Spelling suggestions: "subject:"band"" "subject:"bad""
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A GIS and Remote Sensing Based Analysis of Impervious Surface Influences on Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Nest Presence in the Virginia Portion of the Chesapeake BayCiminelli, Jennifer M. 01 January 2006 (has links)
GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and remote sensing techniques were used to predict relationships between bald eagle nest presences and land type, distance to land type and impervious surface cover area. Data plots revealed bald eagle nest presence decreases in response to an increase in area of bareland; increases with an increase in area of forested land; decreases with an increase in distance (m) to shoreline, and decreases in response to an increase in area of impervious surfaces. Logistic regression models identified impervious surfaces as an indicator for bald eagle nest presence (P 24% as unsuitable. Unsuitable area covered 17.82% of the total study area, impacted area covered 13.40%, and, sensitive area covered 68.77%. The projected increase in population in the state of Virginia and subsequent increase in impervious surfaces presents a challenge to the future viability of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay bald eagle population. The threshold analysis identified areas of prime conservation concern for bald eagle nest presence within the defined study area. These areas provide the basis for a conservation management plan and for further scientific study.
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Influence of historic landscapes and contemporary species management on Chesapeake Bay Bald Eagles and Osprey
Catherine B. Viverette
Co-distributed species with well documented demographic histories can provide good models for testing alternative hypotheses about the impact of evolutionary history, contemporary landscapes, and species management on current distribution and population structure. The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) and Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) have been extensively studied, managed and monitored across their North American breeding range, particularly in the Chesapeake Bay. We used a combination of ecological niche modelling, diet reconstruction, and population genetic modeling to understand the role of historic events--both shallow and deep time--on contemporary species distribution. The first objective of this study was to develop contemporary and paleo-distributional models for North American Bald Eagles and Osprey in order to explore the geographic histories of the two species, including the identity of possible Pleistocene refugia. Potential distribution during past (e.g. Last Glacial Maximum, LGM) and possible future climate scenarios were developed with species occurrence records for Osprey (n = 3034) and Bald Eagles (n = 8859) combined with 19 bioclimatic variables representing current conditions using the maximum entropy model (MaxEnt). Paleoclimatic models predict multiple putative refugia that may explain differences in migratory behavior between the two currently co-distributed species, as well as geographically defined sub-populations within each species. We conducted bulk stable isotope analysis of feathers collected from museum specimens and contemporary nests to investigate the influence of historic declines in critical prey species on distribution of Bald Eagles (n = 41 ) and Osprey (n = 45) in the Chesapeake Bay over the past 140 y. Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR) was used to estimate the relative contribution of potential prey items in order to test the hypothesis that migration of estuarine-dependent and anadromous clupeid fishes represents an historically important seasonal subsidy in the form of marine-derived organic matter (MDOM). SIAR results demonstrate that MDOM contributed approximately 50% of the carbon and nutrients to Bald Eagle and Osprey occupying the upper estuary historically but declined to less than 5% of contemporary diets. Declines in anadromous prey in the diet correspond with historic spatial shifts in distribution and population growth of avian predators over the same period. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that conservation efforts, specifically translocation or “hacking” programs, rather than biogeographical history, best explains the current pattern of genetic variation exhibited by Osprey across their North American breeding range. We genotyped 11 microsatellite loci and a 513 base pair sequence of the cyt b region from 433 Osprey samples in order to investigate current population substructure, the genetic consequences of historic demographic bottlenecks, and the influence of hacking programs on contemporary gene flow. We calculated genetic differentiation (Dest) and Isolation-By-Distance (IBD) among regional populations and spatially cohesive genetic clusters identified using the program STRUCTURE. Our results indicate that although Osprey nesting in North America are subdivided into multiple cohesive genetic clusters, genetic differentiation among groups is low and unrelated to geographic variation. The findings of this study are discussed in light of past and present management practices and broader issues salient to species management and conservation of genetic diversity and adaptive response to future environmental change.
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The Biology of Spaeroma Terebrans in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana with Emphasis on BurrowingWilkinson, Laura Lee 17 December 2004 (has links)
Sphaeroma terebrans (Bate 1866) is an economically and ecologically important cosmopolitan species because this isopod is found burrowed in wood and marine structures of fresh to saline water. Existing literature on S. terebrans focuses on the destruction of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) in India, Pakistan, and Florida. This study concentrates on S. terebrans habitat and boring preferences in bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) in Lake Pontchartrain near the Bonnet Carre Spillway, Louisiana. In addition laboratory experiments for water column distribution and substrate preferences were conducted using cypress, Styrofoam, and balsa. Results indicate that this population may be parthenogenic and that wood or material hardness determines whether S. terebrans burrow when given a choice of substrates. The lake shoreline near the Bonnet Carre Spillway is retreating and the presence of S. terebrans contributes to shoreline erosion by weakening and destroying cypress. This has implications for restoration projects in coastal Louisiana.
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Epístolas e cultura política no reino de Carlos, o calvo: o abade Lupo de Ferrières (829 - 862) / Epistles and political culture in the reign of Charles the bald: the abbot Loup of Ferrières (829-862)Sobreira, Victor Borges 23 June 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender o papel político dos abades no reino franco ao longo do governo de Carlos, o calvo, a partir das cartas escritas por Lupo de Ferrières durante mais de trinta anos. A escolha desse personagem e dessa fonte se justifica, primeiro, pela sua unicidade e pela importância que esse conjunto de cartas tem na historiografia. Nenhum historiador que aborde o período pode ignorar um texto tão rico em detalhes. Segundo, Lupo esteve envolvido nas principais questões do seu período: participou de batalhas na Aquitânia, negociou com os Bretões, serviu como representante real em Roma, envolveu-se no debate da predestinação em torno de Godescalco, foi autor de hagiografias e compilações jurídicas, além de ter se tornado uma referência no seu tempo em questões como gramática e astronomia. Diferentemente dos documentos prescritivos, como capitulários, concílios e regras monásticas, que constroem uma imagem do que era esperado dos abades, a leitura do epistolário de Lupo permitiu analisar suas ações concretas, assim como a imagem que ele quis deixar por meio de suas cartas. Essa abordagem não poderia ser feita sem antes analisar o contexto de produção e envio desses textos, como também os problemas em torno da escrita e seleção dos documentos que fazem parte dessa coleção. Afinal, o próprio fato de escrever uma carta era um ato político e para seu envio era necessário dispender muitos recursos. Dessa forma, a partir da análise conjunta da cultura epistolográfica e da cultura política do reino de Carlos, o calvo, pretende-se contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do papel do abade naquele período. / The aim of this research is to understand the political role of abbots in the Frankish kingdom during the reign of Charles, the Bald, through the analysis of letters written by Loup of Ferrières for more than thirty years. Loup and his letters were chosen for two main reasons. First, his epistolary is unique and really important in the development of historiography. This source cant be ignored by historians. Second, along his life, Loup was involved in the main problems of the period: he participated of battles in Aquitaine, negotiated with the British, went to Rome as a royal representative, wrote letters to Hincmar to discuss the ideas of Godschalk about predestination, was the author of hagiographies and juridical compilations and also became a famous scholar. Differently from the prescriptive sources like capitularies, councils and monastic rules that make an image of what was expected from an abbot, the analysis of Loup epistolary allows us not only to observe his real actions but also the image he wanted to leave for the future. This study couldt be done without studying the context of the production of these letters as well as how they were sent and the problems of writing and selecting these documents to be part of a collection. After all, writing letters was a political act and it envolved many resources to be sent. Therefore, analyzing the epistolographical and political culture of the reign of Charles, the Bald, we intend to contribute to a better comprehension of the role of the abbot in this period.
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Epístolas e cultura política no reino de Carlos, o calvo: o abade Lupo de Ferrières (829 - 862) / Epistles and political culture in the reign of Charles the bald: the abbot Loup of Ferrières (829-862)Victor Borges Sobreira 23 June 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender o papel político dos abades no reino franco ao longo do governo de Carlos, o calvo, a partir das cartas escritas por Lupo de Ferrières durante mais de trinta anos. A escolha desse personagem e dessa fonte se justifica, primeiro, pela sua unicidade e pela importância que esse conjunto de cartas tem na historiografia. Nenhum historiador que aborde o período pode ignorar um texto tão rico em detalhes. Segundo, Lupo esteve envolvido nas principais questões do seu período: participou de batalhas na Aquitânia, negociou com os Bretões, serviu como representante real em Roma, envolveu-se no debate da predestinação em torno de Godescalco, foi autor de hagiografias e compilações jurídicas, além de ter se tornado uma referência no seu tempo em questões como gramática e astronomia. Diferentemente dos documentos prescritivos, como capitulários, concílios e regras monásticas, que constroem uma imagem do que era esperado dos abades, a leitura do epistolário de Lupo permitiu analisar suas ações concretas, assim como a imagem que ele quis deixar por meio de suas cartas. Essa abordagem não poderia ser feita sem antes analisar o contexto de produção e envio desses textos, como também os problemas em torno da escrita e seleção dos documentos que fazem parte dessa coleção. Afinal, o próprio fato de escrever uma carta era um ato político e para seu envio era necessário dispender muitos recursos. Dessa forma, a partir da análise conjunta da cultura epistolográfica e da cultura política do reino de Carlos, o calvo, pretende-se contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do papel do abade naquele período. / The aim of this research is to understand the political role of abbots in the Frankish kingdom during the reign of Charles, the Bald, through the analysis of letters written by Loup of Ferrières for more than thirty years. Loup and his letters were chosen for two main reasons. First, his epistolary is unique and really important in the development of historiography. This source cant be ignored by historians. Second, along his life, Loup was involved in the main problems of the period: he participated of battles in Aquitaine, negotiated with the British, went to Rome as a royal representative, wrote letters to Hincmar to discuss the ideas of Godschalk about predestination, was the author of hagiographies and juridical compilations and also became a famous scholar. Differently from the prescriptive sources like capitularies, councils and monastic rules that make an image of what was expected from an abbot, the analysis of Loup epistolary allows us not only to observe his real actions but also the image he wanted to leave for the future. This study couldt be done without studying the context of the production of these letters as well as how they were sent and the problems of writing and selecting these documents to be part of a collection. After all, writing letters was a political act and it envolved many resources to be sent. Therefore, analyzing the epistolographical and political culture of the reign of Charles, the Bald, we intend to contribute to a better comprehension of the role of the abbot in this period.
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Trichome morphology and development in the genus AntirrhinumTan, Ying January 2018 (has links)
The distribution of epidermal hairs (trichomes) is an important taxonomic character in the genus Antirrhinum. Most species in subsection Antirrhinum produce trichomes from lower internodes and leaves, then have bald stems and leaf blades after the third node and resume trichomes production again in the inflorescence (the "bald" phenotype). All species in subsection Kickxiella produce trichomes throughout development (the "hairy" phenotype). Populations of some species are polymorphic for trichome distribution-both bald and hairy individuals were observed in A. australe, A. graniticum, A. latifolium and A. meonanthum. Antirrhinum species also varied in trichome morphology. Five types were recognized according to length and the presence or absence of a secretory gland. Some types were present in all species and had similar distributions-for example short glandular trichomes were found on the adaxial midribs of all leaves in all species, and the lower leaves and internodes of all species shared longer glandular and long eglandular trichomes. However, the trichomes on leaf blades and stems at higher vegetative nodes of hairy species and in the inflorescences differed in morphology between species, suggesting that they are regulated differently from trichomes at more basal positions. Other species in the tribe Antirrhineae showed similar variation in trichome morphology and distribution to Antirrhinum, suggesting that the control of trichome development might be conserved within the tribe. To understand the genetic basis for variation in trichome distribution, a near-isogenic line (NIL) was generated by introducing regions of the genome of A. charidemi (hairy, subsection Kickxiella) into the genetic background of A. majus subsp. majus (bald, subsection Antirrhinum). One NIL segregated bald and hairy progeny, with the same trichome distributions as the parent species, in a ratio that suggested a single locus is responsible for the differences and baldness is dominant. The locus was named as Hairy and assumed to act as a suppressor of trichome formation. Progeny of the NIL were used in genome resequencing of bulked phenotype pools (Pool-seq) to map Hairy. No recombination between Hairy and a candidate gene (GRX1) from the Glutaredoxin gene family, was detected in the mapping population. In addition, RNA-seq revealed that GRX1 was expressed in bald parts of bald progeny, but not in the same parts of hairy progeny, and in situ hybridisation showed GRX1 RNA was restricted to epidermal cells, which form trichomes in the absence of Hairy activity. A virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) method was also developed to test GRX1 function further. Reducing GRX1 activity allowed ectopic trichome formation in the bald NIL. Together, this evidence strongly supported Hairy being GRX1. To investigate evolution of Hairy and its relationship to variation in trichome distribution, the NIL was crossed to other Antirrhinum species. These allelism tests suggested that Hairy underlies variation in trichome distribution throughout the genus, with the exception of A. siculum, which has a bald phenotype but might lack activity of hairy and a gene needed for trichome formation. Hairy sequences were obtained from representative of 24 Antirrhinum species and two related species in the tribe Antirrhineae. The conserved trichome-suppressing function of the sequence from one of these species (Misopates orontium, bald phenotype) was confirmed by VIGS. Gene phylogenies combined with RNA expression analysis suggested that the ancestral Antirrhinum had a bald phenotype, that a single mutation could have given rise to the hairy alleles in the majority of Kickxiella species, that these alleles were also present in polymorphic populations in the other subsections, consistent with transfer from Kickxiella by hybridisation, and that multiple, independent mutations had been involved in parallel evolution of the hairy phenotype in a minority of Kickxiella species. Phylogenetic analysis of GRX proteins suggested that Hairy gained its trichome-repressing function relatively late in the evolutionary history of eudicots, after the Antirrhineae-Phrymoideae split, but before divergence of the lineages leading to Antirrhinum and Misopates. A yeast two-hybrid screen identified members of the TGA and HD-Zip IV transcription factors as potential substrates of the Hairy GRX.
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Structural and Geochemical Analyses of Disseminated-Gold Deposits, Bald Mountain-Alligator Ridge District, Nevada: Insights into Fault-Zone Architecture and Its Effect on MineralizationHammond, K. Jill 01 May 2001 (has links)
Structural and geochemical analyses of the Top and Casino deposits, Bald Mountain-Alligator Ridge district, Nevada, were conducted to determine how structures affected gold deposition in Carlin-type deposit s. We also examined how permeability changed over time in a fault that cuts siltstone-dominated sedimentary rocks. The association of gold and related arsenic with faults at the margins of a Jurassic pluton and sedimentary rocks suggests that ore fluids migrated along faults and fracture s. Permeability of the faults changed over time within the Casino deposit, where the ore-controlling fault was a distributed conduit in the early stages of mineralization but a barrier and a localized conduit a t opposite ends of the deposit during later stages. Results indicate that faults may significantly influence patterns of ore deposition and change character over deposit-scale distances, and continued slip along faults may create clay-rich low-permeability faults that are mineralized during early stages of development.
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Her-Storicizing Baldness: Situating Women's Experiences with Baldness from Skin and Hair DisordersHolmes, Kasie 01 July 2014 (has links)
A general goal to my study was to promote an inclusive approach to baldness by sharing and centering women's experiences with baldness from skin and hair conditions, such as autoimmune alopecia areata conditions and monilethrix. Specifically, a main goal of my study was to her-storicize the lived experiences of women who are bald from skin and hair conditions by examining medical and cultural discourses surrounding these conditions, femininity, and female baldness. Additionally, my study considers strategies of accommodation and resistance that bald women perform in a given context, space, or time. For instance, I consider the ways participants manage their conditions and baldness within certain contexts. To achieve these goals, I interviewed four women who are bald from alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis, and monilethrix by using an interactive approach to the interviews. Once the interviews were completed, I used interpretative phenomenological analysis to extract themes across the four interviews. Based on the analysis, I organized the findings into two overarching themes that include (a) navigating the feminine ideal and (b) negotiating the assumptions of illness and female baldness. In these themes, I discuss how participants' experiences demonstrate the significance of accommodating and/or resisting hegemonic notions of femininity and illness.
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An archaeological survey of the Bald Hill locality Mogollon Rim, north central ArizonaWells, Susan Joyce January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Dispersal and migratory behaviour of osprey and bald eagles in LabradorLaing, Dawn Kelly January 2005 (has links)
This study employed satellite telemetry to document dispersal and migratory behaviour of nine juvenile Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and two adult and five hatch-year Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) from central Labrador between 15 Aug 2002--31 Dec 2003. Autumn average departure dates were 20 October 2002 and 13 November 2003 for the eagles and 13 October for both 2002/2003 Osprey, siblings migrating independently. Juvenile Osprey travelled at an average rate of 200 km/d during fall migration; one adult travelled at a rate of 188 km/d enroute to the Dominican Republic. Eagles travelled an average distance of 1200 km over 40 days at a rate of 81 km/d, wintering as far south as Virginia. Eagles departed wintering areas by 25 March 2003, travelling at an average rate of 76 km/d using similar waterways, river valleys and corridors as taken in the fall. Eagles and Osprey were not documented travelling overnight or crossing large bodies of water.
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