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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Epidemiologie und Outcome bei Patienten mir Rückenschmerzen im Netzwerk Schmerzzentrum Tutzing / Edipemiology and outcome in patiens with backpain at the network paincenter Tutzing

Mehl, Anna Karina 18 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Razlike u izokinetičkim parametrima natkolene muskulature u odnosu na bol u leđima / Differences in isokinetic parameters of thigh muscules in relations to back pain

Golik-Perić Dragana 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Bol je subjektivno, neprijatno opažanje i osećaj. Čovek često oseća bol u delu tela koji<br />je znatno udaljen od mesta nastanka bola. U istraživanju je primenjena transverzalna<br />metoda, jednokratnog merenja. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 136 ispitanika, aktivnih<br />fudbalera, starosti 18-35 (20.49&plusmn;3.73) godina. Sva merenja su vr&scaron;ena od 2006. do<br />2016.godine. Ispitanici su ispunili anketu o postojanju bola u leđima, pre samog<br />početka testiranja, gde su intenzitet bolnosti subjektivno procenili Rolandovom skalom<br />bola). Celokupan uzorak je stratifikovan proporcionalnom tehnikom u pet grupa na<br />osnovu subjektivnog osećaja bola u leđima. Multivarijantnom metodom varijanse<br />utvrđivane su razlike na generalnom sistemu uzorkovanih varijabli, prilikom čega je<br />ustanovljeno da postoji statistički značajna razlika između navedenih grupa ispitanika<br />podeljenih na osnovu subjektivnog osećaja bola u leđima u izokinetičkim varijablama<br />koje su uzete u obzir ovim istraživanjem dok su Univarijantnom analizom varijanse<br />utvrđene razlike u pojedinačnim varijablama. Iz navedenih empirijskih saznanja i<br />relevantnih podataka iz stručne literature dobija se uvid u faktore koji utiču na bolno<br />stanje određene regije, disfunkciju i slabost pojedinih mi&scaron;ićnih grupa, uticaj pojedinih<br />mi&scaron;ićnih grupa na druge, kao i poremećaj u kinetičkom lancu lokomotornog aparata<br />kod fudbalera. Samo istraživanje ukazuju na značaj i potrebu da se standardizuju<br />protokoli i konstrui&scaron;u odgovarajući algoritmi za komparativnu sistematizaciju varijabli<br />dobijenih specifičnim ispitivanjima izokinetičkom dinamometrijom kod ispitanika koji<br />se bave timskim sportom sa loptom (fudbal, kosarka, rukomet i dr). Dobijeni podaci<br />poslužiće jednim delom kao deo monitoringa sportskog treninga, kao i efekata<br />različitih trenažnih protokola na parametre mi&scaron;ićne snage kod fudbalera. Sportskomedicinski značaj na polju testiranja parametara mi&scaron;ićne snage izokinetičkom<br />dinamometrijom se ogleda u prevenciji sportskih povreda ili u brzoj i efikasnoj<br />dijagnostici i terapiji istih, &scaron;to značajno utiče na ekonomski aspekt, s obzirom da je<br />profesionalni sport postao visoko komercijalizovan.</p> / <p>Pain is a subjective, uncomfortable perception and feeling. Human often feels<br />pain in the part of the body that is significantly away from the place of origin of pain.<br />The transversal method was performed during study, with a one-time measurement.<br />The study included 136 subjects, active players, ages 18-35 (20:49 &plusmn; 3.73) years. All<br />measurements were carried out from 2006 to 2016. Before the start of the test,<br />examinee completed the survey on the existence of back pain, where the intensity of<br />the pain was subjectively assessed according to Roland pain scale. The entire sample was stratified by proportional technique into five groups, based on the subjective experience of back pain. Multivariate variance method for detection of differences in the general system of sampled variables, during which it was established that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups of examinee, who were divided on the basis of subjective experience of back pain of the isokinetic variables that are taken into account in this study while the univariate analysis of variance determined differences in the individual variables. From the empirical findings above and relevant information from technical literature, an insight was obtained into the factors that influence the painful condition of a particular region, dysfunction and weakness of certain muscle groups, the impact of certain muscle groups on others, as well as the disruption in the kinetic chain of the locomotor apparatus. The research highlights the importance of and the need to standardize protocols and construct appropriate algorithms for comparative systematization of variables obtained by isokinetic dynamometry specific trials in subjects who are engaged in team sports with a ball (football, basketball, handball, etc.). The data will serve partially as part of the monitoring of sports training, as well as the effects of various parameters of training protocols on muscle strength in football. Sports and medical significance in the field of testing parameters with isokinetic muscle strength dynamometry is reflected in the prevention of sports injuries or in the quick and efficient diagnosis and treatment of the same, which significantly affects the economic aspect, considering that professional sport has become highly commercialized.</p>

Patienters erfarenheter av att leva med långvarig ryggsmärta. En litteraturöversikt. / Patient´s experiences of living with chronic back pain. A literature review.

Bylund, Frida, Fjällborg, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund : Långvarig ryggsmärta är ett av de vanligaste hälsoproblemen och en av de vanligaste orsakerna till kontakt med primärvården. Långvarig ryggsmärta medför stora samhällsekonomiska kostnader, men också kostnader i form av mänskligt lidande. Långvarig ryggsmärta går inte alltid att förklara utifrån patofysiologi och kliniska fynd. Detta leder många gånger till uteblivna diagnoser och försämrade förutsättningar till behandling och hanteringsstrategier. Med den här litteraturöversikten avsågs att skapa en djupare förståelse för helheten genom att fånga upp individuella erfarenheter av att leva med långvarig ryggsmärta. Syfte : Att sammanställa kunskap om patienters erfarenheter av att leva med långvarig ryggsmärta. Metod : Litteraturöversikt Resulta t Fem huvudkategorier framkom i resultatet; fysisk påverkan, psykisk påverkan, sociala aspekter, religiösa och kulturella aspekter, samt erfarenheter kring bemötandet av sjukvården. Fysisk påverkan utgjorde hinder för vardagssysslor och livet blev tvunget att formas och anpassas efter smärtan. Anpassningen kunde leda till förändrad självbild och möjligheterna till socialt umgänge begränsades. Psykisk ohälsa var den erfarenhet som i störst utsträckning återfanns i resultatet, och då främst i form av depression och ångest. Familj, arbetsplats och religiös övertygelse visade sig ha ett stort inflytande över hur möjligheterna till att hantera smärtan påverkades. Känslan av att inte bli betrodd stärkte den psykiska ohälsan och bidrog till försämrade möjligheter att hantera smärtan. Slutsats: Lidande bör bemötas, bekräftas och förstås utifrån sin helhet. Resultatet från den här studien skulle kunna bidra med en ökad förståelse och ge en djupare insikt i hur drabbade patienter upplever sin smärta, situation och omgivning. Kunskapen skulle kunna gagna sjuksköterskan i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. / Background : Chronic back pain is one of the most common health problems and one of the most common causes of contact with primary care. Chronic back pain causes great socio-economic costs, but also costs in terms of human suffering. Chronic back pain cannot always be explained by pathophysiology and clinical findings, which often leads to missing diagnoses, impaired conditions for treatment and management strategies. The nurse in her health promotion has the task of relieving suffering, to enable this, suffering needs to be met, affirmed and understood as a whole. This literature review aimd to creating a deeper understanding of the whole by capturing individual experiences of living with chronic back pain. Aim: To compile knowledge about patient’s experiences of living with chronic back pain. Method: A literature review. Results: Five main categories emerged from the result; physical influence, psychological influence, social aspects, religious and cultural aspects, as well as experiences regarding the treatment of health care. Physical influences constituted barriers to everyday activities and life was forced to be shaped and adapted to the pain. The adaptation could lead to changed self-image and the opportunities for social interaction were limited. Mental illness was the experience that was found to the greatest extent in the result, and mainly in the form of depression and anxiety. Family, workplace and religious conviction turned out to have a great influence on how the chances of managing the pain were affected. The feeling of not being trusted strengthened the mental illness and contributed to worsening opportunities to deal with the pain. Conclusion: Suffering should be met, confirmed and understood on the basis of its entirety. The result of this study could contribute to an increased understanding and provide a deeper insight into how affected patients experience their pain, situation and environment. The knowledge could benefit the nurse in the health-promoting work.

A Survey of perceived disability and contributing risk factors to work-related low back pain amongst nurses in Rwanda

Ndagijimana, Pierre Claver January 2011 (has links)
<p>Nursing is worldwide regarded as a high risk occupation for the development of work-related low back pain (WRLBP). LBP is one of the most common causes of disability, creating an important socio-economic problem in modern society. Studies report that more than 80% of&nbsp / workers suffer from WRLBP once in their occupational lives. Among nurses, the lifetime prevalence has been found to be higher, varying up to 90% of a nursing population. The current study aimed at determining the prevalence, perceived disability and contributing/risk factors to WRLBP among nurses in Rwanda, identifying the perceived contributing risk factors of WRLBP and intervention strategies received by those nurses. A descriptive quantitative cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling was used to gather data with a self-administered questionnaire on a sample of 226 nurses. The study population included all registered nurses of Kabgayi District Hospital and Nyanza District Hospitals and their respective health centers. To be included, the nurses had to have suffered from WRLBP during the previous 6 months before data collection. The Nordic Back Pain Questionnaire, the Oswestry Disability Index and an open-ended questionnaire regarding perceived risk factors have been used. Descriptive statistics to summarize data and inferential statistics such as chisquare test to test the relationship between different variables of the study have been studied at 5% levels. Correlation coefficients in terms of cross-tabulation were also studied at 1% level of significance. The current study highlights one-month prevalent rates of 70.4%, and one-week prevalent rates of 54.4%. WRLBP among nurses has been found to be significantly associated with gender according to the p-value of 0.007 among the studied variables, and good correlation coefficients between disability scores, together with the length of WRLBP and BMI with 0.0001, 0.0030 respectively. Nurses in the current study reported WRLBP as a result of a wide range of factors related to their work, manual handling being the major physical work activity exposing them to WRLBP. The perceived risk factors for WRLBP reported in this study were classified into 4 categories. The first category included work positional factors such as standing, sitting, bending, and awkward work postures. The second group included work-related nursing tasks such as lifting patients and items at work, repositioning and transferring patients, bed making, washing patients, and many others. In the third group, psychosocial factors like poor relationship with colleagues, work pressure and reduced job satisfaction have been listed. Finally, some non-occupational factors such as aging, pregnancy, menstruation, history of back pain, being female and body built have also been perceived as contributing factors to WRLBP. The Oswestry Disability Index demonstrated a mild to moderate disability due to WRLBP in this group of nurses. WRLBP has a negative impact in health services due to activity limitation, lost time and lowered productivity. The study concludes that nurses must be protected from ergonomic work stressors, and improvement of awareness of&nbsp / urses with regards to ergonomic stressors seems to be crucial. However, an effort by different parties concerned with the problem at all levels in Rwanda is needed. The government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Health in particular, will be recommended to put strategies in place for the management, reduction and prevention of WRLBP amongst health workers, especially in the nursing population.</p>

A Survey of perceived disability and contributing risk factors to work-related low back pain amongst nurses in Rwanda

Ndagijimana, Pierre Claver January 2011 (has links)
<p>Nursing is worldwide regarded as a high risk occupation for the development of work-related low back pain (WRLBP). LBP is one of the most common causes of disability, creating an important socio-economic problem in modern society. Studies report that more than 80% of&nbsp / workers suffer from WRLBP once in their occupational lives. Among nurses, the lifetime prevalence has been found to be higher, varying up to 90% of a nursing population. The current study aimed at determining the prevalence, perceived disability and contributing/risk factors to WRLBP among nurses in Rwanda, identifying the perceived contributing risk factors of WRLBP and intervention strategies received by those nurses. A descriptive quantitative cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling was used to gather data with a self-administered questionnaire on a sample of 226 nurses. The study population included all registered nurses of Kabgayi District Hospital and Nyanza District Hospitals and their respective health centers. To be included, the nurses had to have suffered from WRLBP during the previous 6 months before data collection. The Nordic Back Pain Questionnaire, the Oswestry Disability Index and an open-ended questionnaire regarding perceived risk factors have been used. Descriptive statistics to summarize data and inferential statistics such as chisquare test to test the relationship between different variables of the study have been studied at 5% levels. Correlation coefficients in terms of cross-tabulation were also studied at 1% level of significance. The current study highlights one-month prevalent rates of 70.4%, and one-week prevalent rates of 54.4%. WRLBP among nurses has been found to be significantly associated with gender according to the p-value of 0.007 among the studied variables, and good correlation coefficients between disability scores, together with the length of WRLBP and BMI with 0.0001, 0.0030 respectively. Nurses in the current study reported WRLBP as a result of a wide range of factors related to their work, manual handling being the major physical work activity exposing them to WRLBP. The perceived risk factors for WRLBP reported in this study were classified into 4 categories. The first category included work positional factors such as standing, sitting, bending, and awkward work postures. The second group included work-related nursing tasks such as lifting patients and items at work, repositioning and transferring patients, bed making, washing patients, and many others. In the third group, psychosocial factors like poor relationship with colleagues, work pressure and reduced job satisfaction have been listed. Finally, some non-occupational factors such as aging, pregnancy, menstruation, history of back pain, being female and body built have also been perceived as contributing factors to WRLBP. The Oswestry Disability Index demonstrated a mild to moderate disability due to WRLBP in this group of nurses. WRLBP has a negative impact in health services due to activity limitation, lost time and lowered productivity. The study concludes that nurses must be protected from ergonomic work stressors, and improvement of awareness of&nbsp / urses with regards to ergonomic stressors seems to be crucial. However, an effort by different parties concerned with the problem at all levels in Rwanda is needed. The government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Health in particular, will be recommended to put strategies in place for the management, reduction and prevention of WRLBP amongst health workers, especially in the nursing population.</p>

När röken lagt sig : Erfarenheter av cannabis som smärtlindring vid kronisk ryggsmärta / When the smoke clears : Experiences of cannabis as pain relief for chronic back pain

Höjman, Martin, Uppfeldt, John January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nästan hälften av alla personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor anser att de inte får en tillräckligt god smärtlindring. Kronisk ryggsmärta definieras som smärta i ryggen vilken varar längre än den förväntade tiden för smärta efter operation eller som förekommer i mer än sex månader. Vanliga behandlingsmetoder för kroniska ryggsmärtor är smärtlindrande läkemedel, värme och/eller kylterapi och massage. I tidigare studier har personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor upplevt att de ses som gnälliga och missförstådda i mötet med vården där de har haft svårt att tala om alternativa smärtlindringsmetoder. Syfte: Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att använda cannabis som smärtlindring vid kronisk ryggsmärta. Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av inlägg i diskussionsforum på internet. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier: Smärtlindring med subkategorin Sidoeffekter/Bieffekter, Jämförelse med andra läkemedel, Sociala aspekter och Vårdmötet. Slutsats: Personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor är en notoriskt svårbehandlad patientgrupp. Cannabis har i denna studie visat sig ge god smärtlindring för vissa personer och vidare även lindrat illamående och sömnsvårigheter. Klinisk betydelse: Denna studie avser att öka kunskapen om personer med kroniska ryggsmärtor och deras erfarenheter av cannabis som smärtlindrande läkemedel. Förhoppningsvis leder resultatet till att förståelsen från sjuksköterskor ökar gentemot dessa personer och deras lidande och på så sätt förbättrar omvårdnaden i vårdmötet. / Background: Almost half of all people with chronic backpain argues that they receive insufficient pain relief. Chronic backpain is defined as pain that persists longer than expected after surgery or pain that remains after six months. Common treatments for chronic backpains are painkillers, massage, heat and/or cold therapy. People with chronic backpain feel they are winy and misunderstood in health care encounters and have problems talking about alternative ways of pain relief. Purpose: To describe peoples experiences of cannabis use for chronic backpains. Method: Qualitative content analysis of posts in discussion forums on internet. Results: Four categories emerged from analyzing the data: Pain relief with the subcategory side effects, comparison with other drugs, social aspects and health care encounters. Conclusion: People with chronic backpain is a notorious difficult patient group to treat. Cannabis has in this study shown to give some people sufficient pain relief and even helped with nausea and sleep problems. Clinical importance: This study aims at increasing knowledge about people with chronic backpain and their experiences of cannabis use as a pain killer. Hopefully the results of this study leads to increasing nurses’ understanding towards this group of people and their suffering, doing this will increase caring in healthcare encounters.

A Survey of perceived disability and contributing risk factors to work-related low back pain amongst nurses in Rwanda

Ndagijimana, Pierre Claver January 2011 (has links)
Masters of Science (Physiotherapy) / Nursing is worldwide regarded as a high risk occupation for the development of work-related low back pain (WRLBP). LBP is one of the most common causes of disability, creating an important socio-economic problem in modern society. Studies report that more than 80% of workers suffer from WRLBP once in their occupational lives. Among nurses, the lifetime prevalence has been found to be higher, varying up to 90% of a nursing population. The current study aimed at determining the prevalence, perceived disability and contributing/risk factors to WRLBP among nurses in Rwanda, identifying the perceived contributing risk factors of WRLBP and intervention strategies received by those nurses. A descriptive quantitative cross-sectional survey using convenience sampling was used to gather data with a self-administered questionnaire on a sample of 226 nurses. The study population included all registered nurses of Kabgayi District Hospital and Nyanza District Hospitals and their respective health centers. To be included, the nurses had to have suffered from WRLBP during the previous 6 months before data collection. The Nordic Back Pain Questionnaire, the Oswestry Disability Index and an open-ended questionnaire regarding perceived risk factors have been used. Descriptive statistics to summarize data and inferential statistics such as chisquare test to test the relationship between different variables of the study have been studied at 5% levels. Correlation coefficients in terms of cross-tabulation were also studied at 1% level of significance. The current study highlights one-month prevalent rates of 70.4%, and one-week prevalent rates of 54.4%. WRLBP among nurses has been found to be significantly associated with gender according to the p-value of 0.007 among the studied variables, and good correlation coefficients between disability scores, together with the length of WRLBP and BMI with 0.0001, 0.0030 respectively. Nurses in the current study reported WRLBP as a result of a wide range of factors related to their work, manual handling being the major physical work activity exposing them to WRLBP. The perceived risk factors for WRLBP reported in this study were classified into 4 categories. The first category included work positional factors such as standing, sitting, bending, and awkward work postures. The second group included work-related nursing tasks such as lifting patients and items at work, repositioning and transferring patients, bed making, washing patients, and many others. In the third group, psychosocial factors like poor relationship with colleagues, work pressure and reduced job satisfaction have been listed. Finally, some non-occupational factors such as aging, pregnancy, menstruation, history of back pain, being female and body built have also been perceived as contributing factors to WRLBP. The Oswestry Disability Index demonstrated a mild to moderate disability due to WRLBP in this group of nurses. WRLBP has a negative impact in health services due to activity limitation, lost time and lowered productivity. The study concludes that nurses must be protected from ergonomic work stressors, and improvement of awareness of urses with regards to ergonomic stressors seems to be crucial. However, an effort by different parties concerned with the problem at all levels in Rwanda is needed. The government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Health in particular, will be recommended to put strategies in place for the management, reduction and prevention of WRLBP amongst health workers, especially in the nursing population. / South Africa

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