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U.S. Presidential Election Coverage on the Global Stage: A Content Analysis of 2008 Election Coverage on Al Jazeera, the BBC, and Russia TodayCruikshank, Sally Ann January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Využití sociální sítě Instagram ve zpravodajství na příkladu České Televize / Usage of social network Instagram for news coverage in case of the Czech TelevisionKohlová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the social network Instagram as a means of news coverage, specifically in case of the Czech Television. The theoretical part of the thesis brings a complex description of Instagram including its evolution and the most important terms. The practical part brings results of quantitative analysis of the form and content of posts added to instagram profile ct24zive in 30 following days. For better context we also simultaneously analyze profile bbcnews. The aim of this thesis is to compare two approaches to management of Instagram profile of public service media. The BBC fits the environment of social media by bringing entertaining, soft news content. On the contrary, the Czech TV tries to provide complex news service for young audience for which Instagram is one of the most important sources of information. Description of these different approaches could inspire other media in creating and managing their Instagram profiles. The research also focuses on the way of using defined instagram in- struments. The results are discussed with the Czech TV in order to offer other ideas of managing their Instagram profile ct24zive. 1
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A BBC News online e a imigração irregular: uma abordagem dialógicaDugnani, Bruna Lopes Fernandes 19 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The great amount of immigrants and the several attempts to legislate on immigration in the United Kingdom arouse controversies and involve several social sectors. Those sectors are given voice on the BBC News online news, which produces news not only to inform but also to unveil its own opinions and position. This aspect assures BBC‟s influential role on society. Taking this into account, our goal is to understand the ideological position underlying BBC News online news towards irregular immigration in the United Kingdom. The criteria adopted for the corpus selection were: the news about irregular immigration in the United Kingdom had to be published from 12th April to 6th May of 2010 and signed by a journalist; the material forwarded by the anchors available on the news was to be related to irregular immigration, and the other selected content had to work as non-verbal element to the news selected by the first aforementioned criterion. Those criteria were established in order to relate the selected utterances to BBC‟s editorial policies and to the electoral process for the new British parliament when irregular immigration issue acquired great importance and to assure that the said and the unsaid on the news could be properly understood. This way we collected five pieces of news published from 12th April to 6th May of 2010, which led us to four source documents, one blog post and one piece of news. Futhermore, the said and unsaid on the five selected news was materialized on three pieces of news and one BBC News transcript of the British parties‟ leader debate. In order to achieve the objective of this research, we adopted the Bakhtinian dialogic approach, sharing with Bakhtin and The circle their language conception and, more specifically, the concepts of Speech genre, Non-verbal, Other speakers‟ speech, and Ideology. The corpus specifity made us adopt the NURC/ SP oral language transcription method, some links and hypertext classifications and a conception that enabled the analysis of the corpus‟ verbal-visual dimension. For the corpus analysis, we followed the Bakhtinian methodological order of describing, analyzing, and interpreting, taking in consideration the wider and the more specific social contexts and the genre and linguistic materiality of every piece of news. The analysis result pointed to a xenophobic conservative political position and indifference towards human rights / A grande quantidade de imigrantes e as diversas tentativas de legislar sobre a imigração no Reino Unido geram controvérsias que envolvem vários segmentos da sociedade. Esses segmentos ganham voz nas news da BBC News online, ou seja, nos informativos e opinativos que os utilizam não apenas para informar, mas também para desvelar suas próprias opiniões e posições. Isso faz com que o papel exercido pela BBC tenha grande influência na sociedade. Levando isso em consideração, objetivamos compreender quais são os posicionamentos ideológicos presentes nas matérias da BBC News online sobre a imigração irregular existente no Reino Unido. Definimos como critérios de seleção do corpus que as news fossem assinadas, tratassem da questão da imigração irregular no Reino Unido e tivessem sido veiculadas no período compreendido entre 12 de abril e 6 de maio de 2010; que o material a que fomos remetidos pelas âncoras disponíveis nas news se relacionassem à imigração irregular; e que o restante do conteúdo coletado funcionasse como elemento extraverbal para as news selecionadas. Tais critérios foram estabelecidos para relacionar os enunciados selecionados às políticas editoriais da BBC e ao processo eleitoral para a escolha do novo parlamento britânico esse foi um momento em que a questão da imigração irregular adquiriu grande relevância , e para garantir que os ditos e não-ditos pudessem ser compreendidos adequadamente. Dessa forma, chegamos a cinco news publicadas entre 12 de abril e 6 de maio de 2010, que nos remeteram a quatro documentos-fonte, uma postagem em blog e uma news. Além disso, os não-ditos dessas cinco news materializaram-se em três outras news e em uma transcrição da BBC News do último debate dos líderes dos partidos britânicos. Para atingir o objetivo traçado, adotamos a abordagem dialógica bakhtiniana, compartilhando de Bakhtin e do Círculo a concepção de linguagem e, mais especificamente, os conceitos de Gênero do discurso , Extralinguístico/Extraverbal , Discurso de outrem e Ideologia . A especificidade do corpus nos conduziu ainda à adoção do método de transcrição da linguagem oral do NURC/SP, e ainda à adoção tanto de algumas classificações de links e de hipertextos, como de uma noção que permitisse a análise da dimensão verbo-visual de nosso objeto. Para a análise, seguimos a ordem metodológica bakhtiniana de descrever, analisar e interpretar, contemplando o contexto social mais amplo e o mais imediato, o gênero e a materialidade linguística de cada news. Os resultados apontaram para uma posição política conservadora de nacionalismo xenófobo e indiferente aos direitos humanos
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”Feral rats” : – en analys av rätten att definiera händelser, i BBC:s bevakning av upploppen i England 2011Heyman, David January 2013 (has links)
Denna C-uppsats analyserar genom kvalitativt innehållsanalytiska metoder utvalda delar av BBC:s bevakning av upploppen i England i augusti 2011. Metodmodellen är egenkonstruerad, men använder element ur kritisk diskursanalys (CDA, Faircloughs tillämpningar), samt delar av de metodverktyg som tas upp i Selby och Cowderys metodhandbok How to Study Television. Materialet undersöks i fyra steg: konstruktion, kategori/genre, inverkan/agency samt diskursiv praktik/nyhetsvärdering. Teorin som tjänar som bas för undersökningen består av litteratur inom ämnesområdet journalistik och samhälle, med stor fokus på relationen dem sinsemellan. Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa hur social skiktning och rådande diskurser spelar in i representationen av olika samhällsgrupper i BBC:s nyhetsrapportering, med rapporteringen kring upploppen som exempel på hur representationen kan se ut. De centrala frågeställningar som uppsatsens analysdel ämnar besvara är hur individer från olika samhällsskikt tilldelas rätten att definiera upploppen, och hur denna tilldelning av definitionsrätt påverkar innehållet i nyhetsinslagen. Vissa avgränsningar görs för undersökningen. Då analysen görs på ett relativt litet urval bestående av tre nyhetsinslag (alla tre är intervjuer) görs i uppsatsen inga anspråk på att dra några slutsatser gällande rapporteringen kring upploppen i stort, eller kring BBC:s rapportering generellt. Från resultaten kan det konstateras att det finns stora skillnader i identitetskonstruktionen av de olika individerna i nyhetsinslagen, och att representation och tillåtelsen till definition av nyhetshändelsen skiljer sig tydligt mellan inslagen. En vit butiksinnehaverska i yngre medelåldern representeras med en stark positiv identitet, och får föra ut sitt budskap fritt och ostört. Hennes definition av händelserna och de inblandade människorna tillåts dominera inslaget totalt och därmed legitimeras. Övriga individer, två unga flickor och en svart journalist i övre medelåldern kommer inte i närheten av att på allvar få definiera händelserna, och representeras betydligt mer negativt och som svagare individer. Sammantaget kan det konstateras att det i materialet finns en grov skevhet och allvarliga skillnader i rätten att få definiera händelser i sin omvärld.
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Among the technologies that have modified the digital journalism since its inception,
there are two that can be highlighted: 1) the World Wide Web (Web), a network of digital
documents that has being used as a platform to the practice of journalism on the Internet and
that determined the three generations of digital journalism; and 2) the databases aggregate to
the Web, that have become the main technology behind the structuring of journalistic
products in the transition between the third and fourth generation of digital journalism. In
2001, the scientist Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the web, published a paper with a proposal of
an extension to this network, which was called the Semantic Web. The paper proposed a
change in the concept of the current web: from the traditional network made of documents to
a network made of data, plus the technical ability to represent real concepts, such as people,
places and objects. A great advantage of this proposal is that computers would be able to
understand the data and identify their meanings. With a semantic network, the information
could be organized and managed more efficiently and in an automated way, and the
connections between the data would be richer than the current hyperlinks between documents.
The concept of the Semantic Web is still maturing, but it is currently possible to find digital
products that implement this concept. This research aims to analyze two real cases that apply
the concept of the Semantic Web in digital journalism, specifically in the organization and
management of the newspaper reports. For the theoretical background of research, we
conducted a literature review on digital journalism, paradigm of the Digital Journalism on
Databases (JDBD) and how the standard technologies of the Semantic Web work, such as
RDF and ontologies. This is an exploratory research and it uses the case study as a method.
The cases are the site 'World Cup 2010 BBC' and the site 'BBC Wildlife'. The analysis was
performed using eight categories applicable to the study of JDBD. Among the results, it is
found that the Semantic Web improve some of the characteristics of JDBD, mainly due to the
automation on management tasks. Moreover, it identified that automated interoperability was
the more advantageous benefit of Semantic Web to both digital journalism cases, and that it
can become a potential rupture if the Semantic Web project come to succeed. / Entre as tecnologias que transformaram o jornalismo digital desde o seu surgimento,
destacam-se duas: a World Wide Web (web), rede de documentos digitais que serviu como
plataforma à prática jornalística na internet e determinou as três fases evolutivas do
jornalismo digital; e as bases de dados, que, agregadas à web, se tornaram a principal
tecnologia estruturante dos produtos jornalísticos na fase de transição entre a terceira e a
quarta geração do jornalismo digital. No ano de 2001, o cientista Tim Berners-Lee, inventor
da web, publicou um artigo com a proposta de uma expansão para esta rede, a qual foi
denominada Web Semântica. O artigo propunha uma mudança no conceito da web: da
tradicional rede de documentos para uma rede de dados, com capacidade para representar
conceitos reais, como pessoas, lugares e objetos. Um grande diferencial desta proposta é que
os computadores teriam capacidade para interpretar tais dados e identificar seus significados.
Em uma rede semântica, as informações poderiam ser organizadas e gerenciadas de forma
mais eficiente e automatizada, e as conexões entre dados seriam mais ricas do que através dos
atuais links entre documentos. O conceito de Web Semântica ainda está em fase de
amadurecimento, mas já é possível encontrar em funcionamento produtos digitais que aplicam
tal conceito. A proposta desta pesquisa é analisar dois casos que aplicam o conceito da Web
Semântica no jornalismo digital, mais especificamente na organização e no gerenciamento das
informações jornalísticas. Para o embasamento teórico da investigação, foi realizada uma
revisão bibliográfica sobre o jornalismo digital, sobre o paradigma do Jornalismo Digital em
Base de Dados (JDBD) e sobre o funcionamento das tecnologias empregadas na Web
Semântica, tais como o RDF e as ontologias. A pesquisa apresenta caráter exploratório e
emprega como estratégia de investigação o estudo de caso, especificamente dos sites BBC
World Cup 2010 e BBC Wildlife. A análise foi realizada a partir de oito categorias aplicáveis
ao estudo do JDBD. Entre os resultados, é constatado que a Web Semântica potencializa
algumas das características do JDBD, principalmente devido à automatização. Além disso, foi
identificado nos casos estudados que a interoperabilidade automatizada foi o benefício mais
vantajoso da Web Semântica em relação às tecnologias até então utilizadas no jornalismo
digital, e que pode se tornar uma ruptura caso o projeto de Web Semântica obtenha êxito.
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Bible and theology at work : the creative energy of Dorothy L. Sayers' 'The Man Born to be King'Wehr, Kathryn Hannah January 2017 (has links)
This study centres on the biblical and theological work behind Dorothy L. Sayers' 12-part play-cycle, The Man Born to be King, aired on the BBC between 1941-42. Investigation begins by testing various unsubstantiated statements by biographers and scholars through a line-by-line analysis of the scripts, the results of which can be found in two large tables of information about how Sayers used each pericope in the Gospels (Appendix A) and a list of every known biblical reference within the play-cycle (Appendix C). Sayers' reported privileging of the Gospel of John gives way to evidence that Synoptic content outweighs Johannine by sheer bulk of material while preference is clearly given to stories that appear in both John and the Synoptics. Sayers' reported avoidance of the Authorized Version gives way to limited but consistent use of the AV for the narrator, for Old Testament quotations, and a special use of the Coverdale Psalms from the Book of Common Prayer. A study of Sayers' six secondary sources shows significant influence upon historic details and characterisation. By covering new ground through in-depth script and source analysis, these studies reveal, expand upon, and often contradict previous assumptions regarding Sayers' sources and working process. In the area of theological studies, investigation begins with Sayers' own claim that she had no original theology—that she merely re-stated the Church's teaching. First, Sayers' identity as an Anglo-Catholic is explored to understand what she means by ‘Catholic' and ‘the Church'. Having thus located Sayers within a particular tradition, Sayers' Christology (building upon her emphasis on the Creed) and Eschatology (building upon her chosen theme of the Kingship of Christ) within the plays are considered within their broader context of early twentieth-century Anglo-Catholic and wider theology. Sayers' theological originality is then proposed in relation to how she brought theology to life in dramatic form.
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Etude expérimentale et numérique du traitement des ambiances par le vecteur air dans les bâtiments à très basse consommation d'énergie / Experimental and numerical study of ventilative heating and cooling in low-energy buildingsCablé, Axel 19 April 2013 (has links)
Les bâtiments à très basse consommation d’énergie bénéficient d’une isolation thermique performante et d’une bonne étanchéité à l’air, souvent couplées à une conception bioclimatique du bâtiment. L’apport d’énergie nécessaire au chauffage et au rafraîchissement de l’ambiance s’en trouve considérablement réduit. Dans ce contexte, il devient possible d’utiliser l’air comme unique vecteur d’énergie, à des débits suffisamment faibles pour permettre son intégration dans le système de ventilation sanitaire, et avec un écart de température réduit entre l’air soufflé et l’ambiance. Une unité terminale de soufflage, ou diffuseur d’air, a alors pour rôle d’assurer un mélange optimal de l’air neuf avec l’air ambiant, de façon à obtenir une répartition homogène de température et de vitesse dans les pièces d’habitation, et un bon renouvellement de l’air intérieur. Ce travail de thèse propose une étude du confort thermique et de l’efficacité de ventilation dans une cellule climatique à échelle 1 en conditions contrôlées, dans le contexte d’utilisation d’un système combiné de ventilation, chauffage et rafraîchissement. Une stratégie de ventilation par mélange est mise en œuvre à l’aide d’un diffuseur d’air composé de douze buses lobées de géométrie complexe, et l’occupation est prise en compte par des mannequins cylindriques, qui constituent des sources de chaleur sensible et de dioxyde de carbone. La vitesse d’air, la concentration en CO2 ainsi que les températures d’air, de globe noir et des parois de la cellule sont suivies expérimentalement pour différentes conditions de soufflage d’air chaud et froid. Les mesures expérimentales sont complétées par des simulations numériques de mécanique des fluides (CFD), qui visent à caractériser l’écoulement dans la cellule. Cette approche fait intervenir une méthode de modélisation en deux temps afin d’intégrer correctement la géométrie complexe du diffuseur d’air dans les simulations. Des études paramétriques sont ensuite proposées pour des conditions non testées expérimentalement. Celles-ci visent à mettre en évidence l’impact des conditions de soufflage et des charges internes sur l’écoulement et sur le confort, pour les conditions spécifiques aux bâtiments à très basse consommation d’énergie. / Low-energy buildings benefit from a good thermal insulation and air tightness, associated with a smart integration of the building in its environment. Consequently, the required power for heating and cooling of the building is reduced to a great extent. This allows the use of conditioned ventilation air as the only energy vector: the air is supplied into the rooms at a low-velocity and with a low temperature difference with the indoor air. Air terminal devices are used, whose aim is to provide a homogeneous distribution of temperature and velocity inside of the rooms, and an efficient disposal of the indoor air pollutants. In this prospect, the thermal comfort and ventilation effectiveness in a test room (scale 1) resulting from an integrated heating, cooling and ventilation system is assessed both experimentally and numerically. The air is supplied close to the ceiling through a wall-mounted diffuser of complex geometry composed of twelve lobed nozzles, and the occupancy is modeled by two cylindrical manikins releasing sensible heat and carbon dioxide. Experimentally, the air velocity, CO2 concentration, indoor air, wall and black globe temperatures are monitored in order to assess the Predicted Mean Vote and draught rate in the occupied zone as well as the ventilation efficiency. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are then performed in order to provide valuable information on the airflow patterns in the room. The air diffuser’s geometry being too complex for a direct simulation, a two-step modeling approach is adopted in order to take it into account in the simulations and to accurately represent the heat and mass transfers in the room. Furthermore, parametric studies are performed in order to investigate the influence of the supplying conditions and the internal heat gains on the airflow and on the resulting comfort, for particular conditions corresponding to those of low-energy buildings.
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"Det är skrämmande när en novell skriven för över 120 år sedan har bättre genuspolitik än sin moderna nytolkning" : En analys av kvinnorna i BBCs nytolkande serie "Sherlock", baserad på Sir Arthur Conan Doyles verk.Kapetangiorgi, Nathalie January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur kvinnorna i BBCs serie ”Sherlock” representeras och förhåller sig till traditionella könsroller. Då serien är en nytolkande version som utspelar sig på 2000-talet till skillnad från originalen som utspelar sig drygt 100 år tidigare blir det intressant att undersöka hur mycket som förändras från originalen av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Karaktärerna har genomgått stor förändring genom denna nytolkning, och även nya karaktärer har skapats för serien. I analysen kommer bland annat Connells teorier om genus att användas för att definiera genus och fastställa hur en man och kvinna bör vara enligt samhällets normer, detta kompletteras med D.H Meehans definierade stereotyper. Två avsnitt av serien kommer att användas i analysen, med fokus på tre kvinnliga karaktärer: En som återfinns i originalen, samt två nya. Dessa karaktärer kommer att analyseras genom att undersöka utvalda scener där de samspelar med Sherlock Holmes. Analysen sker genom en semiotisk analys, samt kvalitativ textanalys. Jag använder mig av Roland Barthes begrepp denotation och konnotation vid scenanalysen, detta för att undersöka vad som utmärker kvinnorna i serien. Egenskaperna dessa kvinnor besitter kommer sedan att ställas mot mina valda teorier, detta för att fastställa hur väl karaktärernas genusmönster överensstämmer med stereotypiska tolkningar, slutligen kommer de valda avsnitten att analyseras och jämföras bredvid originalen av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. En kvalitativ textanalys kommer att göras av två utvalda texter om serien i fråga, en som anser att serien är sexistisk och mansdominerad och en som talar mot detta. Textanalysen görs för att undersöka publikens tolkningar och för att förstå varför serien väckt debatt. I mitt resultat har jag funnit vissa egenskaper för karaktärerna som stämmer överens med den teoretiska ramen, även om alla egenskaper inte kunde appliceras på karaktärerna i fråga. Kvinnorna framställs ofta som känslosamma, emotionellt splittrade och även beroende av männen omkring dem. De nya karaktärerna identifieras ofta som känslosamma och genom sitt förhållande till männen, medan Irene Adler som uppgraderats från originalen portträtteras som en emotionell och känslostyrd kvinna som behöver mannens beskydd. Jag har funnit gränsöverskridande i vissa karaktärer, där manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper blandats. Slutsatsen blir att det finns mönster för hur genus porträtteras i serien som återfinns i mediestereotyper. Även textanalysen bidrog till att stärka denna teori, då det varit viktigt att förstå vilka frågor serien väckt och varför. Nyckelord: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Semiotisk analys, textanalys
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Battle for music : music and British wartime propaganda 1935-1945Morris, John Vincent January 2011 (has links)
The use of classical music as a tool of propaganda in Britain during the War can be seen to have been an effective deployment both of the German masters and of a new spirit of England in the furtherance of British values and its point of view. Several distinctions were made between various forms of propaganda and institutions of government played complementary roles during the War. Propaganda took on various guises, including the need to boost morale on the Home Front in live performances. At the outset of the War, orchestras were under threat, with the experience of the London Philharmonic exemplifying the difficulties involved in maintaining a professional standard of performance. The activities of bodies such as the Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts played a role in encouraging music, as did the British Council’s Music Advisory Committee, which co-operated with the BBC and the government, activities including the commissioning of new music. The BBC’s policies towards music broadcasting were arrived at in reaction to public demand rather than from an ideological basis and were developed through the increasing monitoring of German broadcasts and a growing understanding of what was required for both home and overseas transmission. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony became an important part of the Victory campaign and there was even an attempt at reviving the Handel Cult of the Nineteenth Century. German music was also used in feature film but pre-eminent composers such as William Walton and Ralph Vaughan Williams contributed to the War effort by writing film music too. The outstanding example is Vaughan Williams’ music for Powell and Pressburger’s Ministry of Information sponsored 49th Parallel, in which the relationship between music and politics is made in a reference to Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain. Vaughan Williams’ non-film output included the greatest British orchestral work to have come out of the War, his Fifth Symphony; a work that encapsulated all the values that the institutions of public life sought to promote.
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Pirátská rádia / Pirate RadioHorák, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This paper aims to follow the development of radio broadcasting piracy. We focused on two main and very different media landscapes - the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In the beginning, the concept of piracy differed locally. The United Kingdom's pirates were people who received radio broadcasting of the British Broadcasting Company without paying an annual license for listening. In the media landscape of America, piracy was connected with the broadcasting of their own signal. US pirates were broadcasters who caused an interference with any other licensed station. This concept of piracy developed in British media landscape too. Later, it was primarily associated with offshore broadcasters who anchored their floating studios in international waters. This kind of radio piracy was the most popular in the United Kingdom because of a radio broadcasting monopoly of the BBC. Piracy in the United States of America is associated with efforts of amateur radio experimenters. When their signals strengthened, all their activities became illegal. In both cases, piracy was a strong stimulus for a change. In the United Kingdom, the BBC formed new channels with diverse content and in the United Stated of America the position of micro- broadcasters has been strengthened.
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