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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anisotropia azimutal de elétrons de quarks pesados em colisões p-Pb no ALICE / Azimuthal anisotropy of electrons from heavy quarks in p--Pb collisions with ALICE

Zanoli, Henrique José Correia 14 February 2019 (has links)
Um novo estado, o Plasma Quark-Gluon (QGP), é formado quando a matéria comum formada por hadrons é submetida a condições extremas de temperatura e/ou densidade. Acredita-se que esse estado esteja presente nos primeiros momentos do universo e que seja relevante para entender propriedades da cromodinâmica quântica. O QGP é criado e caracterizado em aceleradores de partículas por meio de colisões de íons pesados. No entanto, uma estrutura alongada em psedorapidez (\\textit{double ridge}) na distribuição da correlação angular entre duas partículas foi encontrada em sistemas pequenos, como pp e p--Pb. Essa estrutura assemelha-se àquela observada nas colisões com íons pesados, onde sua interpretação está ligada ao comportamento coletivo que gera uma anisotropia azimutal nos produtos finais das colisões. Essa estrutura não era esperada em sistemas pequenos e sua interpretação física ainda está em debate, em particular no que diz respeito ao papel da hidrodinâmica e das condições iniciais. Uma medida para este efeito com partículas provenientes de quarks pesados ainda não haviam sido realizadas no momento em que este trabalho foi iniciado e esta medida poderia esclarecer questões sobre as diferentes interpretações. Os quarks pesados são uma sonda interessante caso o QGP seja formado devido ao seu tempo de formação inicial, reagindo a toda a evolução do meio. Neste trabalho, os quarks pesados são estudados medindo-se os elétrons provenientes dos decaimentos semi-leptônicos de hádrons que contêm quarks \\textit{charm} ou \\textit{beauty} e outros quarks leves (\\textit{open heavy flavor}). Os hadrons não são reconstruídos e usa-se um método de extração de sinal para remover elétrons de outras fontes. As correlações angulares de elétrons de decaimento de hadrons de quarks pesados com partículas carregadas em colisões de p--Pb a $\\sqrt{s_{m NN}}$ = 5,02 TeV medidos com o experimento ALICE em rapidez central ($ | \\eta | <0,8 $) são apresentadas. As distribuições mostram sinais de anisotropias azimutais que são quantificadas pelo coeficiente $ v_2 $. O $ v_2 $ para elétrons provenientes de quarks pesados é positivo com mais de $ 5 \\sigma $ de significância, fornecendo uma forte indicação de anisotropias azimutais similares ao \\textit{double ridge} para partículas contendo quarks pesados em colisões de alta multiplicidade de p--Pb. Esta é a primeira medida do $ v_2 $ para elétrons vindos de quarks pesados em colisões p--Pb. / A new state of mater, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), is formed when the ordinary hadronic matter is put under extreme temperature and/or density conditions. This state is believed to be present in the first moments of the universe and it is relevant to understand properties of the quantum chromodynamics. The QGP is created and characterized in particle accelerators by colliding heavy ions. However, a double-ridge long-range structure in the two-particle azimuthal correlation distribution was found in small systems, such as pp and p--Pb. This structure resembles the one observed in heavy-ion collisions, where its interpretation is linked to collective behavior that generates an azimuthal anisotropy in the final products of the collisions. This structure was not expected in small systems and its physical interpretation is still in debate, in particular regarding the role of hydrodynamics and initial conditions. A measurement for this effect with particles coming from heavy quarks was not done by the time this work started and this measurement could shed light into the different interpretations. Heavy quarks are an interesting probe in case the QGP is formed due to their early formation time, experiencing the whole evolution of the medium. In this work, heavy quarks are examined by measuring electrons originating from the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons that contain a heavy quark (charm or beauty) and other light quarks (open heavy flavor). The hadrons are not reconstructed and a signal extraction method is used to remove electrons from other sources. The azimuthal angular correlations of heavy-flavour hadron decay electrons with charged particles in p--Pb collisions at $\\sqrt{s_{m NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV measured with ALICE detector at mid-rapidity ($|\\eta| < 0.8$) are studied. The distributions show signs of azimuthal anisotropies which are quantified by the $v_2$ coefficient. The $v_2$ for heavy-flavor electrons is found to be positive with more than $5\\sigma$ significance, providing very strong indication of long-range azimuthal anisotropies for heavy-flavour particles in high multiplicity p--Pb collisions. This is the first measurement of the $v_2$ for electrons coming from heavy-flavor hadron decays in p--Pb collisions.

Rétrodiffusion micro-onde par la surface océanique en incidence élevée : approche conjointe expérimentale et théorique / Microwave backscattering from the sea surface at large incidence angles : a joint theoretical and experimental approach

Guerraou, Zaynab 26 September 2017 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de données satellitaires et aéroportées acquises dans le domaine micro-ondes sur la surface demer est aujourd’hui disponible. L’interprétation correcte de ces observations dépend d’une part de la précision desmodèles de diffusion électromagnétiques, et d’une autre part de la maîtrise des propriétés hydrodynamiques etstatistiques de la surface. Ces dernières années ont connu une amélioration considérable des modèlesélectromagnétiques et spectraux. Cependant, certains phénomènes sont encore mal compris et non pris en comptepar ces modèles. En particulier, la variation angulaire de la surface de mer est à ce jour non totalement caractériséeet modélisée. Ce travail de thèse concerne l’étude de cette variation azimutale et des asymétries directionnelles de lasurface de mer. Une première étape consiste à effectuer une analyse expérimentale en se basant sur les données dela littérature mais également sur d’autres jeux de données acquises par l’ONERA et le DSTO. Cette analysepermettra de caractériser les asymétries directionnelles en fonction de la géométrie d’observation, l’état de mer et lafréquence électromagnétique. Une seconde étape consiste à proposer des mécanismes physiques pouvant être àl’origine des asymétries directionnelles. L’asymétrie upwind-crosswind étant essentiellement liée à la fonctiond’étalement du spectre directionnel, notre étude théorique a principalement porté sur la caractérisation del’asymétrie upwind-downwind. Nous étudions l’influence de la prise en compte des formes déferlantes, initialementà travers des formes simples de vagues fortement asymétriques, et ensuite à travers une distribution de pentesexpérimentale prenant en compte ces formes de vagues. Les asymétries obtenues par un modèle deux-échellesprenant en compte ces formes de vagues sont en accord qualitatif avec les asymétries observées pour les bandes defréquences X et L. Une étape supplémentaire consiste ensuite à calculer les asymétries obtenues par un code dediffusion rigoureux sur des profils numérisés d’une expérience en soufflerie et permet la validation des résultatsobtenus avec un modèle deux-échelles. / An increasing number of airborne and spaceborne data acquired in the microwave regime on the sea surface is nowavailable. The appropriate interpretation of these observations depends on the precision of the electromagneticscattering models as well as the knowledge of hydrodynamic and statistical properties of the sea surface. Aconsiderable improvement has been realized in electromagnetic and spectral models in the recent years. However,some phenomena are still poorly understood and not correctly taken into account in these models. In particular, theangular variation of the sea surface is still not totally characterized and modeled. This PhD work concerns the studyof this azimuthal variation and the related directional asymmetries. A first step consists in carrying out anexperimental analysis based on data of the literature and other datasets acquired by ONERA and DSTO. Thisanalysis enables the characterization of the directional asymmetries with respect to acquisition geometry, sea stateand electromagnetic frequency. A second step consists in suggesting and testing physical mechanisms that may beat the origin of these directional asymmetries. As the upwind-crosswind asymmetry is essentially related to thespreading function of the directional spectrum, our theoretical study focused on the study of the upwind-downwindasymmetry. We investigate the influence of the presence breaking waves, initially through simple forms of stronglyasymmetric waves, and then through an experimental slope distribution including these wave forms. Theasymmetries obtained by a two-scale model taking into account these wave forms are in qualitative agreement withthe asymmetries observed at X and L bands. A further step consists in calculating the asymmetries using a rigorousmodel on digitized wind tank experiment profiles and allows the validation of the results previously obtained usinga two-scale model.

Étude théorique et numérique des effets de brisures de symétrie sur les modes thermo-acoustiques azimutaux dans les chambres annulaires / Theoretical and numerical study of symmetry breaking effects on azimuthal thermoacoustic modes in annular combustors

Bauerheim, Michaël 01 December 2014 (has links)
Une large gamme de problèmes physiques, des petites molécules aux étoiles géantes, contiennent des symétries de rotation et sont sujets à des oscillations azimutales ou transverses. Quand cette symétrie est rompue, le système peut devenir instable. Dans cette thèse, les brisures de symétries sont étudiées dans les chambres de combustion annulaires, sujettes à des instabilités thermo-acoustiques azimutales. En premier lieu, deux types de brisures sont obtenus analytiquement : la première en répartissant des bruleurs différents le long de la chambre et la seconde provoquée par le champ moyen lui-même. Ces ruptures de symétries entraînent une séparation des fréquences, fixe la structure du mode et peut déstabiliser le système. De plus, une approche Quantification d’Incertitudes (UQ) permet d’évaluer l’effet de la rupture de symétries provoquée par les incertitudes sur la description ou le comportement des flammes. Pour compléter cette théorie, des Simulations aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) sont réalisées sur un mono-secteur ainsi que sur une configuration complète 360° de l’expérience annulaire de Cambridge. Les résultats numériques sont comparés aux données expérimentales et montrent un bon accord. En particulier, un mode instable à 1800 Hz croît dans les deux cas. Cependant, la SGE, limitée par son coût important, ne permet pas l’étude du cycle limite s’établissant après plusieurs centaines de millisecondes. Pour pallier à ce problème, une nouvelle approche, appelée AMT, est développée : les résultats d’une théorie ou d’un solveur acoustique sont injectés dans une simulation SGE. Cette approche permet d’étudier les brisures de symétries, la nature et la dynamique des modes acoustiques, ainsi que d’évaluer l’amortissement dans des configurations réalistes. / A large range of physical problems, from molecules to giant stars, contains rotating symmetry and can exhibit azimuthal waves or vibrations. When this symmetry is broken, the system can become unstable with chaotic behaviors. Symmetry breaking is investigated in annular combustors prone to azimuthal thermo-acoustic instabilities. First, theories reveal that two types of symmetry breaking exist : due to different burner types distributed along the chamber or due to the flow itself . It leads to frequency splitting, fixes the mode structure and can destabilize the configuration. A UQ analysis is also performed to quantify the symmetry breaking effect due to uncertainties of flame descriptions or behaviors. To complete theory, Large Eddy Simulations are performed on a single-sector as well as on a complete 360° configuration of the annular experiment of Cambridge. Numerical results are compared to experimental data showing a good agreement. In particular, an unstable azimuthal mode at 1800 Hz grows in both LES and experiment. However, LES cannot investigate the limit cycle because of its extreme cost. To tackle this problem, a new methodology is developed, called AMT, where theory or Helmholtz solver predictions are injected into LES or DNS. This method allows to study symmetry breaking, mode nature and dynamics as well as evaluating damping in realistic annular configurations.

Bedrock Anisotropy at Sycamore Farms: An Investigation Using Azimuthal Resistivity and Electromagnetic Induction

Kessler, Cody M. 12 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Evanescent and Plasmonic Sensing Using Linear and Radial Polarization Modes in Tapered Microfibers

Idehenre, Ighodalo U. 29 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Ghimire, Navagyan, 0000-0001-9694-1654 05 1900 (has links)
At leading twist, the spin structure of the nucleon is described by three fundamental parton distribution functions (PDFs): unpolarized PDFs (f_1 (x)), helicity PDFs (g_1 (x)), and transversity PDFs (h_1^q (x)). Unlike f_1 (x) and g_1 (x), h_1^q (x) is a chiral-odd function that must couple with another chiral-odd function to manifest in experimentally observable chiral-even physical quantities such as cross-sections or asymmetries. Due to its chiral-odd nature, h_1^q (x) remains inaccessible in inclusive deep inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments, where f_1 (x) and g_1 (x) garner a larger amount of experimental data to constrain them, hence making h_1^q (x) one of the least constrained fundamental PDFs. In the Standard Model, only a few channels exist where h_1^q (x) couples with another chiral-odd function. The production of di-hadron in the final state from transversely polarized pp collisions represents one of the theoretically cleanest channels, where h_1^q (x) couples with another chiral-odd distribution function known as the interference fragmentation function (IFF, H_1^∢ (z,M_h^2)) and gives experimentally observable di-hadron azimuthal correlation asymmetry (A_UT^sin⁡(φ_RS ) ). This thesis work presents the most precise measurement, to date, of the di-pion A_UT^sin⁡(φ_RS ) in the mid-pseudorapidity region (-1 <η<1) using STAR 2017 transversely polarized pp data at a center-of-mass energy (√s) of 500 GeV. In 2017, STAR collected a dataset of 350 pb^(-1), approximately 15 times larger than the previous STAR 2011 dataset. Consequently, this new dataset improves the statistical precision of A_UT^sin⁡(φ_RS ) by a factor of 4, which will contribute significantly to constraining the h_1^q (x) in the global analyses.¬ / Physics

A Broad View on the Interpretation of Electromagnetic Data (VLF, RMT, MT, CSTMT) / En bred syn på Tolkning av Elektromagnetiska Data (VLF, RMT, MT, CSTMT)

Oskooi, Behrooz January 2004 (has links)
The resolution power of single Very Low Frequency (VLF) data and multi-frequency Radiomagnetotelluric (RMT) data in delineating conductive structures typical for the sedimentary cover and crystalline basement in Scandinavia is studied with a view to future developments of the technique to increasing the frequency range into the LW radio band. Airborne and ground VLF data are interpreted and correlated with RMT measurements made on the ground to better understand the resolution power of VLF data. To aid in this understanding single and multifrequency VLF and RMT responses for some typical resistivity structures are analyzed. An analytic model is presented for obtaining unique transfer functions from measurements of the electromagnetic components on board an air-plane or on the ground. Examples of 2D inversion of ground and airborne VLF profiles in Sweden are shown to demonstrate the quantitative interpretation of VLF data in terms of both lateral and depth changes of the resistivity in the uppermost crust. Geothermal resources are ideal targets for Electromagnetic (EM) methods since they produce strong variations in underground electrical resistivity. Modelling of Magnetotelluric (MT) data in SW Iceland indicates an alteration zone beneath the surface, where there are no obvious geothermal manifestations, in between Hengill and Brennisteinsfjoll geothermal systems. It suggests that a hydrothermal fluid circulation exists at depth. It also proves that the MT method, with its ability to map deep conductive features can play a valuable role in the reconnaissance of deep geothermal systems in active rift regimes such as in Iceland. A damped nonlinear least-squares inversion approach is employed to invert Controlled Source Tensor MT (CSTMT) data for azimuthal anisotropy in a 1D layered earth. Impedance and tipper data are inverted jointly. The effects of near-surface inhomogeneities are parameterized in addition to each layer parameter(s). Application of the inversion algorithm to both synthetic and field data shows that the CSTMT method can be used to detect azimuthal anisotropy under realistic conditions with near surface lateral heterogeneities.

A Broad View on the Interpretation of Electromagnetic Data (VLF, RMT, MT, CSTMT) / En bred syn på Tolkning av Elektromagnetiska Data (VLF, RMT, MT, CSTMT)

Oskooi, Behrooz January 2004 (has links)
<p>The resolution power of single Very Low Frequency (VLF) data and multi-frequency Radiomagnetotelluric (RMT) data in delineating conductive structures typical for the sedimentary cover and crystalline basement in Scandinavia is studied with a view to future developments of the technique to increasing the frequency range into the LW radio band. Airborne and ground VLF data are interpreted and correlated with RMT measurements made on the ground to better understand the resolution power of VLF data. To aid in this understanding single and multifrequency VLF and RMT responses for some typical resistivity structures are analyzed. An analytic model is presented for obtaining unique transfer functions from measurements of the electromagnetic components on board an air-plane or on the ground. Examples of 2D inversion of ground and airborne VLF profiles in Sweden are shown to demonstrate the quantitative interpretation of VLF data in terms of both lateral and depth changes of the resistivity in the uppermost crust.</p><p>Geothermal resources are ideal targets for Electromagnetic (EM) methods since they produce strong variations in underground electrical resistivity. Modelling of Magnetotelluric (MT) data in SW Iceland indicates an alteration zone beneath the surface, where there are no obvious geothermal manifestations, in between Hengill and Brennisteinsfjoll geothermal systems. It suggests that a hydrothermal fluid circulation exists at depth. It also proves that the MT method, with its ability to map deep conductive features can play a valuable role in the reconnaissance of deep geothermal systems in active rift regimes such as in Iceland.</p><p>A damped nonlinear least-squares inversion approach is employed to invert Controlled Source Tensor MT (CSTMT) data for azimuthal anisotropy in a 1D layered earth. Impedance and tipper data are inverted jointly. The effects of near-surface inhomogeneities are parameterized in addition to each layer parameter(s). Application of the inversion algorithm to both synthetic and field data shows that the CSTMT method can be used to detect azimuthal anisotropy under realistic conditions with near surface lateral heterogeneities.</p>

Large Eddy Simulation of thermoacoustic instabilities in annular combustion chambers / Simulation aux Grandes Echelles des instabilités thermoacoustiques dans les chambres de combustion annulaires

Wolf, Pierre 21 November 2011 (has links)
La conception des turbines à gaz est aujourd'hui contrainte par des normes d'émissions de plus en plus draconiennes, couplées à l'urgente nécessité d'économiser les ressources en carburant fossile. Les choix technologiques adoptés pour répondre à ces exigences entraînent parfois l'apparition d'instabilités de combustion. Dans les chambres de combustion annulaires, ces instabilités prennent souvent la forme de modes azimutaux. Prédire ces modes reste un défi à l'heure actuelle et impose de considérer la totalité de la géométrie annulaire, ce qui n'est rendu possible, dans le domaine de la simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides, que par l'avènement très récent des supercalculateurs massivement parallèles. Dans ce travail de thèse, les modes azimutaux pouvant apparaître dans les chambres de combustion annulaires sont abordés avec plusieurs approches: un modèle analytique 1D, un solveur acoustique de Helmholtz 3D et enfin des Simulations aux Grandes Echelles. Combiner ces méthodes permet une meilleure compréhension de la structure de ces modes et peut amener à considérer des solutions innovantes pour concevoir des chambres inconditionnellement stables. / Increasingly stringent regulations and the need to tackle rising fuel prices have placed great emphasis on the design of aeronautical gas turbines. This drive towards innovation has resulted sometimes in new concepts being prone to combustion instabilities. Combustion instabilities arise from the coupling of acoustics and combustion. In the particular field of annular combustion chambers, these instabilities often take the form of azimuthal modes. To predict these modes, one must consider the full combustion chamber, which, in the numerical simulation domain, remained out of reach until very recently and the development of massively parallel computers. In this work, azimuthal modes that may develop in annular combustors are studied with different numerical approaches: a low order model, a 3D Helmholtz solver and Large Eddy Simulations. Combining these methods allows a better understanding of the structure of the instabilities and may provide guidelines to build intrinsically stable combustion chambers.

Aplikace deskriptivní geometrie v kartografii / Descriptive geometry applications in cartography

Vlčková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Title: Descriptive geometry applications in cartography Author: Jana Vlčková Department: Department of Mathematics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Vlasta Moravcová, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics Education Abstract: This thesis is focused on constructions of geographic nets in maps and serves as a base for studies and teaching for teachers and students of secondary schools or universities, which are focused on the cartography field. The thesis contains seven chapters, the first of which describes basic terms used in the thesis. Other chapters deal with the analysis of chosen cartography projections, whereas first three chapters concerns with the projection of the globe into a plane, another two chapters concerns with a cylindrical surface and the last one concerns with a conical surface. Constructive tasks, which serve for practising the subject matter, are enclosed for each chapter. Key words: cartographic projection, azimuthal projection, ortographic projection, gno- monic projection, stereographic projection, cylindrical projection, conical projection 1

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