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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of banker liability : disclosure and other duties of bankers towards customers and sureties

Van Rensburg, Hermanus Lourens Jansen 01 January 2002 (has links)
Suretyships given in favour of banks are being challenged in the courts on the basis of equitable doctrines of unconscionable conduct, undue influence, or statutory provisions dealing with unfair conduct or unfair contract terms. This thesis is an enquiry into a bank's duties of disclosure or advice to an intending surety. Such an investigation also necessitates a study of the relationship between banker and customer, as the surety is quite often a customer of the bank as well, and, as a surety's obligation to the bank is an accessory obligation, the obligation is dependent on a valid principal obligation between the bank and the principal debtor - the customer. The face of modern banking has, however, changed dramatically and most major banks have become multi-functional. As a result, the banker-customer relationship may often be seen as a fiduciary relationship. A major problem brought about my multi-functioning banks is that of conflicts of interest between the bank and its customer. Furthermore, the banker-customer relationship is providing much more scope for lender liability than in the past. Various factors are currently having an impact on the law of contract, and this is expected to affect the legal policy makers in their assessments of whether a duty of disclosure of material facts exits or not. A surety has long been a favoured debtor in the eyes of the law, and the courts have developed a plethora of technical principles on which a surety can be relieved of his obligation. The escape routes of the surety, especially if he is a consumer as well, on the new grounds of public policy, unconscionability, good faith or unreasonableness, are growing. The results of these trends is the expected demise of suretyship as an acceptable, cheap form of debt security in the banking sector. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

Financial regulation in South Africa : a case study on the implementation of the national credit act by the four big banks

Davids, Marlon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The banking industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. The majority of these regulations are drafted to provide protection to consumers and investors and to ensure the systemic stability of the economy. South African banks, like many of their international counterparts, face a plethora of financial regulation aimed at ensuring stability and protection. In addition to these regulations, South Africa's prior exclusionary policies have resulted in the post-democratic government prescribing additional regulation, in part to address the economic duality that exists within the South African economy and in part to offer adequate protection to the most vulnerable in the society. The National Credit Act (NCA) is one such piece of legislation that has introduced a new era of consumer credit regulation and practice, bringing about wholesale changes to the consumer credit industry. The NCA and more than 260 other financial regulations in South Africa have a significant impact on banks, with each piece of legislation resulting in banks having to adapt to the changing environment (Nyamakanga, 2007). Using the four big banks' implementation of the NCA as a case study, the present study aims to establish if an integrative change management strategy could assist banks in effectively implementing financial regulation. The following aspects of the banks' implementation of the NCA were researched: • Effectiveness of financial regulation. • Current barriers and challenges to the implementation process. • Effect of these challenges on banks. • Impact on staff and customers. • Methods used to overcome the challenges. • Future challenges of the NCA. • Support structures used during implementation. • Use of change management principles. • Recommended strategies for future regulatory changes. • Recommended changes to the NCA. Detailed interviews were conducted with the overall NCA project leaders of each of the four big banks, namely, Absa, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank. The method of content analyses was used to analyse the qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews and the outcomes thereof formed the basis of the conclusions drawn. The study found that there were numerous challenges that the banks faced during the implementation of the NCA, the most common and significant as recognised by the population include, the magnitude of the Act, difficulty in interpreting the Act, the process of debt counselling and the associated costs of implementation. The study further found that using the principles of change management enhanced the banks' ability to implement the NCA. Conclusions drawn on the present study are confined to desktop research and semi-structured interviews conducted with the participating banks. It might be useful for future studies on the subject to include a broader population base which focuses on additional pieces of financial legislation in order to further enhance the findings of the present study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bankwese is tans een van die mees gereguleerde industriee ter wereld. Die meerderheid van hierdie regulasies is ontwerp vir die beskerming van verbruikers en beleggers asook om die sistemiese stabiliteit van die ekonomie te handhaaf. Suid-Afrikaanse banke, soos talle van hul oorsese teenstukke, verduur talle finansiele wetgewing gemik op beskerming en stabiliteit. Die gewese uitsluitende Suid-Afrikaanse wette het veroorsaak dat die huidige demokratiese regering addisionele wetgewing voorskryf, gedeeltelik om die tweesydige Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie aan te spreek en gedeeltelik om genoegsame beskerming aan die kwesbaarste van die gemeenskap te bied. Die Nasionale Krediet Wet (NKW) bied 'n nuwe era van verbruikerswetgewing en -praktyk aan wat terselfdertyd grootskaalse veranderinge op die verbruikers krediet bedryf teweegbring. Die NKW tesame met meer as 260 ander Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele wetgewing het 'n groot uitwerking op banke, met elke wet wat veroorsaak dat banke moet aanpas by die veranderlike omgewing (Nyamakanga, 2007). Deur om die vier groot banke se uitvoer van die NKW as 'n gevallestudie te gebruik, is die doel van hierdie studie om vas te stel of 'n geintegreerde veranderingsbestuurstrategie banke kan help met die doeltreffende uitvoering van finansiele wetgewing. Die volgende aspekte van die banke se uitvoering van die NKW is ondersoek: • Doeltreffendheid van finansiele regulasie. • Huidige versperrings en uitdagings tot die uitvoeringsproses. • Uitwerk van uitdagings op banke. • Uitwerking op personeel en verbruikers. • Metodiek gebruik om uitdagings te bowe te kom. • Toekomstige uitdagings van die NKW. • Ondersteunende strukture gebruik tydens uitvoering. • Gebruik van veranderingsbestuurbeginsels. • Aanbeveling van strategiee vir toekomende wetgewende veranderings. • Aanbeveling van veranderings tot die NKW. 'n Volledige onderhoud is gevoer met die projekleiers van elk van die vier groot banke, naamlik, Absa, FNB, Nedbank en Standard Bank. Inhoudsanalise was gebruik om die kwalitatiewe data te analiseer en die uitkoms daarvan vorm die basis van die gevolgtrekkings. Die studie dui aan dat banke baie uitdagings getrotseer het gedurende die uitvoer van NKW, die gewigtigste en algemeenste SODS herken deur die bevolking sluit in, die grootte van die Wet, moeilikheid in vertolking van die Wet, die skuldberadingsproses en die begeleidende koste van wetstoepassing. Die studie dui verder dat die beginsels van veranderingsbestuur banke se vermoe om die NKW uit te voer verbeter. Gevolgtrekkings aangaande die huidige studie is beperk tot "desktop" navorsing en half-gestruktureerde onderhoude met die deelnemende banke. Dit mag van waarde wees vir toekomstige studies om 'n bree bevolkingsbasis in te sluit met addisionele finansiele wetgewing wat die bevindings van die huidige studie kan bevorder.

Die belastinghantering van rente, buitelandse valuta en slegte en twyfelagtige skulde deur handelsbanke

05 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / Due to uncertainties experienced while working for the South African Revenue Services and the fact that there are no specific sections in the Income Tax Act no. 58 of 1962 dealing with interest, foreign exchange and bad and doubtful debts of commercial banks there were a need to undertake a study. The study therefore undertakes an examination to determine if the existing sections of the Income Tax Act dealing with interest, foreign exchange and bad and doubtful debts are enough legislation to deal with the interest, foreign exchange and bad and doubtful debts of commercial banks. The study also try to clear all existing uncertainties experienced and mentioned in this study. The study can be divided into the following four parts: A literature study of the definition of "bank" and "banking operations", in terms of history and current legislation. A study of the definition of "interest" and "finance charges", in terms of sections of the Income Tax Act, Act no. 58 of 1962 and applicable court cases. The chapter also concentrates on the application of section 24J of the Income Tax Act on the interest-transactions of commercial banks as well as the identification of any short falls of the section. Before interest can be treated in terms of section 24J of the Income Tax Act, the source of the interest will have to be in South Africa. General sourse principles applicable to commercial banks as well as the deductability of interest expenses when expenced to generate exempt income will therefore also be covered in this chapter. A study of the application of section 241 of the Income Tax Act dealing with the foreign exchange of commercial banks. An examination of the way commercial banks should treat their bad and doubtful debts and the factors taken into account in court decisions relating thereto. The most important activities of a bank are identified in this study as the acceptance of deposits, the provision of credit, rendering of financial services and the trade in exchange and the utilisation of money and interest received. In terms of section 24J of the Income Tax Act, interest include finance charges, premiums or disconto's, all interests and the difference between all amounts payable or receivable in terms of a sale and leaseback agreement. It was found that all the interest of a commercial bank are included in the definition of interest and all the transactions of a commercial bank are treated in terms of section 24J of the Income Tax Act for income tax purposes. Section 241 of the Income Tax Act focuses on foreign exchange transactions and are found to be enough legislation for the foreign exchange transactions of commercial banks. Although bad and doubtful debts are not part of the activities of a commercial bank they are part of the uncertainties experienced while working for the South African Revenue Services. During the study it was found that doubtful debts can not be deducted in terms of section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act but only in terms of section 11(j) of the Income Tax Act. It is practice for the South African Revenue Services to only allows 25% of the full amount of doubtful debts, but as this discretion is subject to objection and appeal, the bank is entitled to claim a higher percentage as a deduction if they can provide proveto justify a higher deduction. It was also found that commercial banks can claim their bad debts in term of section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act.

Aspects of banker liability : disclosure and other duties of bankers towards customers and sureties

Van Rensburg, Hermanus Lourens Jansen 01 January 2002 (has links)
Suretyships given in favour of banks are being challenged in the courts on the basis of equitable doctrines of unconscionable conduct, undue influence, or statutory provisions dealing with unfair conduct or unfair contract terms. This thesis is an enquiry into a bank's duties of disclosure or advice to an intending surety. Such an investigation also necessitates a study of the relationship between banker and customer, as the surety is quite often a customer of the bank as well, and, as a surety's obligation to the bank is an accessory obligation, the obligation is dependent on a valid principal obligation between the bank and the principal debtor - the customer. The face of modern banking has, however, changed dramatically and most major banks have become multi-functional. As a result, the banker-customer relationship may often be seen as a fiduciary relationship. A major problem brought about my multi-functioning banks is that of conflicts of interest between the bank and its customer. Furthermore, the banker-customer relationship is providing much more scope for lender liability than in the past. Various factors are currently having an impact on the law of contract, and this is expected to affect the legal policy makers in their assessments of whether a duty of disclosure of material facts exits or not. A surety has long been a favoured debtor in the eyes of the law, and the courts have developed a plethora of technical principles on which a surety can be relieved of his obligation. The escape routes of the surety, especially if he is a consumer as well, on the new grounds of public policy, unconscionability, good faith or unreasonableness, are growing. The results of these trends is the expected demise of suretyship as an acceptable, cheap form of debt security in the banking sector. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

Internacionalização regulatória no sistema financeiro nacional

Hellwig, Guilherme Centenaro January 2018 (has links)
L’ objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer une analyse critique de ce qu’on apelle internationalisation regulatoire du système financier brésilien. Celui-ci constitue um phénomène relativement noveau que n’a pas reçu suffisament d’attention. Deux evenements peuvent être considerés comme étant directement responsables pour cette internationalisation: d’une part, la création au niveau mondial d’un accord international de réglementation financière et, d’autre, la substitution (dans les systèmes juridiques européens et brésilien) du modèle de l’Etat Positif par celui de l’Etat Régulateur. L’adoption, par les autorités brésiliennes (Conselho Monetário Nacional et Banco Central) d’un nombre considerable des règles infra-legales fut etayée sur les Recommendations et Standards des organisations internationales. Les decisions de ces organisations ont influencée également le discourse et la philosofie régulatoire des institutions brésiliennes, modifiant les procedures et les pratiques adminitratives internes. Les autorités brésiliennes participent de plus em plus des activités de coopération régulatoire avec des entités étrangères dans le but d’obtenir une homogeneité régulatoire des systèmes finacières. Cette thèse soutient l’hypothèse qu'il existe une singularité distinctive dans la façon dont la régulation financière au Brésil s'est internationalisée, dérivée de l'existence d'une relation fondamentale d'interaction et de complémentarité entre les idées d'internationalisation et de régulation dans le secteur financier brésilien. / O objetivo central desta tese é descrever e analisar criticamente o que chamo de internacionalização regulatória no Sistema Financeiro Nacional, um fenômeno relativamente recente e, em certa medida, ainda subteorizado na academia brasileira. Sustento no presente trabalho que sua manifestação, iniciada no Brasil em meados da década de 1990, está associada a dois acontecimentos que somente ganharam força no último quarto do século passado: a afirmação, em nível global, de um arranjo internacional de regulação financeira e a transição, nos sistemas jurídicos da Europa Ocidental e do Brasil, para o modelo de Estado Regulador. Como consequência direta desses dois acontecimentos, um significativo e crescente conjunto de normas infralegais editadas pelas principais autoridades administrativas financeiras nacionais, o Conselho Monetário Nacional e o Banco Central do Brasil, passou a fundamentar-se em recomendações e padrões regulatórios elaborados por organismos internacionais Da mesma forma, a atuação de organismos internacionais passou a moldar tanto o discurso quanto a filosofia regulatória dos órgãos reguladores brasileiros, transformando procedimentos e práticas administrativas internas. Por fim, as autoridades brasileiras de regulação financeira passaram a se engajar crescentemente em atividades de cooperação regulatória com seus congêneres estrangeiros, em um esforço internacional cujo resultado vem sendo a obtenção de uma maior homogeneização regulatória nos sistemas financeiros nacionais em todo o mundo. Ao descrever e abordar criticamente esse fenômeno, proponho nesta tese a hipótese de que há uma singularidade marcante no modo como a regulação do sistema financeiro no Brasil se internacionalizou, singularidade esta que decorre de uma fundamental relação de interação e complementariedade no modo como as ideias de internacionalização e regulação se afirmaram no universo financeiro brasileiro. / The central goal of this dissertation is to describe and critically analyse how regulatory internationalization took place in the Brazilian Financial System, a relatively recent phenomenon that still didn’t receive proper academical consideration. This dissertation argues that its occurrence, which started during the 1990s, is related to two events that only came into place in the last quarter of the 20th century: the consolidation, on a global level, of an architecture of international financial regulation, and the transition, in Western Europe and Brazil, to the Regulatory State. As a consequence of that, a rising body of infralegal regulations enacted by the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Monetary Council, the two main brazilian financial authorities, began to adopt as its theoretical foundation standards and recommendations made by international bodies. Moreover, the activity of these international bodies became an important influence on brazilian domestic financial regulatory policies, shaping administrative practices and procedures. Lastly, brazilian financial authorities increasingly engaged in international regulatory cooperation with its foreign peers, as part of an effort that resulted in regulatory harmonization in national financial systems throughout the world. This dissertation argues that there is a distinctive singularity in the way financial regulation in Brazil became internationalized, derived from the existence of a foundational relationship of interaction and complementarity between the ideas of internationalization and regulation in the brazilian financial sector.

Internacionalização regulatória no sistema financeiro nacional

Hellwig, Guilherme Centenaro January 2018 (has links)
L’ objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer une analyse critique de ce qu’on apelle internationalisation regulatoire du système financier brésilien. Celui-ci constitue um phénomène relativement noveau que n’a pas reçu suffisament d’attention. Deux evenements peuvent être considerés comme étant directement responsables pour cette internationalisation: d’une part, la création au niveau mondial d’un accord international de réglementation financière et, d’autre, la substitution (dans les systèmes juridiques européens et brésilien) du modèle de l’Etat Positif par celui de l’Etat Régulateur. L’adoption, par les autorités brésiliennes (Conselho Monetário Nacional et Banco Central) d’un nombre considerable des règles infra-legales fut etayée sur les Recommendations et Standards des organisations internationales. Les decisions de ces organisations ont influencée également le discourse et la philosofie régulatoire des institutions brésiliennes, modifiant les procedures et les pratiques adminitratives internes. Les autorités brésiliennes participent de plus em plus des activités de coopération régulatoire avec des entités étrangères dans le but d’obtenir une homogeneité régulatoire des systèmes finacières. Cette thèse soutient l’hypothèse qu'il existe une singularité distinctive dans la façon dont la régulation financière au Brésil s'est internationalisée, dérivée de l'existence d'une relation fondamentale d'interaction et de complémentarité entre les idées d'internationalisation et de régulation dans le secteur financier brésilien. / O objetivo central desta tese é descrever e analisar criticamente o que chamo de internacionalização regulatória no Sistema Financeiro Nacional, um fenômeno relativamente recente e, em certa medida, ainda subteorizado na academia brasileira. Sustento no presente trabalho que sua manifestação, iniciada no Brasil em meados da década de 1990, está associada a dois acontecimentos que somente ganharam força no último quarto do século passado: a afirmação, em nível global, de um arranjo internacional de regulação financeira e a transição, nos sistemas jurídicos da Europa Ocidental e do Brasil, para o modelo de Estado Regulador. Como consequência direta desses dois acontecimentos, um significativo e crescente conjunto de normas infralegais editadas pelas principais autoridades administrativas financeiras nacionais, o Conselho Monetário Nacional e o Banco Central do Brasil, passou a fundamentar-se em recomendações e padrões regulatórios elaborados por organismos internacionais Da mesma forma, a atuação de organismos internacionais passou a moldar tanto o discurso quanto a filosofia regulatória dos órgãos reguladores brasileiros, transformando procedimentos e práticas administrativas internas. Por fim, as autoridades brasileiras de regulação financeira passaram a se engajar crescentemente em atividades de cooperação regulatória com seus congêneres estrangeiros, em um esforço internacional cujo resultado vem sendo a obtenção de uma maior homogeneização regulatória nos sistemas financeiros nacionais em todo o mundo. Ao descrever e abordar criticamente esse fenômeno, proponho nesta tese a hipótese de que há uma singularidade marcante no modo como a regulação do sistema financeiro no Brasil se internacionalizou, singularidade esta que decorre de uma fundamental relação de interação e complementariedade no modo como as ideias de internacionalização e regulação se afirmaram no universo financeiro brasileiro. / The central goal of this dissertation is to describe and critically analyse how regulatory internationalization took place in the Brazilian Financial System, a relatively recent phenomenon that still didn’t receive proper academical consideration. This dissertation argues that its occurrence, which started during the 1990s, is related to two events that only came into place in the last quarter of the 20th century: the consolidation, on a global level, of an architecture of international financial regulation, and the transition, in Western Europe and Brazil, to the Regulatory State. As a consequence of that, a rising body of infralegal regulations enacted by the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Monetary Council, the two main brazilian financial authorities, began to adopt as its theoretical foundation standards and recommendations made by international bodies. Moreover, the activity of these international bodies became an important influence on brazilian domestic financial regulatory policies, shaping administrative practices and procedures. Lastly, brazilian financial authorities increasingly engaged in international regulatory cooperation with its foreign peers, as part of an effort that resulted in regulatory harmonization in national financial systems throughout the world. This dissertation argues that there is a distinctive singularity in the way financial regulation in Brazil became internationalized, derived from the existence of a foundational relationship of interaction and complementarity between the ideas of internationalization and regulation in the brazilian financial sector.

The duty on the bank issuing a letter of credit to return the documents : legal perspectives from Canada, England and South Africa

Scholtz, Jacobus Francois 14 July 2015 (has links)
LL.M. (Commercial Law) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Internacionalização regulatória no sistema financeiro nacional

Hellwig, Guilherme Centenaro January 2018 (has links)
L’ objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer une analyse critique de ce qu’on apelle internationalisation regulatoire du système financier brésilien. Celui-ci constitue um phénomène relativement noveau que n’a pas reçu suffisament d’attention. Deux evenements peuvent être considerés comme étant directement responsables pour cette internationalisation: d’une part, la création au niveau mondial d’un accord international de réglementation financière et, d’autre, la substitution (dans les systèmes juridiques européens et brésilien) du modèle de l’Etat Positif par celui de l’Etat Régulateur. L’adoption, par les autorités brésiliennes (Conselho Monetário Nacional et Banco Central) d’un nombre considerable des règles infra-legales fut etayée sur les Recommendations et Standards des organisations internationales. Les decisions de ces organisations ont influencée également le discourse et la philosofie régulatoire des institutions brésiliennes, modifiant les procedures et les pratiques adminitratives internes. Les autorités brésiliennes participent de plus em plus des activités de coopération régulatoire avec des entités étrangères dans le but d’obtenir une homogeneité régulatoire des systèmes finacières. Cette thèse soutient l’hypothèse qu'il existe une singularité distinctive dans la façon dont la régulation financière au Brésil s'est internationalisée, dérivée de l'existence d'une relation fondamentale d'interaction et de complémentarité entre les idées d'internationalisation et de régulation dans le secteur financier brésilien. / O objetivo central desta tese é descrever e analisar criticamente o que chamo de internacionalização regulatória no Sistema Financeiro Nacional, um fenômeno relativamente recente e, em certa medida, ainda subteorizado na academia brasileira. Sustento no presente trabalho que sua manifestação, iniciada no Brasil em meados da década de 1990, está associada a dois acontecimentos que somente ganharam força no último quarto do século passado: a afirmação, em nível global, de um arranjo internacional de regulação financeira e a transição, nos sistemas jurídicos da Europa Ocidental e do Brasil, para o modelo de Estado Regulador. Como consequência direta desses dois acontecimentos, um significativo e crescente conjunto de normas infralegais editadas pelas principais autoridades administrativas financeiras nacionais, o Conselho Monetário Nacional e o Banco Central do Brasil, passou a fundamentar-se em recomendações e padrões regulatórios elaborados por organismos internacionais Da mesma forma, a atuação de organismos internacionais passou a moldar tanto o discurso quanto a filosofia regulatória dos órgãos reguladores brasileiros, transformando procedimentos e práticas administrativas internas. Por fim, as autoridades brasileiras de regulação financeira passaram a se engajar crescentemente em atividades de cooperação regulatória com seus congêneres estrangeiros, em um esforço internacional cujo resultado vem sendo a obtenção de uma maior homogeneização regulatória nos sistemas financeiros nacionais em todo o mundo. Ao descrever e abordar criticamente esse fenômeno, proponho nesta tese a hipótese de que há uma singularidade marcante no modo como a regulação do sistema financeiro no Brasil se internacionalizou, singularidade esta que decorre de uma fundamental relação de interação e complementariedade no modo como as ideias de internacionalização e regulação se afirmaram no universo financeiro brasileiro. / The central goal of this dissertation is to describe and critically analyse how regulatory internationalization took place in the Brazilian Financial System, a relatively recent phenomenon that still didn’t receive proper academical consideration. This dissertation argues that its occurrence, which started during the 1990s, is related to two events that only came into place in the last quarter of the 20th century: the consolidation, on a global level, of an architecture of international financial regulation, and the transition, in Western Europe and Brazil, to the Regulatory State. As a consequence of that, a rising body of infralegal regulations enacted by the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Monetary Council, the two main brazilian financial authorities, began to adopt as its theoretical foundation standards and recommendations made by international bodies. Moreover, the activity of these international bodies became an important influence on brazilian domestic financial regulatory policies, shaping administrative practices and procedures. Lastly, brazilian financial authorities increasingly engaged in international regulatory cooperation with its foreign peers, as part of an effort that resulted in regulatory harmonization in national financial systems throughout the world. This dissertation argues that there is a distinctive singularity in the way financial regulation in Brazil became internationalized, derived from the existence of a foundational relationship of interaction and complementarity between the ideas of internationalization and regulation in the brazilian financial sector.

The accommodation of the Islamic law institution of Takaful under the South African insurance law

Surtee, Bibi Fatima 11 1900 (has links)
With the rapid development of the Islamic banking and finance in South Africa, the legal regime of South Africa, must be able to progress at the same rate of development. The recognition of a foreign legal system such as Islamic law in South Africa is challenging and difficult. South Africa, has an interest based insurance legislative framework and this is not aligned with the principles of the Islamic financial system. As a result of this, regulators have taken various measures to develop and promote the Islamic Industry. The amendment to the South African Tax legislation has created an equitable and level playing field for Islamic law. The South African government also has a further obligation which is to develop a legislative framework to govern Islamic law, as well as to enhance the regulatory and supervisory framework. The study of the development of the Islamic legal regime is an important area that aids legal practitioners in identifying and resolving legal disputes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the accommodation of the Islamic law of Takaful under the South African Insurance legal framework. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M. (Public, Constitutional and International Law)

The effects of contract modifications on Shari'ah compliant products in the United States

Wali-Uddin, Abdullah Mahdi 04 1900 (has links)
Islamic banking in the United States of America, became recognized as an alternative to expand into the market of traditional Muslim consumers, living in the United States. Because of strict regulatory guidelines, no Islamic banks exist in the United States. Instead, conventional banks, Islāmic banking windows (IBW) and other financial institutions offer Shari‘ah compliant products by modifying classical Islamic contracts or attaching a rider to define contract verbiage. This study reviewed techniques of adapting contracts used for Shari‘ah compliant products in the United States to determine if the contracts maintain the true characteristics of the original classical Islamic contracts. Contracts in Islamic sacred law provide protections by ensuring wealth is not wasted, and no injustice is performed by either of the contracting parties. Wealth protection and justice are the inherit characteristics of contracts in the Islāmic law. Any changes or modifications may void or decrease the protections provided in Islamic law. This research reviewed the theoretical aspects of contract modifications, by analyzing the procedures used for the derivative Shari‘ah compliant product contracts used in the Islamic finance industry in the United States. Data was evaluated and compared with the requirements of classical Islamic contract equivalents, to determine the effects of these changes. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Phil. (Religious Studies)

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