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Optimal Basis For Ultrasound Rf Apertures: Applications to Real-Time Compression and BeamformingKibria, Sharmin 01 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Modern medical ultrasound machines produce enormous amounts of data, as much as several gigabytes/sec in some systems. The challenges of generating, storing, processing and reproducing such voluminous data has motivated researchers to search for a feasible compression scheme for the received ultrasound radio frequency (RF) signals. Most of this work has concentrated on the digitized data available after sampling and A/D conversion. We are interested in the possibility of compression implemented directly on the received analog RF signals; hence, we focus on compression of the set of signals in a single receive aperture. We first investigate the model-free approaches to compression that have been proposed by previous researchers that involve applications of some of the well-known signal processing tools like Principal Component Analysis (PCA), wavelets, Fourier Transform, etc. We also consider Bandpass Prolate Spheroidal Functions (BPSFs) in this study. Then we consider the derivation of the optimal basis for the RF signals assuming a white noise model for spatial inhomogeneity field in tissue. We first derive an expression for the (time and space) autocorrelation function of the set of signals received in a linear aperture. This is then used to find the autocorrelation's eigenfunctions, which form an optimal basis for minimum mean-square error compression of the aperture signal set. We show that computation of the coefficients of the signal set with respect to the basis is approximated by calculation of real and imaginary part of the Fourier Series coefficients for the received signal at each aperture element, with frequencies slightly scaled by aperture position, followed by linear combinations of corresponding frequency components across the aperture. The combination weights at each frequency are determined by the eigenvectors of a matrix whose entries are averaged cross-spectral coefficients of the received signal set at that frequency. The principal eigenvector generates a combination that corresponds to a variation on the standard delay-and-sum beamformed aperture center line, while the combinations from other eigenvectors represent aperture information that is not contained in the beamformed line. We then consider how to use the autocorrelation's eigenfunctions and eigenvalues to generate a linear minimum mean-square error beamformer for the center line of each aperture. Finally, we compare the performances of the optimal compression basis and to that of the 2D Fourier Transform.
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Low Complexity Hybrid Precoding and Combining for Millimeter Wave SystemsAlouzi, Mohamed 27 April 2023 (has links)
The evolution to 5G and its use cases is driven by data-intensive applications requiring higher data rates over wireless channels. This has led to research in massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) techniques and the use of the millimeter wave (mm wave) band. Because of the higher path loss at mm wave frequencies and the poor scattering nature of the mm wave channel (fewer paths exist), this thesis first proposes the use of the sphere decoding (SD) algorithm, and the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) detector to improve the performance of a uniform planar array (UPA) hybrid beamforming technique with large antenna arrays. The second contributions of this thesis consist of a low-complexity algorithm using the gradient descent for hybrid precoding and combining designs in mm wave systems. Also, in this thesis we present a low-complexity algorithm for hybrid precoding and combining designs that uses momentum gradient descent and Newton’s Method for mm wave systems which makes the objective function converge faster compared to other iterative methods in the literature; the two proposed low-complexity algorithms for hybrid precoding and combining do not depend on the antenna array geometry, unlike the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) hybrid precoding/combining approach. Moreover, these algorithms allow hybrid precoders/combiners to yield a performance very close to that of the optimal unconstrained digital precoders and combiners with a small number of iterations. Simulation results verify that the proposed hybrid precoding/combining scheme that uses momentum gradient descent and Newton’s Method outperforms previous methods that appear in the literature in terms of bit error rate (BER) and achievable spectral efficiency with lower complexity. Finally, an iterative algorithm that directly converts the hybrid precoding/combining in the full array (FA) architecture to subarray (SA) architecture is proposed and examined in this thesis. It is called direct conversion of iterative hybrid precoding/combining from FA to SA (DCIFS) hybrid precoding/combining. The proposed DCIFS design takes into consideration the matrix structure of the analog and baseband precoding and combining in the design derivation. Moreover, it does not depend on the antenna array geometry, unlike other techniques, such as the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) hybrid precoding/combining approach, nor does it assume any other constraints. Simulation results show that the proposed DCIFS hybrid design, when compared to the FA hybrid designs counterpart, can provide a spectral efficiency that is close to optimum while maintaining a very low complexity and better spectral efficiency than the conventional SA hybrid design with the same hardware complexity.
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3D Printed Modulated Geodesic Lens Antenna With Even Coverage in the Far-FieldLindohf, Harald, Wikner, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
The development of 5G and 6G entails new demandson antennas. This includes fast and reliable connections to a largenumber of devices. A wider area of coverage, and thus moreantennas are also expected, which is problematic for the expensiveantennas used today. To meet those demands, a geodesic lensantenna has been proposed. The antenna utilises several feedingports for beam forming. It is designed to operate at a frequencyof 8 to 12 GHz and is optimised to have an even coverage in thefar-field. The design is modulated with one fold to reduce theheight of the antenna. A prototype of the antenna is 3D printedwith PLA and coated with aluminium tape. The design has asimulated realised gain of 13.5 dBi and beam width of around30°. The 3D printed antenna could not be tested due to technicalproblems with the testing facilities, but is expected to have similarresults. / Med utvecklingen av 5G och 6G kommer stora krav på antenner. Flera enheter skall kunna vara uppkopplade och samtidigt krävs högre hastigheter med stabil uppkoppling. Utöver det ställs det även krav på en bred täckning vilket innebär att fler antenner behöver kopplas upp, vilka har höga kostnader idag. För att möta dessa krav har en design för en geodetisk linsantenn lagts fram. Antennen använder flera ingångar för att skapa en riktbar stråle. Den är designad för att operera inom frekvenserna 8 till 12 GHz och är optimerad för att få en jämn täckning i fjärrfältet. Designen nyttjar en vikning för att minska antennens höjd. En prototyp av antennen tillverkas med hjälp av 3D printad plast som beläggs med aluminiumtejp. Designen har en simulerad förstärking av 13.5 dBi och en strålbredd runt 30°. Den 3D printade antennen kunde inte testas på grund av tekniska problem med testutrustningen men förväntas ha liknande resultat som den simulerade. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm
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Transmission Strategies for Wireless Multi-user, Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Communication ChannelsSpencer, Quentin H. 18 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) processing techniques for wireless communication are of interest for next-generation systems because of their potential to dramatically improve capacity in some propagation environments. When used in applications such as wireless LAN and cellular telephony, the MIMO processing methods must be adapted for the situation where a base station is communicating with many users simultaneously. This dissertation focuses on the downlink of such a channel, where the base station and all of the users have antenna arrays. If the transmitter has advance knowledge of the users' channel transfer functions, it can use that information to minimize the interuser interference due to the signals that are simultaneously transmitted to other users. If the transmitter assumes that all receivers treat the interference as noise, finding a solution that optimizes the use of resources is very difficult. This work proposes two classes of solutions to this problem. First, by forcing some or all of the interference to zero, it is possible to achieve a sub-optimal solution in closed-form. Second, a class of iterative solutions can be derived by extending optimal algorithms for multi-user downlink beamforming to accommodate receivers with multiple antennas. The closed-form solutions generally require less computation, but the iterative solutions offer improved performance are more robust to channel estimation errors, and thus may be more useful in practical applications. The performance of these algorithms were tested under realistic channel conditions by testing them on channels derived from both measurement data and a statistical model of an indoor propagation environment. These tests demonstrated both the ability of the channel to support multiple users, and the expected amount of channel estimation error due to movement of the users, with promising results. The success of any multi-user MIMO processing algorithm is ultimately dependent on the degree of correlation between the users' channels. If a base station is required to support a large number of users, one way to ensure minimal correlation between users' channels is to select groups of users whose channels are most compatible. The globally optimal solution to this problem is not possible without an exhaustive search, so a channel allocation algorithm is proposed that attempts to intelligently select groups of users at a more reasonable computational cost.
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A Prototype Platform for Array Feed DevelopmentNagel, James Richard 20 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Radio frequency interference (RFI) is a growing problem for radio astronomers. One potential solution utilizes spatial filtering by placing an array of electrically small antennas at the focal plane of a parabolic reflector. This thesis documents the design and characterization of a prototype array feed and RF receiver that were used to demonstrate the spatial filtering principle. The array consists of a 7-element hexagonal arrangement of thickened dipole antennas tuned to a center frequency of 1600 MHz. The receiver is a two-stage, low-noise frequency mixer that is tunable over the entire L-band. This thesis also documents a new receiver design that is part of an upgrade to the outdoor antenna test range for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia. The array feed was demonstrated on a three-meter parabolic reflector by recovering a weak signal of interest that was obscured by a strong, broadband interferer. Similar results were also obtained when the interferer moved with an angular velocity of 0.1 degree per second, but only when the power in the interferer dominated the signal. The aperture efficiency was measured at 64%, but adaptive beamformers can slightly perturb this value through distortions in the beam pattern. This phenomenon, called pattern rumble, effectively reduced the sensitivity of the radio telescope, and was measured by comparing the SNRs of adaptive beamformers to the SNR of a fixed-weight beamformer. It was found that pattern rumble can reduce the useful integration time by roughly one order of magnitude. It was also found that mechanical instability of the primary reflector introduces a great deal of pattern rumble, even when the interferer is fixed in direction.
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Nineteen-Element Phased-Array Feed Development and Analysis on Effects of Focal Plane Offset and Beam Steering on SensitivityWaldron, Jacob S. 16 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Presented herein is the design and construction process in the expansion of BYU's seven-element experimental platform to a nineteen-element platform for phased array feed experiments. The nineteen-element system was deployed at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Green Bank West Virginia for use on the Green Bank 20-Meter Telescope. Numerical simulations were performed to determine how sensitivity was affected by electronic beam steering and offset of the phased array feed (PAF) relative to the focal plane of the reflector. These simulated results were then compared to experimental data.
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Improved Channel Probing for Secret Key Generation with Multiple Antenna SystemsQuist, Britton T. 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Establishing secret keys from the commonly-observed randomness of reciprocal wireless propagation channels has recently received considerable attention. In this work we propose improved strategies for channel estimation between MIMO or beamforming systems for secret key generation. The amount of mutual information that can be extracted from the channel matrix estimates is determined by the quality of channel matrix estimates. By allocating increased energy to channel estimation for higher gain beamforming combinations at the expense of low-gain combinations, key establishment performance can be increased. Formalizing the notion of preferential energy allocation to the most efficient excitations is the central theme of this dissertation. For probing with beamforming systems, we formulate a theoretically optimal probing strategy that upper bounds the number of key bits that can be generated from reciprocal channel observations. Specifically, we demonstrate that the eigenvectors of the channel spatial covariance matrix should be used as beamformer weights during channel estimation and we optimize the energy allocated to channel estimation for each beamformer weight under a total energy constraint. The optimal probing strategy is not directly implementable in practice, and therefore we propose two different modifications to the optimal algorithm based on a Kronecker approximation to the spatial covariance matrix. Though these approximations are suboptimal, they each perform well relative to the upper bound. To explore how effective an array is at extracting all of the information available in the propagation environment connecting two nodes, we apply the optimal beamformer probing strategy to a vector current basis function expansion on the array volume. We prove that the resulting key rate is a key rate spatial bound that upper bounds the key rate achievable by any set of antenna arrays probing the channel with the same total energy constraint. For MIMO systems we assume the channel is separable with a Kronecker model, and then for that model we propose an improved probing strategy that iteratively optimizes the energy allocation for each node using concave maximization. The performance of this iterative approach is better than that achieved using the traditional probing strategy in many realistic probing scenarios.
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Passive and Electronically Steered Array Planar Feeds for Satellite CommunicationsBrowning, Kyle C. 17 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
As the need for more bandwidth increases, satellite communication (SatCom) terminals are forced to climb higher in frequency. Higher frequency means greater propagation losses, and so antenna gain and sensitivity have to increase. The higher the gain, the more difficult it is to point the antenna. To make matters even more challenging, consumers are requesting satellite links in harsher environments and on moving vehicle and planes. In order to meet today's challenges and improve on dish feeds, research is ongoing to replace fixed-beam feedhorns with smaller, cheaper, and lighter PCB based antennas and to develop low-cost electronically steered array feeds (ESAF). ESAFs will not only improve the signal link, but they will also aid in pointing the antenna and then tracking the satellite independent of movement. Here is presented some of the first planar antenna dish feeds developed by the Brigham Young University's SatCom Group. Included are the simulation and test procedures to determine if they are viable for SatCom use. The results show that these antennas make significant advancements in efficiencies and prove a path forward to a feedhorn replacement. Several planar designs are presented, each with a unique solution to meet all the requirements for a dish feed. Also presented is the first low-cost ESAFs developed to give commercial SatCom an electronically steerable dish. None of the designed hardware requires a redesign of current modems and receiver boxes. The research looks at keeping costs low by minimizing the required electronics. This further led to researching the limits on how simple the electronics could be. The ESAF doubled the visible area of the dish and successfully acquired and tracked a satellite as the dish moved. The ESAF also demonstrates a path forward to increase the steerable range and improve pointing and tracking.
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Interactive visualization of radio waves propagation in 5G massive MIMOAdaszynski, Wojciech January 2019 (has links)
The complexity of advanced antenna techniques used in the new generation of wireless networks (5G) makes communication between experts and non-technical staff more difficult than ever. As cooperation between network vendors and network operators affects the adoption of the new standard, a need for a new tool has emerged to make technical presentations more engaging and compelling. This thesis presents an exploratory study that aims to examine various design options for an interactive visualization of radiowave propagation to be used by advanced antenna systems experts. Through a Research-oriented Design, functional and non-functional requirements were identified with the help of domain expert. Later, an interactive prototype was designed and developed using a participatory design approach. Qualitative and quantitative data was gathered through usability testing, System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaires and semi-structured interviews conducted with 12 researchers and engineers at Ericsson AB a multinational telecommunication company. User evaluation proved that such a tool could facilitate communication between technical experts and non-technical staff. The developed prototype was considered intuitive and useful by the majority of study participants as measured by interviews and the SUS survey. Future research is encouraged to include the target audience representatives in order to measure their engagement while using the tool. / Komplexiteten hos avancerade antenntekniker som anvnds i den nya generationen av mobilntverk (5G), gr kommunikationen mellan experter och icke-teknisk personal svrare n ngonsin. Eftersom samarbetet mellan telekommunikationsfretag och ntoperatrer pverkar anpassningen av den nya standarden, har behovet av ett nytt verktyg uppsttt fr att gra tekniska presentationer mer engagerande och vertygande. Avhandlingen presenterar en underskande studie som syftar till att underska olika designalternativ fr en interaktiv visualisering av radiovgsfrkning som anvnds av avancerade antennsystems experter. Genom en forskningsinriktad design identifierades funktionella och icke-funktionella krav med hjlp av en domnexpert. Senare konstruerades och utvecklades en interaktiv prototyp med hjlp av en co-operativ designmetod. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa data samlades in genom anvndbarhetstester, System Usability Scale (SUS) frgeformulr och halvstrukturerade intervjuer med 12 forskare och ingenjrer p Ericsson AB ett multinationellt telekommunikationsfretag. Anvndarutvrdering visade att ett sdant verktyg skulle underltta kommunikationen mellan tekniska experter och icke-teknisk personal. Den utvecklade prototypen ansgs intuitiv och anvndbar av majoriteten av studiedeltagarna, mtt genom intervjuer och SUS-underskningen. Framtida forskning uppmuntrar till att inkludera mlgruppsrepresentanterna fr att mta deras engagemang medan de anvnder verktyget.
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Vehicular Positioning Using 5G and Sensor FusionMostafavi, Seyed Samie January 2019 (has links)
Recent advances in the telecommunications industry and the resulting applicationssuch as autonomous vehicles, vehicle surveillance and traffic safetyhas increased the demand for accurate and robust vehicle positioning systems.Existing Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based positioning techniquesface significant performance loss in the tunnels and urban canyons.Recent researches have shown that radio-based positioning techniques are theoreticallypromising to make an accurate navigation system to fill the GNSSgaps. Fifth generation of mobile communication (5G) will utilize wide bandwidthstogether with beamforming enabled by antenna arrays to provide higherdata rates to mobile users. These features make 5G a favorable candidate forhigh accuracy positioning. On the other hand, sensor fusion is commonly employedto develop more robust and accurate navigation systems for vehicles. Inthis work, the range and angle measurements from 5G base stations are fusedwith the acceleration measurements by the means of the extended Kalman filterto generate position estimates for a moving car. The accuracy of this positioningsystem is studied with centimeter wave (cmWave) and millimeter wave(mmWave) 5G cellular networks which are set up by practical parameters. Towardsthat, the positioning system is tested in a simulation-based experimentwhere a car is moving on a highway and the 5G base stations are deployedalongside of it. Based on that, a detailed analysis of the Kalman filter’s rootmean squared error (RMSE) and the 5G’s different parameters and limitingfactors such as the line of sight (LOS) blockage is carried out. Our numericalresults show that vehicles connected to 5G can benefit from this system to enhancethe robustness and accuracy of their navigation system. / De senaste framstegen inom telekommunikationsindustrin och de resulterandeapplikationerna som autonoma fordon, fordonsövervakning och trafiksäkerhethar ökat efterfrågan på exakta fordonspositioneringssystem. ExisterandeGlobal Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) baserade positioneringsteknikerhar en betydande prestandaförlust i tunnlar och urbana kanjoner. Forskninghar visat att radiobaserade positioneringstekniker har mindre distributionskostnaderoch kan vara mer exakta än satellitbaserade navigationssystem.I den femte generation av mobilkommunikation (5G) används tekniker sommillimeterWave (mmWave) och multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) därradio-terminaler består av stora matrisantenner och arbetar med stora bandbredder.Dessa funktioner gör 5G-system gynnsamma för positionering medhög noggrannhet. Å andra sidan har informationsfusion av Inertial NavigationSystems (INS) och andra positioneringstekniker vanligen använts för attutveckla mer robusta och exakta spårningssystem. I denna studie föreslår viett INS/5G-positioneringssystem för att spåra landfordon baserat på Kalmanfiltret. Vi adresserar systempositioneringsgränserna i termer av 5G nya radio(NR) subsystem och en detaljerad analys av beroendet av rotmedelfelteradkvadratfel (RMSE) för olika systemparametrar som utförs. Systemet testas iett enkelt simuleringsbaserat experiment som består av en rak motorväg medbasstationerna placerade bredvid det. Slutligen visar våra numeriska resultatatt det föreslagna systemet är i stånd att lokalisera ett UE-monterat fordon medsub-meter lägesfel även i närvaro av hård siktlinje blockering.
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