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Asylum Seekers Views and Experiences from Different Types of InterviewsSuliman, Alrazi January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how asylum seekers may experience different interview methods in the asylum investigation in Sweden. An inductive qualitative data collection technique was used in this study, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with six asylum seekers in four different cities in Sweden. This study was influenced by the grounded theory approach in the way of creating codes, concepts and themes from the empirical data analyzed in thematic and constant comparison method. The results show three different themes, namely ‘‘the expressions of the feelings, possibilities to expressions and possibilities and difficulties.’’ as they present the asylum seekers views of different interview methods. The role theory was chosen in relation to the asylum seekers different behavior toward the interview methods. The results indicated the possibilities for different roles as: ‘‘psychological unbalanced role, technology skilled role, technology challenged role and the apprehensive role’’
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"It depends a lot on the case officer" : A qualitative study of case- and executive officers´assessment of asylum applications at the Swedish Migration Agency.Habib Davidsson, Maria, Ekberg, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to highlight the work of asylum case- and executive officers at the Swedish Migration Agency. It focuses on the oral investigation that is conducted by the Swedish Migration Agency with an asylum seeker in Sweden, how the case- and executive officers assess if an asylum seeker is credible, and if there are any difficulties with this process. The aim of this study has not been to investigate how the credibility and reliability assessments should be conducted; instead, it has been to understand the complexity of these assessment and how the case- and executive officers experience the same. The study is ethnographic, and the empirical material consists of interviews with individuals who work as case- and executive officers at the Migration Agency's asylum units in Sweden. The study has a qualitative approach since the interest lies in individual experiences. The analysis is based on extracts from the interviews and is linked to existing research and theories. Theoretically, the thesis is inspired by Michael Lipsky's concept of street-level bureaucracy. In addition, we have also built up a theoretical chapter presenting the legal framework. The study shows that the assessment of an asylum seeker is a complicated and abstract process. And in the end, it all comes down to an overall assessment.
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Tolkningen utav asylutredningsmetodik : Är asylhandläggares tolkning utav asylutredningar för sexuell läggning lika?Lundqvist, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of the uniform way of interpretation from the Swedish asylum officers at the Swedish Migration Board, of asylum investigations for asylum seekers who claim sexual orientation as reason of refuge. The interviews with the officers were analyzed in relation to the policy document with investigation- guidelines and methodology. The results of the study showed that there was a uniform way to conduct asylum investigations and interpret the policy document, this despite that the document was found to be ambiguous in certain aspects. The uniform interpretation of the asylum officers was explained by the knowledge and understanding that exists within institutional organizations. This because the asylum officers at the Swedish Migration Board might have similar experience, knowledge and also the demands related to asylum investigations. The uniform interpretation demonstrated a strong similar common understanding of investigative work within the agency. This suggests a certainty that the investigations are carried out in a similar way regardless of which asylum officer within the institution conducting the investigation which indicates a well-functioning “rule of law” for the asylum seekers. / Syftet med studien var att analysera graden av samstämmighet av Svenska Migrationsverkets asylhandläggares tolkning utav asylutredningar för de som åberopat flyktingstatus för deras sexuella läggning. Intervjuerna med handläggarna analyserades i relation till Migrationsverkets styrdokument med riktlinjer och metodpunkter till utförandet av utredningen. Resultatet i studien visade att det fanns ett enhetligt sätt att utföra asylutredningar och tolka styrdokumentet trots att styrdokumentet visats vara tvetydigt i vissa punkter. Den samstämmiga tolkningen förklarades genom den kunskap och förståelse som finns inom institutionella organisationer. Detta eftersom asylhandläggarna på Migrationsverket kan ha likartad erfarenhet, kunskap och även krav kopplade till asylutredningar. Studienss resultat visar på en likartad gemensam uppfattning om utredningsarbetet inom myndigheten. Detta visar på att utredningar utförs på ett likartat sätt oberoende av vilken person på institutionen som utför utredningen vilket indikerar på en rättssäkerhet för de asylsökande.
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