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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La enseñanza de la literatura en un aula de español como lengua extranjera. Didáctica: "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" de Gabriel García Márquez

Abisambra, Ingrid 07 May 2016 (has links)
Within the communicative approach in teaching, we have the development of the four communicative skills of language: listening, writing, reading and speaking. Literature has never been seen as an integrating tool of these skills, however, recently there have been several attempts to give literature the importance it deserves. In the present work we will see how literature is not on one side of real life, but it is an integral part of it. It is language’s most creative and original expression with a legitimate place in a foreign language classroom, where the student can be faced, through the language it models, with the culture it represents. Teachers of Spanish as a Second Language, in their role as guides in the reading process, can extract from literature different linguistic and cultural skills that will benefit students, not only in their academic life, but also at a professional and social level.

La competencia sociopragmática en aprendices suecos de español como lengua extranjera: el caso de la Descortesía No Auténtica / The sociopragmatic competence in Swedish learners of Spanish as a foreign language: the case of Non-Genuine Impoliteness

Toledano Fernández, Alba María January 2013 (has links)
La presente investigación se establece en el ámbito de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera e integra el estudio de ciertos fenómenos abordados por la teoría de la cortesía. Se trata de un estudio de carácter investigativo cuyo propósito es determinar el nivel de competencia sociopragmática que demuestra un grupo experimental de hablantes de sueco L1 y español LE respecto a la Descortesía No Auténtica, en adelante DNA (Bernal, 2007). En este tipo de cortesía que implica dirigir insultos y/o términos con carga actitudinal convencionalmente negativa hacia el interlocutor, los factores contextuales intervienen haciendo que estos adquieran un fin afiliativo. Para ejemplificar este tipo de cortesía recurrimos al uso de materiales auténticos de tipo audiovisual, concretamente a seis secuencias extraídas de la serie de televisión española Los hombres de Paco, sobre las que nuestro grupo experimental nos mostrará sus percepciones por medio de una encuesta. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los informantes suecos, al no compartir los conocimientos propios de la comunidad española y aprender la lengua en un contexto formal (en el aula), no serán capaces de comprender en su totalidad el uso de esta DNA. En nuestro trabajo nos basamos en una metodología propia de la pragmática sociocultural (Bravo, 2009), lo que requiere la participación de un grupo de consultación de origen español con dos objetivos principales: que sus aportaciones confirmen el análisis introspectivo realizado por la investigadora y que ambos conjuntos de resultados sirvan de base para analizar las respuestas que ofrece el grupo experimental. Un análisis cualitativo de todas las respuestas proporcionadas nos permite concluir que el grupo sueco, si bien posee un nivel de competencia sociopragmática desarrollado respecto a la comprensión de la DNA, este es limitado a la hora de ponerla en práctica, por lo que su nivel sociopragmático no es totalmente equiparable al de los nativos de español. / The present research belongs to the field of Teaching Spanish as a foreign language and deals with the study of certain phenomena pertaining to the theory of politeness. This investigative study intends to determine the level of sociopragmatic competence demonstrated by an experimental group composed by Swedish native speakers who are also Spanish non-native speakers, regarding Non-Genuine Impoliteness (Bernal, 2007). In this type of politeness which involves to address towards the interlocutor insults and/or expressions that conventionally express a negative attitude, contextual factors take part making they get an affiliative aim. To illustrate with examples this type of politeness we recur to the use of authentic audiovisual materials, specifically to six sequences extracted from the Spanish TV series Los hombres de Paco. By means of a survey, our experimental group of students will demonstrate their perceptions of the sequences. We hypothesize that, as that our Swedish experimental group does not share the same knowledge of the Spanish-speech community and as they learn this foreign language in a formal environment (the classroom), they will not be able to understand the use of this NGI in its entirety. We base our investigation in a methodology directly pertaining to sociocultural pragmatics (Bravo, 2009), which requires the participation of a further Spanish consultative group of participants, with two main objectives in mind: that their contributions confirm the introspective analysis made by the researcher and that both sets of results serve as a basis for the analysis of the answers given by our student experimental group. A qualitative analysis of all the answers provided enables us to conclude that the Swedish group, although they possess a developed level of sociopragmatic competence regarding the understanding of the NGI, is still limited when it comes to putting it into practice, as their sociopragmatic level of competence is not entirely comparable to that of native Spanish speakers.

El inglés y el español - ¿asignaturas en igualdad de condiciones? : Diferencias en cuanto a la actitud, la percepción de habilidad y el input en el tiempo libre de los alumnos. / English and Spanish - Subjects on equal terms? : Differences in students´ perceived abilities, attitudes and input outside the classroom

Billqvist, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine various aspects of the difference between the acquisition of English and Spanish by Swedish learners in compulsory education and its causes. The two subjects have the same syllabus, with the difference that English studies start 3 years earlier, but studies of the competences of the Swedish students in these two languages (see f.ex. First European Survey of Language Competences, 2012)suggest that the gap between the languages is bigger than what could be expected and that there is an existing difference in attitude towards the two languages. The conclusion is that the predominance of English in the immediate environment of the surveyed students is considerable. The study has shown large differences between the input in English and Spanish. Students receive input in Spanish, communicate in Spanish and acquire knowledge of Spanish / Latin American cultures almost exclusively at school. On the other hand, they acquire knowledge, receive input and interact in English both in school and in their spare time. We also found considerable differences in attitudes towards the two languages and the perceived ability of the students. The Spanish is perceived as more difficult, less necessary, less fun and less useful in their future lives. New technologies create new platforms for communication that allow students to participate in interaction in the target language. This study shows that these situations occur mostly in English but also in Spanish, which in our opinion could be more used in teaching.

El uso de las redes sociales en el aula de ELE : Nuevos modos de aprender y de enseñar? / The use of social networks in the spanish as a foreign language classroom : New ways of learning and teaching?

Blomberg, Elsa Fabiola January 2012 (has links)
El objetivo que se persigue con esta tesina es mostrar un panorama didáctico efectivo del uso de diversas redes sociales y el correo electrónico para la adquisición del español como lengua extranjera. Se han realizado investigaciones teóricas en diversas fuentes literarias y un estudio empírico que ha arrojado datos interesantes. En este trabajo se exponen diversas aportaciones lingüísticas que dan soporte a nuestras cuatro propuestas didáctias que proponen actividades en las que se pretende la inmersión del alumno en la lengua meta de una manera auténtica y motivadora. A través de este trabajo podemos concluir que el involucrar las redes sociales en las lecciones de ELE con un uso responsable y enfocado, contribuiría a construir un entorno multicultural entre los alumnos que supere las barreras geográficas y culturales del idioma, donde podría fácilmente darse un aprendizaje mucho más efectivo. / The objective pursued with this essay is to show an efficient didactic way of how to use various social networks and e-mail in the acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language. Theoretical investigations have been conducted in various literary sources and an empirical study have been conducted that yielded interesting data. In this essay we describe various linguistic contributions that give support to our four didactic proposals in which we seek the student’s immersion in the target language in anauthentic and motivating way. With this investigation we can conclude that the responsible and focused use of the social networks in the Spanish as a foreign language lessons, contributes to building a multicultural environment among students that overcome the geographic and cultural barriers of language, which could easily make learning more efficient.

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