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Predictors of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors: Supervisor Job Stress and Work-Family ClimateSale, Brittany E. 01 January 2010 (has links)
Research indicates that supportive supervision, particularly work-family specific supervision, is key to reducing employees' work-family conflict (Allen, 2001; Eby et al., 2005; Thomas & Ganster, 1995). However, little research has examined the factors that contribute to supervisors' willingness or ability to provide this support. This study examined how supervisor job stress and perceptions of work-family climate influenced employee ratings of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB) using previously-collected data from a mid-western grocery chain. It was hypothesized that supervisor job stressors would impact FSSB, supervisor perception of work-family climate would impact FSSB, and the interaction of stressors and climate would impact FSSB. None of the hypotheses were supported. Potential explanations and directions for future research are discussed.
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Les limitations au droit de propriété en matière immobilière / The limitations of the property right in real estateRolain, Marianne 30 November 2015 (has links)
Les limitations du droit de propriété, notamment en matière immobilière, ne cessent de se multiplier par de nouvelles lois ou réglementations, voire même de nouvelles techniques contractuelles. Ce phénomène serait-il alors la preuve de la dégénérescence du droit de propriété tel qu’il a été élaboré en 1789 et 1804 ? En réalité, l’article 17 de la Déclaration de 1789 et l’article 544 du Code civil ont toujours prévu la possibilité de limiter le droit de propriété. De plus, il convient de constater que tout est une question d’équilibre entre le droit de propriété et ses limitations. Toutefois, il n’en demeure pas moins que les limitations transforment le droit de propriété. En effet, il s’adapte pour correspondre à des enjeux environnementaux ou urbanistiques, ou encore pour répondre des besoins économiques et sociaux. Notamment, l’instrumentalisation du droit de propriété crée de nouvelles formes d’appropriation : d’une part, les démembrements de ses utilités constituent des propriétés instrumentales, et d’autre part sa dématérialisation révèle des propriétés finalisées en employant la valeur du droit de propriété à des fins spécifiques. Cette adaptation ne signifie pas pour autant qu’aucune limitation ne porte atteinte au droit de propriété. Pour le protéger les juges contrôlent la légalité, la finalité et surtout la proportionnalité de la limitation en cause. De même, ils disposent d’un arsenal de sanctions. Même si ce contrôle semble réduit, les juges ont amélioré la qualification des limitations et ont reconnu la valeur fondamentale du droit de propriété. Une manière de repenser le droit de propriété par ses limitations paraît ainsi se dessiner. / The limitations of the property right, in particular out of real estate, do not cease multiplying by new laws or regulations, and even of contracts. Would this phenomenon be the proof of the degeneration of the property right such as it was elaborate in 1789 and 1804? Actually, article 17 of the Declaration of 1789 and article 544 of the Civil code always contained limitations. Furthermore, it is notable that all is a question of balance between the property right and its limitations. However, the limitations transform the property right. Indeed, it adapts to correspond to environmental or urban challenges, or to answer of the economic and social needs. In particular, the instrumentalisation of the property right creates new forms of appropriation : on the one hand, the dismemberments of its utilities constitute instrumental properties, and on the other hand its dematerialization reveals properties finalized by employing the value of the property right at specific ends. However, this adaptation does not mean that no limitation undermines the property right. To protect it the judges control the legality, the finality and especially the proportionality of the limitation in question. In the same way, they have an arsenal of sanctions. Even if this control seems reduced, the judges improved the qualification of the limitations, and they recognized the fundamental value of the property right. A manner of reconsidering the property right by its limitations thus appears to take shape.
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A hydrologic assessment of surface ponding in a drained prairie pothole wetlandThen, Stephanie Rose 01 August 2016 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the surface water hydrology in an artificially drained and farmed prairie pothole wetland located in north-central Iowa as part of the Iowa DNR Wetland Program Development (WPD) project. The purpose of the WPD project was to begin documentation of basic hydrology, wildlife value, and water quality to improve understanding of ecosystem services provided by drained prairie pothole wetlands. The surface water hydrology was evaluated using a daily water balance (PPWB) model. The model development, validation, and applications are described in detail in this thesis.
The PPWB model estimates the water depth and duration in the drained wetland. Several sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate how site-specific factors affect the frequency, depth, and duration of surface ponding in the drained wetland. In the absence of surface inlets, infiltration was found to have a significant impact on ponding, second only to the amount of precipitation in importance. The topography also plays an important role in surface water ponding, with higher ponding durations occurring for larger catchment-to-pothole area ratios. However, the presence of a surface inlet in a drained prairie pothole wetland significantly alters the hydrology and all other ponding factors become negligible. In addition, long-term ponding was evaluated for historic and future hydrologic trends. The long-term simulation showed increasing trends for precipitation and ponding duration.
The possible implications of continued farming of drained wetlands were explored using PPWB model sensitivity analysis and long-term simulation results. Agricultural implications include mitigation strategies to balance ecosystem needs with crop production and impacts of the projected future outlook with regards to climate. Environmental implications include insight on impacts of wetland restoration.
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The impact of differential censoring and covariate relationships on propensity score performance in a time-to-event setting: a simulation studyHinman, Jessica 01 January 2017 (has links)
Objective: To assess the ability of propensity score methods to maintain covariate balance and minimize bias in the estimation of treatment effect in a time-to-event setting.
Data Sources: Generated simulation model
Study Design: Simulation study
Data Collection: 6 scenarios with varying covariate relationships to treatment and outcome with 2 different censoring prevalences
Principal Findings: As time lapses, balance achieved at baseline through propensity score methods between treated and untreated groups trends toward imbalance, particularly in settings with high rates of censoring. Furthermore, there is a high degree of variability in the performance of different propensity score models with respect to effect estimation.
Conclusions: Caution should be used when incorporating propensity score analysis methods in survival analyses. In these settings, if model over-parameterization is a concern, Cox regression stratified on propensity score matched pairs often provides more accurate conditional treatment effect estimates than those of unstratified matched or IPT weighted Cox regression models.
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Studies on Amino Acid Balance in Three Fish MealsWisutharom, Krachang 01 May 1966 (has links)
High levels of fish mean cannot be used in chick diets in the United States because of the relatively high cost as compared to soybean meal. In certain areas or countries where large amounts of fish meal are produced, it may be economically feasible to use fish meal as the major protein supplement in the poultry rations.
Feed consumed by poultry must provide most of the materials the birds need for growth or to produce eggs. Those who formulate feed must select ingredients and combine them in proportions which will allow the bird to grow or produce eggs at the lowest possible cost. Fish meal is a good source of essential amino acids. Numerous studies during the past several decades have demonstrated the value of fish meal as a source of unidentified growth factors, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and energy.
The nutritive value of commercially produced fish meal showed great variation when investigated by the protein quality index method. The fish species used, the parts of fish used, amount of heating, fat removal, and duration of storage significantly affected the nutritional value of fish meals. The methods of processing and fractionation of the original fish carcass are different for different species. For example, menhaden meal is made from whole fish, but tuna fish meal is made from cannery scraps that contain relatively less muscle and more bone and skin than does menhaden meal. Meal high in bone and skin may be inferior to meals high in muscle protein. Meals high in oil may be poorer than those lower in oil if the meals are not processed and stored properly. The experiments reported in this thesis were conducted to determine if the three fish meals studied varied in the amino acid levels and pattern provided to the chick and to determine if these differences explain differences in the feeding value of these meals. Studies were conducted with two lots of Canadian herring meal, a tuna meal, and Peruvian fish meal probably made from anchovy.
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The relationship between spirituality, health related quality of life and occupational balance among adults with chronic diseasesParker, Yasmeen January 2019 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / Background: One of the most significant current discussions in public health and
occupational therapy is the challenges facing adults with chronic diseases. Adults living with
chronic diseases experience challenges of activity limitations and occupational disruptions
which may influence their health, quality of life and well-being. Chronic diseases seem to
have implications for adults’ areas of occupation, client factors and performance patterns as
well as performance skills. Spirituality is considered as important in the lives of adults living
with chronic diseases as a coping strategy assisting them to deal with the challenges of life in
relation to physical, social, emotional and functional well-being. Despite the importance of
spirituality in adults with chronic diseases, there is little known about the relationship
between spirituality, health-related quality of life and occupational balance among adults with
chronic diseases in the Western Cape, South Africa.
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between spirituality, healthrelated
quality of life and occupational balance from the perspectives of adults living with
chronic diseases.
Methods: A sequential exploratory mixed methods two phase design approach was used for
the purpose of the study. Thus, to examine the perspectives and determine the relationship on
spirituality, health related quality of life and occupational balance of adults living with
chronic diseases. Furthermore, to explore and describe the perceptions of adults with chronic
diseases regarding the relationship between spirituality, health related quality of life and
occupational balance.
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Jobbmobilens påverkan på individens work life balance / The work phones effect on the individuals work life balanceArnstål, Lina January 2019 (has links)
A quantitative study on the work phones effects on a group of individuals in Swedens work life balance
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Determinación de la energía interna del manto de nieve en Chile central, a partir de datos de sensores en terrenoPrado Ceroni, Ignacio José January 2017 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil / El recurso hídrico hace mención a los cuerpos de agua existentes en el planeta y su estudio busca determinar su disponibilidad para que así el ser humano pueda aprovecharlo desde el uso más básico, representado como el consumo directo, hasta su utilización en las principales actividades económicas, sociales y culturales de la población. Una parte importante proviene de la nieve, llegando a existir localidades que dependen casi en su totalidad de esta fuente de agua potable, por lo que comprender los procesos de formación y derretimiento del manto de nieve se vuelve indispensable.
Uno de los factores determinantes al momento de estudiar estos procesos corresponde al balance de energía en el manto nival, en donde el aporte de los flujos turbulentos de calor intercambiados con la atmósfera y también las variaciones de energía interna han sido poco estudiados en ambiente de montaña, dada la complejidad que implican las pendientes en dichos terrenos, siendo que su contribución puede ser significativa. Así, esta memoria busca analizar las magnitudes y variaciones de estas componentes durante un período extenso, en el cual se realizó la campaña de mediciones en la zona de Valle Nevado, en la Región Metropolitana de Chile (33°21 S, 70°14 O, a 3038 m.s.n.m.). Para lo anterior se realizó la instalación de un anemómetro sónico con sensor de gases incorporado, una estación meteorológica estándar y sensores de luz y temperatura en profundidad del manto, con el fin de obtener la base de datos a utilizar.
El análisis de la información medida entre el 23 de agosto y el 5 de octubre de 2016 permitió realizar, por un lado una estimación de las variaciones de energía interna de la nieve mediante la aplicación de un modelo difusivo de temperatura en profundidad del manto de nieve, y por otro, determinar las series de tiempo de los flujos turbulentos que podrían tener un fuerte impacto en el balance de energía de la nieve. Además, el estudio de las forzantes medidas y el contraste con los flujos turbulentos permitió realizar un análisis cualitativo para así comprender de mejor manera las variaciones observadas en las series de tiempo de dichos flujos.
Finalmente se determinó el aporte de cada flujo al balance de energía, obteniendo que los flujos radiativos representan un 69% del total, el calor sensible un 13.8%, el calor latente un 9.8% y las variaciones de energía interna un 7.4%.La importancia de este trabajo radica, por un lado, en la determinación directa de los flujos turbulentos que usualmente son difíciles de cuantificar, y por otro, agregar al balance la componente asociada a las variaciones de energía interna que muchas veces se omite dada la complejidad que representa el hacer las mediciones.
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Twenty-five Years of Giving: Using a National Data Set to Examine Private Support for Higher EducationFrank, Karen Ann 03 November 2014 (has links)
Resource dependencies have increased substantially at colleges and universities over the years due to economic declines, recessionary periods, and decreased funding from state allocations. The purpose of this study was to advance an understanding of private support for higher education as a source of supplementary funding. As the environment continues to become more competitive for outside resources, institutions of higher education can benefit from more substantive and objective research on private voluntary support to better meet their growing needs for additional resources.
Effective financial management requires a greater understanding of the expected size of financial contributions to assist with strategic planning and managing expenditure demands. This is especially true during periods of broad economic downturn when many institutions' revenue sources simultaneously suffer economic shocks through reduced endowment earnings; reductions in state appropriations; and external pressures by students, parents, and other stakeholders to keep tuition rates low. The same economic pressures that affect institutional revenue sources also affect the receipt of charitable contributions. Thus, the relationship between charitable donations and the economy is central to understanding whether these contributions help to stabilize the volatility of institutional revenues.
This study examined private giving data reported to the Council for Aid to Education's annual Voluntary Support of Education survey from 1987 to 2012. Only gifts contributed by alumni, foundations, corporations, other individuals, and parents to public and private baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral institutions were considered. Giving data were adjusted through the Consumer Price Index, standardized by enrollment, and correlated with three economic indicators: Average Duration of Unemployment, Employees on Nonagricultural Payrolls, and the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Price Index. The statistical analysis selected to examine each of the four research questions was multiple linear regression used to discover to what relationships exist between economic indicators and private giving to higher education by institutional type, institutional classification, and giving source.
This study revealed that differences in private giving exist when correlated to economic indicators. Based on these results, it appears that charitable funding directed to support higher education institutions are based to some extent on resource providers' ability to expend support at particular times in the economic environment. As observed throughout all four research questions, the Average Duration of Unemployment indicator had a larger impact on charitable giving to higher education than did the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Price Index indicator. The results of the Fisher's r to z transformations indicated that the regression model for alumni giving to public higher education institutions was determined to be the statistically strongest prediction model, followed by the regression model for foundation giving to public institutions.
While fundraising continues to be only one source of additional funding, it cannot be ignored that the generosity of private donors since the earliest days of this country has helped to create, support and sustain the vital functions of colleges and universities. While the pursuit of private support may have been left primarily to the private institutions over the years, more recent developments in state and government funding patterns to higher education make the constant search for additional support sources a reality for today's public higher education institutions as well. Academic leadership must be cognizant that fiscal flexibility in times of economic prosperity as well as in times of economic downturns can be supplemented by the philanthropic intent of those interested in not only an institution's presence or prestige but also by its impact on students, families, communities, customers, and the economy. Institutions of higher education and their institutional advancement programs can greatly benefit from research studies that provide additional substantive and objective research.
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Walking stability in young, old and neuropathic subjectsMenz, Hylton, Physiology, UNSW January 2002 (has links)
This thesis investigates walking patterns in healthy young people and in people with an increased risk of falling, and determines the physiological contributions to walking stability. First, a review of the relevant literature on techniques for assessing walking stability, age-related changes in balance and gait, and the contributions of vision, vestibular function, peripheral sensation and strength was undertaken. In response to a critical analysis of these findings, a new technique and protocol for the assessment of walking stability was developed. This involved measuring and analysing head and pelvis accelerations while subjects walked on a level surface and an irregular surface. Gait patterns were studied in 30 young healthy subjects and two groups known to be at increased risk of falling - 100 subjects over the age of 75, and 30 subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. A series of vision, sensation, strength, reaction time and balance tests were also undertaken to identify subjects??? physiological abilities and risk of falls. Acceleration patterns of the head and pelvis differed according to physiological risk of falling, particularly when walking on the irregular surface. Those with a high risk of falling walked with a reduced velocity, cadence and step length, and exhibited less rhythmic acceleration patterns at the head and pelvis. Gait patterns were significantly associated with leg strength, peripheral sensation and reaction time. It is concluded that subjects with a high physiological risk of falling exhibit characteristic patterns of walking that indicate an impaired ability to control the movement of the pelvis and head, which may predispose to loss of balance.
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