Spelling suggestions: "subject:"basis""
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Abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário da comunidade Água Branca do Cajari, Resex Cajari, AP: avaliação e formulação de alternativas / Water supply and sanitary sewer at Água Branca do Cajari: analyzes and alternatives planningRolim Neto, Raimundo de Moura 30 November 2016 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos a implementação das políticas de saneamento básico no Brasil foram evoluindo gradativamente, porém as metas de universalização não serão alcançadas até 2030. Os piores índices historicamente se concentram nas regiões norte e nordeste, sendo mais acentuados nas áreas rurais. O Amapá é o estado mais preservado do país, abrange em seu território diversas modalidades de áreas protegidas e comunidades tradicionais, dentre elas a comunidade Água Branca do Cajari, localizada na Reserva Extrativista do Rio Cajari, objeto de estudo desta Dissertação, que consistiu na formulação e avaliação de alternativas para suprir a demanda de água potável e ao encaminhamento seguro dos esgotos sanitários. Para o alcance dos objetivos, foram realizadas duas campanhas de campo, com o intuito de conhecer o perfil social, econômico e ambiental da comunidade, através da aplicação de questionários e observação in situ, avaliação da qualidade das águas destinadas ao consumo humano, através de análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas e estimativas da geração de esgoto. A proposição das alternativas foi feita a partir do dimensionamento e avaliação dos custos de instalação, operação e manutenção ao longo do horizonte de planejamento de 20 anos. Os orçamentos foram elaborados a partir de dados disponíveis na literatura técnica e a composição dos custos por pesquisas de preço e fontes oficiais como o SINAPI. Treze poços freáticos são utilizados pela população que reside na parte alta da comunidade, enquanto os que moram na parte baixa, retiram diretamente do rio, adicionam polímero que adquirem informalmente para a clarificação das águas, em média 95% da população afirma realizar a desinfecção com hipoclorito de sódio, sendo que 41,1% da população tem acesso ao mínimo estabelecido pela ONU e 7,6% abaixo do recomendado. Estavam em não conformidade, de acordo como o que estabelece a Portaria n° 2.914/2011 do Ministério da Saúde, 75% das amostras analisadas para o parâmetro pH, 62,5% para turbidez, 90% para coliformes totais/Escherichia coli. Cerca de 82,3% do esgoto séptico gerado é encaminhado a fossas negras, e 13% das unidades domiciliares não dispõe de banheiro. O custo total dos sistemas foi de: sistema de bombeamento fotovoltaico 430.644,97 R$ (0,18 R$/hab.dia); aproveitamento de água de chuva de 432.236,72 R$ (0,19 R$/hab.dia); filtro lento domiciliar 7.326.27 R$; sistema de desinfecção solar (SODIS) 9.768,54 R$ e para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário unifamiliar, fossas sépticas \"Imhoff\" e sumidouro 434.371,32 R$ ou 0,19 R$/hab.dia. Portanto, verificou-se que as alternativas avaliadas são viáveis economicamente e operacionalmente. A efetividade da implantação das tecnologias de tratamento de água e esgoto em comunidades isoladas ou de difícil acesso na Amazônia devem ser precedidas de estudos socioeconômicos, ambientais e culturais. / In the world, about 748 million of people do not have access to a potable water, more than 30% of the world population do not have appropriate installations and 1 million of people do their physical necessities in open areas, of theses, nine out ten are in rural areas. The policies about basic sanitation in Brazil gets better long of the years, but the marks for universalization cannot be touched until 2030. The indications get worst in north and northeast, especially in the countryside. Amapá is the most preserved state of Brazil, that has in its territory many spaces of protected areas and traditional communities, one of them is Àgua Branca do Cajarí, located in an extractive reserve, and is the focus of this issue, whose objective is propose and estimate better ways to get a high quality of water and sanitary wastewaters. To get better results, it was necessary to visit at these areas to know the community social, economic and environmental profile through questionnaires and in situ observation, beside doing physic-chemical and microbiological analyzes. The proposition of the best alternatives was made by starting from the estimative of installation and conservation along of 20 years, getting the present prizes. Those estimative were based on technical literature, prizes researched and official sources as SINAPI. Thirteen phreatic wells are used by people who live on the higher part of the community while people that live on the lowest part need to take water right from the river, put some polymer that is taken informally to clarify the water. About 95% of people say that use sodium hypochlorite in water, but just 41% has the least required by UNO and 7.6% is low from what is demanded. According with the governmental decree N. 2914/2011, 75% of the sample that were analyzed showed to the pH parameter; 62.5% for turbidity; 90% for total coliforms/ Escherichia coli. About 82.3% of the septic sewer created is sent to black cesspool and 13% of the houses do not have a bathroom. The total cost of the systems was about R$ 430,644.97 for a photoelectric system (0.18 R$/resident.day). The perforation and preservation of the wells were not considered; R$ 432,236.72 if use rain water (0.19 R$/resident.day). R$ 7,326.27 for slow domiciliary filter. R$ 9,768.54 for solar disinfection system and R$ 434,371.32 for unifamilial sanitary sewer treatment, septic tank \"imhoff\" and escape hole (0.19 R$/resident.day). Therefore, it was possible to see that the alternatives analyzed were economically and operationally possible. The implementation of water and sewer treatment technologies in isolated communities of by difficult access in Amazonia must be followed by socioeconomic, environmental and cultural studies.
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The utility of an ethnic Spanish translation of the Iowa test of basic skills with second grade Mexican-American childrenGranado, Joe F. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of an ethnic Spanish translation of portions of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, Level 7, Form 5, with second-grade Mexican-American children to measure growth in the fundamental skills of listening, vocabulary, word analysis, reading, and mathematics.
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Behovsfrämjande ledarskap och dess longitudinella relation till anställdas sjukfrånvaro : Autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet i arbetet som medierande mekanismerNabbing, Robin, Engström, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Sjukfrånvaro till följd av sociala och organisatoriska orsaker ökar, varje år kostar den arbetsrelaterade ohälsan Sverige 70 miljarder kronor i form av förlorade arbetsinsatser och utgifter för vård och omsorg. Trots att ledarskap antas spela en central roll i anställdas sjukfrånvaromönster är tidigare forskning på området begränsad. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka det longitudinella sambandet mellan behovsfrämjande ledarskap och sjukfrånvaro, samt om tillfredsställelse av de grundläggande psykologiska behoven av autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet medierar relationen mellan ledarskap och sjukfrånvaro. Enkätdata insamlades med självskattningsformulären Need Support at Work scale och Need Satisfaction at Work scale från anställda inom en kommun i norra Sverige (N = 589, 58% kvinnor, åldersspann = 19-66 år) och relaterades till sjukfrånvaro. Resultaten visar att ett behovsfrämjande ledarskap har en indirekt effekt på anställdas sjukfrånvaro genom behovstillfredsställelse samt en direkt effekt på anställda som är sjukskrivna längre än 40 dagar. Dessa resultat bidrar med en teoretisk förståelse för hur chefer påverkar anställdas sjukfrånvaromönster och kan ligga till grund för organisatoriska interventioner. / Sickness absenteeism due to social and organisational reasons is increasing and the total cost of work-related illnesses in Sweden amounts to 70 billion krona each year in form of loss of production and health care expenses. Though leadership is assumed to play a central role in follower’s absenteeism-patterns, research exploring this relationship is scarce. The purpose of this study was to explore the longitudinal relationship between need-supportive leadership and sick leave, and to explore whether satisfaction of the basic psychological needs is related to and mediate the association between leadership and sickness absenteeism. Self-assessment data was collected with Need Support at Work scale and Need Satisfaction at Work scale from municipal employees (N = 589, 58% women, age span = 19-66 years) in a town in northern Sweden and was related to records of absence. The results show that need-supportive leadership is indirectly related to absenteeism through the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs. They also indicate a direct negative effect of need-supportive leadership on absence-spells over 40 days. These findings contribute with a theoretical understanding on how leaders affect follower’s absenteeism-patterns and can be used to guide organisational interventions.
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"Representações de professores do ensino fundamental sobre o aluno" / "Representations of Public Basic Education Teachers about the Student"Eliana Aparecida de Souza Luciano 30 June 2006 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, várias pesquisas educacionais foram desenvolvidas para verificar os determinantes do insucesso escolar e elucidar questões referentes ao ensino básico. Acreditamos que a sala de aula, por meio da relação professor-aluno, é um ambiente de manifestação de crenças que podem influenciar no desempenho discente. Sendo assim, este estudo teve por objetivo investigar as representações de professores do ensino fundamental (1a a 8a série) sobre o aluno. Os participantes desse estudo foram 15 professoras de uma escola pública estadual da cidade de Ribeirão Preto - SP. A investigação se deu por meio da observação participante e de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas com as professoras. As entrevistas aconteceram em duas etapas: 1º etapa: investigação sobre a trajetória profissional e a formação acadêmica; 2o etapa: percepções e crenças sobre o aluno. Os dados, depois de transcritos literalmente, foram submetidos, num primeiro momento, à Análise de Conteúdo, tomando como referência os pressupostos teóricos da pesquisa qualitativa e organizados em três fases: pré - análise; a exploração do material e o tratamento dos resultados obtidos por meio da inferência e da interpretação. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria das professoras não se reconhece no sucesso e tampouco no fracasso de seus alunos. Dessa forma, se desvinculam de sua responsabilidade frente ao aprendizado deixando o aluno à deriva. Acreditam que o bom aluno é fruto de um bom suporte familiar e de atributos pessoais como ser "limpinho", "esforçado", "inteligente", "estudioso", "atencioso", "quietinho", "responsável", "interessado", "bem comportado", "dedicado", "otimista". Por outro lado, "o aluno com dificuldades de aprendizagem" é descrito com características opostas aos do "bom aluno". Ele aparece na fala da maioria das professoras como o aluno "indisciplinado", "insuportável", "desatento", com "baixa auto-estima", "preguiçoso", "briguento", "rebelde", "desinteressado", "inquieto", "que não teve suporte familiar", "que não sabe ler e escrever", "que apresenta problemas neurológicos ou psicológicos". Os dados encontrados confirmam a literatura consultada. Estudos apontam que as famílias, geralmente, não podem oferecer aos seus filhos este suporte familiar como esperado pelas professoras. Algumas professoras percebem que as dificuldades de aprendizagem fazem parte de um contexto mais amplo no qual o aluno está inserido e se esforçam para buscar alternativas de intervenção. Denunciam a ineficácia das políticas educacionais vigentes que são criadas sem levar em consideração os seus principais agentes efetivos e a sua prática em sala de aula. Reconhecem o aluno de hoje como vítima do sistema educacional que cria e reformula teorias sem conseguir alcançar o seu cliente principal - o aluno - e atender às suas necessidades mais prementes. / In the last decades, several educational researches were developed in order to verify the determinants of school failure and to clarify questions related to basic education. We believe that the classroom, through the teacher/student relationship, is an evironment for disclosure of beliefs that may influence the teaching performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the representations of basic education teachers (1st to 8th grade) about the student. The participants of this study were 15 female teachers of a public state school of the city of Ribeirão Preto-SP. The investigation was made through the participant observation and individual semi-structured interviews with the teachers. The interviews happened in two stages: 1st stage: investigation about the professional trajectory and graduation; 2nd stage: perceptions and beliefs about the student. The data, which were taped and literally transcribed, were submitted, in the first instance, to content analysis and taking as reference the theoretical presuppositions of the qualitative research and organized in three phases: pre-analysis; exploration of the material and the results' treatment by means of inference and interpretation. Results revealed that most of the teachers don't recognize themselves neither in the success nor in the failure of their students. Thus, they detach themselves from their responsibility related to the learning process, leaving the student adrift. They believe that the good student is fruit of a good familiar support and of personal attributes like be "tidy", "diligent", "smart", "studious", "attentive", "quiet", "responsible", "interested", "well-behaved", "dedicated", "optimist". On the other hand, "the student with learning difficulties" is described with characteristics opposite to the "good students". He appears in the talk of most teachers as the "undisciplined", "unbearable", "inattentive student, with "low self-steem", "lazy", "quarrelsome", "rebellious", "disinterested", "anxious", "who did not have familiar support", "unable to read and write", "that has neurological and psychological troubles". The data obtained confirm the literature consulted. Some studies point out that families, generally, cannot offer to their children this familiar support as expected by the teachers. Some teachers perceive that the learning difficulties are part of a broader context into which the student is inserted and endeavor themselves seeking after intervention alternatives. They denounce the inefficacy of the existing educational policies that are created without considering their main real agents and their practice in the classroom. They recognize todays student as a victim of the educational system that creates and reformulates theories without reaching its main client - the student - and looking after his most pressing necessities.
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Utilizing the Prospect of Transfer to Increase Academic Engagement in High School Equivalency Students within a Wicked Problems FrameworkJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: This study examined the influence of perceived transfer of learning on student engagement, completion rates, and attendance hours of high school equivalency (HSE) students within a Wicked Problems Framework. Local research had shown that over 30% of HSE students stopped attending HSE classes prior to completing 40 instructional hours, and many students cited a lack of relevant, “real-world” application, and the need to pursue employment as the two most common reasons that they stopped attending.
To address this issue, an innovation was developed and deployed for one semester at the Rio Salado College Avondale location. The innovation identified the individual career interests of each student in a treatment group, then worked with industry experts in those career fields to develop PowerPoint slides explaining how each HSE math lesson would directly transfer to the student’s career of interest. In addition, hiring managers from each career field that the students expressed interest in visited the class to discuss the need for HSE math skills and to answer any questions about their career and the transferability of what the students were learning.
The treatment groups’ attendance hours, completion rates, and self-reported engagement were examined and compared all other HSE math classes at Rio Salado College that took place during the same semester, as well as compared to the instructor of the innovation’s previous math classes. The results showed that students who participated in the innovation had, on average, over 38 more attendance hours than students who did not receive the innovation during the same semester and over 44 more attendance hours than the instructor’s previous classes at the same location. In addition, students who participated in the innovation reported higher engagement and enjoyment in the class than in similar HSE classes that they had previously taken. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2018
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Limit Cycles and Dynamics of Rumor ModelsOdero, Geophrey Otieno, Mr. 01 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses limit cycles and behavior of rumor models. The first part presents the deterministic Daley-Kendall model (DK) with arrivals and departures and comparison of the Susceptibles, Infectives and Removed (SIR) model and the DK model. The second result is a part of the qualitative analysis and the general behavior of extension of the Daley-Kendall model. Here we discuss how the halting rate of spreaders causes the model to change from a stable equilibrium or a stable limit cycle. In the third part we carry out model validation and use both synthetic data and real data sets and fit them to the numerical solutions of the extended Daley-Kendall model. Finally, we find the parameter estimates and standard errors. In this way we shall be able to decide whether the numerical solutions quantifying the relationships between the variables obtained from the qualitative analysis can be accepted as the best description of the data. We discuss sensitivity analysis results and traditional sensitivity functions.
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Desenvolvimento de um programa para dimensionamento de redes de termofluidoBatista, Tiago Chaves January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2010
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Young adults' experience of living with a mental illness in rural Western Australia: a grounded theory approachMostafanejad, Karola January 2005 (has links)
It is estimated that one in five Australians are affected by a mental disorder, and the associated burden of living with a mental illness will become one of the greatest health care issues during the next 20 years. Since the 1960s, the care of people with mental disorders has been transferred to community settings including to rural areas of Australia through the process of deinstitutionalisation. However, research on young adults living with a mental illness in rural communities is limited, and the multidimensional experience of this group of young adults has not been previously explored. This study, guided by grounded theory methodology, explored young adults' experience of living with a mental illness in rural Western Australia. This thesis presents the findings of interviews with nine participants aged between 18 and 30 and places the findings within the context of relevant scientific literature. The constant comparative method used in grounded theory analysis identified that the basic social psychological problem experienced by all participants was "being shut out". The problem of being shut out consisted of two aspects: "being excluded" and "withdrawing from society". In order to manage the problem of being shut out, participants engaged in the basic social psychological process of "seeking normality". In seeking normality participants moved from a state of being shut out to one whereby they sought to take part in ordinary social activities taken for granted by other members of society. The process of seeking normality consisted of three phases: "floundering", "taking charge", and "moving forward. Phase one of the process occurred primarily in the period prior to experiencing a turning point, which changed the participants' willingness to take control of their life and to take effective steps in reducing their isolation. / Participants' experience of being shut out was not related to the duration of their illness but to their experience of seeking normality and the three conditions identified as influencing that experience. The findings, while supporting existing scientific literature, also present a new insight into young adults' experience of living with a mental illness in rural Western Australia. The findings of this study highlight the importance of health professionals' understanding young adults' experience of being shut out and to incorporate the increased knowledge and understanding into their clinical practice. Finally, the findings have implications on public education, healthcare services and healthcare policy in relation to young adults living with a mental illness.
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Relationen mellan sexuell hälsa och bassjälvkänsla bland unga vuxnaBjurling, Martina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Inom området för främjande av sexuell hälsa finns en övertygelse om att självkänsla fungerar som en psykologisk immunisering mot ohälsa. Fortfarande kvarstår dock frågetecken kring såväl självkänsla, sexuell hälsa och sambandet mellan dessa. Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla ett mätinstrument för sexuell hälsa samt att klargöra huruvida det finns ett samband mellan sexuell hälsa och bassjälvkänsla bland unga vuxna. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på 75 högskolestudenter i åldrarna 18 till 30. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett starkt positivt samband mellan sexuell hälsa och bassjälvkänsla. Studien visade även att män hade högre sexuell hälsa än kvinnor och att desto oftare deltagarna hade sexuellt umgänge desto högre sexuell hälsa hade de.</p>
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Optimering av prestanda och utnyttjande av flertrådsteknik / Optimization of performance and utilization of multithreadingGustafsson, Daniel, Öberg, Christoffer January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis was to help the company Medius AB with optimization of selected parts in an existing system to minimize the execution time by implementing multithreading. The idea was to manipulate the code so that calculations could be executed at the same time. The main work in this thesis consisted of three optimizations. The first one was to reconstruct a big “for-loop” so it would execute every loop's work in an own thread. The second optimization also was a reconstruct of a “for-loop” so it could execute the work in different threads. The third and last optimization consisted of reconstructing a stored procedure on the database, so different parts of it each could be executed in an own thread to create data at the same time. To implement the optimizations Visual Basic .NET and its support for multithreading and connection-pools was used. The result of the optimizations meant that one of the modules could be executed more efficiently and it was 12 % faster. The other modules execution time was more efficient by 25 % faster. The meanings and requirements for this thesis are fulfilled by now letting the system make use of its resources in a better way.</p>
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