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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contraintes sur les processus de dégazage des dorsales océaniques par la géochimie des volatils et la pétrologie des laves basaltiques / Constraints on degassing processes at mid-oceanic ridges using volatile geochemistry and petrology

Colin, Aurélia 06 December 2010 (has links)
Afin de préciser l'origine des volatils terrestres et les flux actuels et passés vers l’atmosphère, de nombreuses études s’intéressent à la composition du manteau. Ce réservoir est échantillonné naturellement lors des éruptions volcaniques, mais une grande partie des gaz est alors émise dans l'atmosphère, de sorte que la composition des volatils du manteau reste peu contrainte. Nous cherchons à préciser les mécanismes de dégazage sous les dorsales océaniques afin de corriger ces fractionnements. L'analyse (He-Ne-Ar-CO2) de verres basaltiques issus de la dorsale des Galápagos, dans la zone d'influence du point chaud des Galápagos, montre que la composition en volatils des laves s'explique par distillation de Rayleigh d'une source unique. Cette source est distincte de celle du point chaud (isotopes du néon), impliquant un dégazage en profondeur du panache ou une hétérogénéité spatiale de sa composition.Plusieurs verres volcaniques issus de la dorsale Atlantique et Est Pacifique ont été imagés par micro-tomographie aux rayons X. L'étude met en évidence des mécanismes de nucléation et de croissance des bulles différents sous les deux dorsales. De la convection en périphérie de la chambre magmatique avant l’éruption a été mise en évidence par l’étude pétrologique des verres. Les vésicules imagées ont ensuite été ouvertes individuellement sous vide par ablation laser et analysées (CO2, 4He, isotopes de l'argon). La composition des bulles est hétérogène dans certains échantillons et compatible avec une distillation de Rayleigh. Les tendances de dégazage obtenues permettent d'obtenir localement la composition de la source mantellique, qui est hétérogène.L'étude permet également d'appréhender l'hétérogénéité des rapports 40Ar/36Ar dans les chambres magmatiques par la technique d’ablation laser qui diminue la contamination atmosphérique par rapport à la technique classique de broyage / The composition of mantle volatiles is related to the origin of Earth's volatiles and to the past and present volatile fluxes to the atmosphere. Although this reservoir is naturally sampled during volcanic eruptions, most of the volatiles are lost to the atmosphere during this event, thus the composition of mantle volatiles is still uncertain. We try here to precise the processes of degassing below mid-oceanic ridges to correct the lava compositions for degassing.The He-Ne-Ar-CO2 analyses of basaltic glasses sampled along the Galapagos Spreading Center, in the area of influence of the Galapagos hotspot, show that the volatile composition of lavas is fully explained by a Rayleigh distillation of a unique source distinct from the plume source. These results imply that the plume degasses at depth or is heterogeneous.Several volcanic glasses from Mid-Atlantic ridge and East Pacific Rise have been imaged by X-rays microtomography. The mechanisms of vesicle nucleation and growth appear to be different below the two ridges. A step of convection at the magma body margin has been evidenced by the petrologic study of the glasses. Imaged vesicles have been subsequently opened under vacuum by laser ablation and analysed (CO2, 4He, argon isotopes). We observe, depending on the samples, either a single composition for all bubbles, or variations in composition between bubbles consistent with a trend of equilibrium degassing in an open system. The trends of degassing allow extrapolating locally to the volatile composition of the mantle source, which is heterogeneous. We also studied the heterogeneity of 40Ar/36Ar ratios in magmatic chambers using the laser opening method, which lowers the contribution of atmospheric gases compared to the classical crushing method

Tertiary limestones and sedimentary dykes on Chatham Islands, southwest Pacific Ocean, New Zealand

Titjen, Jeremy Quentin January 2007 (has links)
The Chatham Islands are located in the SW Pacific Ocean, approximately 850 km to the east of the South Island of New Zealand. This small group of islands is situated near the eastern margin of the Chatham Rise, an elongated section of submerged continental crust that represents part of the Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic Gondwana accretionary margin. The location and much of the geology of the Chatham Islands are attributed to intra-plate basaltic volcanism, initiated during the Late Cretaceous, in association with development of a failed rifting system to the south of the Chatham Rise. Despite the volcanic nature of much of the geology, the majority of the Cenozoic sedimentary stratigraphic record on the islands comprises non-tropical skeletal carbonate deposits whose deposition was often coeval with submarine volcanics and volcaniclastic deposits. This has resulted in complex stratigraphic relationships, with the volcanic geology exerting a strong influence on the geometry and distribution of the carbonate deposits. These limestones, despite some general field descriptions, have been little studied and are especially poorly understood from a petrographic and diagenetic perspective. The carbonate geology in detail comprises eleven discrete limestone units of Late Cretaceous through to Pleistocene age which were studied during two consecutive field expeditions over the summers of 2005 and 2006. These limestone occurrences are best exposed in scattered coastal outcrops where they form prominent rugged bluffs. While many of the younger (Oligocene to Pliocene) outcrops comprise of poorly exposed, thin and eroded limestone remnants (it;5 m thick), older (Late Paleocene to Early Oligocene) exposures can be up to 100 m in thickness. The character of these limestones is highly variable. In outcrop they display a broad range of textures and skeletal compositions, often exhibit cross-bedding, display differing degrees of porosity occlusion by cementation, and may include rare silicified horizons and evidence of hardground formation. Petrographically the limestones are skeletal grainstones and packstones with a typical compositional makeup of about 70% skeletal material, 10% siliciclasts, and 20% cement/matrix. Localised increases in siliciclastics occur where the carbonates are diluted by locally-derived volcaniclastics. The spectrum of skeletal assemblages identified within the Chatham Island limestones is diverse and appears in many cases to be comparable to the bryozoan dominant types common in mainland New Zealand and mid-latitude Australian cool-water carbonates in general. However, some key departures from the expected cool-water carbonate skeletal makeup have been identified in this study. The occurrence of stromatolitic algal mats in Late Cretaceous and Early Eocene carbonate deposits indicates not cool-temperate, but certainly warm-temperate paleoclimatic conditions. A change to cool-temperate conditions is recorded in the limestone flora/fauna from the mid-Late Miocene times following the development and later northward movement of the Subtropical Front. An uncharacteristic mix of shallow-shelf (bryozoans) and deeper water fauna (planktic foraminifera), together with their highly fragmented and abraded nature, is indicative of the likely remobilisation and redistribution of carbonate, primarily during episodic storm events. The Chatham Islands limestones formed within the relative tectonic stability of an oceanic island setting, which was conducive to ongoing carbonate accumulation throughout much of the Cenozoic. This contrasts markedly with other mainland New Zealand shelf carbonates which formed over sporadic and short-lived geological periods, experiencing greater degrees of burial cementation controlled by a relatively more active tectonic setting. As a consequence of the tectonically stable setting, the Chatham Islands limestones have experienced little burial and exhibit a paucity of burial cementation effects. They remain commonly soft and friable. Detailed petrographic investigations have shown the limestones are variably cemented by rare uneven acicular spar fringes, poorly to well-developed syntaxial rim cements about echinoderm fragments, and equant/blocky microsparite. Staining of thin sections and cathodoluminescence petrography show these spar cement generations are non-ferroan and their very dull- to non-luminescent nature supports precipitation from Mn-poor oxygenated waters, likely of an either meteoric or combined marine/shallow burial origin. Micrite is the dominant intra- and inter-particle pore fill and occurs both as a microbioclastic matrix and as precipitated homogenous and/or micropeloidal cement. The rare fringing cements often seen in association with homogenous and/or micropeloidal micrite may be indicative of true early marine (seafloor) cement precipitation and localised hardground development. An interesting feature of the geology of the Chatham Islands is the occurrence of carbonate material within sedimentary dykes. The locations of the dykes are in association with volcanic and volcaniclastic deposits. Similarities between dyke characteristics at Red Bluff on Chatham Island with mainland occurrences from East Coast and Canterbury Basins (North and South Islands, respectively) on mainland New Zealand have been recognised. They show complex structures including sidewall striations, internal flow structures as revealed by grain sorting, and extra-clast inclusions of previous fill lithologies which are characteristic of carbonate injection. This is in contrast to other dykes which are known to be of a passive fill origin. Multiple phases of carbonate sediment injection can be recognised by crosscutting relationships enabling the determination of a parasequence of events. Possible injection mechanisms are most likely associated with sediment overloading or hydrothermal pressurisation associated with emplacement of submarine volcanics. The Chatham Islands provide an exciting example of a geologically unique and complex non-tropical carbonate depositional setting. The production of carbonates is controlled by volcanic and volcaniclastic sediment input with the types of carbonate deposits and water depth variations related to thermal uplift/subsidence in association with global eustatic sealevel and temperature changes associated with development of Southern Ocean water fronts from the Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic. Carbonate deposition on the Chatham Islands is considered to relate to a rather variable and small scale oceanic, high energy, cool-water carbonate ramp setting whose geometry was continually evolving/changing as a consequence of periodic volcanic episodes.

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