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Investigation of genome sequence and gene expression regulation in T4 related bacteriophages / T4 giminingų bakteriofagų genomų sekų nustatymas ir genų raiškos tyrimasKalinienė, Laura 02 July 2010 (has links)
The complete genome sequence of bacteriophage VR7 has been determined. The genome sequence is 169,285 nt, with an overall G+C content of 40,3%, compared with 35.3 % of T4. VR7 encodes 293 putative protein-encoding open reading frames (ORFs) and tRNAMet. In total, 211 of the 293 VR7 open reading frames encode putative proteins that share 30% ‒ 97% amino acid sequence identity with those found in T4; 46 ORFs resemble genes from other T4-like phages, 9 show similarities to genes of non T4 type phages and 27 ORFs lack any database matches. Homologs to the T4 α-gt, β-gt, SegA, SegB, SegC, SegD, SegE, I-TevI, I-TevII, I-TevIII, gp42, Ac, NrdG, NrdD, Arn, IPI, IPII, IPIII, Mrh as well as the T4-specific tRNAs are all absent in VR7. The amino acid sequences of the three major structural proteins gp23, gp18 and gp19 of VR7 show 84.9%, 71.3% and 69.9% aa identity respectively with adequate proteins of T4.
In total, 43 PE, 43 PM and 44 PL have been identified in VR7. Moreover, phage VR7 encodes homologues of all transcription-associated proteins of T4.
The functional complementation experiments of VR7 MotA, sharing only 34% amino acid sequence identity with MotA of T4, have been performed. It has been demonstrated, that the presence of plasmid encoded VR7 MotA complements the T4motAΔ mutant for growth in E. coli, and activates middle-mode transcription during the growth of T4motA-.
Bacteriophages VR5, VR7 and VR20 have been characterized. It has been demonstrated that these phages... [to full text] / Nustačius 169,285 b.p. bakteriofago VR7 genomo nukleotidų seką aptikta viena tRNRMET ir 293 hipotetiniai ASR. Du šimtai vienuolika šio fago genų koduoja baltymus, kurie yra 30% ‒ 97% homologiški atitinkamiems fago T4 baltymams. Keturiasdešimt šeši fago VR7 baltymai neturi analogų T4, bet yra homologiški įvairių kitų T4 giminingų fagų baltymams, 9 baltymai nėra artimi T4-giminingų fagų koduojamiems baltymams, o 27 bakteriofago VR7 ASR koduoja baltymus, kuriems homologų NCBI duomenų bazėje nėra. Fago VR7 genome nėra genų, koduojančių bakteriofago T4 : α ir β gliukoziltransferazes (α-gt , β-gt) , DNR endonukleazes SegA, SegB, SegC, SegD, DNR metilazę Dam, dCMP hidroksimetilazę gp42, atsparumą akriflavinui sąlygojantį baltymą Ac bei ląstelės šeimininkės σ32 fosforilinime dalyvaujančio mrh geno produkto. Nustatyta, kad GC sudaro 40,3% fago VR7 genominės DNR, kai tuo tarpu fago T4 - 35%. Taipogi nustatyta, kad VR7 gp18, gp19 ir gp23 yra tik 71.3% , 69.9% ir 84.9% homologiški atitinkamiems fago T4 baltymams.
Tiriant bakteriofago VR7 transkripcijos reguliaciją buvo aptikti 43 ankstyvieji, 43 vidurinieji bei 44 vėlyvieji promotoriai. Šio fago genominėje DNR taip pat buvo identifikuoti visų fago T4 transkripcijos reguliacijoje dalyvaujančių baltymų homologai.
Klonavus bakteriofago VR7 geną motA buvo atliktas funkcinės komplementacijos tyrimas fago T4motA- sistemoje in vivo. Nustatyta, kad plazmidėje koduojamas fago VR7 viduriniosios transkripcijos aktyvatorius MotA, kurio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Early Function of a Virulent Staphylococcal PhageLatham, Jacqueline M. 05 1900 (has links)
Early function of a temperature-sensitive mutant of staphylophage 44A HJD was examined during the twenty-five-minute period following infection. Host cell and phage DNA were labeled with C and3H respectively. DNA was separated into linear and covalently closed circular (CCC) forms by density-gradient centrifugation. The host, S. aureus, shows no CCC DNA, and apparently carries no plasmid. Following infection with wild type phage, CCC DNA forms occur in tritiated and 1 C DNA fractions 10 to 15 min after infection. Infection with mutant at permissive temperature also demonstrates CCC DNA with both labels. Infection with mutant at nonpermissive temperature produced no CCC DNA during the first 25 min after infection. The impaired function in this mutant may be a linker protein.
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Évolution des génomes de bactériophages / Bacteriophages genomes evolutionAmarir-Bouhram, Jihane 09 March 2012 (has links)
Les génomes de bactériophages ont une capacité remarquable d’évolution. L’objectif de ma thèse a été d’étudier le rôle des recombinases de bactériophages dans cette évolution. Notre hypothèse était que les recombinases phagiques diffèrent de la recombinase bactérienne RecA par une fidélité relâchée lors de la réaction de recherche d’homologie, qui pourrait expliquer en partie la très grande plasticité des génomes de bactériophages. Nous avons tout d’abord utilisé une approche bioinformatique basée sur la recherche d’homologies lointaines pour prédire un maximum de gènes de recombinases dans les génomes entièrement séquencés, puis nous avons confirmé l’activité de recombinaison de certaines d’entre elles, par un test d’appariement d’ADN simple brin entre séquences identiques in vivo. Ceci nous a permis de conclure qu’il existait trois superfamilles de recombinases chez les bactériophages, de type Rad52, Rad51/RecA et Gp2.5, présentes dans 42% des 465 génomes analysés. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons comparé six de ces recombinases à RecA et avons montré que toutes étaient capables de faire de l’appariement simple brin in vivo, contrairement à RecA. Pour deux d’entre elles, Redβ de Lambda (type Rad52) et Sak4 de HK620 (type Rad51/RecA), nous avons observé que l’appariement simple brin continuait à se produire, avec une efficacité diminuée, jusqu’à 13% de divergence entre les séquences. L’appariement d’ADN simple brin est donc une propriété commune aux recombinases de bactériophages qui les distingue de RecA, et semble pouvoir se maintenir pour un niveau élevé de divergence, ce qui soutient l’hypothèse d’une recombinaison homologue différente et plus relâchée dans sa fidélité chez les bactériophages. / Bacteriophage genomes have a remarkable ability to evolve. The aim of my thesis was to study the role of bacteriophage recombinases in this evolution. Our hypothesis was that such recombinases differ from the bacterial RecA recombinase by a relaxed fidelity during homology search, which may partly explain the high plasticity of bacteriophage genomes. We first used a bioinformatics approach based on remote homology search to predict a maximum of recombinase genes in completely sequenced genomes, and confirmed the recombination activity of some of them by a single-strand DNA annealing assay between identical sequences in vivo. This allowed us to conclude that there were three superfamilies of bacteriophage recombinases, Rad52-like, Rad51/RecA-like and Gp2.5-like, which were present in 42% of the 465 genomes analyzed. In a second step, we compared six of these recombinases to RecA and showed that all were able to anneal single-stranded DNA in vivo, in contrast to RecA. For two of them, Redβ of Lambda (Rad52-like) and Sak4 of HK620 (Rad51/RecAlike), we also observed that they were able to anneal non identical (13% of divergence) single-stranded DNA, with a reduced efficiency. We conclude that the single-stranded DNA annealing is a property common to recombinases of bacteriophages, which is absent in RecA, and seems to tolerate diverged sequences. This supports the hypothesis of a different and more relaxed recombination in bacteriophages.
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Propriétés interfaciales des virus, concept de particules molles multicouches, corrélation avec les capacités d'adhésion / Interfacial properties of viruses, soft multilayered particles concept, impact on adhesion capacitiesDika Timbo, Christelle 26 March 2013 (has links)
Propriétés interfaciales des virus, concept de particules molles multicouches, corrélation avec les capacités d'agrégation Hors de leur cellule hôte, les virus se comportent comme des particules biologiques inertes dont le comportement est principalement guidé par les propriétés physico-chimiques dites de surface, en particulier la charge et la balance hydrophile/hydrophobe. A l'heure actuelle, il est impossible de prédire le comportement de virus en arguant uniquement de leur charge de surface. Très récemment, des auteurs proposent que les virus devraient plutôt être assimilés à des particules molles perméables et fortement hétérogènes (Biophysical Journal 94, 2008, 3293) et non de simples sphères dures. L'objectif de ce travail est de caractériser les propriétés interfaciales des bactériophages selon le concept de particules molles multicouches afin de pouvoir les classer/hiérarchiser selon leur réactivité en terme de capacités d'adhésion sur des surfaces abiotiques ou leur agrégation. Les phages ARN F-spécifiques tout comme les virus entériques pathogènes sont constitués d'une capside protéique à l'intérieur de laquelle se trouve un génome à ARN. Dans un premier temps, il a été démontré que les éléments situés à l'intérieur de la capside ont une influence majeure sur les propriétés physico-chimiques en particulier électrocinétiques. En effet, nous avons comparé pour la première fois les propriétés électrohydrodynamiques de phages MS2 avec celles de Virus Like Particles correspondantes (VLPs, particules virales dépourvues de génome) dans différentes conditions de pH et de force ionique. Selon des principes précédemment établis et basés sur un formalisme pour l'électrophorèse de particules molles multicouches, on démontre entre autre que les phages complets portent une charge volumique plus importante que les VLPs. Les profils d'agrégation pour chaque type de particules sont différents avec une survenue de l'agrégation uniquement au point isoélectrique et à faible force ionique pour les VLPs, montrant ainsi l'impact du génome sur les propriétés de stabilité de suspensions virales. Nous avons ensuite caractérisé l'influence de la méthode de purification sur les différences observées de propriétés électrocinétiques et d'agrégation. La confrontation de trois méthodes distinctes révèle que les purifications par dialyse et par gradient de chlorure de césium maintiennent les différences de comportement entre les deux types de particules tandis que la précipitation au polyéthylène glycol atténue ces différences pour ce qui est des caractéristiques électrocinétiques mais les différences persistent au niveau du comportement d'agrégation. Dans une seconde partie nous avons d'une part étudié les propriétés interfaciales de différents virus ARN F-spécifiques (MS2, GA et Qbêta) à structures similaires. Au moyen du concept de particules molles multicouches, nous avons montré que les trois phages présentent une charge électrostatique similaire et leur degré d'hydrophobicité respectif est établi selon la séquence MS2 < Qbêta < GA, GA étant le plus hydrophobe. Ces propriétés ont ensuite été corrélées aux capacités d'adhésion sur des supports industriels (verre, inox, polypropylène) dont les propriétés de surface ont été caractérisées par AFM. L'étude met en évidence l'impact de la rugosité et de l'hydrophobicité des surfaces de dépôt qui tendent à augmenter l'adhésion virale. Des virus à structures multicouches différentes (Phi X 174, PRD1, MS2) ont également fait l'objet d'investigation en termes de propriétés électrocinétiques, d'agrégation et d'adhésion. Les résultats montrent la séquence suivante concernant la charge électrostatique Phi X 174 < PRD1 < MS2 (MS2 étant le plus chargé négativement). Par ailleurs, une corrélation positive entre ces propriétés et les capacités d'adhésion des phages sur des surfaces chargées et des supports strictement hydrophiles ou hydrophobes a été établie. / The aim of this work is to characterize the interfacial properties of phages using the soft multilayer particles concept in order to interrelate appropriately their reactivity and their physico-chemical features. It was demonstrated that the RNA inside the capsid do have a major impact on the physico-chemical properties of the virus, in particular its electrophoretic mobility. We further compared electrohydrodynamic features of MS2 phage with those of the corresponding VLPs (virus particles without RNA). In line with theoretical predictions based on the soft particles concept, it is shown that MS2 are more negative than VLPs. The aggregation profiles of both particles significantly differ demonstrating the major influence of the genome on stability of viral suspensions. We then analyzed the influence of the virus purification method on the observed differences in terms of stability and electrohydrodynamics. We also studied the interfacial properties of phages exhibiting similar structures. It appeared that the phages display similar electrostatic charge while their hydrophobicity degree follows the sequence MS2<Qbeta<GA. These properties were then correlated to adhesion capacities onto industrial substrates whose surface characteristics were addressed by AFM. The results highlight the impact of roughness and hydrophobicity of the deposition surfaces which tend to increase viral adhesion. Viruses with different soft multilayered structures were then investigated with as result the following sequence for the electrostatic charge: Phi X 174<PRD1<MS2. A positive correlation between these properties and adhesion capacities onto charged surfaces and onto hydrophilic or hydrophobic materials has further been established
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Intéraction de bactériophages avec des surfaces colonisées par des biofilms d'eau potable et évaluation de protocoles de nettoyage / Interaction of bacteriophages with surfaces colonised with drinking water biofilm and evaluation of cleaning protocols efficiencyPelleïeux, Sandra 18 June 2013 (has links)
Bien que les microorganismes pathogènes soient rarement détectés au sein de réseaux de distribution d'eau potable, ils peuvent constituer un danger pour la santé humaine en cas de contamination accidentelle. Le devenir des virus entériques au sein d'un système de distribution d'eau est largement méconnu, alors que de telles informations sont nécessaires pour améliorer les procédures de prise en charge en cas d'incidents. Dans ce contexte, trois bactériophages ARN F-spécifiques, MS2, GA et Q[bêta], ont été utilisés comme modèles des virus entériques pathogènes, dans des conditions expérimentales mimant un système de distribution d'eau. Ce travail visait d'une part à comparer l'accumulation des phages sur des surfaces en polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD) colonisées ou non par des biofilms d'eau potable et d'autre part à évaluer, sur les bactériophages adhérés, l'efficacité de protocoles de nettoyage basés sur une chloration ainsi qu'une augmentation des contraintes hydrodynamiques. En résumé, les différentes vitesses d'eau étudiées n'ont pas conduit à des différences significatives dans l'accumulation des bactéries et des phages sur les surfaces, mais ont toutefois abouti à des concentrations surfaciques en phages significativement supérieures à celles observées en conditions hydrostatiques. Quelles que soient les conditions expérimentales (vitesses d'eau à la surface, présence ou absence d'un biofilm), le bactériophage MS2 présente systématiquement les plus faibles concentrations sur les surfaces. La séquence d'adhésion des trois bactériophages sur biofilms est en accord avec leur séquence d'hydrophobicité. Le protocole de chloration (4 à 5 mg Cl2.L-1) évalué dans cette étude peut être ponctuellement appliqué en cas de contamination de l'eau. Après 60 minutes de chloration, l'abattement est de 0,7 log10 pour les bactéries et il est compris entre 2 et 3 log10 pour les phages adsorbés sur les surfaces, alors qu'aucun phage infectieux n'est plus détecté dans l'eau dès 5 minutes de chloration. Ces résultats soulignent l'effet protecteur du biofilm, même jeune. Enfin, la chloration apparaît être plus efficace que l'augmentation des contraintes hydrodynamiques pour éliminer les bactériophages adhérés aux surfaces / Although pathogens remain widely uncommon in water distribution networks, they may constitute a real threat for human health when accidentally introduced in the system. There is a lack of knowledge about virus behaviour into water distribution systems whereas such information is critical for a better viral risk management. In this context, three F-specific RNA bacteriophages -MS2, GA and Qbeta- were used as models, in experimental conditions mimicking water distribution systems. The purpose of the present work was at first to compare the viral accumulation of bacteriophages on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) colonised or not with drinking water biofilms. The second objective was to evaluate, on phages adsorbed in the biofilm, the efficiency of a cleaning protocol, based on chlorination and increase in the hydrodynamic strengths. To sum up, the water velocities tested in this work had little influence on both the bacterial and virus accumulation on surfaces, but applying a water flow led to an increase in the number of adsorbed phages in comparison with hydrostatic conditions. Whatever the conditions (water velocity, colonisation or not with a biofilm) MS2 phage was found to be the less adherent one. On HDPE colonised with a two-month old biofilm, the adhesion sequence was consistent with the sequence of hydrophobicity of the phages. The chlorination protocol tested in our study (4 to 5 mg CL2/L) can be applied punctually in distribution networks. After 60 minutes of chlorination the log-reduction was about 0.7 log10 for bacteria and between 2 and 3 log10 for bacteriophages, while no more infectious phages were detected in water after 5 minutes. Those results highlight that even two-month-old biofilms provide to viruses a protection against disinfection protocol. At last, the chlorination appears to be more efficient to inactivate viruses adsorbed on surfaces than an increase in the water flow velocity
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Uloga bakteriofaga familije Siphoviridae u lizogenoj konverziji vrste Bordetella bronchiseptica i njihov antimikrobni potencijal / Role of bacteriophages from family Siphoviridae in lysogenic conversion of Bordetella bronchiseptica and their antimicrobial potentialPetrović Fabijan Aleksandra 29 December 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu su izolovani specifičn<em>i Bordetella bronchiseptica</em> bakteriofagi iz iz<br />priodne sredine koji pripadaju familiji <em>Siphoviridae</em>. Bakteriofagi su okarakterisani u<br />cilju razmatranja njihove uloge u lizogenoj konverziji bakterije i mogućnosti<br />primene u kontroli vrste <em> B. bronchiseptica</em>. U tu svrhu ispitivane su morfološke<br />karakteristike odabranih faga, litički spektar faga, i karakteristike genoma i proteina<br />faga. Takođe, ispitivana je i stabilnost faga u različitim uslovima sredine, njihova<br />litička efikasnost i efekat na formiranje i vec formirani biofilm. U radu je ispitana i<br />uloga faga u produkciji biofilma, rezistenciji na antibiotike, procesu hemolize i<br />pokretljivosti kod vrste <em>B. bronchiseptica</em>. Rezultati ovog rada jasno ukazuju na<br />ulogu faga u lizogenoj konverziji vrste <em> B. bronchiseptica</em> kao i mogućnost njihove<br />primene, uz određene modifikacije, kao anti-<em>B.bronchiseptica</em> agenasa.</p> / <p>In this paper <em>Bordetella bronchiseptica</em> specific phages belonging to family <em>Siphoviridae</em> were isolated from environment. Bacteriophages were characterized to determine their role in the lysogenic conversion of bacteria and their possible usage in <em>B. bronchiseptica </em>control. For this purpose, morphological characteristics of the selected phages, the phage lytic spectrum, and the characteristics of phage genome and the proteins were examined. Also, the stability of phage in different environmental conditions was studied as well as their lytic efficiency, effect on the biofilm formation and formed biofilm. The paper also examined the role of phages in the production of biofilm, resistance to antibiotics, the process of hem olysis and the motility of<em> B. bronchiseptica </em>species. The results of this study clearly indicate the role of phage in lysogenic conversion in <em>B. bronchiseptica</em> as well as their potential for <em>B. bronchiseptica</em> control.</p>
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Rôle des phages Stx dans la diversité des souches d’Escherichia coli producteurs de Shiga-toxine (STEC) O26 : H11 isolées de produits alimentaires : étude du polymorphisme et de la mobilité des gènes stx / Role of Stx phage in the diversity of Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O26 : H11 strains isolated from food products : study of polymorphism and genetic mobility of stx genesBonanno, Ludivine 03 November 2015 (has links)
Les Escherichia coli producteurs de Shiga-toxines (STEC) sont responsables d'infections humaines, allant d'une diarrhée aqueuse bénigne pouvant se compliquer en syndrome hémolytique et urémique (SHU), parfois mortel. La transmission de STEC à l'Homme s'effectue principalement par l'ingestion d'aliments contaminés. Le principal facteur de virulence des STEC est le gène stx (codant la Shiga-toxine), localisé dans le génome d'un prophage. La thèse a été centrée sur les STEC O26:H11, deuxième sérotype à l'origine de SHU dans le monde, et premier retrouvé dans les fromages au lait cru.Le premier objectif était de caractériser génétiquement les STEC O26:H11 et leurs phages Stx (variants du gène stx et sites d'insertion des phages Stx) afin d'identifier d'éventuelles différences entre ces souches selon leur origine. La majorité des souches alimentaires et bovines étudiées possèdent le variant stx1a et leurs phages Stx sont intégrés dans wrbA et yehV. Les souches humaines possèdent les variants stx1a et stx2a en proportions équivalentes. Leurs phages Stx sont aussi intégrés dans wrbA et yehV mais à la différence des souches alimentaires et bovines, le site yecE a été identifié comme site d'insertion. Toutes les souches humaines qui possédaient un phage Stx2a intégré dans wrbA et yecE ont causé des SHU ; ce qui pourrait être un indicateur de haute virulence. Des études ont montré que des souches E. coli Attachant/Effaçant (AEEC) O26:H11 sont isolées à partir d'aliments identifiés comme « stx+ » par PCR. En dehors de l'absence du gène stx, ces souches AEEC sont similaires aux STEC. Leur caractérisation a montré ici que la majorité d'entre elles ont leurs sites d'insertion intacts, caractéristique compatible avec une perte de phage Stx par excision spontanée. La stabilité des phages Stx a donc été évaluée chez les STEC O26:H11. La présence/absence de phages Stx a été quantifiée par PCRq pour chaque souche au niveau de la population bactérienne entière montrant que les STEC ont la capacité de perdre leurs phages Stx. En revanche, cette instabilité n'est pas liée aux sites d'insertion. Plusieurs essais visant à introduire des phages Stx dans les souches AEEC pour les convertir en STEC ont été réalisés mais les résultats ont montré qu'il était difficile d'infecter ces souches. L'étude du taux d'induction des phages Stx in vitro chez les STEC O26:H11 a montré, qu'en présence de mitomycine C, les phages Stx2 étaient plus inductibles que les phages Stx1. En revanche, il n'a pas été mis en évidence de différences en fonction de l'origine des souches testées et du site d'intégration des phages Stx. L'analyse morphologique de quelques phages Stx a montré que le type Stx1 ou Stx2 n'était pas lié à une forme spécifique de phage. L'étude des stress relatifs à la technologie fromagère a montré que le stress salin et le stress oxydatif, lié à la libération potentielle d'H2O2 par d'autres bactéries, entrainaient l'induction des phages Stx. Comme des souches AEEC sont fréquemment isolées à partir d'aliments qualifiés de « stx+» par PCR, le processus analytique d'isolement des STEC a aussi été étudié. La production de phages Stx lors de la phase d'enrichissement semble possible à partir d'un aliment contaminé. En revanche, aucun composant de cette méthode, testé individuellement, n'a pu être identifié comme inducteur des phages Stx. Ces travaux ont permis d'acquérir des connaissances sur la diversité des phages Stx issus de STEC O26:H11 isolées chez l'Homme et dans la filière laitière. Des différences au niveau des variants du gène stx mais aussi des sites d'insertion des phages Stx ont pu être observées en fonction de l'origine des souches. De plus les niveaux d'induction des phages Stx diffèrent selon le variant du gène stx. Ces différences pourraient refléter l'existence de clones distincts, aux potentiels de virulence différents, circulant dans les aliments, chez les bovins et les patients / Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are responsible for human infections, ranging from mild diarrhea to hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), sometimes with fatal outcome. Transmission of STEC to humans occurs mainly through the ingestion of contaminated food. The main virulence factor of STEC is the stx gene (encodes Shiga-toxin) located in the genome of a prophage. The PhD thesis was focused on STEC O26:H11, which is the second serotype causing HUS in the world, and the first one found in raw milk cheeses. The first objective was to characterize genetically STEC O26:H11 strains and their Stx phages (stx gene subtypes and insertion sites of Stx phages) in order to identify any differences between these strains according to their origin. The majority of the investigated food and bovine strains possessed stx1a subtype and their Stx phages were integrated into wrbA and yehV. Human strains possessed the stx1a and stx2a subtypes in equivalent proportions. Their Stx phages were also integrated into wrbA and yehV but unlike food and bovine strains, yecE site were identified as insertion site. All the human strains carrying an Stx2a phage integrated into wrbA and yecE caused HUS, which could indicate a high virulence. Studies showed that Attaching/Effacing E. coli (AEEC) O26:H11 strains were isolated from foods identified as "stx +" by PCR. Except for the absence of stx gene, these AEEC strains are similar to STEC. Their characterization showed, in this study, that the majority of them had intact insertion sites, in agreement with a possible loss of Stx phage by spontaneous excision. The stability of Stx phages was evaluated in STEC O26:H11. Presence/absence of Stx phages was quantified for each strain in the total bacterial population, showing that STEC were capable of losing their Stx phages. However, this instability was not related to the insertion sites. Several attempts to introduce Stx phages in AEEC strains in order to convert them into STEC were conducted but the results showed that it was difficult to infect these strains. The induction rate of Stx phages in vitro in STEC O26:H11 showed that, with mitomycin C, the Stx2 phages were more inducible than Stx1 phages. However no difference was found with the origin of the strains tested and the Stx phage integration site used. The morphological analysis of some Stx phages showed that Stx1 or Stx2 type was not related to a specific phage shape. Study of various stress related to the cheese-making process showed that the osmotic and oxidative stress related to the potential release of H2O2 by other bacteria, led to the induction of Stx phages. Because AEEC strains are frequently isolated from food qualified as "stx+" by PCR, the analytical STEC isolation procedure was studied for its ability to induce Stx phages. Production of Stx phages during the enrichment phase seemed possible from contaminated food. However, none of the components of this method, tested individually, could be identified as an inducer of Stx phages. This work highlighted the diversity of Stx phages from STEC O26:H11 isolated from humans and dairy sector. Differences in stx subtypes and Stx phages insertion sites present among the STEC O26:H11 strains were observed depending on the origin of the strains. Moreover the induction levels of Stx phages differed according to the stx subtypes. These differences might reflect the existence of distinct clones, with varying virulence potential, circulating in foods, cattle and patients
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Análise in-silico de integrases no fitopatógeno Xylella fastidiosa: diversidade, sítios de integração e associação com bacteriófagos. / In silico analysis of integrases in the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa: diversity, integration sites and association with bacteriophages.Varani, Alessandro de Mello 03 September 2008 (has links)
Os elementos genéticos móveis encontrados no genoma da bactéria Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) são representados principalmente por bacteriófagos (na forma de profagos inseridos no genoma) e ilhas genômicas. As integrases são responsáveis pelo processo de mobilização (integração e/ou excisão) destes elementos, através do mecanismo de recombinação sítio-específica. Bacteriófagos e ilhas genômicas estão associados a eventos de rearranjos genômicos e à aquisição e ou interrupção de genes importantes para bactéria, tendo implicação direta na diversidade e organização genômica e, por conseqüência, na diferenciação entre linhagens. A extensão e o impacto desses eventos é o foco deste trabalho, através da análise in-silico das integrases e sua associação com regiões de profagos e ilhas genômicas, no genoma de quatro linhagens de Xf. Os dados aqui apresentados corroboram o papel das integrases e seus elementos genéticos móveis associados como agentes chaves no processo de diversidade e evolução da organização genômica entre as quatro linhagens de Xf. / The mobile genetic elements found in the genome of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) are mainly represented by bacteriophages (as prophages inserted into the genome) and genomic islands. The integrases are responsible for the process of mobilization (integration and / or excision) of these elements through the mechanism of site-specific recombination. Bacteriophages and genomic islands are associated with events of genomic rearrangements and the acquisition and or interruption of important genes for bacteria, with direct involvement in diversity and genomic organization and, consequently, the differentiation between strains. The extent and impact of these events are the focus of this work, through in-silico analysis of integrase and association with regions of prophages and genomic islands in the genome of four strains of Xf. The data presented here support the role of integrases and their mobile genetic elements associated as key players in the process of evolution and diversity of genomic organization between the four strains of Xf.
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Identification and characterization of surrogate peptide ligands for mas, an orphan G protein-coupled receptor using phage-displayed random peptide library. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2004 (has links)
Bikkavilli Rama Kamesh. / "August 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 212-223) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Avaliação de probiótico e bacteriófagos líticos para o controle de Salmonella sp. em supinos experimentalmente infectadosNogueira, Mariana Gomes January 2010 (has links)
Devido à limitação do uso de antimicrobianos, alternativas que seguem a linha de controle biológico, como os bacteriófagos líticos e probióticos, vêm sendo propostos para o controle de Salmonella sp. em animais de produção. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da administração oral de probiótico e bacteriófagos líticos sobre a ocorrência de infecção e excreção fecal de Salmonella sp. em suínos em fase de crescimento e terminação. O experimento foi realizado em dois períodos (blocos), com duração de 49 dias, em suínos com 43 dias de idade. Estes animais foram divididos em três tratamentos: T1 (controle), T2 (bacteriófagos) e T3 (probiótico), com 12 animais em cada tratamento e 10 animais controle. Após duas semanas de alojamento, os suínos foram inoculados com Salmonella Typhimurium (dia 0 P.I.). Os animais receberam uma suspensão de bacteriófagos líticos (CNPSA1, CNPSA3 e CNPSA4) por oito dias consecutivos, quatro dias antes e quatro dias após inoculação. O probiótico foi fornecido pela via oral nos dois primeiros dias de alojamento (108 Unidade Formadora de Colônia-UFC/ g), posteriormente o produto (107 UFC/g) foi fornecido diariamente na ração na concentração de 1%. Foram realizadas colheitas de sangue (-14, 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 PI) para pesquisa de IgG anti- Salmonella, e de fezes (-14, -7, 0, 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28) para pesquisa e quantificação de Salmonella, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus e coliformes totais. No dia 35PI os animais foram eutanasiados e fragmentos de órgãos foram coletados para pesquisa de Salmonella. Foram coletados segmentos do intestino delgado para análise de morfometria e pesquisa de IgA de mucosa. Os resultados indicam que o tratamento de suínos na fase de crescimento não foi capaz de impedir a infecção dos animais, e a soroconversão ocorreu a partir do dia 7PI. Não foi observada menor excreção de Salmonella nos grupos tratados. Não houve efeito sobre a população de Lactobacillus, Enterococcus e coliformes totais, nem diferença na morfometria de vilosidades entre grupos. O grupo tratado com probiótico apresentou uma tendência a maiores densidades óticas no teste de ELISA para pesquisa de IgA anti-Salmonella na mucosa intestinal. A partir disso, conclui-se que o tratamento com probiótico e fagos líticos testados de acordo com o protocolo proposto no presente estudo não influenciam a infecção e excreção de Salmonella sp. em suínos em fase de crescimento e terminação. / Due to the limited use of antimicrobial, alternatives that follow the line of biological control, as lytic bacteriophages and probiotics, have been proposed for the control of Salmonella sp. animal production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oral administration of probiotic and lytic bacteriophages on the occurrence of infection and fecal excretion of Salmonella sp. in growing pigs. The experiment was conducted in two periods (blocks), lasting 49 days, in 43 days old pigs. These animals were divided into three treatments: T1 (control), T2 (bacteriophages) and T3 (probiotic), with 12 animals in each treatment and 10 control animals. After two weeks of accommodation, the pigs were inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium (day 0 PI). The animals received a suspension of lytic bacteriophages (CNPSA1, CNPSA3 and CNPSA4) for eight consecutive days, four days before and four days after inoculation. The probiotic was given orally in the first two days of lodging (108 of Colony Forming Units-CFU / g), then the product (107 CFU / g) was supplied daily in the diet at a concentration of 1%. Were collected blood (-14, 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 PI) for the detection of IgG anti-Salmonella, and feces (-14, -7, 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28) for research and quantification of Salmonella, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus and Coliforms. On 35PI the animals were euthanized and samples of organs were collected for Salmonella. We collected small intestinal segments for morphometric analysis and research of mucosal IgA. The results indicate that treatment of pigs in the growing phase was not able to prevent infection of animals, and seroconversion occurred on the day 7PI. There was no lower excretion of Salmonella in the treated groups. There was no effect on the population of Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Coliforms, and no difference in the morphology of villi between groups. The group treated with probiotic showed a trend to higher optical densities in ELISA for the detection of IgA anti-Salmonella in the intestinal mucosa. From this, it is concluded that treatment with probiotic and lytic phages tested in accordance with the protocol proposed in this study did not influence the infection and excretion of Salmonella sp. in growing pigs.
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