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Tides, Rossby and Kelvin waves simulated with the COMMA-LIM ModelFröhlich, Kristina, Pogoreltsev, Alexander, Jacobi, Christoph 18 January 2017 (has links)
A 48-layer version of the COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere – Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) three-dimensional global mechanistic model of the Earth\''s atmosphere from 0 km to 135 km with logarithmic pressure height coordinates was developed. The model is capable of reproducing the global structures and propagation of different planetary waves in the middle atmosphere. The contribution of gravity waves, tides, Rossby and Kelvin waves into the zonally averaged momentum budget of the mesosphere / lower thermosphere region has been investigated. / Eine neue Version des COMMA-LIM (Cologne Model of the Middle Atmosphere – Leipzig Institute for Meteorology) wurde im Zusammenhang mit der Erhöhung der vertikalen Schichtauflösung entwickelt. Das COMMA ist ein dreidimensionales globales mechanistisches Modell der Erdatmosphäre mit einer Ausdehnung von ca. 0 – 135 km in logarithmischen Druckkoordinaten. Damit können globale Eigenschaften der mittleren Atmosphäre sowie die Ausbreitung verschiedener planetarer Wellen nachvollzogen werden. Die Beiträge der Schwerewellen, thermischer Gezeiten, Rossby und Kelvin Wellen zur zonal gemitteltem Impulsbalance der Mesosphäre und unteren Thermosphäre wurden untersucht.
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Development of Analytical Equations for Optimum Tilt of Two-Axis and Single-Axis Rotating Solar Panels for Clear-Atmosphere ConditionGugale, Gaurav Subhash January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Interação multi-escala entre o oceano e a atmosfera e a variabilidade de baixa frequência / Multiscale interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and the low frequency variabilityGutierrez, Enver Manuel Amador Ramirez 19 December 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho utiliza-se um m´etodo multi-escala para estudar de forma te´orica as intera¸coes nao lineares entre o oceano e a atmosfera atrav´es de ressonancia onda-onda. Desenvolve-se uma hierarquia de modelos acoplados oceano-atmosfera nao lineares que foram escalonados convenientemente para representar as principais escalas de variabilidade clim´atica (i.e., intrasazonal, interanual, e decenal). A enfase dos modelos desenvolvidos foi dado para a regiao tropical. As fontes de nao linearidade inclu´das no modelo sao de dois tipos: I) nao linearidade intr´nsica (advectiva) e II) nao linearidade relacionada com os termos da f´sica e ambas sao abordadas neste trabalho. Para obter as equa¸coes que regem a dinamica de intera¸coes ressonantes a partir da hierarquia de modelos acoplados, aplicou-se um m´etodo perturbativo multi-escala. As solu¸coes sao escritas em termos de solu¸coes de ordem dominante e solu¸coes seculares. Para as solu¸coes de ordem dominante e seculares utilizam-se as fun¸coes base do problema linear, em uma aproxima¸cao do tipo Galerkin. As propriedades das fun¸coes base permitem calcular de forma anal´tica os coeficientes de intera¸cao associados com os termos nao lineares, assim como tamb´em permitem projetar estes termos nos modos de oscila¸cao natural do sistema (ressonancia). Com este m´etodo obt´em-se modelos reduzidos que permitem determinar as contribui¸coes de diversos processos para a evolu¸cao em escala lenta de um determinado modo de variabilidade natural. Para aplicar estes conceitos ao problema de acoplamento oceano-atmosfera utiliza-se como Ansatz (hip´otese inicial para a solu¸cao do problema) um tripleto composto por duas ondas atmosf´ericas e uma onda oceanica, sendo uma onda de Kelvin e de Rossby na atmosfera e uma onda Kelvin no oceano. O tripleto escolhido representa uma aproxima¸cao de v´arios fenomenos encontrados na regiao tropical, e.g. o desenvolvimento do El Nino, a intera¸cao da oscila¸cao de Madden-Julian com o oceano, a intera¸cao entre el Nino e variabilidade intrasazonal. No presente trabalho ´e mostrado que existe a ressonancia envolvendo ondas atmosf´ericas e oceanicas e que a modula¸cao em baixa frequencia produto desta ressonancia pode afetar desde escalas r´apidas sin´oticas equatoriais, intrasazonais, interanuais e at´e variabilidade da ordem de dezenas de anos. Palavras chave: Dinamica Equatorial nao linear, Intera¸coes Ressonantes, Modelos Acoplados Oceano-Atmosfera, El Nino, Oscila¸cao de Madden Julian, Oscila¸coes Decenais (Decadal) / In the present work a multiscale method is used to study resonant nonlinear wave-wave interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. A hierarchy of coupled atmosphere-ocean models is developed using typical scalings found in the tropical region with the aim to represent some of the dominant modes of climate variability (intraseasonal, interannual and decadal). The sources of nonlinearity included into model are of two types: I) intrinsic nonlinearity (advective form) and II) nonlinearity related to physical terms. A multi-scale perturbation method is applied to obtain equations governing dynamics of ressonant interactions. The solutions are described in terms of dominant and secular solutions. For the dominant modes basis functions of the linear problem are used in a approximation of the Galerkin type. The properties of the basis functions allows the analytical computation of the interaction coefficients associated with non-linear terms and the projection into the natural oscillation modes of the system (resonance). Using this method it is possible to obtain reduced models to determine the contributions of several processes to the slow time evolution of a specific mode of natural variability. To apply these concepts to the problem of atmosphere-ocean coupling an Ansatz composed of a three waves (two atmospheric Rossby and Kelvin waves and an ocean Kelvin wave) is used. The triad chosen represents a aproximation of several phenomena found in the tropical region, e.g. desenvolving of El Nino, interaction of the Madden-Julian oscillation with the ocean, interaction between El Nino and intra-seasonal variability, etc. It is shown that system allows a resonance involving atmospheric and oceanic waves and that the low-frequency modulation resulting from these ressonance can affect the system from fast equatorial synoptic scales to decadal timescales, including the intermediate scales i.e., intraseasonal and interannual.
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Structure and Dynamics of the Inter-tropical Convergence zonesDixit, Vijay Vishal January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The east-west oriented cloud bands in the tropics are called the Inter-tropical Con-vergence Zones (ITCZ). Till recently, the ITCZ has been assumed to have a simple vertical structure with convergence near the surface boundary layer and divergence near the tropopause. Recent work has shown that the ITCZ can have a complex ver-tical structure with multi-level ows. This complex structure has a profound impact on the mass, momentum and energy budget in the ITCZ. This thesis addresses the factors that govern the shallow meridional circulation that occurs in the ITCZ and the mechanisms that govern the abrupt poleward transition and the gradual poleward migration .
The shallow meridional circulation forms when the boundary layer ow that con-verges in the ITCZ, rises above the boundary layer and diverges in the lower tropo-sphere. The ow above the boundary layer is in the direction opposite to the direction of the ow within the boundary layer. Some authors have argued that this is caused by the reversal of pressure gradients just above the boundary layer in response to strong sea surface temperature gradients. This hypothesis neglects the eect of plan-etary rotation on the ow and was found to be insucient to explain the formation of shallow meridional circulation.
In the east Pacic ocean, the shallow circulation forms only to the south of the ITCZ when the ITCZ forms away from the equator, while it is absent when the ITCZ forms close to the equator. The aqua-planet simulations of the equatorial and the o-equatorial ITCZ were conducted using Community Atmosphere Model (CAM 3.0). The model used the Eulerian dynamical core with T42 horizontal resolution and 26 levels in vertical. Each simulation was run for 3 years and analysis of last six months was presented. The simulations reproduced the contrast in the vertical structure of the equatorial and o-equatorial ITCZ. The shallow circulation was simulated with-out the reversal of pressure gradients and the SST gradients were weakest when the shallow circulation was simulated. We have proposed a new mechanism for the exis-tence of shallow meridional circulation in the ITCZ. We have argued that, in Earth's atmosphere, the mean horizontal ow generally occurs in the direction perpendicular to the direction of applied pressure gradient due to the action of Coriolis force. If the local rotational eects of the ow (relative vorticity) cancels the action of the Coriolis force, then a ow along the pressure gradient is possible. We demonstrated that this condition was satised only to the south of the ITCZ when it forms away from the equator.
The ITCZ is characterized by the maximum mass convergence in the boundary layer. The mass convergence is mainly caused by the deceleration of poleward ow in the boundary layer. When the ITCZ forms close to the equator, the ow in the boundary layer is a resultant of vector addition of three forces, a pressure gradient force in the north-south direction (i.e., the ow towards low pressure), a Coriolis force which acts in the east-west direction( perpendicular to the direction of the ow), and surface friction which opposes the resultant ow. When the ITCZ forms away from the equator a three way balance does not capture the dynamics of ow. As the poleward ow is accelerated towards low pressure, it has to advect a considerable amount of zonal momentum with it which acts to retard the poleward ow. This eect of advection of zonal momentum has to be included in the force balance to obtain an accurate estimate of the ow and associated convergence.
The ITCZ acts like a heat engine. The energy is gained near the surface, some energy is transported towards pole while some is utilized in driving the meridional circulation. The rest is rejected near the tropopause. The transport within the troposphere occurs through the vertical or horizontal advection of the energy due to vertical and horizontal motions respectively. Our analysis of the ITCZ suggests that; a large amount of transport occurs through horizontal motions that was neglected in the previous studies. The detailed analysis suggests that the latent energy in the form of mass of water vapor is exported out of the ITCZ at dierent levels in association with the multilevel ows. The equatorial and the o-equatorial ITCZ are dierent because, evaporation is larger in the o-equatorial ITCZ when compared to the equatorial ITCZ.
The ITCZ shows a strong sub-seasonal variability in its location in the Indian Ocean and the west Pacic Ocean during boreal summer. There are two favorable locations, one near the equator and another away from the equator, for formation of the ITCZ. The equatorial ITCZ either propagates abruptly or gradually to the o-equatorial location. A detailed analysis of moisture and momentum budget of the simulated abrupt and gradual propagations enabled us to separate the role of thermo-dynamic and dynamic processes. We found that, if the equatorial ITCZ would propa-gate abruptly or gradually to the o-equatorial location is decided by the availability of the water vapor in the boundary layer between the two locations of the ITCZ, i.e., by the thermodynamic processes. But, such a transition to the o-equatorial location is allowed only when the constraints imposed by the re-adjustment in the circulation are satised. In simple terms, these constraints emerge due to two processes.
1. The Earth (lower boundary of the atmosphere) spins at maximum eective radius near the equator. As a result, the atmosphere gains maximum angular momentum near the equator (`zonal momentum' in Cartesian co-ordinates) .
The ITCZ is one of the primary avenues to transport the zonal momentum from the lower troposphere to the upper troposphere.
When the favorable location of ITCZ is near the equator, the location of ITCZ and the location where atmosphere gains maximum zonal momentum are coincident. The ITCZ and associated meridional circulation transports the zonal momentum upwards which is then transported polewards. As the favorable location of ITCZ moves away from the equator, the two locations are die rent. As a result, the atmospheric ow has to re-adjust so that the zonal momentum is transported from the equator to the favorable location of the ITCZ which then transports it upwards and polewards.
In summary, this thesis proposes a new mechanism for the generation of shallow meridional circulation, the abrupt transition and the gradual propagations of the ITCZ.
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Structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet in NCAR CAM-3.1 GCMRao, Samrat January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the structure of the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) in a General Circulation Model (GCM). The TEJ is observed only during the Indian summer monsoon period and is strongest during July and August. The jet structure simulated by an atmospheric GCM (CAM-3.1) in July has been compared with reanalysis data. The simulated TEJ was displaced westward by ~ 25◦ when compared to observations. The removal of orography had no impact on the jet structure. This demonstrated that the Tibetan Plateau did not play an important role in the location and structure of the jet. The changes in cumulus scheme in the GCM had a large influence on the location of the jet maxima.
To examine the factors which control the location and structure of the jet, a series of experiments were conducted using an aqua-planet version of the model. The impact of different sea surface temperature (SST) profiles was studied. The rainfall in the GCM was primarily in the regions where the SST attained a maximum. By altering the location of SST maximum (and hence the rainfall maximum), the impact of location of rainfall maximum on the location and structure of the jet was studied. When the rainfall maximum was located close to the equator, it did not generate a strong jet but had an influence on the vertical structure of the jet. A large number of simulations were conducted with multiple rainfall maxima and the need for these was demonstrated since only then was the observed jet structure well simulated. Based on the simulations, it was concluded that the simulation of the TEJ by CAM-3.1 was unrealistic because of large unrealistic rainfall over Saudi Arabia in this GCM. Equatorial heating has been shown to be important to simulate proper jet structure. The zonal structure of the jet was also influenced by rainfall in the Pacific Ocean. Although the aqua-planet configuration of the CAM-3.1 GCM provided several useful insights, the simulation was not perfect on account of errors in the simulation of the temperature profile in the lower troposphere.
An ideal-physics configuration of the GCM was used. This removed the cumulus physics and instead imposed the observed heating pro-files. Both upper tropospheric friction and radiative-convective atmospheric temperatures were required to simulate the TEJ. The problems with the simulation of structure in the jet exit region was corrected by using radiative-convective atmospheric temperatures that were qualitatively similar to those observed in northern hemisphere summer time. The ideal-physics configuration reconfirmed that the Saudi Arabian rainfall was responsible for the westward shift of the TEJ in the simulations. The ideal-physics simulations showed that the simple analytical model proposed by Gillin1980 was not suitable for the simulation of TEJ.
The above the simulations indicate that a shift in the location of the jet is related to a shift in the rainfall pattern. Based on this insight one would expect that the jet location will be different in good and bad monsoon periods. This is indeed the case. In July 2002 the Indian monsoon failed after beginning well in June. In June the TEJ is consequently located west ward compared to July. The same situation prevails even in good and poor monsoon years. In a good monsoon year (July 1988) the jet maximum is located westward when compared to a bad monsoon year (July 2002). In this thesis we have clearly demonstrated the role of anomalous rainfall on the location of the TEJ.
This thesis has shown that an accurate simulation of the TEJ depends upon the accurate simulation of various rainfall centers that act as multiple heat sources in the atmosphere. The rainfall in the equatorial region does not influence the strength of the TEJ but alters the vertical structure of the jet. The strength the jet is dependent on the intensity of rainfall and the latitudinal distance from the equator. The complex vertical structure of the jet is not simulated by simple analytical models of the jet.
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Interação multi-escala entre o oceano e a atmosfera e a variabilidade de baixa frequência / Multiscale interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and the low frequency variabilityEnver Manuel Amador Ramirez Gutierrez 19 December 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho utiliza-se um m´etodo multi-escala para estudar de forma te´orica as intera¸coes nao lineares entre o oceano e a atmosfera atrav´es de ressonancia onda-onda. Desenvolve-se uma hierarquia de modelos acoplados oceano-atmosfera nao lineares que foram escalonados convenientemente para representar as principais escalas de variabilidade clim´atica (i.e., intrasazonal, interanual, e decenal). A enfase dos modelos desenvolvidos foi dado para a regiao tropical. As fontes de nao linearidade inclu´das no modelo sao de dois tipos: I) nao linearidade intr´nsica (advectiva) e II) nao linearidade relacionada com os termos da f´sica e ambas sao abordadas neste trabalho. Para obter as equa¸coes que regem a dinamica de intera¸coes ressonantes a partir da hierarquia de modelos acoplados, aplicou-se um m´etodo perturbativo multi-escala. As solu¸coes sao escritas em termos de solu¸coes de ordem dominante e solu¸coes seculares. Para as solu¸coes de ordem dominante e seculares utilizam-se as fun¸coes base do problema linear, em uma aproxima¸cao do tipo Galerkin. As propriedades das fun¸coes base permitem calcular de forma anal´tica os coeficientes de intera¸cao associados com os termos nao lineares, assim como tamb´em permitem projetar estes termos nos modos de oscila¸cao natural do sistema (ressonancia). Com este m´etodo obt´em-se modelos reduzidos que permitem determinar as contribui¸coes de diversos processos para a evolu¸cao em escala lenta de um determinado modo de variabilidade natural. Para aplicar estes conceitos ao problema de acoplamento oceano-atmosfera utiliza-se como Ansatz (hip´otese inicial para a solu¸cao do problema) um tripleto composto por duas ondas atmosf´ericas e uma onda oceanica, sendo uma onda de Kelvin e de Rossby na atmosfera e uma onda Kelvin no oceano. O tripleto escolhido representa uma aproxima¸cao de v´arios fenomenos encontrados na regiao tropical, e.g. o desenvolvimento do El Nino, a intera¸cao da oscila¸cao de Madden-Julian com o oceano, a intera¸cao entre el Nino e variabilidade intrasazonal. No presente trabalho ´e mostrado que existe a ressonancia envolvendo ondas atmosf´ericas e oceanicas e que a modula¸cao em baixa frequencia produto desta ressonancia pode afetar desde escalas r´apidas sin´oticas equatoriais, intrasazonais, interanuais e at´e variabilidade da ordem de dezenas de anos. Palavras chave: Dinamica Equatorial nao linear, Intera¸coes Ressonantes, Modelos Acoplados Oceano-Atmosfera, El Nino, Oscila¸cao de Madden Julian, Oscila¸coes Decenais (Decadal) / In the present work a multiscale method is used to study resonant nonlinear wave-wave interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. A hierarchy of coupled atmosphere-ocean models is developed using typical scalings found in the tropical region with the aim to represent some of the dominant modes of climate variability (intraseasonal, interannual and decadal). The sources of nonlinearity included into model are of two types: I) intrinsic nonlinearity (advective form) and II) nonlinearity related to physical terms. A multi-scale perturbation method is applied to obtain equations governing dynamics of ressonant interactions. The solutions are described in terms of dominant and secular solutions. For the dominant modes basis functions of the linear problem are used in a approximation of the Galerkin type. The properties of the basis functions allows the analytical computation of the interaction coefficients associated with non-linear terms and the projection into the natural oscillation modes of the system (resonance). Using this method it is possible to obtain reduced models to determine the contributions of several processes to the slow time evolution of a specific mode of natural variability. To apply these concepts to the problem of atmosphere-ocean coupling an Ansatz composed of a three waves (two atmospheric Rossby and Kelvin waves and an ocean Kelvin wave) is used. The triad chosen represents a aproximation of several phenomena found in the tropical region, e.g. desenvolving of El Nino, interaction of the Madden-Julian oscillation with the ocean, interaction between El Nino and intra-seasonal variability, etc. It is shown that system allows a resonance involving atmospheric and oceanic waves and that the low-frequency modulation resulting from these ressonance can affect the system from fast equatorial synoptic scales to decadal timescales, including the intermediate scales i.e., intraseasonal and interannual.
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Teleconnection, Modeling, Climate Anomalies Impact and Forecasting of Rainfall and Streamflow of the Upper Blue Nile River BasinElsanabary, Mohamed Helmy Mahmoud Moustafa Unknown Date
No description available.
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