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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of selected wood properties and the suitability for industrial utilization of Acacia seyal var. seyal Del and Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile grown in different climatic zones of Sudan

Mohamed Shawgi Gamal, Hanadi 17 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Sudan is endowed with a great diversity of tree species; nevertheless the utilization of wood resources has traditionally concentrated on a few species only. Despite of the richness of Sudan in most of basic factors required to establish forest based industries it still almost entirely dependent on imports to satisfy its needs of the products of such industries. There is an urgent need to assess the suitability of the local fibrous raw materials for industrial utilization, this would not only reduce imports, but they would also provide an economic incentive to the forestry and industrial sectors of Sudan. Sudan has a wide variation of climatic zones, thus; great variations are expected in the anatomical and physical properties between and within species grown in each zone. This variation needs to be fully explored in order to suggest best uses for the species. The present study was carried out to assess the suitability of Acacia seyal var. seyal Del and Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile wood for pulp and paper making (PPM) and flooring industry, as well as to investigate the effect of rainfall zones on selected wood properties. For this purpose, a total of thirty trees per species were collected from four states in Sudan, namely: Blue Nile, North Kordofan, South Kordofan and White Nile. The study areas located in two precipitation zones. Zone one with 273 mm mean annual rainfall, and zone two with 701 mm mean annual rainfall. Wood samples in form of disc were obtained from two heights within each tree, which are 10 % and 90 % from the tree merchantable height. Anatomical, physical and mechanical investigations were conducted in order to test the wood properties of the study species. The studied anatomical properties were: fibre and vessel diameter, lumen diameter and wall thickness. In addition to fibre length and three fibre derived values, namely: flexibility coefficient, Runkel ratio and slenderness ratio. The trend of fiber length from pith to bark was determined. The anatomical composition was described. Wood density was investigated as a main physical property. Basic density as well as air dry density were measured in the current study. Additionally, the density was measured using X-ray densitometry method in order to assess its suitability as a valid tool for the study species density determination. The trend of wood basic density from pith to bark was also determined. Brinell hardness strength was measured in the transverse and radial sections. According to the study results, the fibre length of both species considered as medium (900 -1600 μm). However, Acacia seyal has longer fiber. Acacia seyal wood density considered heavy (≥ 720 kg/m³) while that of Balanites aegyptiaca is medium (500 - < 720 kg/m³). Depending upon the mean values of hardness strength in transverse as well as radial sections, the wood of both species can be classified as very hard (up to 146 N/mm2 hardness strength). Fibre length and wood density for both species followed the increase trend from the pith to the bark. The X-ray densitometry technique is considered as a valid tool for wood density determination for both species. For each species, some wood properties (in mature wood) were significantly affected by the water stress in the drier zone. For instance, Acacia seyal fibre length was negatively affected, while vessel wall thickness, basic density as well as hardness strength of the radial section were positively affected. In case of Balanites aegyptiaca the following properties were affected: vessel dimensions (negatively) and basic density (positively). However, the water stress did not affect Acacia seyal fibre and vessel diameter and lumen diameter, fiber wall thickness, flexibility coefficient, Runkel ratio and hardness strength in transverse section. Balanites aegyptiaca fibre characteristics and hardness strength did not show any response to water stress as well. In general, the overall wood properties of the study species considered compatible for PPM and flooring industry. However, trees growing in the more humid zone are preferable for both industries, due to their lower wood density and longer fibres in case of Acacia seyal and lower density in case of Balanites aegyptiaca.

The demography of Balanites maughamii : an elephant-dispersed tree

Bijl, Alison 02 February 2017 (has links)
Balanites maughamii is an ecologically and culturally valuable tree species, heavily impacted by elephants, which strip bark selectively off the largest trees, increasing their susceptibility to fire damage. Elephants also break intermediate sized trees extensively, keeping them trapped in non-reproductive stages. The trees can however survive breaking, stripping and · toppling by elephants, as well as top kill by fires, because they resprout vigorously in response to damage. They also produce root suckers. independently of disturbance. Vegetative reproduction buffers the populations from the infrequent recruitment of seedlings, and facilitates the maintenance of populations over the short term. Balanites maughamii trees are reliant on African elephants (Loxodonta africana) for seed dispersal and to provide a germination cue through mastication. In the absence of elephants, the population experiences a recruitment bottleneck, but root suckers functionally replace seedlings and fill the "recruitment gap", so over the short term, the population is resilient. In all populations, whether elephants are present or not, another hurdle affects recruitment, and it is seed limitation due to seed predation pre- and post- dispersal. Cafeteria experiments revealed that bushveld gerbils (Tatera leucogaster) were removing many seeds but do not scatter- or larder-hoard. They are simply seed predators.

Investigation of selected wood properties and the suitability for industrial utilization of Acacia seyal var. seyal Del and Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile grown in different climatic zones of Sudan

Mohamed Shawgi Gamal, Hanadi 16 May 2014 (has links)
Sudan is endowed with a great diversity of tree species; nevertheless the utilization of wood resources has traditionally concentrated on a few species only. Despite of the richness of Sudan in most of basic factors required to establish forest based industries it still almost entirely dependent on imports to satisfy its needs of the products of such industries. There is an urgent need to assess the suitability of the local fibrous raw materials for industrial utilization, this would not only reduce imports, but they would also provide an economic incentive to the forestry and industrial sectors of Sudan. Sudan has a wide variation of climatic zones, thus; great variations are expected in the anatomical and physical properties between and within species grown in each zone. This variation needs to be fully explored in order to suggest best uses for the species. The present study was carried out to assess the suitability of Acacia seyal var. seyal Del and Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile wood for pulp and paper making (PPM) and flooring industry, as well as to investigate the effect of rainfall zones on selected wood properties. For this purpose, a total of thirty trees per species were collected from four states in Sudan, namely: Blue Nile, North Kordofan, South Kordofan and White Nile. The study areas located in two precipitation zones. Zone one with 273 mm mean annual rainfall, and zone two with 701 mm mean annual rainfall. Wood samples in form of disc were obtained from two heights within each tree, which are 10 % and 90 % from the tree merchantable height. Anatomical, physical and mechanical investigations were conducted in order to test the wood properties of the study species. The studied anatomical properties were: fibre and vessel diameter, lumen diameter and wall thickness. In addition to fibre length and three fibre derived values, namely: flexibility coefficient, Runkel ratio and slenderness ratio. The trend of fiber length from pith to bark was determined. The anatomical composition was described. Wood density was investigated as a main physical property. Basic density as well as air dry density were measured in the current study. Additionally, the density was measured using X-ray densitometry method in order to assess its suitability as a valid tool for the study species density determination. The trend of wood basic density from pith to bark was also determined. Brinell hardness strength was measured in the transverse and radial sections. According to the study results, the fibre length of both species considered as medium (900 -1600 μm). However, Acacia seyal has longer fiber. Acacia seyal wood density considered heavy (≥ 720 kg/m³) while that of Balanites aegyptiaca is medium (500 - < 720 kg/m³). Depending upon the mean values of hardness strength in transverse as well as radial sections, the wood of both species can be classified as very hard (up to 146 N/mm2 hardness strength). Fibre length and wood density for both species followed the increase trend from the pith to the bark. The X-ray densitometry technique is considered as a valid tool for wood density determination for both species. For each species, some wood properties (in mature wood) were significantly affected by the water stress in the drier zone. For instance, Acacia seyal fibre length was negatively affected, while vessel wall thickness, basic density as well as hardness strength of the radial section were positively affected. In case of Balanites aegyptiaca the following properties were affected: vessel dimensions (negatively) and basic density (positively). However, the water stress did not affect Acacia seyal fibre and vessel diameter and lumen diameter, fiber wall thickness, flexibility coefficient, Runkel ratio and hardness strength in transverse section. Balanites aegyptiaca fibre characteristics and hardness strength did not show any response to water stress as well. In general, the overall wood properties of the study species considered compatible for PPM and flooring industry. However, trees growing in the more humid zone are preferable for both industries, due to their lower wood density and longer fibres in case of Acacia seyal and lower density in case of Balanites aegyptiaca.

Fixation des dunes dans le Sud-Est du Niger : évaluation de lefficacité de la barrière mécanique, espèces ligneuses adaptées et potentialités dinoculation mycorhizienne

Laminou Manzo, Ousmane 05 January 2010 (has links)
RESUME : Le Sud-Est du Niger est soumis au phénomène dérosion éolienne. Dans la zone de Gouré, les cuvettes oasiennes, principales sources de productions agricoles et de revenus, sont menacées de disparition à cause de lensablement. Des opérations de fixation de dunes sont entreprises pour sauver ce capital productif. Lévaluation de la technique de fixation mécanique des dunes utilisée dans la zone a montré que celle-ci est efficace dans la restauration écologique du milieu. Trois années après la mise en place des palissades anti-érosives, à base des branchages de Leptadenia pyrotechnica, une végétation spontanée, comprenant 58 espèces (20 familles), dont 17 pérennes, sétait installée à lintérieur du clayonnage, soit 42 espèces de plus que dans les zones non traitées. Au fil des ans, la composition floristique sest progressivement stabilisée, témoignant ainsi dune réduction notable des perturbations du milieu engendrées par laction érosive des vents. Dans une expérimentation de fixation biologique de dunes, sept espèces ligneuses, dont cinq autochtones (Acacia senegal, A. tortilis, A. nilotica, Bauhinia rufescens, Balanites aegyptiaca), et deux allochtones (Prosopis juliflora et P. chilensis) ont été testées. En pépinière, les espèces ont subi un stress hydrique par interruption darrosage durant six jours. Les taux dhydratation foliaire ont été déterminés, afin dévaluer leur capacité respective à limiter les pertes deau par transpiration. Dans un essai de terrain, les espèces ont été plantées sur un cordon dunaire, préfixé mécaniquement, en vue de tester leur aptitude à la stabilisation des dunes. Les taux de survie sur trois années ont été calculés et la croissance en hauteur mesurée. Les résultats en pépinière ont montré, quaprès six jours de stress hydrique, Acacia senegal, A. tortilis, Prosopis chilensis et A. nilotica sont les quatre espèces limitant le mieux les pertes en eau. Les résultats sur site ont montré que la meilleure combinaison en matière de fixation de dunes dans cette zone serait dassocier lespèce de Prosopis chilensis (fort taux de survie et croissance rapide) avec A. tortilis et/ou A. nilotica (survie et croissance relativement appréciables et intérêt économique plus important). Dans loptique dun essai dinoculation mycorhizienne, des échantillons de sols de Gouré ont été récoltés sous dix espèces ligneuses locales et exotiques, avec lobjectif didentifier les différents types de champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) et de produire un inoculum indigène par le biais de trois plantes-pièges locales ; le mil, le sorgho et le niébé. Les résultats ont mis en évidence la présence de deux familles de Glomales dans les sols du département de Gouré, Glomaceae (appartenant au genre Glomus) et Gigasporaceae. Avec plus de 56 % des spores, le genre Glomus est le plus abondant des Glomales identifiées et aussi le plus viable (55,80 % des spores vivantes). La croissance en hauteur des parties aériennes du sorgho et du niébé a été significativement stimulée par linoculation. Les trois cultures sont équivalentes dans le piégeage des spores. Un inoculum mycorhizien composite de souches indigènes a été produit à partir de cette culture sporale. Lefficacité de la mycorhization naturelle a été comparée à celles des apports de ce complexe mycorhizien indigène et du Glomus intraradices. Un substrat de culture naturel, non stérilisé, a été inoculé par le complexe mycorhizien de souches indigènes ou par du Glomus intraradices. Les effets de linoculation ont été observés sur cinq espèces ligneuses, dont trois Acacias (A. nilotica, A. tortilis, A. senegal), Bauhinia rufescens et Prosopis chilensis, en pépinière et en sol dunaire. En pépinière, les espèces ont subi un stress hydrique par interruption darrosage durant six jours. Les taux dhydratation foliaire ont été calculés, afin dévaluer les effets de la mycorhization sur la limitation des pertes deau par transpiration. Les différents taux de mycorhization ont été déterminés, ainsi que la croissance des plants et la production de la biomasse totale. Dans un essai de terrain, les espèces inoculées et non inoculées ont été plantées sur un cordon dunaire, préfixé mécaniquement, en vue dévaluer les effets des différents apports mycorhiziens au champ sur la croissance en hauteur des plants. Les résultats en pépinière ont montré que (i) le sol de pépinière non stérilisé contient des CMA (champignon mycorhizien à arbuscules) endogènes aussi infectifs que les souches contrôlées ; (ii) lapport du Glomus intraradices est efficace dans la stimulation de la production de biomasse totale et (iii) la mycorhization naturelle est quasi aussi efficace que les deux apports mycorhiziens dans la stimulation de la croissance en hauteur et dans la limitation de la perte deau des espèces par transpiration. Les résultats sur site confirment lefficacité comparable de la mycorhization naturelle et de celle des apports mycorhiziens. Bien que leffet du G. intraradices apparaisse être bénéfique en certains points chez quelques espèces, les effets observés ne justifient pas doffice de le préférer à linoculum composite de souches indigènes, ni à la mycorhization naturelle dans cette zone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Southeastern of Niger Republic is subjected to the phenomenon of wind erosion. In Gouré, the oasis basins, which are the main source of agricultural productions and incomes, are threatened to disappear because of the sand silting up. Operations of sand dunes fixation are taken to save this productive capital. Assessment of the mechanical sand dunes fixation technique, used in this area, showed that this technique is effective in the ecological restoration of the environment. Three years after the implementation of the anti erosive fences, made of Leptadenia pyrotechnica branches, spontaneous floral vegetation, including 58 species (20 families) of which 17 perennials, had settled down inside the fences, owing 42 species more than in the untreated areas. Over the years, the floral composition gradually stabilized proving then a considerable reduction of the environmental disturbances caused by the erosive winds action. In a biological sand dunes fixation experiment, seven woody species, of which five natives (Acacia senegal, A. tortilis, A. nilotica, Bauhinia rufescens and Balanites aegyptiaca) and two exotic (Prosopis juliflora and P. chilensis) have been tested in that zone of the Southeastern of Niger Republic. In nursery, species underwent a water stress by interrupting the watering during six days. Foliar hydration has been determined in order to evaluate their capacity to limit water loss. In a field experiment, species have been planted on a mechanically prefixed sand dune cord in order to test their ability in sand dunes stabilization. Survival rates during the first three years have been calculated and height growth was measured. In nursery, results showed that, after six days of water stress, Acacia senegal, A. tortilis, P. chilensis and A. nilotica are the four species limiting the best the losses in water. Results on site showed that the best combination in sand dunes fixation, in this zone, would be the association of Prosopis chilensis specie (high survival rate and fast growth) with A. tortilis and/or A. nilotica (survival and growth relatively substantial and more important economic interest). In the optics of a further mycorrhizal inoculation essay, soil samples from Gouré department were collected beneath ten mature native and exotic tree species in order to identify the types of associated arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and to produce an indigenous inoculum by growing three local trap cultures including millet, sorghum and cowpea. The results highlighted the presence of two families of Glomales in the soils including Glomaceae (belonging to the genus Glomus) and Gigasporaceae. With more than 56 % of spores, the genus Glomus is the most abundant of the identified Glomales and the most viable (55, 80 % of the live spores). The length growth of sorghum and cowpea plants was significantly stimulated by inoculation. The three trap cultures species are equivalent in the spores trapping. An indigenous mycorrhizal complex was produced from this spore culture. Effects of the natural mycorhization were compared with those of the addition of this indigenous mycorrhizal complex and Glomus intraradices. A natural unsterile culture substrate was inoculated with the indigenous inoculum or with G. Intraradices. Inoculation effects were assessed on five woody species, among which three Acacias species (A. nilotica, A. tortilis, A. senegal), Bauhinia rufescens and Prosopis chilensis, in a tree nursery and on a sand dune of Gouré. In the nursery, species underwent a water stress by interrupting the watering during six days. Foliar hydration has been determined in order to evaluate the respective effects of the mycorrhizal inoculation on the water loss limitation. Mycorrhizal root colonization has been determined as well as plant height and total biomass. In a field experiment, inoculated and non inoculated species have been planted on a mechanically prefixed sand dune portion in order to evaluate the effects of mycorrhizal inoculations on growth in the field. Results in nursery showed that (i) the non sterile soil would contain some endogenous AMF (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) as infectious as those in soils with mycorrhizal additions; (ii) addition of Glomus intraradices would be efficient to stimulate total biomass and (iii) natural mycorhization would be as efficient as both mycorrhizal addition in growth stimulation and water loss limitation by transpiration. Results on site confirm the comparable effectiveness of the natural mycorhization and mycorrhizal additions. Although the addition of G. intraradices appears to be slightly superior by some aspects on some species, the observed effects do not justify preferring it, when compared to indigenous composite inoculum or to natural mycorhization in this zone.

De levandes gåvor och de dödas efterlämningar : -En kemisk analys på harts och ökendadel (Balanites aegyptiaca) från två egyptiska kärl

Biström Freij, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
This paper aims to investigate the embalming process and the Balanites aegyptiaca from two pottery originated in ancient Egypt. The two objects were from Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. Samples were collected and analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify which components the samples contained. The results show complex mixtures mainly consisting of resin origin from Pinaceae and the vegetable oils from the Balanites aegyptiaca.

Assessment of fuelwood resources in acacia woodlands in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia : towards the development of planning tools for sustainable management /

Getachew Eshete. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Caractérisations biochimique et microscopique du piège extracellulaire de racine et des exsudats racinaires de trois essences ligneuses sahéliennes : balanites aegyptiaca D., Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana S., et tamarindus indica L / Biochemical and microscopic characterization of the root extracellular root trap and root exudates of three Sahelian woody seedlings : Balanites aegyptiaca D., Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana S. and Tamarundus indica L.

Carreras, Alexis 28 March 2018 (has links)
La coiffe racinaire est cruciale à la croissance et survie du méristème subapical de racine. Elle libère des cellules frontières (CFs) qui assurent la protection de l’apex racinaire. Les CFs associées à leur mucilage forment le piège extracellaire de racine (RET). La caractérisation du RET et des exsudats racinaires de trois essences ligneuses sahéliennes à partir de plantules cultivées in vitro a été réalisée. B. aegyptiaca et A. raddiana prospèrent dans les zones semi-arides, à l’opposé de T. indica. La morphologie des CFs et l’organisation du RET ont été déterminées par microscopie. La compostion en glycopolymères et la détection des arabinogalactanes proteines (AGPs) dans le RET et les exsudats racinaires ont été déterminées par des analyses biochimiques. L’effet des exsudats racinaires sur la croissance d’Azospirillum brasilense, une bactérie bénéfique pour la plante a été évalué. B. aegyptiaca produit des CFs de type border cells (BCs) alors que les autres Fabaceae produisent des BCs et des border-like cells. Les BCs sont entourées d’un dense mucilage riche en polymères de paroi. Le RET et les exsudats racinaires issus de B. aegyptiaca et A. raddiana sont plus riches en AGPs que ceux provenant T. indica. Les AGPs pourraient contribuer à la survie des plantules dans un contexte semiaride. Ce travail ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche concernant l'implication du RET dans la survie des plantes à l'aridité. / The root cap is primordial for seedling growth and supports root apical meristem integrity. The root cap releases root border cells (RBCs) that surround the root tip and ensure seedling protection against numerous stresses. RBCs and their associated mucilage form the root extracellular trap (RET). Here, RET and root exudate characterization of three Sahelian woody seedlings are performed. In contrast to B. aegyptiaca and A. raddiana which thrive in semi-arid areas, T. indica is more sensitive to drought. B. aegyptiaca, A. raddiana and T. indica seedlings were sub-cultured in vitro. RBC morphologies and RET organization were determined using microscopic approaches. The polysaccharide composition and arabinogalactan protein (AGP) content were determined by biochemical approaches in the RET and the root exudates. Moreover, the effect of root exudates on the growth of Azospirillum brasilense a plant benefical bacteria has been performed. While B. aegyptiaca produces only border cell (BC) type, the two Fabaceae seedlings release both BCs and border-like cells (BLCs). BCs are enclosed in a dense mucilage enriched in cell wall polymers. Compared to T. indica, RET and root exudates of B. aegyptiaca and A. raddiana include more abundant AGPs. In this context, AGPs could contribute to woody seedling survival. This work opens new research perspectives regarding involvement of RET in plant survival to aridity.

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