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An analysis of the tax deductions in life right exchange agreementsVan Woudenberg, Nicolaas Jacobus 17 May 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the general expenditure incurred by developers constructing residential units, whereby life rights are exchanged for interest free loans, are deductible in terms of the provisions of the Income Tax Act (58/1962). Furthermore to determine whether the judgement in CSARS v Brummeria Renaissance (Pty) Ltd and others, 2007 (4) All SA 1338 (SCA) 69 SATC 205, and its findings in law and of fact affects the deductibility of expenses incurred by developers, especially in relation to the “amount” and nature of the “amount” in the hands of the taxpayer. The research also sought to determine whether the accounting of amounts in life right exchange agreements, especially as relates to the quantification of such amount, assist in quantifying the amount for tax purposes. The research object was determined by critically analysing the relevant provisions of the ITA (58/1962) with reference to case law and commentators and a critical evaluation of Brummerria Renaissance case supra (2007:205) to determine its affect on the deductibility of the expenses relating to the quantum and nature of the benefit amount received under the life right. Furthermore, an evaluation was done of the relevant accounting standards in relation to the transactional facts to determine whether an alternative valuation model of the benefit is available. It was determined that firstly permissible and then prohibited deductions must be addressed in accordance with the ITA (58/1962). It was further evaluated whether the provision of the right of use, through the life right, can constitute an expense for the developer. It was concluded that incurring general expenses meet the requirements of section 11(a), subject to a single qualification, would be deductible. It was also submitted that the provision of the life right as expenditure should be permissible as deduction against income. However, in both these cases the deductibility in question was held to be subject to the amount received as envisaged in Brummeria Renaissance case supra (2007:205) being revenue in nature. The deductibility of the repair or preparation costs was also examined in terms of section 11(d). The distinction between repair and improvement was discussed and established. It was determined that the determination of when the “income is receivable” was critical in determining the deductibility. It was concluded that this requirement was met if the property was in a condition to receive such income irrespective of whether legal rights to such income had been established at such time that the expenses were incurred. The application of this section is also subject to the amount received, as envisaged in Brummeria Renaissance case supra (2007:205), being revenue in nature. The requirement of “income” is critical in the application of section 11(a) and section 11(d) of the ITA (58/1962), because if the amount is found to be capital in nature no deduction is permissible. The nature of the rights, timing of the accrual and the valuation method of the amount were not decided in the judgement in Brummeria Renaissance case supra (2007:205), and as a result, formed part of the research. The nature of the amount was analysed and it was concluded that the amount was income in nature. The various case law and commentators, including SARS’ IN 58, was also analysed to determine which valuation method of the benefit amount would be the most appropriate in the application of the provisions of the ITA (58/1962). To this extent it was submitted that three possible valuation methods could apply, namely the valuation of the benefit as arms length interest on the loan, the valuation of the benefit as the sale of a usufructuary interest or that the benefit amount could be represented as market related rentals in an arm’s length transaction. It was concluded that in order to determine the value and the timing of the benefit the most suitable valuation method would be to calculate interest on the face value of the loan using a market related interest rate. The benefit would be recognised over the term of the loan by calculating the interest on an annual basis on value of the loan. The various applicable accounting standards were evaluated to determine which best represents the measurement of the benefit as envisaged in Brummeria Renaissance case supra (2007:205). It was concluded that the most appropriate of the various possible accounting standards was IAS 32 which prescribed that the benefit should be determined and valued on a yearly basis in relation to the loan as a financial instrument. It was concluded that the basis for valuing and recognising the benefit for accounting purposes interrelates with the suggested accrual and timing thereof for tax purposes. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van die navorsing was om ondersoek in te stel of die algemene uitgawes aangegaan deur ontwikkelaars in die konstruksie van residensiële eenhede waar lewensregte geruil word vir rentevrye lenings, aftrekbaar sal wees in terme van die bepalings van die Inkomstebelastingwet (58/1962). Daar is verder ook ondersoek ingestel om vas te stel of die uitspraak in Kommisaris van die Suid Afrikaanse Inkomstediens v Brummeria Renaissance (Edms) Bpk en andere, 2007 (4) All SA 1338 (SCA) 69 SATC 205, die aftrekbaarheid van die uitgawes aangegaan deur die ontwikkelaars affekteer, veral in verband met die “bedrag” en aard van die “bedrag” in die hande van die belastingbetaler. Met die navorsing word daar bepaal of die rekeningkundige hantering van bedrae in lewensreg ruilooreenkomste, veral ten opsigte van die kwantifisering daarvan, kan bydrae tot die kwantifisering daarvan vir belastingdoeleindes. Die navorsingsdoelstelling is vasgestel deur die relevante bepalings van die Inkomstebelastingwet (58/1962) met verwysing na hofsake en kommentaar, ‘n kritiese evaluasie van Brummerria Renaissance saak supra (2007:205), om vas te stel wat die uitwerking daarvan is op die aftrekbaarheid van die uitgawes wat verband hou met die hoeveelheid en die aard van die voordeel bedrag ontvang in terme van die lewensreg, asook die evaluering van die relevante rekeningkundige standaarde ten opsigte van die feite van die transaksie om te bepaal of ‘n alternatiewe waardasie model van die voordeel beskikbaar is. Daar is besluit dat die aftrekkings wat eerstens toegelaat en dan verbied word aangespreek moet word in ooreenstemming met die Inkomstebelastingwet (58/1962). Daar is verder bepaal of die voorsiening van die reg om te gebruik deur middel van die lewensreg, ‘n uitgawe in die hande van die ontwikkelaar kan wees. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die aangaan van algemene uitgawes voldoen aan die vereistes van artikel 11(a) en aftrekbaar is. Dit is ook vasgestel dat die voorsiening van die lewensreg as uitgawe aftrekbaar sal wees teen inkomste. In albei hierdie gevalle is die aftrekbaarheid onderworpe daaraan dat die bedrag ontvang soos vasgestel in Brummeria Renaissance saak supra (2007:205) inkomste van aard is. Die aftrekbaarheid van die herstel- of voorbereidingskostes is ook ondersoek in terme van artikel 11(d). Die onderskeid tussen herstel en verbetering is bespreek en bepaal. Daar is vasgestel dat die bepaling van wanneer die “inkomste ontvangbaar” is, krities is in die bepaling van die aftrekbaarheid daarvan. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die vereiste nagekom is as die eiendom in ‘n toestand is om inkomste te ontvang ongeag of die reg tot die inkomste bepaal is teen die tyd dat die uitgawes aangegaan is. Die toepassing van hierdie artikel is ook onderworpe daaraan dat die bedrag ontvang soos bepaal in Brummeria Renaissance saak supra (2007:205) inkomste van aard is. Die vereiste van “inkomste” is krities in die toepassing van artikel 11(a) en artikel 11(d) van die Inkomstebelastingwet (58/1962) omrede geen aftrekking toegelaat sal word indien die bedrag kapitaal van aard is nie. Geen besluit is geneem oor die aard van die regte, die tydstip van die toevalling en die waardasiemetode van die bedrag in die uitspraak in Brummeria Renaissance saak supra (2007:205), en as gevolg daarvan vorm dit deel van die navorsing. ‘n Analise van die aard van die bedrag is gedoen en daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die bedrag inkomste van aard is. Die verskillende hofsake en kommentaar, insluitende SARS se IN 58, is ook analiseer om te bepaal watter waardasiemetode van die voordeel mees gepas sal wees in die toepassing van die Inkomstebelastingwet (58/1962). Tot hierdie mate is dit aanvaar dat daar drie moontlike waardasiemetodes van toepassing kan wees, naamlik die waardasie van die voordeel op die lening in ‘n armslengte transaksie, die waardasie van die voordeel as die verkoop van ‘n vruggebruik of die voordeel van die bedrag kan verteenwoordig word deur die markverwante huurinkomste in ‘n armslengte transaksie. In bepaling van die waarde en die tydstip van die voordeel is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die mees gepaste waardasiemetode sal wees om rente op die sigwaarde van die lening te bereken deur ‘n markverwantrentekoers te gebruik. Die voordeel sal dan erken word oor die tydperk van die lening deur die die rente jaarliks te bereken op die waarde van die lening. Die verskillende rekeningkundige moontlikhede is ondersoek om die metode te bepaal wat waardasie van die voordeel soos in Brummeria Renaissance saak supra (2007:205) die beste verteenwoordig. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die mees gepaste rekeningkundige standpunt IAS 32 is waarvolgens die voordeel op ‘n jaarlikse basis bepaal word in verhouding met die lening as ’n finansiële instrument. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die metode van die waardasie en erkenning van die voordeel vir rekeningkundige doeleindes regstreeks verband hou met die voorgestelde toevalling en tydstip daarvan vir belastingdoeleindes. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted
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The incorporating of basic tax education in the secondary school curriculumKoster, Luane 15 August 2013 (has links)
Taxation has become one of the most important concepts in the everyday lives of millions of taxpayers in South Africa. Not only does SARS require each and every employee to be registered as taxpayer but people are more and more reliant on the money in their pocket for everyday survival. Taxpayers want to know why they pay taxes, how the taxes deducted from their income is calculated and what the government is doing with such taxes deducted from the taxpayers. It would thus be for the benefit of both taxpayer and SARS to provide taxpayers in South Africa with a basic form of tax education to provide them with knowledge regarding how the tax system works. School-going children are the future taxpayers of South Africa and therefore it is deemed the most effective place to educate such future taxpayers about taxation. This will allow South African taxpayers to have a basic knowledge on their tax affairs as well as to make informed decisions about their tax affairs. Increasing the level of the taxpayer’s knowledge about taxes will lead to an increase in the attitude of taxpayers about their tax affairs. This will result in an increase in the level of the country’s tax compliance rate and ultimately resulting in the overall increase in the income basis of the South African government. AFRIKAANS : Belasting is besig om een van die mees belangrikste konsepte in die allerdaagse lewe van miljoene belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika te word. Nie net alleen vereis die SAID dat ieder en elke werknemer vir belasting geregistreer word nie maar belastingpligtiges raak al hoe meer afhanklik van die geld in hulle sak vir allerdaagse oorlewing. Belastingpligtiges wil weet waarom hulle belasting betaal, hoe die belasting wat hulle betaal bereken word en hoe die belasting wat hulle betaal deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering spandeer word. Dit sal dus vir beide die belastingbetaler sowel as vir die SAID voordelig wees dat belastingpligtiges in Suid-Afrika ‘n basiese opleiding in die veld van belasting ontvang ten einde hulle te voorsien van kennis rondom die belastingstelsel van Suid-Afrika. Skoolgaande kinders is die toekomstige belastingpligtiges van die land en dit word geag die mees effektiewe plek te wees om die toekomstige belastingpligtiges te onderrig rakende die onderwerp van belasting. Dit sal alle Suid-Afrikaanse belastingpligtiges toerus met ‘n basiese vlak van kennis rakende hulle belastingsake en om hulle in staat te stel om ingeligte besluite te maak rondom hulle belastingsake. Deur dus die vlak van kennis van belastingpligtiges te verhoog, sal dit lei tot ‘n verhoging in die algehele gesindheid van die belastingpligtiges rondom hulle belastingsake. Dit sal verder lei tot ‘n verhoging in die land se belastingnakomingskoers wat dan uiteindelik sal lei tot ‘n verhoging in die inkomste basis van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted
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A critical comparison of tax incentives for small, medium and micro enterprises between South Africa and AustraliaMoholola, Johannes Makgokolla 26 July 2011 (has links)
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) introduced tax incentives for the small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in 2001. These incentives were introduced to assist small business in stimulating economic activity, creating jobs and alleviating poverty. This policy decision is not unique to South Africa. Many other countries offer incentives to small businesses for a variety of reasons, which may differ from country to country. However, it is generally understood that small businesses often face challenges which require the State to intervene in the form of tax incentives. South Africa operates on a global economic platform. It is imperative that its efforts are comparable against those of its counterparts so that it can assess its situation and be able to channel resources in the right direction. This study uses a qualitative systematic literature review to compare the tax incentives offered to SMMEs in South Africa and Australia .Australia has been chosen because it is a developed country and also because it has a mature and simplified legislation. The findings of this study show that South Africa has provided good incentives, particularly in the area of attracting small businesses into the tax base but once these small businesses are in the base, there is nothing to ensure that they grow. On the other hand, Australia has not done much to bring small businesses into the tax base, but it provides good incentives, sufficient to enable business growth for those already in the system. One of the challenges faced by many small businesses is cash flow resources. This study has found that Australia’s tax incentives empower small businesses in the area of cash flow, as compared with the situation in South Africa. Future research studies should investigate the extent to which the respective small businesses are aware of the tax incentives available to them. That is, it must be established how far each country has gone in ensuring that small businesses are familiar with all the incentives at their disposal. / Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) het belastingaansporings skemas vir die klein, medium en makro-ondernemings (KMMOs) in 2001 ingestel. Hierdie aansporings is ingestel om die klein besighede te help om ekonomiese aktiwiteite te stimuleer, werk te skep, asook om armoede te verlig. Hierdie beleidsbesluit is nie uniek aan Suid-Afrika nie. Menige ander lande bied aansporings aan die klein ondernemings vir ‘n verskeidenheid van redes. Alhoewel hierdie redes kan verskil van land tot land, word dit algemeen verstaan dat klein ondernemings dikwels uitdagings ervaar wat vereis dat die staat ingryp in die vorm van belasting-aansporings. Suid-Afrika werk in ‘n wêreldwye ekonomiese platform. Dit is noodsaaklik dat Suid-Afrika se pogings met die van sy eweknieë vergelyk word om sodoende die huidige situasie te evalueer en in staat te wees om hulpbronne in die regte areas beskikbaar te stel. Hierdie studie maak gebruik van ‘n kwalitatiewe sistematiese literatuur oorsig om die belastingaansporings in beide Suid-Afrika en Australië vir KMMO’s te vergelyk. Australië is gekies weens die feit dat dit ‘n ontwikkelde land is en ook omdat dit oor goed ontwikkelde en eenvoudige wetgewing beskik. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon dat Suid-Afrika goeie belastingaansporings het, veral op die gebied om die klein ondernemings in die belastingbasis in te trek, maar wanneer hierdie klein ondernemings in die basis is, is daar niks in plek om te verseker dat hulle verder groei nie. Aan die ander kant, het Australië nie veel gedoen om klein besighede in die belastingbasis belastingbasis in te bring nie, maar Australië bied goeie voordele wat tot besigheidsgroei lei vir diegene wat reeds in die belastingsbasis ingeskakel is. Een van die uitdagings van baie klein besighede is kontantvloeibronne. Hierdie studie het bevind dat, Australië se belastingaansporings, die klein ondernemings se kontantvloei bevorder in teenstelling met die posisie in Suid-Afrika. Toekomstige Toekomstige navorsingstudies moet die mate waartoe die onderskeie klein ondernemings bewus is van die belastingaansporingsskemas wat beskikbaar is, ondersoek. Dit wil sê, daar moet vasgestel word hoe ver elke land gegaan het om te verseker dat kleinondernemings vertroud is met al die moontlikhede tot hulle beskikking. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Taxation / Unrestricted
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Royalties on non-renewable resources in South Africa : an international comparisonHenrico, Jan Hendrik 14 December 2012 (has links)
Governments across the globe are experiencing enormous budget deficits. The governments of South Africa and Australia felt that taxes on mining have not been reflecting a ‘willing buyer-willing seller’ relationship. This in essence means that mining companies in these two countries were not paying an arm’s length value to governments for extracting the resources. In Australia the authorities introduced the Resources Super Profits Tax to be charged at 40% of assessable profits. Mining companies still have to assess how to deal with this new tax when it is enacted on 1 July 2012. However, a change advantageous for the companies is the reduction in the corporate tax rate from 30% to 28% by the 2014/15 tax year. This Resources Super Profits Tax will also be deductible from the calculation of taxable income. South Africa enacted the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Acton 1 March 2010. Mining companies would now pay royalties based on a charging formula specifically for refined and unrefined minerals. The minimum royalty charging formula is 0.5% of gross sales regardless of whether the mining company incurs losses. This royalty charging formula is capped at 5% for refined minerals and 7% for unrefined minerals. However, any existing arrangement between mining companies and land owners for special royalties payable is not replaced by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act. A mining company such as Kumba Resources Limited never paid royalties in 2009, but were paying royalties in 2010 at 5.61% of accounting earnings before interest and taxes and 5.51% in 2011. Despite the additional royalties mining companies still invest in South Africa. The main drive for investment is managing risks and investing in projects that yield positive net present values. Typical risks to be managed are taxation laws, political uncertainty and social issues. These risks should be kept under control as the likelihood of mining companies walking away from investments is high when these risks spiral out of control. AFRIKAANS : Regerings dwarsoor die wêreld ondervind wesenlike begrotingstekorte. Die regerings van Suid Afrika en Australië glo dat die belasting op mynbou-maatskappye nie die ‘gewillige koper-gewillige verkoper’ verhouding weerspieël nie. In beginsel beteken dit dat die mynbou-maatskappye in die twee lande nie armlengte-waarde betaal aan regerings vir die ontginning van minerale nie. In Australië het owerhede die Minerale Super Winste Belasting gepromulgeer wat 40% heffings van berekende winste vereis. Mynbou-maatskappye is steeds in die donker oor hoe om hierdie nuwe belasting te hanteer wanneer dit op 1 Julie 2012 in werking tree.Die verlaging van die korporatiewe belastingkoers van 30% na 28% oor ’n tydperk tot en met die 2014/15 belastingjaaris egter ’n verandering wat voordelig is vir die maatskappye. Hierdie Minerale Super Winste Belasting sal ook van belasbare inkomste van mynbou-maatskappye aftrekbaar wees. Suid Afrika het die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet op 1 Maart 2010 gepromulgeer. Mynbou-maatskappye sal in die vervolg tantieme betaal wat gebaseer word op ’n heffingsformule spesifiek ontwerp vir verwerkte en onverwerkte minerale. Die minimum tantieme heffingsformule is 0.5% van bruto verkope ongeag of die mynbou-maatskappy verliese ly. Hierdie tantieme heffingsformule word wel beperk tot 5% vir verwerkte minerale en 7% vir onverwerkte minerale. Enige huidige ooreenkoms met grondeienaars vir die betaling van spesiale tantieme word ongelukkig nie oorskryf deur die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet nie. ’n Mynbou-maatskappy soos Kumba Resources Beperk het geen tantieme in 2009 betaal nie. In 2010 was Kumba Resources Beperk se tantieme 5.61% van rekeningkundige wins voor rente en belasting en in 2011 was dit 5.51%. Ondanks hierdie addisionele tantieme belê mynbou-maatskappye steeds in Suid Afrika. Die hoof-dryfveer vir beleggings is die bestuur van risiko en belegging in projekte wat positiewe netto huidige waardes lewer. Tipiese risiko’s wat bestuur moet word, is belastingwette, politieke onsekerheid en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie risiko’s moet te alle tye onder beheer gehou word omrede mynbou- maatskappye heel waarskynlik van beleggings kan onttrek indien die risiko’s buite beheer raak. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Taxation / unrestricted
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The effectiveness of the South African double taxation relief provisions for South African companies investing in other African estatesDe Souza Drummond, Elizabeth Lucy 29 July 2013 (has links)
South Africa has expressed its desire to be the gateway for investment into Africa. With its residence-based tax system which taxes the worldwide income of its tax residents, South African companies will be open to double taxation where the investee country claims jurisdiction to tax income generated from within its borders. In addition, other provisions in the South African tax legislation increase the possibility of double taxation by including the income of foreign subsidiaries. Two such examples are the definition of a tax resident, which includes foreign subsidiaries that are effectively managed by their holding companies in South Africa, and the anti-avoidance measures, such as the controlled foreign company provisions, which impute the income of a foreign subsidiary to the South African investment company. Many South African companies have chosen to route their investments in African countries through foreign subsidiaries. Besides having a more investor-friendly tax regime, these countries offer more favourable relief from double taxation, both unilaterally and by means of their network of tax treaties. South Africa has identified some of its shortcomings. It has introduced concessionary tax provisions for locally based headquarter companies that invest abroad. It recognises the high cost of doing business in Africa due to the fact that many African countries impose withholding taxes on several types of income even though they may not be from a local source. Therefore, South Africa is granting tax rebates for foreign withholding taxes paid on service fees charged to foreign entities despite the income being derived from a South African source. Both these measures reduce double taxation but, are they sufficient to encourage direct investment from South Africa into other African countries? This study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the South African double taxation relief provisions by using a case study of a South African company that has investments in several African countries. It compares the application of the double taxation relief provisions of South Africa, another African country and a non-African country to the case study. It analyses the outcomes and assesses the effectiveness of South Africa’s current legislation for unilateral tax relief and its tax treaties in minimising double taxation. Finally, it makes some recommendations on possible improvements to the legislation in order to achieve the stated goal of being the financial hub for investment into Africa AFRIKAANS : Suid Afrika het aangedui dat dit die poort vir belegging na Afrika wil wees. Die heffing van belasting op die wêreldwye inkomste van belastingpligtige inwoners stel Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye egter bloot aan dubbelbelasting indien die land waarin beleggings gemaak word ook aanspraak maak op die reg om inkomste wat in daardie land verdien is, te belas. Sekere bepalings in die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingwetgewing stel belastingbetalers verder bloot aan dubbelbelasting indien die inkomste van buitelandse filiale ook by die inkomste van inwoners ingesluit moet word. Twee sulke voorbeelde sluit die definisie van belastingpligtige inwoner ingevolge waarvan buitelandse filiale wat effektiewelik deur hulle houermaatskappy in Suid-Afrika bestuur word en sekere teenvermydingsmaatstawwe, soos byvoorbeeld die beheerde buitelandse maatskappy bepalings ingevolge waarvan die inkomste van ʼn buitelandse filiaal aan ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse beleggingsmaatskappy toegeskryf word, in. Daar is heelwat Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye wat verkies om hulle beleggings in Afrika deur middel van filiale wat in ander lande geregistreer is, te hou. Hierdie gekose lande het nie net gunstige belasting instellings bewinde nie maar bied ook meer voordelige verligting van dubbelbelasting, beide eensydig en deur middel van hulle netwerk van belastingooreenkomste, aan. Suid-Afrika het sy tekortkominge geidentifiseer. Voordelige belastingbepalings is geskep vir plaaslike hoofkantoor maatskappye wat beleggings in die buiteland hou. Erkenning is gegee aan die hoë koste om besigheid in Afrika te doen as gevolg van die feit dat menige Afrika-lande belasting op verskeie tipe inkomste weerhou selfs as die oorsprong van die inkomste nie vanuit daardie lande kom nie. Suid-Afrika is gewillig om belastingkortings vir die buitelandse belasting so weerhou toe te staan ten spyte daarvan dat die oorsprong van die inkomste in Suid-Afrika is. Beide die maatstawwe is gemik op tot die vermindering van dubbelbelasting, maar is dit voldoende om direkte beleggings vanaf Suid-Afrika in ander Afrika-lande aan te moedig? Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om te bepaal hoe effektief die Suid-Afrikaanse bepalings wat gemik is om dubbelbelasting te verhoed deur middel van ‘n gevallestudie van ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy wat meervoudige beleggings in verskeie Afrika-lande het. Die studie vergelyk die toepassing van die vermindering van dubbelbelastingbepalings van Suid-Afrika, ʼn ander Afrika-land en ʼn nie-Afrika-land. Die resultate word geanaliseer en die effektiwiteit van die huidige wetgewing vir eensydige verligting van dubbelbelasting en die huidige belastingooreenkomste om dubbelbelasting te verminder, word beraam. Ten slotte, die studie beoog ook om aanbevelings wat dalk die wetgewing kan verbeter ten einde die gewensde doelwit om Suid Afrika die finansiële poort vir beleggings in Afrika te bereik, te maak. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted
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The VAT implications of e-commerce goods and services imported to South Africa / Elani FryerFryer, Elani January 2014 (has links)
This research identified that e-commerce is growing annually and has a significant impact on the
South African economy. When the Minister of Finance announced that VAT registration would
become compulsory for foreign suppliers importing e-commerce transactions into South Africa,
there were many speculations regarding the implication this will have for South Africa.
The main objectives for the research are to determine whether the current VAT structure and
VAT Act in South Africa will be able to support the proposal made by the Minister of Finance
and what possible challenges should be considered regarding VAT on e-commerce transactions
that were already identified by other countries. It will further be considered whether the proposal
is in line with current international legislation and trends.
Therefore, the development and implementation of VAT on e-commerce transactions in the
European Union and New Zealand were researched and discussed to obtain an understanding of
the similar current VAT systems in other parts of the world. It was identified during the research
that there are still challenges experienced with the implementation of VAT on e-commerce
transactions. The challenges range from the anonymity of the parties to the identification of the
permanent establishment of the supplier, which are discussed in detail. These challenges can lead
to tax evasion and the erosion of a country’s revenue base. The proposal by the Minister of
Finance is found to be in line with other countries’ implementation of VAT on e-commerce
Furthermore, South Africa’s current VAT system was analysed to ascertain whether it is
sufficient to implement VAT on e-commerce transactions. Currently, SARS is dependent on the
consumer’s honesty to declare the VAT on all e-commerce transactions. It was further identified that there are challenges relating to the implementation of VAT on ecommerce
transactions as it is lacking place of supply rules, which often creates uncertainty
about whether a product is subject to VAT.
It was found in the study that the current VAT system would not be sufficient to support the
proposal made by the Minister of Finance without an amendment to the VAT system to secure
the income from the consumption tax on e-commerce transactions. It was further found that there
are worldwide still challenges experienced with the implementation of VAT on e-commerce
transactions. Recommendations were made for further research relating to the new Tax Bill that
is due to be released in 2014 and the impact it will have on the South African economy. / MCom (South African and International Taxation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The VAT implications of e-commerce goods and services imported to South Africa / Elani FryerFryer, Elani January 2014 (has links)
This research identified that e-commerce is growing annually and has a significant impact on the
South African economy. When the Minister of Finance announced that VAT registration would
become compulsory for foreign suppliers importing e-commerce transactions into South Africa,
there were many speculations regarding the implication this will have for South Africa.
The main objectives for the research are to determine whether the current VAT structure and
VAT Act in South Africa will be able to support the proposal made by the Minister of Finance
and what possible challenges should be considered regarding VAT on e-commerce transactions
that were already identified by other countries. It will further be considered whether the proposal
is in line with current international legislation and trends.
Therefore, the development and implementation of VAT on e-commerce transactions in the
European Union and New Zealand were researched and discussed to obtain an understanding of
the similar current VAT systems in other parts of the world. It was identified during the research
that there are still challenges experienced with the implementation of VAT on e-commerce
transactions. The challenges range from the anonymity of the parties to the identification of the
permanent establishment of the supplier, which are discussed in detail. These challenges can lead
to tax evasion and the erosion of a country’s revenue base. The proposal by the Minister of
Finance is found to be in line with other countries’ implementation of VAT on e-commerce
Furthermore, South Africa’s current VAT system was analysed to ascertain whether it is
sufficient to implement VAT on e-commerce transactions. Currently, SARS is dependent on the
consumer’s honesty to declare the VAT on all e-commerce transactions. It was further identified that there are challenges relating to the implementation of VAT on ecommerce
transactions as it is lacking place of supply rules, which often creates uncertainty
about whether a product is subject to VAT.
It was found in the study that the current VAT system would not be sufficient to support the
proposal made by the Minister of Finance without an amendment to the VAT system to secure
the income from the consumption tax on e-commerce transactions. It was further found that there
are worldwide still challenges experienced with the implementation of VAT on e-commerce
transactions. Recommendations were made for further research relating to the new Tax Bill that
is due to be released in 2014 and the impact it will have on the South African economy. / MCom (South African and International Taxation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Finansiële aanspreeklikheid :|brehabilitering van myne en sluitingsertifikate / P.N. Meyer.Meyer, Pieter Nicolaas January 2013 (has links)
Section 41 of the MPRDA requires of mines to provide financial guarantees for the rehabilitation of mines. The contribution is revised annually. A mine must indicate that the guarantees are in place during the application for a mining permit or licences. A closure certificate will only be issued to a mine once all the requirements regarding rehabilitation are met.
The polluter pays principle and the prevention principle lay the foundation for the financial provision regarding rehabilitation. The mine will be liable in the event that they do not prevent environmental degradation, pollution or damage. To avoid this liability the mine must rehabilitate properly to obtain a closure certificate.
Financial guarantees can be provided for in different ways. In this dissertation trusts, closed cooperations and tax benefits involved are discussed. / Thesis (LL.M. (Environmental law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Finansiële aanspreeklikheid :|brehabilitering van myne en sluitingsertifikate / P.N. Meyer.Meyer, Pieter Nicolaas January 2013 (has links)
Section 41 of the MPRDA requires of mines to provide financial guarantees for the rehabilitation of mines. The contribution is revised annually. A mine must indicate that the guarantees are in place during the application for a mining permit or licences. A closure certificate will only be issued to a mine once all the requirements regarding rehabilitation are met.
The polluter pays principle and the prevention principle lay the foundation for the financial provision regarding rehabilitation. The mine will be liable in the event that they do not prevent environmental degradation, pollution or damage. To avoid this liability the mine must rehabilitate properly to obtain a closure certificate.
Financial guarantees can be provided for in different ways. In this dissertation trusts, closed cooperations and tax benefits involved are discussed. / Thesis (LL.M. (Environmental law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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'n Ondersoek na die afskaffing van boedelbelasting / D.F. de VilliersDe Villiers, Dawid Frederik January 2011 (has links)
Estate duty in South Africa is levied in terms of the Estate Duty Act since 1955. Estate duty is currently calculated at a flat rate of 20% on the amount of which the net worth of an estate exceeds a primary rebate of R3,5 million.
Statistics show that only a small percentage of estates in South Africa is taxable. Furthermore, many estate owners – particularly those whose estates are liable for estate duty – have the financial means to afford estate planning services to reduce estate duty. This reality has the effect that estate duty is paid by a very insignificant number of estates.
Similar to estate duty, capital gains tax has the tax incentive of constituting vertical equity – creating the outcome that taxpayers with greater capability to pay taxes should be taxed more severely. Capital gains tax is also a tax payable (among other instances) at the death of an estate owner. This gives rise to double taxation.
Further matters that need to be considered are constitutional justification of estate duty and the question whether the categories of current taxable estates correlate with the taxable estates envisaged by the legislator in 1955.
In amending fiscal policy, it is useful to consider international trends. In countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada estate duty has been abolished. This phenomenon demonstrates that estate duty is not an essential element of a tax system.
The aim of this study is to investigate the contribution of the abolishment of estate duty to South African tax law. / Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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