ergaben differenzierte Aussagen zur äußeren Qualität. Untersuchungen von Brix/ Zuckergehalt, Gehalt an Apfel-, Zitronen- und Weinsäure sowie proteinogenen Aminosäuren ( speziell essentielle und halbessentielle AS) und Gesamtpektin in den verschiedenen Spargelproben zeigten bei diesen wert- und geschmacksgebenden Inhaltsstoffen die Dynamik in ihrem Auftreten vom Erntezeitpunkt bis zum Auslagerungstermin auf. In diesem Zeitraum wurden auch der Frischgewichtsverlust erfasst und alle Untersuchungswerte stets vergleichend bei beiden Spargelanbauformen sowie beiden Sortentypen betrachtet. Dem bisherigen Kenntnisstand konnten einige neue Ergebnisse zur unterschiedlichen Qualitätsbildung und Qualitätserhaltungsmöglichkeit bei Grün- und Bleichspargel in Abhängigkeit von Sortenwahl, Bestandesdichte, Lagerverfahren und- dauer hinzugefügt werden. Sie bedürfen aber teilweise noch weiterer modifizierter Bearbeitung bzw. längerer Bearbeitungsdauer. / The quality is defined according to ISO 8402 as a whole of characteristics and significations of a product, which refer to their suitability for the fulfilment of fixed or presupposed requirements. Products with high water content and large breathing rate can suffer substantial quality impairments in the post-harvest period up to the time for selling and/or consumption. By the example of the asparagus, a rather young and physiologically very active plant rung, we register both external and internal breeding and plant-structural measures and storage procedures including precooling and duration of storage. The investigation material gathered in the Federal State of Brandenburg was won from a 2-factorial plot-field-test, a practice sort comparison test and by additional purchase. Bonitures and assortment after outwardly detectable, quality criteria both of freshly harvested and of two and/or five weeks under cool and APPROX. storage conditions (different gas compositions) of stored green and bleached Asparagus of the male hybrid sort ` Gijnlim` as well as the mixed-gender; Anthocyan-free sort ` Huchels Schneewittchen` resulted in differentiated statements to the outside quality. Investigations of Brix/ sugar content, content of apple -, lemon and tartaric acid as well as proteinogenen amino acids (particularly essential and halfessential AS) and total Pectin in the different asparagus samples pointed the dynamics in their occurrence from the harvest time to the paging date to taste-giving contents materials out with this worth and. In this period also the fresh decrease in weight and all investigation values always comparatively with both forms of cultivation of asparagus as well as both sort types were seized were regarded. The past level of knowledge could some new results for different quality formation and quality preservation possibility with green and bleaching asparagus as a function of sort choice, inventory density, camp procedure and duration be added. They require however partly still further modified treatment and/or longer machining time.
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Einfluss der Jungpflanzenqualität auf die Etablierung von Spargelanlagen

Aldenhoff, Ludger 24 January 2005 (has links)
Spargelanlagen werden fast ausschließlich durch Pflanzung einjähriger Kronen im Frühjahr etabliert. Die spätere Ertragsleistung wird neben verschiedenen Maßnahmen in der Kulturführung auch maßgeblich vom Wachstum der Pflanzen im ersten Standjahr beeinflusst. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Merkmale und Maßnahmen bei Spargeljungpflanzen anhand von Feld- und Gefäßversuchen auf das Wachstum im ersten Standjahr untersucht. Als wichtigstes Kriterium zur Beurteilung der Qualität von Spargeljungpflanzen hat sich eine hohe Pflanzmasse im Frühjahr herausgestellt. Jeweils im Vergleich zu 100-g-Pflanzen im Frühjahr war bei 50g der Verlust an Zuwachs jedoch größer, als der Zugewinn bei 150g. Aus diesem Grund ist nicht nur die durchschnittliche Pflanzmasse für eine gute Etablierung von Interesse, sondern auch der Anteil kleinerer Pflanzen. Ein Verlust an Wurzelmasse brachte bis auf die Auswirkungen der geringeren Pflanzmasse keine zusätzlichen Effekte auf die Etablierung. Auch der Gehalt löslicher Reservekohlenhydrate im Frühjahr erwies sich von eher untergeordneter Rolle. Bezüglich unterschiedlicher Behandlungen vor der Pflanzung konnten keine ausgeprägten Effekte der Temperatur bei einer kurzfristigen Lagerung und eines unterschiedlichen Pflanztermins bzw. der Lagerdauer nachgewiesen werden. Zwar zeigte sich bei einer Lagerung von über zwei Monaten eine Reduktion der Laub- und Kronenmasse im Herbst, jedoch ist die Ursache hierfür eher in der Verkürzung der Vegetationszeit zu suchen. Als ein wichtiges Qualitätsmerkmal sind in Fungizidlösungen getauchte Pflanzen (Beizung) zu nennen. Zwar ergaben sich je nach Pflanzbedingungen nicht in jedem Fall fördernde Effekte, in der Summe der Versuchsauswertungen über mehrere Jahre und Mittel war aber eine deutliche Steigerung des Wachstums durch Tauchbehandlungen nachzuweisen. Da auch die alleinige Tauchung der Jungpflanzen in Wasser zu einer Vitalitätssteigerung führte, sollte die Beizung möglichst direkt vor der Pflanzung durchgeführt werden. Als Fazit der vorliegenden Untersuchungen ist bezüglich der Jungpflanzenqualität bei Spargel vornehmlich auf gleichmäßig hohe Pflanzmassen sowie einer kurz vor der Pflanzung erfolgten Beizung Wert zu legen. / Asparagus plantings are usually established by planting one year old crowns in the spring. The later yield potential is influenced by culture practical measurements and the growth of the plants in the first year. This work deals with the influence of different characters and measurements of young asparagus plants on the growth in the first year by trials in the field and pots. The most important criterion of the evaluation of the quality of asparagus plants had been the weight of the plants in spring. Comparing with 100-g-plants in the spring the lack of growing of plants with 50g was higher than the better growing with 150g. So it is not only interesting to have a high average plant weight for a good establishment of an asparagus planting but although the part of smaller plants. A lack of root weight showed not more effects than only the lack of plant weight. Although the content of soluble concentration of carbohydrates in the spring showed no to be important. Due to different treatments before planting there were no strange effects of the temperature during a short storage and a different time of planting or period of storage. There was a reduction of fern- and crown weight in autumn after storage before planting over a period of two months, but the reason seems to be the reduction of the vegetation period. An important criterion of quality is a preplant fungicide dip for asparagus crowns. Although because of different conditions after planting there was not every time a better establishment of the plants, but in consideration of all trials in different years and fungicides there was a significant increase of the growth because of dipping treatments. Because the dipping of the crowns only in water before planting showed effects of a better vitality the fungicide dips should be done directly before planting. The result of this work concerning the quality of asparagus crowns is a constant high crown weight and a fungicide dip just before planting.
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