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Cisaillement pariétal et tourbillons en écoulement Taylor-Couette / Wall velocity gradients and vortices in Taylor-Couette flowFaye, El Alioune 31 January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est une étude expérimentale permettant de mettre en évidence la cartographie générale de l’ensemble des états d’écoulement obtenus entre le régime laminaire de Couette et la turbulence. L’ensemble des expériences a été réalisé dans un dispositif appelé système Taylor-Couette (STC), composé de deux cylindres concentriques avec le cylindre intérieur tournant. Ces différentes instabilités (SPI, TVF, WVF, MWVF, TTVF), qui dépendent principalement du nombre de Taylor (Ta), seront obtenues avec ou sans débit axial dans le STC selon des protocoles d’analyse bien définis et nous notons que le nombre de Reynolds axial (Reax) a un effet de stabilisation de l’écoulement. Les vortex de Taylor toroïdaux, ondulés ou ondulés modulés, ont été caractérisés en termes de gradient pariétal de vitesse, de nombre d’ondes, de longueur d’ondes axiales et azimutales, de la vitesse de déplacement axial, de fréquence et de la vitesse de révolution ; la polarographie sera utilisée comme technique de mesure. La vitesse du cylindre intérieur (Ta) est essentiellement le seul phénomène agissant sur l’évolution de ces paramètres. L’utilisation de la sonde tri-segmentée dans la caractérisation des structures tourbillonnaires a contribué à la compréhension des mécanismes d’interaction vortex-paroi et à la détermination des composantes azimutale et axiale du gradient pariétal de vitesse. / This work is an experimental study to highlight general mapping of the set of states obtained from the Couette laminar flow to turbulence. All experiments were performed in a device called Taylor-Couette system (TCS) which consists of two concentric cylinders with the inner cylinder rotating. The flow regimes (SPI, TVF, WVF, MWVF, TTVF), which depend mainly on the Taylor number (Ta), were obtained with or without axial flow in the TCS according to well-defined experimental protocols. We noted that the axial Reynolds number (Reax) has astabilizing effect on the flow. Using electrodiffusion method and analysis of films, the toroidal Taylor vortices, wavy or wavy modulated flow, were characterized in terms of the wall velocity gradients, wave number, axial and azimuthal wavelength, the axial velocity of vortex displacement, and there frequencies. The Taylor number has substantial effect on the evolution of these parameters in the investigated range. The use of three-segment electrodiffusion has contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms of vortex-wall interaction and the determination of the azimuthal and axial components of the wall velocity gradient.
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DIVISÃO DE POLÍGONOS IRREGULARES DO ELIPSÓIDE BIAXIAL NA SUPERFÍCIE DA PROJEÇÃO AZIMUTAL EQUIVALENTE DE LAMBERT / Irregular polygon partitioning on the biaxial ellipsoid on the surface of the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projectionStanque, Edson Luis 03 October 2007 (has links)
This dissertation supplies the methodology of the measure (area) in the Earth model adopted for Geodesy. This model is the ellipsoid of revolution, in which the system of Cartesian coordinates, the curvilinear coordinate system and the polar coordinate system are described. The coordinate nature in the development of the surface measure calculation is discussed. The following demonstrations are illustrated: the ellipse equation, the eccentricity of the ellipse, the meridian section curvature radius equation, the meridian transversal section curvature radius equation and elliptic integral. It define algebraic geodesic line and geometrically. The juridical basis are the article 3º of Brazilian Federal Law 10.267/2001, which modify article 176 of the Brazilian Federal Law 6.015/1973 (Public Record Law) and adds to this article the paragraphs 3º and 4º, the paragraph 3º of article 225 of the Brazilian Law 6.015/1973 and the article 971 of the Código de Processo Civil (CPC), which require the coordinates of the corners of the real property on the Brazilian Geodetic System (SGB). The partitioning of the regular ellipsoid quadrilateral and the partitioning of the irregular ellipsoid quadrilateral located in the real property Pó de Serra is presented. To become this partitioning, it was used surface of the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection, i. e., the curvilinear geodetic coordinates in plane coordinates has been transformed. The surface partitioning was determined using the method area equation of the Gauss trapezes connected with the equation of the straight line. The direct problem of the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection and the inverse problem supply the methodology that become feasible the juridical exigence (articles 176 and 225 of Brazilian Federal Law 6.015/1973 and article 971 of the CPC). The methodology to the geodetic coordinates system with the purpose to calculate the partitioned areas of surface on the ellipsoid can be applied. The calculation of surface measure supplies the effective practice of the mencioned juridical basis. / O propósito deste trabalho é fornecer os fundamentos de cálculo de medida de superfície (área) no modelo de Terra adotado pela Geodésia. Esse modelo é o elipsóide de revolução ao qual se vincula o sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, o sistema de coordenadas curvilíneas e o sistema de coordenadas polares. Discute a natureza das coordenadas no desenvolvimento do cálculo da medida de superfície. Efetuam-se as seguintes demonstrações: equação da elipse, equação da excentricidade da elipse, equação do raio de curvatura da seção meridiana, equação do raio de curvatura da seção transversal meridiana e integral elíptica. Define linha geodésica algébrica e geometricamente. Apresentam-se os instrumentos legais que são o artigo 3º da Lei 10.267/2001, o qual altera o artigo 176, inciso II da Lei 6.015/1973 (Lei de Registros Públicos) e acrescenta a este artigo os parágrafos 3º e 4º, o parágrafo 3º do artigo 225 da Lei 6.015/1973 e o artigo 971 do Código de Processo Civil (CPC), os quais vinculam as coordenadas dos vértices do imóvel ao Sistema Geodésico Brasileiro (SGB). Efetuam-se a divisão do quadrilátero elipsóidico regular e também do quadrilátero elipsóidico irregular localizado na gleba Pó de Serra. Para se fazer esta divisão, usou-se a superfície da projeção azimutal equivalente de Lambert, ou seja, as coordenadas elipsóidicas curvilíneas foram transformadas em coordenadas planas desse sistema de projeção. A divisão destas superfícies foi efetuada pelo método da equação da área dos trapézios de Gauss em conjunto com a equação da reta. Os problemas direto e inverso da projeção azimutal equivalente de Lambert fornecem a metodologia que tornam exeqüíveis os dispositivos legais (artigos 176 e 225 da Lei 6.015/1973 e artigo 971 do CPC). A metodologia de cálculo proposto pode ser aplicada ao sistema de coordenadas geodésicas com a finalidade de calcular as áreas de uma divisão de superfície no elipsóide. Os fundamentos do cálculo de medida de superfície instrumentalizam o efetivo cumprimento dos dispositivos legais retrocitados.
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