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Srovnání efektu cvičení na pevné podložce a balančních plochách pomocí Myotestu u hráčů ledního hokeje sedmé třídy / The comparation of solid and unstable surface exercice on 13years old ice-hockey players by MyotestSýkora, Adam January 2012 (has links)
THE COMPARATION OF SOLID AND UNSTABLE SURFACE EXERCICE ON 13YEARS OLD ICE-HOCKEY PLAYERS BY MYOTEST Objectives: Compare the effect of the course and exercises by using unstable surfaces with and without field accelerometer (Myotest). Methods: The exercise of a similar movement pattern was performed qualitative and quantitative comparison of the stress field parameters using the accelerometer. Quantitative stress parameters were evaluated for individual movements as mean values from a larger number of repetitions for intra- individual assessments. For comparison exercises were probands adapted from ongoing training process. Results: The results obtained during by testing shows that the measured power and performance weren't always exactly according to the hypotheses. The hypotheses were in some cases completely confirmed (eg VR lunge at the knees in the value of the force on the mat 994.4 N and Bosu 1154 N. The difference is 159,6 N, which is about 16%), in others completely rejected (eg KŠ kneeled in lunge was power value on the mat 730 W and on the Bosu 1172 W. Difference is 442 W, which is about 60%). Occasionally a situation where it was not possible hypothesis neither confirm nor reject (eg H2: the squat were measured performance values on the mat for the three probands negative (JP -70 W, VR...
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The Role Balance Experience of Black Female Counselor Education Doctoral Students Maintaining Full-Time Employment and Significant RelationshipsMitchell, Ariel Encalade 18 December 2014 (has links)
This qualitative phenomenological research study explored the role balance experience of five Black female counselor education doctoral students who were balancing education, full-time employment, and significant relationships. Purposeful and snowball sampling were used to elicit participants who met these criteria: enrolled as a full-time doctoral student, employed full-time (30 or more hours weekly), and involved in a self-defined significant relationship.
The participants in this study individually provided insight into their respective perceived role balance experiences of balancing education, work, and significant relationships. The primary research question for the study was: “What is the role balance experience of Black female counselor education doctoral students maintaining full-time employment and significant relationships?” A review of the literature examining the roles of Black women in U.S. society, Black women and significant relationships, and Black women in higher education provided the foundation for the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in person and via Face time to collect data. Interviews were recorded and transcribed by a third party provider. The transcription and initial analysis was sent to each respective participant for member checking and a follow-up interview was scheduled to address any participant concerns or questions. The data were open coded and then clustered into themes. A cross-case analysis was completed and themes were merged into superordinate themes. Superordinate themes were used to answer the primary research question.
Three superordinate themes emerged: past influences present, struggle to have it all, and how to balance. Implications for counselor education programs and students are presented along with recommendations for future research. Personal reflections of the researcher were provided.
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Finanční analýza zdravotnického zařízení ULZ Praha / Financial Analysis of a Health-Care Facility UZL PrahaSedláčková, Jitka January 2009 (has links)
This work focuses on application of financial analysis and analysis of operating results, describes asset and financial structure of the organization, utilizes the analytical results for evaluation of the organization effectiveness, and helps with selection of the appropriate corporate strategy.
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A Re-Reanalysis of the Eötvös Experiment and Time-Variation of Nuclear Decay RatesMichael J. Mueterthies (5930075) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<div> We consider the existence of a force that could produce a non-null result in the Eötvös experiment while producing a null result in the Eöt-Wash experiment. We introduce a general force, in the form of its Taylor series expansion, and determine the response of each experiment to that force. We can then determine which terms of the expansion are important to each experiment. A trial force, in the form of a mixed vector-scalar interaction is introduced and we analyze the resulting Eötvös parameters for various values of the strengths and ranges of the interactions. We find that under certain conditions the Eötvös parameter for the Eöt-Wash experiment can be made zero while the Eötvös parameter for the Eötvös experiment is nonzero.</div><div> </div><div><br></div><div> Next, we examine the possibility of a wind force appearing in the MICROSCOPE experiment. This wind would be due to the satellite's motion through a particle background which couples to the differential accelerometer through a baryon-number dependent interaction. We determine the signal that would be measured by MICROSCOPE satellite and compare the power spectrum density of this signal to the published power spectrum density of the experiment. </div><div> </div><div><br></div><div> Additionally, we present a new theoretical framework for the time-variation of nuclear decay rates. This new framework is motivated by the results of numerous experiments which show a periodicity of one year. The fractional decay rate of these experiments are constant, regardless of isotope. We find that a novel neutrino interaction, in the form of an index of refraction, successfully generates the constant fractional decay rates. Using the optical theorem and the relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution makes the index of refraction consistent with neutrino speed measurements. We conclude by describing other systems where the index of refraction could create observable oscillations.</div><div><br></div><div> </div><div> Finally, we consider the suppression of beta decay rates through the Pauli exclusion principle due to the presence of background cosmic and solar neutrinos. We derive the suppression factor for both thermalized and non-thermalized neutrinos.</div>
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Avaliação da marcha e do equilíbrio em pacientes hemiparéticos: comparação entre acidente vascular encefálico em hemisfério dominante e não dominante / Assessment of gait and balance in hemiparetic patients: a comparison of stroke in the dominant and non-dominant hemispheresLopes, Priscila Garcia 20 April 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Alterações na postura ou no equilíbrio são ocorrências comuns em adultos com hemiparesia após um Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar de forma comparativa o equilíbrio estático e parâmetros da marcha de pacientes hemiparéticos crônicos após AVE em hemisfério cerebral dominante (esquerdo) e não dominante (direito) e analisar as correlações da oscilação do centro de pressão (COP) com os parâmetros da marcha e com o nível de independência funcional (MIF). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, os pacientes foram provenientes do ambulatório de hemiplegia do Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (IMREA-HCFMUSP). A análise da oscilação do COP foi realizada com uma plataforma de força, com olhos abertos e fechados. As variáveis mensuradas foram: área (amplitude de oscilação ântero-posterior e médio-lateral) e velocidade média de oscilação. Na marcha foram avaliados tamanhos do passo e passada, tempo de apoio e balanço, início duplo apoio, velocidade e cadência. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 21 pacientes hemiparéticos crônicos após AVE, nove com hemiparesia à direita e 12 à esquerda com predomínio braquial e mais de um ano de lesão. A avaliação da velocidade média de oscilação do COP, em ambos os grupos, apresentou maior desequilíbrio com os olhos fechados, porém não houve diferença estatística na avaliação entre os grupos de pacientes. O grupo com hemiparesia à esquerda apresentou melhores correlações do COP com os parâmetros da marcha. Dos parâmetros de equilíbrio avaliados, a área de oscilação do COP correlacionouse melhor com o tamanho da passada e com a MIF motora em ambos os grupos de pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: A área de oscilação do COP estático parece ser um bom indicador de equilíbrio, tamanho da passada e MIF motora em pacientes hemiparéticos após AVE. Não houve diferença no desempenho do equilíbrio estático entre os grupos de pacientes hemiparéticos crônicos quando comparado lesão em hemisfério dominante e não dominante. / INTRODUCTION: Posture or balance deficits are common findings in adults with hemiparesis after stroke. The aim of this study was analysis in the comparative way the gait parameters and balance in hemiparetic stroke patients in dominant (left) and non dominant (right) cerebral hemispheres, also the correlation the center of pressure (COP) with gait parameters and function independence measure (FIM). METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed with outpatient hemiplegia group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Institute of the University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine Clinics Hospital (IMREA HCFMUSP). The measures analyzed were: area (anteroposterior and medio-lateral sway) and average velocity it was performed with a force platform with open and closed eyes. The gait parameters measured were step and stride length, stance and swing time, double support, speed and cadence. RESULTS: 21 patients were investigated, nine chronic patients with a right hemiparesis and 12 with a left, with brachial predominance and time since stroke at least 12 months. The outcomes sway velocity COP showed in both groups worst with eyes closed, however between the groups of chronic patients there was no statistical difference. The correlation results of COP and gait in left hemiparetic patients group were better. The COP sway area showed a better correlation with step and stride length and motor FIM in both groups of patients. CONCLUSION: The area of static COP appears to be a good indicator of balance, stride length and motor FIM in hemiparetic stroke patients. There was no difference in the performance of static balance in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients when compared dominant and non dominant hemispheres.
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Economic Subterfuge and the NBA LockoutShah, Parin January 2012 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Richard, S.J. McGowan / At the very core of the National Basketball Association’s labor negotiations between the owners and the players during the 2011 lockout was the league’s argument that its economic structure was broken. Owners contended that the NBA’s soft salary cap system, and the resulting payroll disparity, has put small-market franchises at a talent disadvantage and produced a league of haves and have-nots. To remedy this purported competitive balance problem, the owners demanded severe policy measures to decrease the pay dispersion among teams. However, the players union cautioned that these hardline provisions were merely an attempt to transfer wealth from players to owners. This charge warranted further analysis. Existing literature on this topic is either outdated or insufficient in scope. As such, using regression analysis, this thesis evaluated the league’s argument and determined to what extent the league’s soft salary cap system has contributed to its competitive imbalance.The empirical analysis of this thesis produced several meaningful conclusions. While the NBA has relative imbalance, it does not affect consumer demand for the regular season product. Moreover, while pay dispersion exists, additional salary expenditures only marginally add to a team’s winning percentage. There is no significant relationship between payroll disparity and competitive balance. Finally, with the escalating importance of media rights contracts and the historical appreciation of franchise valuation, the league overstated the financial distress of most of its small-market owners. Overall, the NBA and its owners used deceptive rhetoric and misleading economic policies to decrease player salaries, not to increase competitive balance, in a collusive effort to maximize profits and reassert its diminishing monopsony power in an increasingly star-driven league. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2012. / Submitted to: Boston College. Carroll School of Management. / Discipline: Carroll School of Management Honors Program. / Discipline: Economics.
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Aspectos normativos da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada no adulto e no idoso / Normative aspects of computerized dynamic posturography in adults and elderlyMecenas, Thaís Sêneda de 26 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Tontura é um sintoma subjetivo e inespecífico, com características variadas. O equilíbrio corporal depende de informações sensoriais visuais, proprioceptivas e vestibulares que correspondem a um padrão fisiológico reconhecido pelo Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). O equilíbrio corporal é condição fundamental na vida do indivíduo e seu comprometimento traz grande ansiedade ao paciente além das dificuldades de locomoção e orientação. Objetivo: este estudo teve por objetivo realizar a normatização dos valores do Teste de Integração Sensorial (TIS) obtidos na Posturografia Dinâmica Computadorizada (PDC), em adultos e idosos sem queixas vestibulares. Casuística: esta foi formada por 40 sujeitos com idades entre 40 a 80 anos, sem queixa de sintomas vestibulares, os quais foram divididos em quatro grupos etários. Método: após aplicação de uma anamnese para excluir possíveis queixas de tontura e/ou desequilíbrio, problemas ortopédicos e/ou neurológicos e uso de medicamento que afetasse a função labiríntica, foi realizada a Posturografia Dinâmica Computadorizada com o equipamento Synapsys, versão 2.7, para o teste de Integração Sensorial. Resultados: A Média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 40 a 50 anos, respectivamente: 93,3/93,3/59,6/92,9/ 92,2/ 70,8. A média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular nos eixos AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 50 a 60 anos, respectivamente: 96,7/96/65/97, 7/91, 9/69, 3 . A média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular nos eixos AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 60 a 70 anos, respectivamente: 94,5 / 94,7/ 63,5/ 94,9/ 95,3/ 80,3. A média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular nos eixos AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 70 a 80 anos, respectivamente: 89,8/ 91,4/ 49,4/ 95,7/ 91,4/ 73,1. Conclusão: O presente estudo não demonstrou diferença nos valores do TIS na população estudada. / Introduction: dizziness is a subjective and nonspecific, symptom with several characteristics. The body balance depends on the sensory visual, proprioceptive and vestibular informations, which correspond to a physiological pattern recognized by the Central Nervous System (CNS). Body balance is a essential condition in the life of individuals and their commitment brings great anxiety to the patient beyond the difficulties of movement and orientation. Objective: This study aimed to perform the normalization of the values of the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) obtained in Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) in adults and elderly without vestibular complaints. Sample: this consisted of 40 subjects aged 40-80 years, without vestibular symptoms, which were divided into four age groups. Method: after application of a anamnesis to exclude possible complaints of dizziness and / or imbalance, orthopedic and / or neurological symptoms and use of medication that affected labyrinth function. PDC was performed with the equipment Synapsys, version 2.7, for the Sensory Integration Test. Results: Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group 40-50 years, respectively: 93.3 / 93.3 / 59.6 / 92.9 / 92.2 / 70.8. Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group of 50 and 60 years, respectively: 96.7 / 96/65/97, 7/91, 9/69, 3. Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group 60-70 years, respectively: 94.5 / 94.7 / 63.5 / 94.9 / 95.3 / 80.3. Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group 70-80 years, respectively: 89.8 / 91.4 / 49.4 / 95.7 / 91.4 / 73.1. Conclusion: no difference in test values Sensory Integration between the ages of individuals belonging to the sample.
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Aktivitetsbalans hos föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning, NPF / Occupational balance in parents to children with neurodevelopmental disorder, NDDCarlén, Lina, Bengtsson, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aktivitetsbalans är en subjektiv upplevelse som innefattar rätt mängd och rätt variation mellan aktiviteter. Att ha ett barn med NPF kan ha effekter på hur familjens vardagsrutiner utformas samt påverka föräldrarnas val och planering av aktiviteter. Syfte: Undersöka aktivitetsbalans hos föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning, NPF, i åldrarna 6–12 år. Metod: En kvantitativ enkätstudie genomfördes. Webbenkäten utformades enligt Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ) och varje fråga på ordinalskalenivå kompletterades med ett fritextsvar. Vid analys av data tillämpades en kvantitativ bearbetning och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studien deltog 194 föräldrar. Resultat: Föräldrarna skattade sin aktivitetsbalans övervägande lågt. Resultatet visade även att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan föräldrarnas arbetssituation och antal barn med NPF. Däremot visade resultatet ingen signifikant skillnad om föräldrarna var sammanboende/gifta eller ensamstående. I studiens innehållsanalys identifierades tre kategorier: Omstrukturering av vardagen, Förälderns kontakt med samhällsinsatser och Den förändrade rollen som förälder. Slutsats: Föräldrarna har en genomgående låg aktivitetsbalans. För att bemöta föräldrarnas behov av stöd bör arbetsterapeuter utgå från ett helhetsperspektiv på familjen i arbetet med barn med NPF. / Background: Occupational balance is a subjective experience that includes the right amount and the right variation between activities. Having a child with NDD can have effects on how the family's everyday routines are organized and affect the parents' choice and planning of activities. Aim: Exploring occupational balance in parents to children with neurodevelopmental disorder, NDD, ages 6-12 years. Method: A quantitative survey was conducted. The web survey was designed according to the Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ) and each question at the ordinal scale level was supplemented with a free text response. When analyzing data, a quantitative processing and a qualitative content analysis were applied. The study had 194 parents participating. Result: Parents estimated their occupational balance predominantly low. The result also showed that there was a significant difference between the parents' work situation and the number of children with NDD. However, the result showed no significant difference if the parents were cohabiting / married or single. In the study's content analysis three categories were identified: Restructuring of everyday life, Parent's contact with social support and The changed role as a parent. Conclusion: The parents have a consistently low occupational balance. To address the parents' need for support, occupational therapists should proceed a holistic perspective on the family in the work with children with NDD.
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Aspectos normativos da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada no adulto e no idoso / Normative aspects of computerized dynamic posturography in adults and elderlyThaís Sêneda de Mecenas 26 February 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Tontura é um sintoma subjetivo e inespecífico, com características variadas. O equilíbrio corporal depende de informações sensoriais visuais, proprioceptivas e vestibulares que correspondem a um padrão fisiológico reconhecido pelo Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). O equilíbrio corporal é condição fundamental na vida do indivíduo e seu comprometimento traz grande ansiedade ao paciente além das dificuldades de locomoção e orientação. Objetivo: este estudo teve por objetivo realizar a normatização dos valores do Teste de Integração Sensorial (TIS) obtidos na Posturografia Dinâmica Computadorizada (PDC), em adultos e idosos sem queixas vestibulares. Casuística: esta foi formada por 40 sujeitos com idades entre 40 a 80 anos, sem queixa de sintomas vestibulares, os quais foram divididos em quatro grupos etários. Método: após aplicação de uma anamnese para excluir possíveis queixas de tontura e/ou desequilíbrio, problemas ortopédicos e/ou neurológicos e uso de medicamento que afetasse a função labiríntica, foi realizada a Posturografia Dinâmica Computadorizada com o equipamento Synapsys, versão 2.7, para o teste de Integração Sensorial. Resultados: A Média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 40 a 50 anos, respectivamente: 93,3/93,3/59,6/92,9/ 92,2/ 70,8. A média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular nos eixos AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 50 a 60 anos, respectivamente: 96,7/96/65/97, 7/91, 9/69, 3 . A média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular nos eixos AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 60 a 70 anos, respectivamente: 94,5 / 94,7/ 63,5/ 94,9/ 95,3/ 80,3. A média, considerando todos os grupos, para os sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular nos eixos AP (ântero-posterior) e sistemas proprioceptivo, visual e vestibular no eixo LL (latero- lateral) para o grupo de 70 a 80 anos, respectivamente: 89,8/ 91,4/ 49,4/ 95,7/ 91,4/ 73,1. Conclusão: O presente estudo não demonstrou diferença nos valores do TIS na população estudada. / Introduction: dizziness is a subjective and nonspecific, symptom with several characteristics. The body balance depends on the sensory visual, proprioceptive and vestibular informations, which correspond to a physiological pattern recognized by the Central Nervous System (CNS). Body balance is a essential condition in the life of individuals and their commitment brings great anxiety to the patient beyond the difficulties of movement and orientation. Objective: This study aimed to perform the normalization of the values of the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) obtained in Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) in adults and elderly without vestibular complaints. Sample: this consisted of 40 subjects aged 40-80 years, without vestibular symptoms, which were divided into four age groups. Method: after application of a anamnesis to exclude possible complaints of dizziness and / or imbalance, orthopedic and / or neurological symptoms and use of medication that affected labyrinth function. PDC was performed with the equipment Synapsys, version 2.7, for the Sensory Integration Test. Results: Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group 40-50 years, respectively: 93.3 / 93.3 / 59.6 / 92.9 / 92.2 / 70.8. Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group of 50 and 60 years, respectively: 96.7 / 96/65/97, 7/91, 9/69, 3. Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group 60-70 years, respectively: 94.5 / 94.7 / 63.5 / 94.9 / 95.3 / 80.3. Average, considering all groups, for proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems in AP (anteroposterior) axis and proprioceptive systems, visual and vestibular in LL (latero-lateral) axis for the group 70-80 years, respectively: 89.8 / 91.4 / 49.4 / 95.7 / 91.4 / 73.1. Conclusion: no difference in test values Sensory Integration between the ages of individuals belonging to the sample.
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Estudo comparativo do equilíbrio postural dinâmico de atletas de futebol de campo e indivíduos sedentários / Comparative study of dynamic postural balance of field soccer athletes and sedentary individualsDias, Luciana Baltazar 22 November 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Atletas de futebol podem ter melhor equilíbrio que sedentários, pois os programas de treinamento sensório-motor melhoram a função motora, aumentam o controle neuromuscular e promovem a melhora da propriocepção. Este estudo teve como objetivos: avaliar o equilíbrio postural e a influência da dominância e dos fatores antropométricos em atletas de futebol de campo e indivíduos sedentários. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 100 indivíduos do gênero masculino divididos em dois grupos: 50 atletas de futebol de campo (GA) com idade de 18,0+0,7 anos e 50 indivíduos sedentários (GS) com idade de 17,6+0,6 anos. Os grupos foram analisados em relação à massa corporal, estatura, índice de massa corporal (IMC), flexibilidade e percentagem de gordura. Para avaliação do equilíbrio foi utilizado o protocolo Dynamic Balance System, nível 8 de estabilidade do equipamento Biodex Balance System (BBS). RESULTADOS: Os atletas apresentaram melhores índices no membro dominante no teste para a direita (p = 0,039) e no membro não-dominante no teste para trás/esquerda (p=0,007). Os sedentários tiveram melhores índices no teste realizado para a direita (p=0,034) no membro não dominante. Nos demais índices, não houve diferença estatística. O GS teve melhor desempenho do membro não dominante quando comparado com o dominante na maioria dos testes realizados. No GA houve melhor desempenho do membro não dominante no índice de estabilidade geral (p=0,027) e para esquerda (p=0,009). Houve fraca correlação entre medidas antropométricas e os índices de equilíbrio medidos pelo BBS nos dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Não há diferença no equilíbrio postural de atletas de futebol de campo e indivíduos sedentários. A dominância afeta o equilíbrio unipodal dos indivíduos sedentários, mas não afeta dos atletas de futebol de campo da categoria juniores. Os fatores antropométricos não interferiram no equilíbrio / INTRODUCTION: Soccer athletes may have a better balance than sedentary individuals, once sensory-motor training programs improve the motor function, increase neuromuscular control and promote a better balance and proprioception. The aim of this study was to assess the postural balance and the influence of the dominance and of anthropometric measures on field soccer athletes and sedentary individuals. METHODS: One hundred male individuals were assessed and divided in two groups: 50 field soccer players (AG) aged 18+0,7 years and 50 sedentary individuals (SG) aged 17,6+0,6 years. Groups were analyzed regarding body mass, height, body mass index (BMI), flexibility and fat percentage. Balance was assessed using the Dynamic Balance System protocol, level 8 of stability of the Biodex Balance System (BBS) equipment. RESULTS: Athletes presented better indexes in the dominant member in the test performed to the right (p=0,039), and in the non-dominant member in the test to backward/left (p=0,007). Sedentary individuals presented better indexes in the test performed to the right (p=0,034) in the non-dominant member. There was no statistical difference in the other tests. The SG presented better performance of the non-dominant member when compared to the dominant member in most of the tests performed. In the AG, there was a better performance of the non-dominant member in the overall stability index (p=0,027) and to the left (p=0,009). There was poor correlation between anthropometric measures and balance indexes measured by the BBS in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in postural balance between field soccer athletes and sedentary individuals. The dominance affected the unipodal balance of sedentary individuals, but not of field soccer athletes from the junior category. The anthropometric indexes did not interfere in the postural balance
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