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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realistický model oblohy / Realistic Model of the Sky

Brtník, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The simulation of natural phenomena such as clouds, smoke, fire and water is one of the most important research areas in computer graphics. Clouds are an essential component of any outdoor virtual environment, they add an important element of visual detail without which the environment would feel unrealistic. This paper describes an approach for setting up a cloud simulation. Clouds in our system are modeled using cellular automaton. To accelerate the simulation and its visualization, we implement both  entirely on programmable floating-point graphics hardware. The main part of the algorithm is implemented in a fragment shader and therefore takes full advantage of the highly parallel structure. The algorithm can generate result at real-time or near real-time frame rates. We also simulate the interaction of clouds with light, including self-shadowing.

Techniky reprezentace pro evoluční návrh celulárních automatů / Representation Techniques for Evolutionary Design of Cellular Automata

Kovács, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to experimentally evaluate the performance of several distinct representations of transition functions for cellular automata. Cellular automata have many potential applications for simulating various phenomena (e.g. natural processes, physical systems, etc.). Parallel computation of cellular automata is based on local cell interactions. Such computation, however, may prove difficult to program the CA, which is the reason for applying evolutionary techniques for the design of cellular automata in many cases. Evolutionary algorithms, based on Darwin's theory of evolution, have been used to find human-competitive solutions to many problems. In order to perform the evolutionary design of cellular automata, special encodings of the candidate solutions are often necessary. For this purpose the performance testing of various representations of the transition functions will be investigated. In particular, table representation, conditionally matching rules, and genetic programming will be treated. The problem of square calculations in cellular automata will be considered as a case study.

Formální systémy automatů a gramatik / Formal Systems Based on Automata and Grammars

Čermák, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
Tyto teze navazují na studium gramatických a automatových systémů. Na začátku, práce pojednává o regulárně řízených CD gramatických systémech využívající frázově strukturované gramatiky jako komponenty. Do systémů jsou zavedena tři nová omezení na derivacích a je studován jejich vliv na vyjadřovací sílu těchto systémů. Poté, tato práce definuje dva automatové protějšky ke kanonickým multi-generatiním nonterminálem a pravi\-dlově synchronizovyným gramatickým systemům, generujících vektory řetězců, a ukazuje, že všechny tyto vyšetřované systemy si jsou vzájemně ekvivalentní. Dále táto práce tyto systémy zobecňuje a zakládá fundamentalní hierarchii n-jazyků (množin n-tic řetězců). V~souvislosti se zavedenými systémy tyto teze zavádí automatově-gramatický převodník založený na konečném automatu a bezkontextové gramatice. Tento převodník je pak studovaný a použitý jako nástroj přímého překladu. V~poslední části jsou v této práci zavedené automatové systémy jádrem pársovací metody založené na stromově řízených gramatikách s n omezenými cestami.

Modélisation multi-échelle parallélisée pour la prédiction de structures de grains dendritiques couplant les éléments finis, un automate cellulaire et un réseau de paraboles / Development of a parallel multi-scale model of dendritic growth coupling the FEM (Finite Element Method) and CAPTN (Cellular Automaton Parabolic Thick Needles)

Fleurisson, Romain 26 August 2019 (has links)
La modélisation multi-échelle des procédés de solidification présente un grand intérêt pour les industries. Toutefois, il est difficile de coupler les phénomènes prenant place à de multiples échelles pour obtenir des simulations quantitatives à grande échelle. Ceci est réalisé en combinant trois méthodes : les éléments finis (FE), un automate cellulaire (CA) et la méthode Parabolic Thick Needle(PTN). La méthode FE permet une résolution des équations de conservation écrites pour des quantités moyennées, ce qui est adapté aux calculs de grands domaines. Elle permet la description macroscopique des transferts de chaleur et de masse. De plus, la méthode CA permet de suivre le développement de l’enveloppe de chaque grain dendritique à une échelle mésoscopique. Le couplage de ces deux méthodes est le modèle CAFE et il a démontré son efficacité pour simuler quantitativement la solidification et notamment la transition colonnaire - équiaxe. Le Dendritic Needle Network (DNN) est une méthode mésoscopique introduite récemment. Celle-ci s’appuie sur la conservation de la masse de soluté à proximité des pointes dendritiques pour calculer avec précision leur cinétique de croissance. Comme cette méthode repose sur l’estimation directe du gradient de composition à l’interface solide/liquide, le régime de croissance n’est plus supposé stationnaire. Nous introduisons la méthode Parabolic Thick Needle PTN reprenant la méthode de croissance du DNN pour une pointe. Elle est implémentée avec une méthode des éléments finis pour résoudre le flux de soluté est largement validé par rapport aux résultats analytiques provenant de la solution d’Ivantsov. Le couplage du CAFE avec la cinétique de croissance provenant du PTN permet d’obtenir un modèle unique de solidification s’appuyant sur 3 échelles. La grille CA gère à la fois la forme des enveloppes des grains et les mécanismes de ramification. Le maillage FE est utilisé pour résoudre les problèmes de flux et de conservation de masse et d’énergie à la fois à l’échelle de la couche de soluté de la pointe et à l’échelle du domaine simulé. Ceci est rendu possible grâce à une stratégie de remaillage anisotrope multi-critères. Diverses simulations démontrent les capacités du modèle. Les pistes d’amélioration sont développées pour espérer, à terme, une simulation 3D d’expériences de laboratoire. / Multiscale modelling of solidification processes is of great interest for industries. However coupling the multiple scale phenomena to reach quantitative large simulations is challenging. This is achieved using a combination of three methods : the Finite Element (FE), the Cellular Automaton (CA) and the Parabolic Thick Needle (PTN). The FE method provides a solution of the conservation equations, written for volume average quantities, that is suitable for large domain size computations. It serves for macroscopic description of heat and mass transfers. Additionally, the CA method tracks the development of the envelope of each individual dendritic grain at a mesoscopic scale. The coupling of these two methods is the CAFE model and was demonstrated to provide efficient and quantitative simulations of the columnar-to-equiaxed transition for instance. The Dendritic Needle Network (DNN) is another mesoscopic method recently introduced. It uses solute mass balance considerations in the vicinity of the tip of the dendrites to compute accurately the growth kinetics. Because it relies on adirect estimation of the composition gradient at the solid-liquid interface, steady state growth regime is no longer assumed. We introduce the Parabolic Thick Needle (PTN) method inspired from the DNN’s computed growth idea for one dendritetip. Its implementation with a FE method to solve the solute flow is extensively validated against analytical results given by the Ivantsov solution. Coupling CAFE with PTN computed growth kinetics provides a unique solidification model. The CA grid handles both the shape of the grain envelopes and branching mechanisms. The FE mesh is used to solve flux and conservation of mass and energy at both the scale of the dendrite tip solute layer and the domain dimensions. It is possible thanks to adaptive remeshing strategies. Various simulations demonstrate the capabilities of the model. The improvement areas are being developed in order to hope, in the long term, for 3D simulation laboratory experiments.

Condensation et évaporation de l'hexane dans les membranes d'alumine poreuse / Condensation and evaporation of hexane in porous alumina membranes

Doebele, Victor 18 June 2019 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente une étude des mécanismes de condensation et d'évaporation dans des membranes d'alumine poreuse. Ce matériau poreux possède des pores quasi-cylindriques de taille nanométrique faiblement distribués en diamètres qui, contrairement à beaucoup d'autres milieux poreux, ne sont pas interconnectés. L'alumine poreuse est donc un milieu idéal pour sonder l'influence du confinement sur la condensation et l'évaporation à l'échelle du pore unique.La première partie discute mes résultats dans des membranes disposant de pores droits ouverts aux deux extrémités ou fermés d'un côté. Des mesures d'isothermes de sorption à l'hexane couplées à une étude originale du comportement optique des membranes pour sonder la répartition du liquide dans les pores, indiquent ces derniers ne sont pas parfaitement cylindriques, mais ont une forme conique et possèdent des corrugations marquées. En tenant compte de ces imperfections grâce à des simulations par automate cellulaire, j'ai pu reproduire numériquement les isothermes mesurées. Cet accord montre que la théorie de Saam & Cole décrit bien la condensation et l'évaporation dans un pore unique.La seconde partie met en évidence l'évaporation par cavitation dans les membranes d'alumine poreuse. Un protocole de synthèse spécifique m'a permis d'obtenir des membranes avec des pores en forme d'encrier. Dans ces dernières, j'ai systématiquement observé, optiquement et volumétriquement, une vidange brutale des pores à 0.33 Psat.Celle-ci correspond à la cavitation homogène de l'hexane dans les cavités des encriers, c'est-à-dire à la nucléation thermiquement activée d'une bulle de gaz sphérique dans le liquide sous tension. Il s'agit de la première observation directe d'un tel mécanisme d'évaporation dans des membranes poreuses. / This manuscript presents a study of condensation and evaporation mechanisms in porous alumina membranes. This porous material has almost cylindrical pores of nanometric diameter with a narrow pore size distribution. Unlike many other porous media, their pores are not interconnected. Porous alumina is therefore an ideal material to probe the effects of confinement on condensation and evaporation in a single pore.The first part discusses my results obtained on membranes with straight pores open at both extremities or closed at one side. Sorption isotherms using hexane coupled to an original study of the membranes optical behaviour allow us to probe the liquid distribution within the pores. The results show that our pores are not perfectly cylindrical but funnel shaped and present corrugations. I numerically reproduced the measured isotherms with a cellular automaton, which takes into account the pores defects. This agreement implies that condensation and evaporation in a single pore are properly described by Saam & Cole theory.The second part evidences evaporation by cavitation in porous alumina membranes. A specific synthesis protocol is used to produce membranes with ink-bottle shaped pores. These membranes undergo a systematic and sudden emptying at 0.33 Psat, as measured by the optic and volumetric signals. This is the signature of the homogeneous cavitation of the liquid contained inside the ink-bottles, i.e. the nucleation of a spherical gas bubble in a liquid under tension. This is the first direct observation of such an evaporation process in porous membranes.

Tumörspridning med artificiell evolution : Warburgeffekten och cancercellers metabolism

Näsström, David, Medhage, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att implementera en metod för att simulera cancerceller och skapa en ökad förståelse för hur Warburgeffekten, vilket är cancercellers användning av anaerob metabolism under aeroba förhållanden, påverkar cancerceller. Detta undersöks genom att simulera i en dator hur syrehalten påverkar andelen anaeroba cancerceller i en tumör och dess spridning. I studien undersöks fem olika syrenivåer. Simuleringen görs med en Cellular Automaton-modell och startar med ett mindre antal cancerceller i mitten av ett 200x200-rutnät, omgivna av friska celler. Cancercellerna och deras beslutsmekanismer modelleras med artificiella neurala nätverk och friska celler med fastställda regler. Cancercellerna kan vid delning muteras och ge upphov till nya beteenden som sedan blir en del av selektionsprocessen. Simuleringarna visar att cancercellerna, oberoende av syrehalten, sprider sig på ett likartat vis. Genom att vissa av cancercellerna övergår från aerob till anaerob metabolism så försurar cancertumören sin omgivning, vilket dödar friska celler. Syrehaltens påverkan på andelen anaeroba celler hos tumören visar sig ha betydelse, men det är främst hos den lägsta syrehalten en markant ökning av andelen anaeroba celler noteras. Noterbart är även att andelen anaeroba celler i den här studien, för alla syrehalter, är avsevärt lägre än de 60 % som påvisats i vissa studier av Warburgeffekten gjorda på levande celler.

Development of ABAQUS-MATLAB Interface for Design Optimization using Hybrid Cellular Automata and Comparison with Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization

Antony, Alen 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Topology Optimization is an optimization technique used to synthesize models without any preconceived shape. These structures are synthesized keeping in mind the minimum compliance problems. With the rapid improvement in advanced manufacturing technology and increased need for lightweight high strength designs topology optimization is being used more than ever. There exist a number of commercially available software's that can be used for optimizing a product. These software have a robust Finite Element Solver and can produce good results. However, these software offers little to no choice to the user when it comes to selecting the type of optimization method used. It is possible to use a programming language like MATLAB to develop algorithms that use a specific type of optimization method but the user himself will be responsible for writing the FEA algorithms too. This leads to a situation where the flexibility over the optimization method is achieved but the robust FEA of the commercial FEA tool is lost. There have been works done in the past that links ABAQUS with MATLAB but they are primarily used as a tool for finite element post-processing. Through this thesis, the aim is to develop an interface that can be used for solving optimization problems using different methods like hard-kill as well as the material penalization (SIMP) method. By doing so it's possible to harness the potential of a commercial FEA software and gives the user the requires flexibility to write or modify the codes to have an optimization method of his or her choice. Also, by implementing this interface, it can also be potentially used to unlock the capabilities of other Dassault Systèmes software's as the firm is implementing a tighter integration between all its products using the 3DExperience platform. This thesis as described uses this interface to implement BESO and HCA based topology optimization. Since hybrid cellular atomata is the only other method other than equivalent static load method that can be used for crashworthiness optimization this work suits well for the role when extended into a non-linear region.

Celulární automat v evolučním procesu / Cellular Automaton in Evolutionary Process

Hejč, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this master's theses it to focuse on the usage of genetic algorithms in combination with a technique of biologically inspired development in cellular automata. The principles of the proposed method is described. The main part of this work deals with the design of combinational logic circuits. The genetic algorithm is utilized to design a nonuniform one-dimensional cellular automaton (in particular, the local transition functions) which serves as a circuit generator. Experiments have been conducted to design of basic types of combinational circuits and polymorphic circuits. Finally, the results are presented and compared with the results obtained in the previous work in which a uniform cellular automaton was applied.

Aplikace hlubokých zásobníkových automatů v kompilátorech / Application of Deep Pushdown Automata in Compilers

Viktorin, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, I focus on the application of deep pushdown automatons in compilers, their composition in the parser, and the possibility of further recovery. Thanks to these automatons can carry out the expansion of the nonterminals in various depths and thus makes it possible to use other records of expressions.

Převody mezi regulárními gramatikami, regulárními výrazy a konečnými automaty / Mutual Transformations of Regular Grammars, Regular Expressions and Finite Automata

Podhorský, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
This work describes models of modern language theory - finite automata, regular grammars and regular expressions. A web application converting among these models is implemented.

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