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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geology of the Kranzberg syncline and emplacement controls of the Usakos pegmatite field, Damara belt, Namibia

Owen, Geoffrey J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Earth Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Central Zone (CZ) of the Damara belt in central Namibia is underlain by voluminous Pan-African granites and is host to numerous pegmatite occurrences, some of which have economic importance and have been mined extensively. This study discusses the occurrence, geometry, relative timing and emplacement mechanisms for the Usakos pegmatite field, located between the towns of Karibib and Usakos and within the core of the regional-scale Kranzberg syncline. Lithological mapping of the Kuiseb Formation in the core of the Kranzberg syncline identified four litho-units that form an up to 800 m thick succession of metaturbidites describing an overall coarsening upward trend. This coarsening upwards trend suggests sedimentation of the formation’s upper parts may have occurred during crustal convergence and basin closure between the Kalahari and Congo Cratons, rather than during continued spreading as previously thought. The Kranzberg syncline is a regional-scale NW verging, NE-SW trending, strongly non-cylindrical structure that consists of a moderately SE dipping, normal NW limb and a steep- to overturned SE limb. First- and lower-order folds show relatively consistent E - SE plunges at moderate angles and stretching lineations and boudinage of competent layers point to a fold-parallel stretch during folding. Folding is associated with a moderate- to steep SE dipping transecting foliation that shows a consistent anticlockwise rotation with respect to the axial plane of the fold. The transecting cleavage and a component of non-coaxial shear along the overturned limb suggest that folding was accomopanied by a dextral component of shear thought to be related to the SW-directed extrusion of the adjacent Usakos dome during regional NW-SE directed shortening. It is further suggested that the Kranzberg syncline evolved within the overall regional pattern of regional dome and syncline structures in the sCZ, and not as a forced fold in response to the formation of neighbouring dome structures. Based on cross-cutting relationships and deformation, four main generations of bedding-concordant sills and bedding-discordant pegmatite dykes were identified. Along the normal limb, shallowly-dipping sills dominate, highlighting the significance of bedding anisotropies for sheet propagation. Along the overturned limb, interconnected dyke and sill geometries co-exist. Here, pegmatite emplacement appears to have been influenced by (1) the regional strain, (2) differing wall rock rheologies; (3) the orientation of pre-existing anisotropies; and (4) driving melt pressures. Dykes within the Usakos pegmatite field formed within dilational sites, at high angles to the regional stretch, whereas sills formed at high angles to the regional shortening strain and in contractional sites. Where driving pressures for melt ascent were high enough, an interconnectivity of dykes and sills and subsequent melt transfer from contractional into dilational sites is developed. Where melt pressures dropped below a critical value pegmatites were arrested, thus preserving the ascent pathways of the melts. These complex intersecting melt pathways are developed throughout the Kranzberg syncline. This suggests the existence of fairly stable melt networks in the continental crust. This geometrical complexity also accounts for the stockwork-like structures observed in pegmatite fields. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Sentrale Sone (CZ) van die Damara gordel in sentrale Namibië is onder lê deur volumineuse Pan-Afrikaanse graniete en speel gasheer vir talle pegmatiet voorkomste, waarvan party van ekonomiese belang is en is ekstensief ontgin. Hierdie studie bespreek die voorkoms, geometrie, relatiewe tydsberekening en inplasing meganismes vir die Usakos pegmatiet gebied, wat tussen die stede van Karibib en Usakos en wat binne die kern van die regionale-skaal Kranzberg sinklien geleë is. Litologiese kartering van die Kuiseb Formasie in die kern van die Kranzberg sinklien het vier lito-eenhede geidentifiseer. Hierdie eenhede, wat saam tot 'n 800 m dik opeenvolging van metaturbidiete vorm, beskryf ‘n algemene opwaartse vergrowwing neiging. Hierdie tendens dui aan dat sedimentasie van die Formasie se boonste dele tydens die aardkorst konvergensie en kom sluiting tussen die Kalahari en die Kongo kratons voorgekom het, eerder as in 'n oseaanvloerverbreiding omgewing soos voorheen gedink was. Die Kranzberg sinklien is 'n regionale-skaal struktuur met ‘n NW vergensie, ‘n NOSW koersing, wat sterk nie-silindries is en wat uit 'n matige SO helling, normale NW flank en 'n steil-tot omgeslaande SO flank bestaan. Eerste-en laer-orde plooie vertoon relatief konsekwent matige O - SO duikings en strek lineasies en boudinage van kompetent lae dui 'n plooi parallel strek tydens plooiing aan. Plooiing is geassosieer met 'n ongeveer aksiale planêre, matig- tot steil SO helling foliasie wat omstandig waargeneem word om 'n konsekwente antikloksgewyse rotasie met betrekking tot die aksiale vlak van die plooi te hê. Hierdie antikloksgewyse rotasie is ‘n bewyse vir 'n komponent van nie-koaksiale regse skuifskeur deur die omgekeerde flank en dui dit ook aan dat 'n regse komponent van skeer gedurend of na plooiing plaasgevind het. Daar is gedink dat die regse komponent van skeur in verband met die laterale, SW-gerig extrusie van die aangrensende Usakos koepel gedurende plaaslike NW-SO verkorting ontwikkel het. Dit is verder voorgestel dat die Kranzberg sinklien binne die totale patroon van plaaslike koepel en sinklien strukture in die sCZ geontwikkel het, en nie as 'n gedwonge plooi in reaksie op die formasie van die naburige koepel strukture (bv. Usakos koepel). Gebaseer op kruis-sny verhoudings en deformasie, was vier generasies van gelaagdheid-konkordant plate en gelaagdheid-diskordant pegmatiet dyke geïdentifiseer. In die normale flank, vlak-helling plate oorheers, wat die belangerikheid van die laagvlak-anisotropiese op plaat voortplanting beklemtoon. In die steil, omgekeerde flank, bestaan onderlinge verbinde dyk en plaat geometrië gelyktydig. Hier is pegmatiet inplasing blykbaar beïnvloed deur (1) die regionale span; (2) verskillende wandgesteentes reologië; (3) die oriëntasies van anisotropie (ie. gelaagdheid ); en (4) smeltsel druk. Dyke in die Usakos pegmatiet gebied het binne dilatasionele liggings, teen hoë hoeke aan die regionale strek gevorm, terwyl plate teen hoë hoeke aan die plaaslike verkorting span en in kontraksionele liggings gevorm het. Waar smeltsel druk hoog genoeg was, is 'n onderlinge verbinding van dyke en plate, en die daaropvolgende smeltsel oordrag van kontraksionele liggings na dilatasionele liggings behou. In teenstelling, waar smeltsel druk onder 'n kritieke waarde geval het, word die pegmatiete geblokeer, en dus kan die behoude smeltsel styging paaie waargeneem word. Hierdie snyende smeltsel geometrië, in beide kontraksionele en dilatasionele liggings dui aan dat redelik stabiele smeltsel netwerke in die kontinentale kors kan bestaan en verder kan en verklaar die algemene stokwerk-agtige strukture wat in pegmatiet velde van ander mid-korstige omgewings waargeneem word.

Psykologisk påverkan för ökad bältesanvändning inom kollektivtrafik / Psychologically affecting passengers' to increase seat belt use on public transport

Schön, Isabella, Tunefjord, Jannika January 2014 (has links)
Tidigare forskning indikerar att psykologisk påverkan är effektivt i avsikt att öka bältesanvändningsfrekvensen inom kollektivtrafik (Young, m.fl., 2008). Studiens hypotes är att busschaufförer kan påverka passagerare psykologiskt till att använda säkerhetsbälten vid färd med kollektiv busstrafik med hjälp av uppmaningar. Frågeställningarna involverar huruvida busschaufförer kan påverka med en neutral, påtryckande och/eller humoristisk uppmaning samt hur bältesanvändningen ser ut inom olika åldersgrupper, om det är skillnad mellan kvinnors respektive mäns bältesanvändning och om människors vana påverkar bältesanvändningen. Fyra undersökningsgrupper användes för att testa de olika uppmaningsformerna, varav en av dessa var kontrollgrupp. Deltagarna var resenärer mellan städerna Lidköping och Skövde. Det var 93 passagerare som observerades och 40 av dessa intervjuades. Observationer av bältesanvändningen utfördes innan och efter utdelad uppmaning. Intervjuer rörande passagerares bältesanvändning utfördes efter utdelad uppmaning. Resultaten från observationerna visade inte på någon signifikant skillnad i bältesanvändningen efter utdelad uppmaning. Likaså fanns det ingen signifikant skillnad mellan kvinnors respektive mäns användning av säkerhetsbälte eller mellan passagerares aktuella bältesanvändning och vanan att använda säkerhetsbälte. Resultaten från intervjuerna visade på signifikanta skillnader mellan olika åldersgruppers bältesanvändning. Vid intervjuerna framkom det att uppmaningar troligen skulle öka bältesanvändningen bland passagerare, även om undersökningens resultat från observationerna inte var signifikanta. Det framgick även att bältesanvändningen troligen skulle öka om säkerhetsbältena var bekvämare och mer flexibla. Undersökningen indikerade att bältesanvändningen bland unga passagerare var lägre än bältesanvändningen bland medelålders passagerare och fokus bör därmed troligen läggas på att få de yngre passagerarna att använda säkerhetsbälte mer vid färd med kollektiv busstrafik. / Previous research indicates that it is possible to psychologically affect people to increase their seat belt use on public transport (Young, et al., 2008). The study's hypothesis is that bus drivers can affect passengers' psychologically to use seat belts on public transport by delivering requests. The research questions are whether drivers can affect passengers with a neutral, pressuring, and/or humoristic request, how the seat belt usage appears within different age groups, if there is a difference between the sexes in seat belt usage, and if passengers' habits influence their seat belt usage. Four experimental groups were observed, one of which was the control group. The participants were passengers on a bus traveling from Lidköping to Skövde. 40 participants of the 93 observed were interviewed. Observations of the participants' seat belt use were conducted before and after the delivered request. The results of the observations showed no significant difference in seat belt use after the given request. Neither was there a significant difference in seat belt use between the sexes or a difference between the passengers' seat belt use at the time of the interviews and their habits of using the seat belt on public transport. The results of the interviews showed a significant difference between age groups in seatbelt use. It was suggested that requests from the bus driver would increase the seat belt use, although the observational results were not significant. Furthermore if the seat belts were more comfortable and flexible the seat belt use might increase. Young adults use seat belts less than middle aged adults; therefore, focus should possibly be on increasing the seat belt use of young adults.

User perceptions of belt in seat installations : A comfort and mobility study / Användares uppfattningar av stolsmonterade bältesinstallationer : En komfort- och rörlighetsstudie

Karlsson, Hanna, Tullock, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis' work has been conducted at and made possible by Autoliv Sverige AB in Vårgårda. The aim of this thesis is to study how the occupant experience of the belt changes when it is moved from a traditional installation point in the car's B-pillar, to the seat. This shall be studied in terms of how the perceived comfort is influenced by a belt in seat in an upright and a reclined seat back position of 20 and 45 degrees, for different sizes of occupants. Also how the ability to reach a belt in seat is affected by the size and mobility of the occupant. Based on this new knowledge, an optimal outlet position for a belt in seat shall be proposed, from a comfort perspective. The work has used a cross-sectional research approach to achieve its purpose. Through the cross-sectional approach, several different qualitative and quantitative methods have been used. Initially, a literature study where subjects relevant to the forthcoming study was studied. Meanwhile, a competitive analysis of existing belt in seat installations in new cars available on the market was planned and carried out. In the main element of this work, a two-part comfort and mobility study with a belt in seat was performed. The study combined the methods interview, survey and observation. Through the interview, qualitative questions were asked as a complement to the quantitative responses given by the test subjects on scales in the survey. Observations were used to observe the subjects' behavior and difficulties regarding the belt in seat. A major limitation of the results of the study is the deficient distribution of sitting heights and genders in the group of test subjects, which founded a certain bias in the results. This has been the reason why it has not been possible to draw any certain conclusions from the results, however, some trends have been seen. The comfort study revealed several different assessments of the belt that contributed to discomfort, including the perception of the belt being too close to the neck or too far out on the shoulder. Additionally, the discomfort significantly impaired when the seat was reclined to the relaxed state. The mobility study showed that more subjects felt limited by their own bodies in the movement than by the belt. In addition did the reversed belt geometry create large discomfort issues at the neck. An important conclusion of this thesis is that the seat's design is as important to the customer experience of discomfort of the belt as the positioning of the outlet. It has also become clear that the accessibility of a belt in seat is strongly limited, as it was tested in this study.

Une histoire comptable et financière de la ligne ferroviaire dite de la « petite ceinture » Paris (1853-2014) : Approche par les théories de la décision / An accounting and financial history of the said railroad line of "The small belt" in Paris (1853-2014) : approach by the theories of the decision

Dhoiffir, Loutfi 07 February 2015 (has links)
La ligne de Petite Ceinture de Paris est un ancien chemin de fer à double voie de 32 kilomètres de longueur (hors raccordements) qui faisait le tour de Paris à l’intérieur des boulevards des Maréchaux. Ouverte par tronçons de 1852 à 1869, elle est d’abord exclusivement consacrée au trafic de marchandises avant d’être ouverte au trafic de voyageurs, à l’exception de la ligne d’Auteuil, à l’inverse directement ouverte aux voyageurs en 1854 et seulement en 1867 pour les marchandises. Désertée par les Parisiens en raison de la concurrence croissante du métropolitain à partir de 1900, la ligne est, pour l’essentiel de son parcours, fermée au trafic de voyageurs le dimanche 22 juillet 1934, hormis la ligne d’Auteuil, restée ouverte jusqu’en 1985. Le trafic de marchandises a également disparu depuis le début des années 1990, et la ligne est aujourd’hui en grande partie abandonnée et amputée d’une partie de sa longueur. Une portion de la ligne d’Auteuil a toutefois été intégrée en 1988 à la ligne C du RER. De nombreuses gares ont été détruites dont Montsouris. La gare de Passy a été conservée en étant transformée en restaurant. Des gares ont été converties comme la gare de Charonne. Restée à l’abandon depuis 1993, la Petite Ceinture a fait l’objet d’une première phase de concertation en 2013 afin d’en esquisser l’avenir. Notre travail de recherche s’inscrit au coeur de ce débat du devenir de la Petite Ceinture de Paris. Il vise à démontrer l’importance de cette emprise ferroviaire depuis sa création en 1852 jusqu’à sa fermeture en 1934 pour le service de voyageurs. Nous proposons une analyse comparative de la situation de la gestion comptable et financière depuis 1854 à 1934 pour déterminer les différents résultats d’exploitation réalisés afin d’évaluer la performance financière de la ligne. Notre démarche consiste à comprendre pourquoi des hommes intelligents, en possession de tous leurs moyens, ont-ils pu prendre la décision d’interrompre volontairement l’activité de la ligne Petite Ceinture. Quels sont les conséquences de la mise en jachère de très long terme de cette plate-forme ferroviaire ? Quels sont les manques à gagner de cette mise en sommeil ? Peu de recherches se sont basées sur cette démarche, et notre travail de recherche était d’étudier les différentes approches de la décision fondées sur les théories de la décision rationnelle de Simon, de Cyert et de March et sur les théories de la décision absurde de Christian Morel. Après confrontation de ces différentes approches, nous avons tiré comme résultat pour échapper à la non décision, l’application de la théorie de la métarègle de la fiabilité. / The Line Little Belt is a former Paris railway line double track 32 kilometers in length (excluding connections) who went around Paris within the boulevards of the Marshals. Opened by sections 1852 to 1869, it is first devoted exclusively to freight traffic before being opened for passenger traffic, with the exception of the Auteuil line, unlike directly open to travelers in 1854 and only in 1867 for goods. Deserted by Parisians because of growing competition from the Metropolitan in 1900, the line is, for most of his career, closed to passenger traffic Sunday, July 22, 1934, except the Auteuil line remained open until in 1985. Freight traffic has disappeared since the early 1990s, and the line is now largely abandoned and missing a portion of its length. A portion of the Auteuil line, however, was built in 1988 to the RER C line. Many stations were destroyed including Montsouris. Passy Station has been preserved by being converted into a restaurant. Stations were converted as station Charonne. Remained abandoned since 1993, the Little Belt has been the subject of a first phase of consultation in 2013 in order to sketch the future. Our research is at the heart of the debate about the future of the Little Belt Paris. It aims to demonstrate the importance of the railway line since its inception in 1852 until it closed in 1934 for passenger service. We provide a comparative analysis of the situation of the accounting and financial management from 1854 to 1934 to determine the different results of operations conducted to evaluate the financial performance of the line. Our approach is to understand why intelligent men, in possession of all their resources, they have taken the decision to voluntarily stop the activity of theLittle Belt line. What are the consequences of setting aside of the very long term of this railway platform? What are theshortfalls of this Sleep? Little research has been based on this approach, and our research was to study the differentapproaches to the decision based on the theories of rational decision of Simon of Cyert and March and the absurd theories of decision Christian More l . After comparison of these different approaches, we have learned as a result to escape the non-decision, applying the theory of meta-rule of the reliability.

Une histoire comptable et financière de la ligne ferroviaire dite de la « petite ceinture » Paris (1853-2014) : Approche par les théories de la décision / An accounting and financial history of the said railroad line of "The small belt" in Paris (1853-2014) : approach by the theories of the decision

Dhoiffir, Loutfi 07 February 2015 (has links)
La ligne de Petite Ceinture de Paris est un ancien chemin de fer à double voie de 32 kilomètres de longueur (hors raccordements) qui faisait le tour de Paris à l’intérieur des boulevards des Maréchaux. Ouverte par tronçons de 1852 à 1869, elle est d’abord exclusivement consacrée au trafic de marchandises avant d’être ouverte au trafic de voyageurs, à l’exception de la ligne d’Auteuil, à l’inverse directement ouverte aux voyageurs en 1854 et seulement en 1867 pour les marchandises. Désertée par les Parisiens en raison de la concurrence croissante du métropolitain à partir de 1900, la ligne est, pour l’essentiel de son parcours, fermée au trafic de voyageurs le dimanche 22 juillet 1934, hormis la ligne d’Auteuil, restée ouverte jusqu’en 1985. Le trafic de marchandises a également disparu depuis le début des années 1990, et la ligne est aujourd’hui en grande partie abandonnée et amputée d’une partie de sa longueur. Une portion de la ligne d’Auteuil a toutefois été intégrée en 1988 à la ligne C du RER. De nombreuses gares ont été détruites dont Montsouris. La gare de Passy a été conservée en étant transformée en restaurant. Des gares ont été converties comme la gare de Charonne. Restée à l’abandon depuis 1993, la Petite Ceinture a fait l’objet d’une première phase de concertation en 2013 afin d’en esquisser l’avenir. Notre travail de recherche s’inscrit au coeur de ce débat du devenir de la Petite Ceinture de Paris. Il vise à démontrer l’importance de cette emprise ferroviaire depuis sa création en 1852 jusqu’à sa fermeture en 1934 pour le service de voyageurs. Nous proposons une analyse comparative de la situation de la gestion comptable et financière depuis 1854 à 1934 pour déterminer les différents résultats d’exploitation réalisés afin d’évaluer la performance financière de la ligne. Notre démarche consiste à comprendre pourquoi des hommes intelligents, en possession de tous leurs moyens, ont-ils pu prendre la décision d’interrompre volontairement l’activité de la ligne Petite Ceinture. Quels sont les conséquences de la mise en jachère de très long terme de cette plate-forme ferroviaire ? Quels sont les manques à gagner de cette mise en sommeil ? Peu de recherches se sont basées sur cette démarche, et notre travail de recherche était d’étudier les différentes approches de la décision fondées sur les théories de la décision rationnelle de Simon, de Cyert et de March et sur les théories de la décision absurde de Christian Morel. Après confrontation de ces différentes approches, nous avons tiré comme résultat pour échapper à la non décision, l’application de la théorie de la métarègle de la fiabilité. / The Line Little Belt is a former Paris railway line double track 32 kilometers in length (excluding connections) who went around Paris within the boulevards of the Marshals. Opened by sections 1852 to 1869, it is first devoted exclusively to freight traffic before being opened for passenger traffic, with the exception of the Auteuil line, unlike directly open to travelers in 1854 and only in 1867 for goods. Deserted by Parisians because of growing competition from the Metropolitan in 1900, the line is, for most of his career, closed to passenger traffic Sunday, July 22, 1934, except the Auteuil line remained open until in 1985. Freight traffic has disappeared since the early 1990s, and the line is now largely abandoned and missing a portion of its length. A portion of the Auteuil line, however, was built in 1988 to the RER C line. Many stations were destroyed including Montsouris. Passy Station has been preserved by being converted into a restaurant. Stations were converted as station Charonne. Remained abandoned since 1993, the Little Belt has been the subject of a first phase of consultation in 2013 in order to sketch the future. Our research is at the heart of the debate about the future of the Little Belt Paris. It aims to demonstrate the importance of the railway line since its inception in 1852 until it closed in 1934 for passenger service. We provide a comparative analysis of the situation of the accounting and financial management from 1854 to 1934 to determine the different results of operations conducted to evaluate the financial performance of the line. Our approach is to understand why intelligent men, in possession of all their resources, they have taken the decision to voluntarily stop the activity of theLittle Belt line. What are the consequences of setting aside of the very long term of this railway platform? What are theshortfalls of this Sleep? Little research has been based on this approach, and our research was to study the differentapproaches to the decision based on the theories of rational decision of Simon of Cyert and March and the absurd theories of decision Christian More l . After comparison of these different approaches, we have learned as a result to escape the non-decision, applying the theory of meta-rule of the reliability.

Tectônica da conexão do Cinturão Ribeira com a Faixa Araçuaí - Divisa Rio de Janeiro/Espírito Santo / Tectonic connection beetwen the Ribeira and Araçuaí Belts at the boundary of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo

Karniol, Tiago da Rocha 09 December 2008 (has links)
A investigação geológica-estrutural de duas seções transversais ao Cinturão Ribeira, no norte do Rio de Janeiro e sul do Espírito Santo, revela que a região caracteriza-se por um regime tectônico transpressivo, o qual pode ser reconhecido, principalmente, a partir da análise geométrica e cinemática dos elementos estruturais. Neste trecho do orógeno, observa-se uma curvatura das principais estruturas, de NE para NNE, relacionadas à articulação, a sul, com o lineamento de Além Paraíba. Essa geometria, em escala regional, pode ser relacionada a uma cinemática destral, considerando-se, como referência, o Cráton do São Francisco. Na seção Italva (RJ) - Muriaé (MG), as principais evidências da tectônica transpressiva referem-se à articulação entre zonas de cisalhamento de alto ângulo, predominantemente direcionais e com movimentação para SW, paralela ao orógeno, principalmente no seu setor oriental, e zonas de cisalhamento de ângulo intermediário com lineação frontal e movimentação extensional de topo para ESE. Na seção Marechal Floriano - Ibatiba (ES), as zonas de cisalhamento apresentam movimentação predominantemente oblíqua com componente direcional destral que refletem a propagação do fluxo tectônico para SSW, como pode ser observado, entre outras, na zona de cisalhamento de Guaçuí. Foram reconhecidas também estruturas sinistrais que podem representar indícios de uma movimentação antitética nessas zonas. Nas duas seções investigadas, a partição da deformação reflete-se na alternância entre zonas de máxima deformação, formadas por rochas tipicamente miloníticas, e zonas intermediárias de mais baixa deformação, onde predominam corpos de rochas intrusivas. Além disso, o padrão anastomosado, por vezes em leque, das estruturas planares, bem como sua complexa relação com os elementos lineares, é atribuído ao caráter transpressivo da deformação. Os granulitos com granada investigados na região no norte do Rio de Janeiro indicam um equilíbrio químico com temperatura entre 700 e 780 °C e pressão entre 7,9 e 9,3 kbar, resultado substancialmente superior aos intervalos de 600-670 °C e 5,7-6,7 kbar, obtidos para gnaisses de associações aluminosas, na porção leste da seção. Esse contraste nos resultados geotermobarométricos, consistentemente mais elevados considerando-se o centro dos minerais em relação às bordas, juntamente com a caracterização cinemática e as feições microestruturais são evidências da ocorrência, neste setor orogênico, de um processo de exumação mais acentuada no conjunto dos granulitos. Num regime transpressivo associado à colisão oblíqua de placas ou terrenos, esse processo pode ser explicado pela extrusão de porções da crosta inferior em regime dúctil, cinematicamente articuladas por zonas de cisalhamento extensionais, como as caracterizadas neste trabalho. Tomando como referência os dados apresentados, atribuídos a um regime de deformação transpressiva durante o Neoproterozóico, considera-se arbitrário o emprego do paralelo 21° Sul como limite entre a Faixa Araçuaí e o Cinturão Ribeira. As diferenças em relação à articulação cinemática, nas duas seções estudadas, indicam uma variação do quadro de deformação no sentido longitudinal. Essas diferenças podem ser compreendidas por mudanças das condições de contorno, como a geometria do bloco rígido e variações reológicas impostas por taxas variadas de fusão das rochas, que levaram a extrusão com preservação parcial de paragêneses granulíticas da crosta inferior no segmento estudado. / Litho-structural characterizations carried out on two transverse sections of the Neoproterozoic Ribeira Belt, in the north portion State of Rio de Janeiro and southern State of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil, show that it represents part of the transpressive dextral orogen related to the Central Mantiqueira Province. NNE-trending and steeply-dipping regional mylonitic belts describe a map-scale, S-C-like structure that is characterized by their deflection towards NE near the Além Paraíba shear zone. This geometry is consistent with oblique continental collision considering the São Francisco Craton as a reference. In the Italva (RJ) - Muriaé (MG) section, the shear zones on its eastern part present predominant top to SW, parallel-to-the-orogen, transpressive movements and top-down-to-ESE tectonics on the central-western part of the section related to intermediary-dipping shear zones with frontal lineation. The main shear zones on the Marechal Floriano - Ibatiba (ES) section describe oblique movements with dextral component and top-to-SW tectonic flow, as described in the Guaçuí shear zone. At some outcrops, sinistral structures may reflect antithetic movements on these zones. Lithological and structural control related to deformation partitioning lead to the formation of milonites and felsic mylonitic granulites in ductile shear zones, alternated with less deformed intermediate to basic granulites with charnockitic lenses. Indeed, the anastomosed geometry and fan-like pattern of planar structures, as well as the complex relation with linear elements, may be a result of the transpressive shear. The garnet granulites on the northern region of Rio de Janeiro present chemical equilibrium from 700 to 780 °C and from 7.9 to 9.3 kbar which is higher than the intervals of 600-670 °C and 5,8-6,7 kbar obtained for aluminous gneisses on the eastern portion of the section. These differences on geothermobarometric results, mostly higher considering the nuclei of minerals in relation to its borders, the kinematic characteristics and microstructural pattern of samples suggest a more elevated exhumation rate for the granulites in this orogenic segment. Considering a transpressive regime related to oblique tectonic plates or blocks collision, this process can be explained by the ductile extrusion of infracrustal portions as shown by extensional shear zones described in this work. Because of our investigations, we think that the limit of Ribeira and Araçuaí belts on parallel 21° South, as considered by some authors, is arbitrary. The contrasts on kinematics on both studied sections point to longitudinal variations of deformation path that may reflect boundary condition changes, like the geometry of the craton and rheologic transitions of rocks caused by differential partial melting, that lead to extrusion tectonics with partial preservation of granulitic parageneses on the investigated segment.

Fold-and-thrust belt deformation of the Hongliuhe Group: a Permian tectonic closure record of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China

Cleven, Nathan January 2011 (has links)
The Early Permian strata of the Hongliuhe Group, NW China, experienced a thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt style of deformation that recorded the final stages of amalgamation of the Beishan orogenic collage, a part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Hongliuhe Group was syn-orogenically deposited on an undetermined foreland, with the Mazongshan arc terrane acting as the hinterland. In this study results from detailed mapping combined with a regional analysis elucidate involvement of a northward-dipping subduction system with the collision. Well-preserved fold-and-thrust belt style deformation mapped in the upper stratigraphy of the Hongliuhe Group exhibits dominantly south-southeast verging structure, including shear folding, low-angle thrust ramping, imbrication and duplexing. Restoration of a portion of a mapped outcrop-scale cross-section estimates the accommodation of a minimum of 24% shortening. Lower stratigraphy shows discrete, steeper, north-over-south dip-slip ductile shear zones that bound packages of less deformed Hongliuhe Group strata. Fault displacement is considered to have been prolonged enough to juxtapose basal formations in northerly hangingwalls against upper formations in southerly footwalls. Faulting is closely associated with the creation of large-scale brittle-ductile eye-fold structures that are postulated to be sheath folds. The most examined and mapped structure, 16km wide, is a synclinal structure with axes plunging steeply towards its center. The ellipticity of the exposed bedding traces increases towards the center of the eye-fold, implying a structural relationship with metamorphic shear zones. Except for large-scale folding, the bulk of its strata remain relatively undeformed and have preserved primary soft-sediment deformation structures indicating younging towards the center on both limbs of the synclinal structure. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Hongliuhe Group that considers the significant faulting shows that the Group's basal conglomerates unconformably overlie a Late-Carboniferous volcanic assemblage. The clast lithotypes of the conglomeratic successions change from polymictic metamorphic rocks at the base to monomictic granitoid clasts mid-section, showing the gradual unroofing sequence of the provenance. The stratigraphic reconstruction shows a general fining upward sequence, transitioning from terrestrial to nearshore marine depositional environments that, and in conjunction with the conglomeratic successions, suggests that the tectonic setting for deposition of the Hongliuhe Group is a foreland basin. Considering the deformation styles reported in this study, the Hongliuhe Group is interpreted to be a foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Hongliuhe Group that considers the significant faulting shows that the Group’s basal conglomerates unconformably overlie a Late Carboniferous volcanic assemblage. The clast lithotypes of the conglomeratic successions change from polymictic metamorphic rocks at the base to monomictic granitoid mid-section, showing the gradual unroofing sequence of the provenance. The stratigraphic reconstruction shows a general fining upward sequence through nearshore depositional environments that, and in conjunction with the conglomeratic successions, give interpretation that the tectonic setting for deposition of the Hongliuhe Group is a foreland basin. Considering the deformation styles reported in this study the Hongliuhe Group is interpreted to be a foreland fold-and-thrust belt.

Improvement of belt tension monitoring in a belt-driven automated material handling system

Musselman, Marcus William 23 December 2010 (has links)
The goal of the study presented in this thesis was the improvement of estimation and monitoring procedures for condition monitoring of belt tension and misalignment in belt-driven automated material handling systems widely used in modern semiconductor manufacturing systems. In pursuit of this goal, two 3-factor, 3-level experiments were designed to study how belt vibration characteristics depend on changes in belt length, belt tension, belt misalignment, and initial location of the excitation of belt vibration. Dependent variables in each of the experiments were drawn from a denoised frequency spectrum calculated from an Autoregressive model of the belt vibration time-series. A feature vector was developed from the Autoregressive features via variance based sensitivity analysis. Results showed that belt vibration characteristics were sensitive to changes in all of the independent variables examined. These results motivated the design of a device to improve the standardized technique widely used to monitor belt tension in belt-driven material handling systems. Reducing variance in the belt length and the location of the initial excitation of belt vibration yielded a reduction of tension estimate standard deviation an order of magnitude, as compared to a human performing the standardized technique. Thus, the use of this device provided higher belt tension estimate resolution. Future work that could lead to a less intrusive technique is presented. / text

Fold-and-thrust belt deformation of the Hongliuhe Group: a Permian tectonic closure record of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW China

Cleven, Nathan January 2011 (has links)
The Early Permian strata of the Hongliuhe Group, NW China, experienced a thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt style of deformation that recorded the final stages of amalgamation of the Beishan orogenic collage, a part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Hongliuhe Group was syn-orogenically deposited on an undetermined foreland, with the Mazongshan arc terrane acting as the hinterland. In this study results from detailed mapping combined with a regional analysis elucidate involvement of a northward-dipping subduction system with the collision. Well-preserved fold-and-thrust belt style deformation mapped in the upper stratigraphy of the Hongliuhe Group exhibits dominantly south-southeast verging structure, including shear folding, low-angle thrust ramping, imbrication and duplexing. Restoration of a portion of a mapped outcrop-scale cross-section estimates the accommodation of a minimum of 24% shortening. Lower stratigraphy shows discrete, steeper, north-over-south dip-slip ductile shear zones that bound packages of less deformed Hongliuhe Group strata. Fault displacement is considered to have been prolonged enough to juxtapose basal formations in northerly hangingwalls against upper formations in southerly footwalls. Faulting is closely associated with the creation of large-scale brittle-ductile eye-fold structures that are postulated to be sheath folds. The most examined and mapped structure, 16km wide, is a synclinal structure with axes plunging steeply towards its center. The ellipticity of the exposed bedding traces increases towards the center of the eye-fold, implying a structural relationship with metamorphic shear zones. Except for large-scale folding, the bulk of its strata remain relatively undeformed and have preserved primary soft-sediment deformation structures indicating younging towards the center on both limbs of the synclinal structure. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Hongliuhe Group that considers the significant faulting shows that the Group's basal conglomerates unconformably overlie a Late-Carboniferous volcanic assemblage. The clast lithotypes of the conglomeratic successions change from polymictic metamorphic rocks at the base to monomictic granitoid clasts mid-section, showing the gradual unroofing sequence of the provenance. The stratigraphic reconstruction shows a general fining upward sequence, transitioning from terrestrial to nearshore marine depositional environments that, and in conjunction with the conglomeratic successions, suggests that the tectonic setting for deposition of the Hongliuhe Group is a foreland basin. Considering the deformation styles reported in this study, the Hongliuhe Group is interpreted to be a foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Hongliuhe Group that considers the significant faulting shows that the Group’s basal conglomerates unconformably overlie a Late Carboniferous volcanic assemblage. The clast lithotypes of the conglomeratic successions change from polymictic metamorphic rocks at the base to monomictic granitoid mid-section, showing the gradual unroofing sequence of the provenance. The stratigraphic reconstruction shows a general fining upward sequence through nearshore depositional environments that, and in conjunction with the conglomeratic successions, give interpretation that the tectonic setting for deposition of the Hongliuhe Group is a foreland basin. Considering the deformation styles reported in this study the Hongliuhe Group is interpreted to be a foreland fold-and-thrust belt.

Reavaliação do contexto tectonico dos basaltos do greenstone belt do Rio Itapicuru (Bahia), com base na geoquimica de elementos-traço / Tectonic setting of basalts from the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt revisited (Bahia, Bazil) by trace-element geochemistry

Donatti Filho, Jose Paulo, 1981- 03 December 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Elson Paiva de Oliveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T17:16:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DonattiFilho_JosePaulo_M.pdf: 3208335 bytes, checksum: 9cc1b1de3c939ba63d65e7dde4caea9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O Greenstone Belt Paleoproterozóico do Rio Itapicuru, nordeste do Cráton do São Francisco, está inserido integralmente no Bloco Serrinha e possui um domínio vulcânico máfico com um contexto geodinâmico de formação em debate, se arco, bacia de retro-arco ou rifte intracontinental. Dados geoquímicos dos basaltos deste domínio foram obtidos com o intuito de reavaliar a geoquímica e o contexto tectônico de formação dessas rochas com base principalmente na geoquímica de elementos-traço de elevado poder interpretativo (e.g. Low Field Strenght Element (LFSE), High Field Strenght Element (HFSE), e Rare Earth Element (REE)). Este domínio é composto de lavas almofadadas, basaltos variolíticos, basaltos maciços e porfiríticos, bem expostos no curso médio do Rio Itapicuru. A paragênese metamórfica indica condições variando de fácies xisto verde a fácies anfibolito. O domínio é composto basicamente por basaltos Fe-toleíticos subalcalinos, que são divididos geoquimicamente em dois grupos: ThI ¿ enriquecidos em Ti-P e elementos-traço incompatíveis, e outro, representado pelos toleiítos tipo II (ThII) que exibem baixas concentrações nesses elementos. Os ThII são mais primitivos geoquimicamente, exibindo valores relativamente mais elevados em Mg, Ni e Cr. Espacialmente os dois grupos distribuem-se em dois domínio distintos, um a leste (ThI), e outro a oeste (ThII). O enriquecimento seletivo e a alta mobilidade de alguns elementos litófilos (e.g. Rb, Ba, Na, Cs) indicam que os basaltos passaram por processos de metassomatismo em ambiente oceânico. A lacuna composicional entre elementos incompatíveis dos dois grupos (e.g. P, Ti, Zr, Th, Nb) indica que a petrogênese não pode ser explicada por cristalização fracionada isoladamente. Provavelmente, diferentes estágios de fusão parcial seguido de cristalização fracionada foram suficientes para gerar líquidos basálticos distintos. A modelagem geoquímica sugere taxas de fusão variando entre 10-25% de uma mesma fonte sublitosférica (LaN/NbN =1) sem a presença de granada (LaN/LuN ~1). A composição sugerida da fonte mantélica dos basaltos foi um lherzolito ou plagioclásio lherzolito, que passou por um primeiro estágio de fusão (10-15%) dando origem aos ThI, e sucessivamente um segundo estágio de fusão (15-25%) que gerou os ThII. A presença de uma nítida anomalia negativa de Nb e a semelhança geoquímica com basaltos continentais (e.g. Paraná e Deccan), indicam uma significante assinatura crustal. Os resultados geoquímicos de elementos-traço sugerem para os basaltos do Greenstone Belt do Rio Itapicuru uma semelhança petrotectônica com basaltos transicionais (T-MORB) de ambiente continental a oceânico, similar nos dias de hoje com a margem continental Atlântica / Abstract: The Paleoproterozoic Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt, situated in the Serrinha Block - northeast São Francisco Craton, has a sequence of basaltic rocks whose tectonic setting is under discussion, i.e whether a back arc setting or intracontinental rift. The basalt geochemistry was revisited on the basis of incompatible trace elements data, such as high field strength elements (HFSE), low field strength element (LFSE) and the rare earth elements (REE). The basalts are well exposed along the Itapicuru River where the study is concentrated. They are composed of massive and pillowed flows with occasional variolitic to porphyritic structures; they show metamorphic paragenesis indicative of greenschist to amphibolite facies. The basalts are essentially Fe-rich tholeiites that can be separated into two groups: ThI ¿ with high abundances of Ti-P and other trace elements, and ThII ¿ with low abundances of Ti-P and other trace elements. The ThII group is geochemically more primitive than ThI and is relatively enriched in compatible elements (e.g. Mg, Ni e Cr) and show higher mg-number. The two basalt groups crop out in geographically distinct areas: ThI dominates in the eastern part of the basalts exposure area, whereas ThII is restricted to the western part of it. Selective enrichment in some large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Rb, Ba, Na and Cs indicates that the basalts were affected significantly by postmagmatic processes (low-grade metamorphism and ocean water interaction). The large variation of some trace element ratios (e.g. Ti, P, Zr, Nb, Th), indicate that the two basalt groups cannot be linked by fractional crystallization of a single parental magma. Instead, the two groups are likely to have derived from liquids resulting from different degrees of partial melting from a similar mantle source, followed by shallow level fractional crystallization. Geochemical modelling suggests melt rates around 10-25% of the same lithospheric mantle source (LaN/NbN = 1), with no garnet in the residue (LaN/LuN ~ 1). The suggested source is a lherzolite or plagioclase lherzolite that experienced a first stage of partial melting (10-15%) to give the ThI, and later the ThII group by higher partial melting rates (15-25%). The negative Nb anomaly on mantle-normalised multi-element diagrams and the geochemical similarities with continental flood basalts (e.g. Paraná and Deccan) indicate a significant crustal signature. The combined mode of field occurrence and the trace-element data indicate petrotectonic similarities with transitional-type basalts, thus rendering support to a tectonic setting transitional between continent and ocean, probably similar to the present-day Atlantic continental margin / Mestrado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Mestre em Geociências

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