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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Teachers' Perceptions of Writing Instruction at Junior High Schools

Lee, Chia-fang 20 July 2006 (has links)
Writing instruction has been ignored in junior high school in Taiwan. Since teachers and schools have started to focus on communicative ability, should writing gain more attention in junior high schools? The pedagogical practices are assumed to be determined by teachers¡¦ perceptions, beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, this study aims to examine teachers¡¦ perceptions of English writing instruction, what factors they believe are crucial, and what measures are recommended to improve it. Besides, the study investigates teachers¡¦ attitudes toward assessing students¡¦ writing ability in the entrance exam. Finally, this study also intends to explore whether public and private school teachers view certain issues differently. Questionnaires are administered to 57 English teachers in Taichung City and are analyzed by frequencies and the independent t-test. The findings show that either teachers or schools downplay the importance of writing instruction. Teachers find factors affecting their teaching include: students¡¦ language proficiency, students¡¦ motivation, and time and efforts spent to review students¡¦ writings. Also most teachers disapprove to include a writing test in the entrance exam. Possible measures to improve writing instruction are suggested: ability grouping, reducing the number of classes to teach, adopting more appropriate teaching materials, and avoiding a test-oriented curriculum.

The Study of the Attitude and Improvements on the Basic Competency Test for Junior High School Students for Students, Parents and Educators

Fu, Chiu-Ying 06 June 2007 (has links)
The Basic Competency Test for Junior High School Students (BCT) has become the most important and the largest test, which is including the most number of students, the widest range and the largest number of printed paper. The BCT has deeply influenced the benefits whether three hundred thousand students are able to enter their ideal senior high schools or not. Moreover, the BCT has also become the big issue of education which all people are concerned about. The study is according to the massive questionnaire to students in the third grade of public and private junior high schools in Taiwan, their parents, students in the first grade of senior / vocational high schools, and the related educators. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. Generally speaking, though students, parents and educators have a few different views of most identified items of BCT, the quality of the items is still highly affirmative while its function and purpose are questioned. 2. The attitude of students, parents and educators to BCT exists the evidently great differences. 3. Students who come from different backgrounds have obviously different attitude to BCT. 4. Parents from different backgrounds have obviously different attitude to BCT. 5. Educators from different backgrounds have obviously different attitude to BCT. 6. The studies of students in the third grade of junior high school is obviously influenced by BCT. 7. The BCT has caused pressure and problem to students, parents and educators. 8. The BCT does not reach the expected function. 9. The places, dates, and whether to announce the range of BCT are not accorded with the demands of the public. 10. Students, parents and educators have different demands on BCT. 11. The so-called ¡§ two peaks ¡¨ are presented to the satisfactions for students, parents and educators on BCT. According to the findings, the study provides some suggestions to the actual implement of BCT and the further study.

Software Design of A Graph Data Model with Extended Views and Operations

Yen, Yu-Yang 27 March 2008 (has links)
In state-of-the-art libraries (for example, Standard Template Library), they support a number of data models, such as set, map, sequence, etc. Since graph data processing is widely used in combinatorial processing and optimization programs, in this research, we implemented software design of a graph model with extended views. In the design, we developed various graph data models with associated graph operations and graph algorithms. With this library, we can support program designs utilizing graph data and processing.

The Study Of The Cross Strait¡¦s Household Registeration Law The Study Of The Cross Strait¡¦s Household Registeration Law

Huang, Ching- Hsiung 09 September 2009 (has links)

Mobility strategies and provisioning activities of low-income households in Austin, Texas /

Clifton, Kelly. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2001. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 240-253). Available also in a digital version from Dissertation Abstracts.

Higher education business writing practices in office management and technology programmes and in related workplaces /

Hollis-Turner, Shairn Lorena. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Faculty of Education))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 112-121). Also available online.

T-cell signaling in response to altered myelin basic protein peptides /

Beaudoin, Danelle Rae. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-148).

Economic evaluation of using adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccines in United States military basic trainees

Vazquez, Meredith Hodges 25 June 2014 (has links)
Adenoviruses, particularly types 4 and 7, are associated with febrile respiratory illness (FRI) outbreaks in US military basic trainees. Vaccines against these two serotypes controlled FRI in basic trainees until production ceased in the mid-1990s. After contracting a new manufacturer, adenovirus vaccination of military basic trainees resumed in 2011. The purpose of this dissertation was to assess the cost-effectiveness of using the new adenovirus type 4 and type 7 vaccines for the prevention of FRI in US military basic trainees from the perspective of each military branch. Two decision tree models comparing adenovirus vaccination to no adenovirus vaccination were used for this dissertation. The first model is similar to previous models used to assess the cost-effectiveness of the adenovirus vaccine in the military, where the outcome is number of FRI hospitalizations prevented. The second model created for this dissertation used information gathered from published literature and conversations with experts on the adenovirus vaccine. The outcome for the second model was number of training days lost (TDL) averted. Results from part I indicated that adenovirus vaccination of basic trainees was cost-effective as measured by FRI hospitalizations prevented in all US military service branches but the Coast Guard. The model showed that reintroducing the adenovirus vaccine to basic trainees saved the Army $5.8 million, the Navy, $1 million, the Marine Corps, $238,000, and the Air Force, $5.2 million, annually. In addition, adenovirus vaccination prevented 1,221, 543, 317, 677 cases of FRI hospitalization annually in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force respectively. In part II of this study, adenovirus vaccination of basic trainees was the dominant strategy as measured by TDL averted in all US military service branches but the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. Results indicate that it would cost approximately $37.63 and $563.78 per TDL averted for the Marine Corps and Coast Guard respectively. Both models used for this dissertation provide evidence supporting the cost-effectiveness of using the adenovirus vaccine in US basic trainees in all services but the Coast Guard. / text

Industrial location planning : An empirical investigation of company approaches to the problem of locating new plants

Söderman, Sten January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

Εκπαιδευτικό λογισμικό συγγραφής ψευδοκώδικα και σύνδεσή του με τις γλώσσες προγραμματισμού Basic & Pascal

Μπουζούκος, Γεώργιος 05 December 2008 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία με θέμα: «Εκπαιδευτικό Λογισμικό Συγγραφής Ψευδοκώδικα και Σύνδεσή του με τις Γλώσσες Προγραμματισμού Basic & Pascal» εκπονήθηκε στα πλαίσια του μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος με τίτλο: «Υπολογιστικά Μαθηματικά και Πληροφορική» με κατεύθυνση στις «Τεχνολογίες Πληροφοριών στην Εκπαίδευση», του τμήματος Μαθηματικών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Η εφαρμογή του λογισμικού ψευδοκώδικα που κατασκευάστηκε αποτελεί ένα δικτυακό εργαλείο ανοικτής εκπαίδευσης για το μάθημα της πληροφορικής, που ως στόχο έχει να εισάγει τους μαθητές γυμνασίου στην αλγοριθμική σκέψη και τη δόμηση των αλγορίθμων για την επίλυση προβλημάτων καθώς και στις βασικές έννοιες του προγραμματισμού των ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών, χωρίς τη χρήση αυστηρής γλώσσας, αλλά της ψευδογλώσσας και των γενικών κανόνων της. Καθ΄ όλα τα στάδια συγγραφής της εργασίας και σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα πραγματοποιήθηκε η λεγόμενη διαμορφωτική αξιολόγηση για την εκτίμηση των αναγκών του λογισμικού και τον καθορισμό της δομής του, με τη βοήθεια δύο καθηγητών πληροφορικής μέσης εκπαίδευσης, αλλά και του επιβλέποντα καθηγητή κ.Παναγιωτακόπουλου Χ. Στην εργασία αρχικά γίνεται λόγος γενικά για τα εκπαιδευτικά λογισμικά, δηλαδή τι είναι, που αποσκοπούν και πως βοηθούν στη διαδικασία της μάθησης και στη συνέχεια αναλυτική αναφορά στο λογισμικό ψευδοκώδικα που κατασκευάστηκε, στη δομή του και γιατί επιλέχθηκε αυτή, σε ποιες σχολικές βαθμίδες-τάξεις αναφέρεται, στους επιδιωκόμενους στόχους και τα οφέλη από τη χρήση του. Στο δεύτερο μέρος της εργασίας γίνεται αναφορά στον τρόπο κατασκευής της εφαρμογής και στις τεχνολογίες που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για τη δόμησή της, δηλαδή στις γλώσσες Html, Vbscript, JavaScript και στους λόγους για τους οποίους επιλέχθηκαν αυτές οι συγκεκριμένες γλώσσες προγραμματισμού. Στη συνέχεια, η επόμενη ενότητα της εργασίας αφορά τους αλγορίθμους, τους τρόπους με τους οποίους εκτελείται ένα πλήθος εντολών κάθε φορά, δηλαδή τις αλγοριθμικές δομές και τις γλώσσες προγραμματισμού που διευκολύνουν την ακριβή διατύπωση των αλγορίθμων. Σε κάθε ενότητα δίνονται αντίστοιχα παραδείγματα. Ακολούθως, γίνεται μια πρώτη προσπάθεια αξιολόγησης του λογισμικού και εξαγωγής κάποιων συμπερασμάτων, που προέκυψαν από παρατηρήσεις κατά τη δοκιμή του σε μαθητές σε εργαστηριακό περιβάλλον, αλλά και από προσωπικές συνεντεύξεις σε καθηγητές μέσης εκπαίδευσης. Στα συμπεράσματα που ακολουθούν, το λογισμικό ψευδοκώδικα αξιολογείται σε γενικές γραμμές και εντοπίζονται επιμέρους ελλείψεις από τους αξιολογητές. Στο τέλος αυτής της εργασίας, επισυνάπτονται δύο ξεχωριστά παραρτήματα, ένας λεπτομερής οδηγός εγκατάστασης και χρήσης του λογισμικού ψευδοκώδικα (1ο παράρτημα) και έπειτα ο πλήρης κώδικας της εφαρμογής (2ο παράρτημα), χωρίς επιμέρους σχόλια. / The present diplomatic project on the subject: “Educational Software of Writing Pseudocode and his Connection with the Programming Languages of Basic and Pascal” were worked out in the frames of the postgraduate program titled: “Computational Mathematics and Informatics” with direction in the “Technologies Informatics and Communications in Education”, of the department of Mathematics of University of Patras. The application of the pseudocode software that was manufactured constitutes a network tool of open education for the course of informatics technology, that as objective has to introduce the students of high school in the algorithmic thinking and the layout of algorithms for the resolution of problems as well as in the basic significances of computer programming, without the use of a strict language, but pseudocode and its general rules. At the duration of all the editing stages of this project and in regular time intervals was taking place the said formative evaluation for the estimation of the needs of this software and the determination of its structure, with the help of two professors of informatics technology, but also from the supervising professor mr C. Panagiotakopoulos. Initially in the project, are reported some things about educational softwares generally, what they are, how they help in the process of learning and afterwards an analytical report in pseudocode software that was manufactured, its structure and why this was selected, in which school rungs-order is reported, the sought objectives and the profits from its use. The second part of the project is reported in the way of the manufacture of this application and the technologies that were used for her layout, that is to say in languages Html, Vbscript, JavaScript and the reasons why these concrete languages of programming were selected. Afterwards, the next unit of this project concerns the algorithms, the ways that a set of commands is executed each time, that is to say the algorithmic structures and the programming languages that facilitate the precise formulation of algorithms. In each unit are given corresponding examples. Followingly, takes place one first effort of evaluation of the software and exportation of certain conclusions, that resulted from observations at its trial in students in laboratorial environment, but also from personal interviews of two professors of the high-school education. In the conclusions that follow, the pseudocode software is evaluated in general terms and located individual lacks from the evaluators. At the end of this project, two separate anneces are attached, one detailed “installing and using” manual of the pseudocode software (1st annex) and then the complete code of application (2nd annex), without individual comments.

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