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Representations of Cities in Republican-era Chinese LiteratureZhou, Hao 07 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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中国大陆新课程改革背景下学校教师领导与教师学习的互动研究: 基于北京市两所小学的案例研究. / Research on the interaction between teacher leadership & teacher learning in school in NCR in mainland China: a case study on two primary schools in Beijing / Zhongguo da lu xin ke cheng gai ge bei jing xia xue xiao jiao shi ling dao yu jiao shi xue xi de hu dong yan jiu: ji yu Beijing Shi liang suo xiao xue de an li yan jiu.January 2013 (has links)
中国大陆自2001年实施基础教育第八次课程改革以来,对教师提出了一系列新的角色要求,要求教师成为领导者,引领课程和学生学习的积极变革,而这首先要求教师成为自身学习的领导者,进而提高教育质量。本研究以“教师领导与教师学习的互动为核心关注,运用质化取向的案例研究,以北京市两所小学为案例,呈现和探讨了两所学校中教师领导与教师学习在学校、教研组和个人层面的互动过程。研究主要通过访谈收集资料,共访谈教师、学校中层领导、校长等43人次。 / 研究所见,首先,官方规定的学习目标为学校教师学习和教师领导仅提供了有限空间。学校的教师学习为此而发展出自我适应的学校教师学习活动结构。在此受限的教师学习结构中,教师发挥领导的空间也受到一定规限。第二,在官方规定的学习目标之下,教研组成为调节外部学习要求与教师个体学习需求的重要学习情境。第三,学校固有的科层体制与科层式学习文化是限制教师领导与教师学习的主要因素。教师领导集中体现为教研组内微观学习情境的营造和教师学习活动规则的重塑;其中是否能够平等协作、积极参与、共商组内小目标是教师领导力能否积极体现的关键。 / 本研究以文化历史活动理论为概念框架,基于中国学校情境中教师学习活动结构的变迁实例,为活动理论提供了本土理解。研究所见,学校固有的科层体制与科层式学习文化透过教研组内的分工与规则,影响教师领导和教师学习的互动。学校传统的“老带新教研组文化、僵化的制度性角色分工、应试压力等科层结构与文化,限制了个体教师充分发挥领导的意愿或行动。少部分教师若能抓住改变的契机,通过组内共同参与、平等协作,共商组内教师学习的小目标时,则可能形成共同参与、流动的教师领导力,并改变组内的微观学习生态,出现教师领导与教师学习的良性互动。在两者互动过程中,中层领导在教师领导与教师学习的良性互动中扮演重要角色;主体如何共商目标是带动形成整个活动结构与发展的关键节点;教师是否具有合作意愿和正式领导职位、是否得到合作的教研组文化和学校支持是影响教师临近发展区的因素。这些都为活动理论提供了本土理解。 / Since 2001, the 8th curriculum reform in mainland China has proposed various role expectations for teachers. All these requirements expect teachers to be leaders, so as to improve curriculum implementation, promote students’ development, and enhance education quality. To fulfill these expectations, teachers, in the first place, should be leaders of their own learning to transform education. / This research takes the interaction between teacher leadership & teacher learning as the foci. By employing qualitative research method, the research demonstrates and discusses about how teacher leadership and teacher learning in two primary schools (S & Q) in Beijing interact with each other in school. The data collection method mainly based on interview and document analysis. Totally, 43 teachers, middle managers, and principals have been interviewed. / The research found, first of all, the goal of teacher learning come from superior authorities, which only left limited space for both teacher learning and teacher leadership at school. The school teacher learning was a self-adapting structure which always followed the external goal. In such a structure, teacher leadership were also limited. / Secondly, subject group was an important learning situation for teachers. It played mediating role between the learning demand from the external authorities and from teachers themselves. / Thirdly, the bureaucratic structure and bureaucratic learning culture was the main factor limiting both teacher leadership and teacher learning. Teacher leadership showed the ability to rebuild micro learning situation and learning rules within certain subject group. If teachers could negotiate reciprocal goal through equal collaboration and mutual engagement within the subject group, teacher leadership would demonstrate positive power. / With CHAT as the conceptual framework, this research provided an indigenous interpretation of CHAT based on empirical cases, thus enriched understanding of teacher learning and teacher leadership in Chinese context. Our study found, the overwhelming bureaucratic structure and learning culture in school S&Q, influenced the interaction between teacher learning & teacher leadership, through division of labor and rule in subject group. The traditional subject group culture as “lao dai xin (in which senior teachers direct novice teachers), the rigid institutional role placement, examination, etc., played together and limited teachers resorting to leadership. If a few teachers could grasp the changing opportunities, they might work out a mutual engaged, fluid leadership capacity, through mutual engagement, equal collaboration, and negotiating reciprocal learning goal within the group. This would help to transform the learning situation within the subject group, and to foster a positive interaction between teacher leadership & teacher learning. During the interaction, middle manager, such as teaching director (jiao xue zhu ren), played an important mediating role; how activity subject negotiate the reciprocal learning object was the foci in the process of activity structure formation and activity development; teacher’s intention to cooperate with others, official position or designation as leader, collaborative culture in subject group, and school support were all important factors influencing teachers’ Zone of Proximal Development. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 曾豔. / "2013年3月". / "2013 nian 3 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 297-312). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Zeng Yan. / 摘要 --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii / 致谢 --- p.iv / 目录 --- p.vi / 图表目录 --- p.xii / Chapter 第一章 --- 导论 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 实践背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 理论背景 --- p.7 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究目的与研究问题 --- p.13 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究目的 --- p.13 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究意义 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究问题 --- p.14 / Chapter 一、 --- 理论意义 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 实践意义 --- p.15 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文献综述 --- p.17 / Chapter 第一节 --- 教师领导:概念内涵 --- p.17 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师领导的源起:概念的提出 --- p.17 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师领导的理据:思想溯源 --- p.19 / Chapter 三、 --- 教师领导作为既存现象:矛盾的并存 --- p.22 / Chapter 四、 --- 教师领导作为规范性概念:概念内涵 --- p.28 / Chapter 五、 --- 结语:教师领导的多层次内涵 --- p.32 / Chapter 第二节 --- 教师领导:实践机制 --- p.34 / Chapter 一、 --- 三种教师领导的发展思路及其认识论基础 --- p.34 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师领导的发生机制 --- p.41 / Chapter 三、 --- 本章结语:教师领导实践机制的概念框架 --- p.51 / Chapter 第三节 --- 教师学习:理论视角的梳理 --- p.53 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师学习的兴起:从教师专业发展到教师学习 --- p.53 / Chapter 二、 --- 理解教师学习 --- p.54 / Chapter 第四节 --- 教师学习:文化历史活动理论(CHAT)的视角 --- p.67 / Chapter 一、 --- CHAT的历史脉络 --- p.67 / Chapter 二、 --- CHAT的主要观点 --- p.69 / Chapter 三、 --- 教师学习的再概念化 --- p.79 / Chapter 第五节 --- 教师学习与教师领导 --- p.84 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师领导与教师学习:已有观点及其不足 --- p.84 / Chapter 二、 --- 学习与领导 --- p.85 / Chapter 三、 --- 结语 --- p.90 / Chapter 第六节 --- 本章结语暨分析框架的提出 --- p.92 / Chapter 一、 --- 本章结语 --- p.92 / Chapter 二、 --- 分析框架的提出 --- p.94 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究方法和研究设计 --- p.100 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究目的、问题与框架 --- p.100 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究目的与问题 --- p.100 / Chapter 二、 --- 分析框架 --- p.101 / Chapter 三、 --- 主要概念的操作定义 --- p.102 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究方法 --- p.103 / Chapter 一、 --- 选择质的研究取向 --- p.103 / Chapter 二、 --- 选择案例研究方法 --- p.104 / Chapter 三、 --- 选择质化取向的案例研究方法 --- p.106 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究设计 --- p.107 / Chapter 一、 --- 界定案例范围(分析单位) --- p.107 / Chapter 二、 --- 个案选择 --- p.109 / Chapter 三、 --- 资料收集 --- p.113 / Chapter 四、 --- 资料分析 --- p.114 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究的可靠性和研究伦理 --- p.115 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究的可靠性 --- p.115 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究伦理 --- p.116 / Chapter 第四章 --- 教师学习为教师领导提供的条件 --- p.117 / Chapter 第一节 --- 教师感知的教师学习 --- p.117 / Chapter 一、 --- 形式多样的教师学习活动类型与倾斜的时间分配 --- p.117 / Chapter 二、 --- 教师学习的内容与目标:“理念与“行为的单向关系 --- p.120 / Chapter 三、 --- 教师学习的方式(一):经验对经验的技艺操练 --- p.123 / Chapter 四、 --- 教师学习的方式(二):安排合作与学科/年级的分割 --- p.129 / Chapter 五、 --- 受规限的学校教师学习 --- p.132 / Chapter 第二节 --- 学校教师学习中的教师领导建构 --- p.132 / Chapter 一、 --- 教研员阴影中的教师领导 --- p.133 / Chapter 二、 --- 技艺操练式学习中的教师领导 --- p.137 / Chapter 三、 --- 考评制度中的教师领导 --- p.140 / Chapter 四、 --- 教师学习组织结构与教师领导:被年级与学科分割的教师领导力 --- p.142 / Chapter 五、 --- 新教师的教师领导 --- p.148 / Chapter 六、 --- 内外条件限制中的教师领导 --- p.151 / Chapter 第三节 --- 教师学习对教师领导的影响:活动理论的分析 --- p.151 / Chapter 一、 --- 作为结构的教师学习:外部目标规约下的自我适应 --- p.152 / Chapter 二、 --- 作为能动的教师领导:受限结构中的有限能动性 --- p.156 / Chapter 三、 --- 受限结构中的有限能动性:规限的教师学习与教师领导 --- p.161 / Chapter 本章结语 --- p.163 / Chapter 第五章 --- 教师领导如何影响教师学习:个案分析 --- p.168 / Chapter 第一节 --- 具有不同教师领导力的教研组 --- p.168 / Chapter 第二节 --- S校六年级语文组:共同探索“思维导图教学法 --- p.169 / Chapter 一、 --- “思维导图教学法的诞生:写作教学的需要 --- p.170 / Chapter 二、 --- 对“思维导图教学法的不同探索和尝试 --- p.170 / Chapter 三、 --- 引入外力支援 --- p.173 / Chapter 四、 --- 外来的压力与动力 --- p.174 / Chapter 五、 --- S六语组教师学习的特点:“螺旋上升的合作学习 --- p.176 / Chapter 六、 --- 教师领导的作用 --- p.177 / Chapter 第三节 --- Q校三年级组:新老搭配的发展困境 --- p.180 / Chapter 一、 --- Q三年级组教研活动的常态 --- p.181 / Chapter 二、 --- 知识交换:从老到新的单向给予 --- p.181 / Chapter 三、 --- 知识消耗:单方面、一次性的消耗 --- p.184 / Chapter 四、 --- 四位知识生产者:情感上相互依赖、目标上彼此断裂 --- p.186 / Chapter 五、 --- Q三年级组教师学习的特点:单向运行的“滑轮组 --- p.188 / Chapter 六、 --- 教师领导的作用 --- p.189 / Chapter 第四节 --- S校三年级数学组:“任务驱动的有限合作 --- p.191 / Chapter 一、 --- S三数组中的共享与交换 --- p.191 / Chapter 二、 --- 三位教师的学习观:个人探究的倾向 --- p.194 / Chapter 三、 --- S三数组中教师学习的特点:偶有交集的平行线 --- p.196 / Chapter 四、 --- 教师领导的作用 --- p.197 / Chapter 第五节 --- Q校艺术组:失落的理想与消极应对 --- p.198 / Chapter 一、 --- 组内教师学习的常态:具体经验的简单模仿 --- p.198 / Chapter 二、 --- 失落的理想与消极应对 --- p.199 / Chapter 三、 --- Q校艺术组中的教师学习特点:倦怠的知识搬运工 --- p.202 / Chapter 四、 --- 教师领导的作用 --- p.202 / Chapter 第六节 --- 讨论:不同层面的教师领导与教师学习 --- p.204 / Chapter 一、 --- 不同类型的教师领导者与能动性 --- p.204 / Chapter 二、 --- 影响个体能动性的因素 --- p.207 / Chapter 三、 --- 不同的教师领导力与知识再生产能力 --- p.208 / Chapter 四、 --- 影响群体领导力的因素:目标协商 --- p.209 / Chapter 本章结语 --- p.212 / Chapter 第六章 --- 教师学习与教师领导的互动:个案分析 --- p.217 / Chapter 第一节 --- D老师的学习经历:从语文骨干到数学骨干 --- p.217 / Chapter 一、 --- 调岗后的挫败与压力 --- p.218 / Chapter 二、 --- “卧薪尝胆的孤独奋斗 --- p.219 / Chapter 三、 --- 数学骨干的养成 --- p.222 / Chapter 四、 --- 未来的期待 --- p.227 / Chapter 五、 --- D老师学习经历中的教师领导与教师学习 --- p.228 / Chapter 第二节 --- L老师的学习经历:“出走的辉煌与困境 --- p.230 / Chapter 一、 --- 学习的动机:寻求自己生活的意义 --- p.230 / Chapter 二、 --- 成为骨干的历程 --- p.231 / Chapter 三、 --- 作为教师领导者的影响力 --- p.236 / Chapter 四、 --- 发展停滞期 --- p.238 / Chapter 五、 --- L老师学习经历中的教师领导与教师学习 --- p.239 / Chapter 第三节 --- ZH老师的学习经历:始终“独行的学习者 --- p.241 / Chapter 一、 --- O校的学习工作经历:“单打独斗 --- p.241 / Chapter 二、 --- S校的学习工作经历:个人化学习倾向的延续和微调 --- p.242 / Chapter 三、 --- ZH老师的学习现状:具有个人化倾向的务实的学习者 --- p.245 / Chapter 四、 --- ZH老师学习经历中的教师领导与教师学习 --- p.252 / 本章结语 --- p.254 / Chapter 一、 --- 教师领导与教师学习的互动 --- p.254 / Chapter 二、 --- 活动边界` --- p.259 / Chapter 三、 --- 教师学习系统:个人与结构的互动 --- p.260 / Chapter 四、 --- 临近发展区及其影响因素 --- p.260 / Chapter 第七章 --- 结论 --- p.262 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究结论 --- p.262 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究发现 --- p.263 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究结论 --- p.273 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究贡献 --- p.279 / Chapter 一、 --- 理论贡献 --- p.280 / Chapter 二、 --- 对实践的启示 --- p.291 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究限制与后续研究 --- p.293 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究限制 --- p.294 / Chapter 二、 --- 后续研究 --- p.295 / p.297 / Chapter 附录一: --- 访谈人员编号说明 --- p.313 / Chapter 附录二: --- 访谈人员构成 --- p.313 / Chapter 附录三: --- 访谈提纲 --- p.314
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中國城市的階級結構與社會網絡. / Class structure and social networks in urban China / Class structure and social networks in urban China (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Zhongguo cheng shi de jie ji jie gou yu she hui wang luo.January 2004 (has links)
張文紅. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 參考文獻 (p. 281-297). / 中英文摘要. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Zhang Wenhong. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Can kao wen xian (p. 281-297).
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福利支持與貧窮應對: 北京市低收入單親母親的國家、市場和社區支持體系分析. / Welfare support and poverty response: the analysis on the government, the market and the community welfare support system of single mothers in Beijing / Analysis on the government, the market and the community welfare support system of single mothers in Beijing / 北京市低收入單親母親的國家、市場和社區支持體系分析 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Fu li zhi chi yu pin qiong ying dui: Beijing Shi di shou ru dan qin mu qin de guo jia, shi chang he she qu zhi chi ti xi fen xi. / Beijing Shi di shou ru dan qin mu qin de guo jia, shi chang he she qu zhi chi ti xi fen xiJanuary 2010 (has links)
Firstly, the government support system provided welfare support for single mothers through danwei institution and social assistance system. Danwei used to provide general welfare for single mothers and ensure their economic security. With the demise of danwei , many working single mothers started to xiagang (lose job) and became poor. Social assistance system was recently established in China to ensure the subsistence security of the poor and single mothers were also included. But since the subsistence allowance was too low, the benefit of its effect limited. / In the context of changing social economic and structure in China, poverty of single mothers is becoming an important issue in social policy and social welfare. How do single single mothers react against poverty? What kinds of welfare support are provided to them by the government, the market and the community? Could single single mothers alleviate poverty successfully under the present welfare support system? In order to answer these questions, this study takes the low-income single mothers in Beijing as the research target and examines the structure, context and effect of their welfare support system which were composed by the government, the market and the community. The study puts forward a new welfare support system design for single mothers by studying the main characters and the main problems of the actual welfare support system. / Secondly, the market support system provided welfare support through the free labor market. Single mothers in this study confronted the double discrimination due to gender and age in the labor market; and they usually only get low-income job in marginal employment. Most re-employed single mothers in this study were still living in poor conditions, they were in fact working poor. / The study concludes that to cope with poverty, single mothers in this Beijing small sample had to ask for formal welfare support, mainly social assistance, medical assistance and family assistance. Single mothers in this study had a welfare support system primarily based on the family and taking the family as the latent welfare provider by stressing the mutual responsibility of family members. Although this type of welfare support system can ensure the subsistence security of single mothers, it cannot help them stay away from threat of poverty. Considering the situation of China, it is suggested that the welfare support system for single mother should be primarily based on employment and taking the government, family and NGOs as the complementary sources of welfare support. This will help single mothers strengthen their self-development and independence, so they can positively and effectively respond to poverty. / The study takes a qualitative approach and the analysis is based on the materials stemmed from the in-depth interviews of 20 low-income single mothers in Beijing, Xuan Wu district which were taken on Nov 2006-Jan 2007 and Jan 2008-Mar 2008 respectively. The main findings are described as the following: / Thirdly, the community support system provided welfare support for single mothers through family, neighbours, colleagues, friends, community organizations and NGOs Family was the main support resource for single mothers in this study the government and the market. Parents, brothers and sisters had provided plenty of support for single mothers such like economic, house and caring support which helped them respond to poverty and other needs. The diversity of family support had led to the diversity of single mothers' economic status. The ex-husbands and their families usually had little connections with single mothers in this study and the former hardly provided any welfare support for them. The neighbours usually provided caring support while the colleagues and friends usually provided working and emotional supports. The community organizations and NGOs provided support for sourcing employment, emotional support and short-term monetary or material support for single mothers. / 黃霞. / Adviser: Chack Kie Wong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-01, Section: A, page: . / Submitted: Nov. 2009 / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 286-306). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Huang Xia.
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Les droits moraux des artistes interprètes de l’audiovisuel, perspectives internationalesLambert, Louise 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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中國殘疾人自助組織發展的社會性影響因素: 北京個案研究. / Impacts of societal factors on the development of the self-help groups for the disabled persons in China: a case study of Beijing / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhongguo can ji ren zi zhu zu zhi fa zhan de she hui xing ying xiang yin su: Beijing ge an yan jiu.January 2009 (has links)
何欣. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 272-284) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / He Xin.
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Molecular characterization of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from different regions in South AfricaFalmer, Alecia Angelique 10 July 2012 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Application of molecular fingerprinting highlights transmission as the driving force behind the
drug resistant epidemic in South Africa. Different strains dominate within different geographical
regions, which is a reflection of micro-epidemics of drug resistance in the different regions.
Cluster analysis shows that strains within the same strain family are different. The Beijing drug
resistant strain family is the most dominant strain family (31%) in the Western Cape and of
particular concern is the highly transmissible Beijing cluster 220 strain in the Western Cape
communities. This cluster is widespread in the region and was previously identified in a MDR
outbreak in a high school in Cape Town. Results suggest that the spread of Beijing drug resistant
cluster 220 in the community was due to a combination of acquisition of drug resistant markers
and transmission. This study also indicate that atypical Beijing can acquire drug resistance and
become fit amongst HIV infected individuals. This is contrary to believe that atypical Beijing
strains are not frequently associated with drug resistance and are attenuated. This implies that
HIV levels the playing field for all drug resistant strains.
Mechanisms leading to the evolution of MDR-TB and XDR-TB in a mine setting with a wellfunctioning
TB control program which exceeds the target for cure rates set by the WHO were
investigated. Despite the excellent control program, an alarming increase in the number of drug
resistant cases was observed in 2003 and subsequent years. Phylogenetic analysis shows
sequential acquisition of resistance to first and second-line anti-TB drugs leading to the
development of MDR and XDR-TB. Contact tracing indicate extensive transmission of drug
resistant TB in the shafts, hospital and place of residence. This study shows that despite exceeding the WHO cure rate target, it was not possible to control the spread and amplification
of drug resistance. In summary, as a top priority, future TB control plans need to address
diagnostic delay more vigorously. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Molukulêre tegnieke toon transmissie as die hoofrede vir die toename in die anti-tuberkulose
middelweerstandigheid epidemie in Suid-Afrika. Die verskillende Mikobakterium tuberkulose
rasse wat domineer in verskillende areas is ‘n refleksie van middelweerstandige mikro-epidemies
in verskillende gebiede. Analise van identiese rasgroepe demonstreer dat ras families bestaan uit
verskillende rasse. Die Beijing middelweerstandige rasfamilie is die mees dominante familie in
die Wes-Kaap (31% van monsters van middelweerstandige families) en van spesifieke belang is
die hoogs oordraagbare Beijing 220 groep. Hierdie groep is die mees wydverspreide groep in die
studie area en was voorheen geïdentifiseer tydens ‘n meervoudige middelweerstandige
uitbreking in ‘n hoërskool in Kaapstad. Die resultate dui aan dat die Beijing middelweerstandige
groep 220 in die gemeenskap versprei as gevolg van ‘n kombinasie van middelweerstand
verwerwing en transmissie. Hierdie studie dui verder aan dat die atipiese Beijing ook
middelweerstandigheid kan verwerf en hoogs geskik is vir infeksie veral in MIV geïnfekteerde
individue. Hierdie data is in teenstelling met die algemene denke dat atipiese Beijing nie gereeld
geassosieer word met middelweerstandigheid nie en dat dit dikwels geattenueer is. Dit beteken
dat MIV die hoof faktor is wat alle middelweerstandige rasse kans gee om te versprei.
Hierdie studie het die meganisme wat lei tot die evolusie van middelweerstandigheid en “XDRTB”
in die myne ondersoek. Die myn besit ‘n goeie funksioneerde tuberkulose kontrole program
wat alreeds die Wêreld Gesondheids Organisasie se mikpunt vir tuberkulose genesing oortref.
Ten spyte van ‘n uitstekende tuberkulose kontrole program, is daar ‘n bekommerenswaardige
toename in die aantal middelweerstandige tuberkulose gevalle waargeneem in 2003 en in die daaropvolgende jare. Filogenetiese analise wys dat opeenvolgende verwerwing van
middelweerstandigheid teen eerste en tweede vlak anti-tuberkulose middels gelei het tot die
ontwikkeling van meervoudige middelweerstandigheid en “XDR-TB”. Die opsporing van
kontakpersone om transmissie te bewys dui aan dat transmissie van middelweerstandige
tuberkulose in die werk plek, hospitaal en woon plek plaasvind. Hierdie studie wys dat ongeag
die feit dat die Wêreld Gesondheids Organisasie se genesings verwagtinge oortref is, dit steeds
onmoontlik was om die verspreiding en amplifisering van middelweerstandigheid te beheer. ‘n
Top prioriteit vir tuberkulose kontrole planne in die toekoms behoort die vertraging van diagnose
sterk aan te spreek.
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2008北京奧運對中國經濟的影響 / The Impacts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on China’s Economy康軒維 Unknown Date (has links)
The Modern Olympic Game is expected to not only bring a great amount of revenues, but also stimulate industrial structure. It has enormous impacts on economic indicators of the host countries. Hence, numerous countries are keen to strive for host as a strategy of motivating economic growth.
The thesis works on searching and organizing papers about economic statistics of Beijing 2008 and previous Olympic Games, in order to analyze and conclude the impacts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on China’s economy. By comparing economic indicators of China with those of previous host countries, we will realize not only what the importance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to China’s economic effects and industrial development is, but also if it is a milestone for China to step into one of advancing countries. / The Modern Olympic Game is expected to not only bring a great amount of revenues, but also stimulate industrial structure. It has enormous impacts on economic indicators of the host countries. Hence, numerous countries are keen to strive for host as a strategy of motivating economic growth.
The thesis works on searching and organizing papers about economic statistics of Beijing 2008 and previous Olympic Games, in order to analyze and conclude the impacts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on China’s economy. By comparing economic indicators of China with those of previous host countries, we will realize not only what the importance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to China’s economic effects and industrial development is, but also if it is a milestone for China to step into one of advancing countries.
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北京地區房地產市場發展策略之研究-以某個案公司為例 / The Research Of The New Trend Predictions in Beijing Real Estate Market & The Development Strategy Of The Construction Companies-Take The Case Study Construction Company As An Example范成連, Fang, Chen Lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用對比分析,借鏡於國外和其他地區的房地產市場發展的經驗,從經濟學的角度為大陸房地產行業的發展正本清源,理清房地產與工業化、城市化、消費水準、人均GDP 的互動關係與發展規律,聚焦於重點分析北京地區的城市規劃、房地產總供給量與總需求量的平衡關係。對於北京高度國際化的特點,也重點分析了外資對北京房地產的重要影響。
大陸房地產在未來可能出現五種情況, 一是失業率上升;二是住宅打折求售,但成交量急遽萎縮。住宅市場從來都是買漲不買跌;三是地方政府的出讓金收入大幅度減少;四是住宅開發商萎縮、虧損、被併購,甚至破產;五是銀行的金融安全,受到房貸申請人停止還款,和住宅開發商的不良貸款的雙重威脅。
房地產景氣循環,大致是5至7年,預估今年與明年都不會有大行情;不過這段時間正好是佈局的最佳時機,保留現金,逢低強進土地與良好的專案,才有可能在下一波大多頭循環時,有所表現,但好的標地物,大都需要資金、機會與時間的等待,往往是可遇而不可求。而不論是募集資金,或是組織資產管理公司,目前宜處於熱身階段,等市場更為積弱不振,得以花費更少力氣適時進場,快穩準狠兼備,成為有如獅子在草原稱霸一般的房市超級贏家。 / To correct some unhealthy development in the Mainland China’s economic structure, especially the overheated investment in the real estate industry, which could cause huge harm to Mainland China’s economy. Mainland China has started macro economic control since the second half of 2003.Those financial and monetary policies have been set to control land and credit, by using flexible-exchange rate, higher interest etc.Thus at the same time all new changes will take place in real estate market , in addition to new threats.
We know it is very important for Beijing housing enterprises to understand the law of real estate and get in line with its new changes.In this paper,by combining analysis of its particularity and Porter’s five force analysis, the researcher design a model of Beijing real estate industry structure.With this model, the researcher analyzed the common factors of Beiing real estate contruction companies.We can see it is sure that the Mainland China government wants to control macro economy to keep housing price stable, and not heating the real estate market.
By contrastively analyzing development experience of other countries and areas in relation to real estate, we hope we can find the solutions for the Mainland China .We also hope to identify the connection between real estate and industrialization, urbanization, consumption level, and average GDP.On one hand, we analyze city planning of Beijing.On the other hand we balance between gross supply and demand in real estate.With the globalization of the world economy, we also discuss that more overseas investment are getting into Beijing’s real estate market .
By constructing the strategic model, we can establish suitable development strategy or implementation.We can learn from inside and outside real estate companies, and in dramatic competition, the research hope some modern strategic management theory can be applied to those Beijing real estate companies.
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華人社會中産階級的社會支持網絡: 香港和北京的比較研究. / Middle class social networks and social support in Chinese society: a comparative study of Hong Kong and Beijing / 香港和北京的比較研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Hua ren she hui zhong chan jie ji de she hui zhi chi wang luo: Xianggang he Beijing de bi jiao yan jiu. / Xianggang he Beijing de bi jiao yan jiuJanuary 2007 (has links)
刁鵬飛. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2007. / 參考文獻(p. 174-182). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2007. / Can kao wen xian (p. 174-182). / Diao Pengfei.
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