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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Izolovaný ostrov : Západní Berlín pod správou Willyho Brandta (1961-1966). Město za berlínskou zdí / An Isolated Island : West Berlin under Willy Brandt (1961-1966). The City behind the Berlin Wall

Nigrin, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis "An Isolated Island: West Berlin under Willy Brandt (1961- 1966). The city behind the Berlin Wall" concentrates on West Berlin between 1961 and 1966 and on the political initiatives of Willy Brandt as a Governing Mayor of the city. The city, which became immediately after World War II a central point of Cold War tensions between the East and the West, remained after the first Berlin Crisis the last gap in the Iron Curtain, where the two worlds - the East and the West - met face to face. After the construction of the Berlin wall the city experienced a shock, which it overcame very fast, and benefited from the subsequent changes thanks to extraordinary work of the Mayor Willy Brandt. His new political style and new communicative approach to politics transformed the situation in the city and led to rapid modernization and development. He was able to secure moral, political and above all financial support for the city for a long time period, which enabled to turn the city into a "showcase of democracy in the middle of the communist sea". Such a success in West Berlin elevated Willy Brandt into the highest political posts in Federal Republic of Germany.

Zobrazení každodennosti velkomětského života na příkladu Berlína v románech přelomu dvacátých a třicátých let 20. století / The Depiction of Everyday Life in the City in the Novels at the Turn of the 1920s and 1930s: The Case of Berlin

Nováková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis attempts to present the literary conception of a modern pulsing German metropolis at the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s in three significant novels of that time: Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz. Die Geschichte vom Franz Biberkopf (1929), Kästner's Fabian. Die Geschichte eines Moralisten (1931) and Keun's Das kunstseidene Mädchen (1932). Attention is paid, on the one hand, to the picture of a babbling city, the presence of technology, new means of transport and advertising in the streets. Most importantly, however, the thesis gives an insight into the social situation of that time, i.e. the issues of everyday life in a metropolis which can be summarized, in the words of the personae, under the term "hard times" - unemployment, criminality or the politicisation of inhabitants in the years before the Nazi seizure of power. In addition, the thesis covers likewise the situation of the new social stratum of employees, the fates of women and an outline of cultural, entertainment and media industry in Berlin. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

American Bar - fenomén evropských metropolí: Londýn, Berlín, Praha Příspěvek k dějinám barové kultury v západní a střední Evropě v meziválečném období / American Bar - Phenomenon of European Cities: London, Berlin, Prague Contribution to the History of Bar Culture in Western and Central Europe between the Two World Wars

Mozr, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the formation of the European bar scene in the interwar period through the "new" phenomenon of entertainment, so called the American Bar which became the symbolic point of social gathering for elites. However, it was the fuel of social progress as an open forum for communication between genders as well. The main part focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the American Bar and its development as the phenomenon, based on the comparison of European cities, particularly London, Berlin and Prague. The main aim of the study was to analyze the phenomenon as the location of the post-war feelings and the option for the new wave of hedonism associated with rising living standards, while the cities were given into clash in their intensity manifestations of the phenomenon. The thesis outlines the overall atmosphere of the bar from many different perspectives, above all, through the forms of bar promotion, the activities of associations, legislative responses, the normal operation of the bar, the professional part of the bar and the everyday socio-cultural impact on the lives of consumers, but also by reflecting on the bar culture in art.

American Bar - fenomén evropských metropolí: Londýn, Berlín, Praha Příspěvek k dějinám barové kultury v západní a střední Evropě v meziválečném období / American Bar - Phenomenon of European Cities: London, Berlin, Prague Contribution to the History of Bar Culture in Western and Central Europe between the Two World Wars

Mozr, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the formation of the European bar scene in the interwar period through the new phenomenon of entertainment, so called the American Bar which became the symbolic point of social gathering for elites. However, it was the fuel of social progress as an open forum for communication between genders as well. The main part focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the American Bar and its development as the phenomenon, based on the comparison of European cities, particularly London, Berlin and Prague. The main aim of the study was to analyze the phenomenon as the location of the post-war feelings and the option for the new wave of hedonism associated with rising living standards, while the cities were given into clash in their intensity manifestations of the phenomenon. The thesis outlines the overall atmosphere of the bar from many different perspectives, above all, through the forms of bar promotion, the activities of associations, legislative responses, the normal operation of the bar, the professional part of the bar and the everyday socio-cultural impact on the lives of consumers, but also by reflecting on the bar culture in art.

Berlínská zeď / The Berlin Wall

VÁCHOVÁ, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Thesis called "The Berlin Wall" focuses on the period mapping of the construction, existence and fall of the Berlin Wall. This work contains previous events before the Wall construction began, its consequences for Berlin residents, and also the backgroud of the fall of the Wall and its aftermath. One of the objectives of this work is also processing of the questionnaire survey aimed at individually selected respondents regarding their knowledge and awareness of the given period and the Berlin Wall.

"Herr Lehmann". Západní Berlín osmdesátých let v románu spisovatele a muzikanta Svena Regenera / "Herr Lehmann". West Berlin of the 1980s in the novel by writer and musician Sven Regener

Žvachta, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the depiction of West Berlin in the 1980s in a novel by Sven Regener Herr Lehmann written in 2001, which was published in Czech under the title Ještě jedno, pane Lehmanne. The aim of the thesis is to capture the everyday life and atmosphere of the Kreuzberg district of Berlin just before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Kreuzberg district has been still the center of an alternative cultural scene. In the shadow of the Berlin Wall, this district is famous for its boisterous nightlife, dense network of nightclubs and openness to the world. The thesis follows in the footsteps of the main character Frank Lehmann, called Mr. Lehmann by his friends, because in the novel, he will soon celebrate his thirtieth birthday. In the theoretical part, the thesis firstly deals with "literary space" as an important phenomenon of literary science. This theoretical part is followed by the presentation of the novel itself and its placement in the historical-literary context. The analysis of the novel itself gradually presents the time and scene of the story, the atmosphere of Kreuzberg in the 1980s, the characteristics of the characters and finally the displaying of political events. In its conclusion, the thesis also propose a comparison of the novel with the film adaptation of 2003.

Sobre copias, transformaciones y omisiones: la recomposición de ciudades devastadas

Itriago Pels, Carlos Teodoro 11 October 2006 (has links)
Esta investigación estudia las transformaciones morfológicas de las ciudades desde la óptica de la Memoria. Para poder aprehender dichas transformaciones y sus pautas de comportamiento el estudio se centra en ciudades que hayan sido sometidas a eventos de destrucción violenta y no programada, y que por ello hayan tenido la necesidad de recomponer sus estructuras. Así, la emergencia permite estudiar un proceso que por naturaleza suele ser continuo y lento. Para ello se seleccionó un grupo de ciudades dentro de un amplio catálogo, asegurándose que la destrucción hubiera afectado sus cascos centrales, como contenedoras de su Memoria y que compartieran un espacio temporal y físico (el de Europa en la segunda posguerra) que les hiciera partícipes de una discusión disciplinar común.Para dotar de objetividad a este estudio, se usa el término recomposición con preferencia al de reconstrucción partiendo de la hipótesis de que la estructura de la ciudad, en estas circunstancias, es organizada nuevamente, mientras que reconstrucción puede sugerir la restitución de la ciudad a un estado previo, lo cual no siempre se corresponde con la realidad.En ese sentido, la investigación se ocupa del papel que desempeña la Memoria histórica de la ciudad en los procesos de recomposición urbana, reconociendo su carácter instrumental como herramienta creativa y su peso específico en la toma de decisiones.Como consecuencia de lo anterior, en el capítulo primero se establece la necesidad de examinar las ciudades recompuestas a la luz de aquello que se copia, se transforma y se omite de su Estado Previo, a fin de determinar el verdadero papel de la Memoria en las transformaciones derivadas de los procesos de recomposición. Desde esta perspectiva se agrupan en tres las posibles estrategias de actuación, a saber: Estrategias Autorreferentes; Estrategias Refundadoras; y Estrategias Emancipadoras.A partir del segundo capítulo, la investigación alterna tres capítulos descriptivos/analíticos (capítulos pares) donde se exponen las operaciones desde las estrategias mencionadas, comparándolas entre sí; y dos capítulos (impares) en los que se estudia detenidamente aquello que se copia y aquello que se transforma en las ciudades recompuestas. Esta estructura pone de relieve dos ejes metodológicos complementarios en la investigación: el de las estrategias de recomposición y el de la dimensión transformadora de dicha recomposición; resaltando el papel de la Memoria en los instrumentos proyectuales y su incidencia sobre los elementos morfológicos y estéticos en los proyectos de recomposición. Del análisis de los casos seleccionados, se concluye que las estrategias denominadas autorreferentes reconocen en el estado previo de la ciudad los argumentos esenciales para la nueva ciudad, buscando la reproducción estética de un pasado celosamente seleccionado, sin que por ello desistan de modernizar sus estructuras. Mientras que las estrategias refundadoras, fieles a las vanguardias más actuales, aprovechan la destrucción como un detonante para plantear una ciudad ajena a su pasado, operando, entonces, como auténticos laboratorios urbanos, promoviendo transformaciones radicales. Sin embargo, en ambas aproximaciones conviven la Transformación y la Memoria en dosis que hacen difusos sus límites, y que dan pie a compromisos entre la Memoria, que recuerda lo conocido, y la utopía, que representa lo deseado. Estos compromisos son los que caracterizan al grupo de estrategias denominadas emancipadoras. Igualmente se concluye que aquello que se copia suelen ser particularidades ligadas a la percepción estética de la ciudad, privilegiándose, por medio de esa acción, una imagen y una especialidad enriquecidas con una iconografía que busca reproducir una estampa del pasado, más que la reproducción idéntica de la ciudad destruida. De otra parte, también se concluye que mientras lo que se copia actúa sobre los elementos que albergan la Memoria visual y espacial de la ciudad, aquello que se transforma lo hace enmarcado dentro de tres de los elementos primordiales de la morfología urbana: La urbanización, la edificación y la parcelación. Así las mayores transformaciones se dan sobre elementos potencialmente modernizadores de la ciudad, aquellos que son capaces de innovar en la forma de vivir.Finalmente, la pertinencia de esta investigación en su relación con la recomposición de ciudades devastadas por causas naturales o provocadas por el hombre, desgraciadamente queda demostrada a diario. Adicionalmente, también la presente investigación permite comprender la capacidad de transformación urbana desde la instrumentalización de la Memoria en situaciones menos violentas. / This research studies the role that memory plays in the morphological transformations of cities. In order to understand those transformations and their processes, this study focuses on cities that have experienced violent and unexpected processes of destructions, followed by a "recomposing" process in a so called "state of emergency", instead of on a piecemeal and continuous process of transformation that cities normally go through.Given that historical districts are largely responsible for the city's memory, a group of cities have been selected as case studies, based on the criteria that their historical cores were heavily destroyed during Second World War.Instead of using the term reconstruction, which can lead to the idea of restitution of previous states, we believe that it has been necessary to define a new term: "Recomposition". This term refers to a process by which the preexisting city's inner structure has been (or requires to be) reorganized entirely. Thus, Urban Recomposition can be understood as a decision making process heavily fed by historical (collective) memory, a human capacity that plays an instrumental role for creativeness in any recomposing course of action.Consequently, we examine cities that have copied, transformed, and disregarded their previous conditions, in order to determine the role that memory has played in their recomposing processes. Accordingly, three sets of strategies have been identified: First, "Self-referenced Strategies" that recognize in the city's previous condition the essential arguments for recomposing the city; second, "Re-founding Strategies" that benefit from destruction to create a brand new city; and third, "Emancipating Strategies" that, based on pragmatism, conciliate modernization and memory. From the Second Chapter on, this document alternates descriptive/analytic chapters (even chapters) with two other chapters (odd chapters). The even chapters describe and compare operational procedures of each strategy, and the odd chapters study what has been copied and what has been transformed in the recomposed cities selected. This structure provides for two complementary research methodologies: one that leads to the characterization of the recomposing strategies themselves, and the second that analyzes the transformative dimension of those strategies. In both cases, there is a special emphasis in understanding the role of memory in shaping courses of action carried out, as well as the role of memory over the decision-making-processes on morphological and aesthetic components selected in each recomposing project.The cases analyzed provides for the following conclusions: (i) as mentioned earlier, the "Self-referenced Strategies" recognize in the city's previous condition the essential arguments for recomposing the city, trying to reproduce "past" aesthetics carefully selected while introducing modern construction components and processes; (ii) the "Re-founding Strategies" follow state-of-the-art ideas and trends, benefit from destruction to create a brand new city, and therefore providing for factual urban laboratories in which drastic transformations take place; (iii) flanked by both set of strategies-in a see-sawing tension between memory (familiarity) and transformation (utopia), operates the "Emancipating Strategies".Commonly, what is copied is related to singular detailing associated with an aesthetic perception of the city as it was, favouring an iconographic image that tends to reproduce an impression of how the city looked like in the past rather than an identical copy of the previous conditions. Furthermore, what gets copied is usually related to visual spatialities, and what gets transformed is frequently framed within the following three categories: urban layouts, building constructions, and lot definition, which in turn provide for modern and innovative ways of living. Unfortunately, the significance of recomposing of devastated cities due to natural or human causes is tested every day at the present time. In this respect, the ultimate goal of this research is to provide a framework for understanding the effectiveness of urban transformations, when Memory is incorporated as a key component of the analysis, and implementation processes; hopefully in less violent situations.

Přistěhovalectví a velkoměsto: Politika integrace imigrantů v Berlíně a Vídni 1971-2011 / Immigration and City: Integration Policies in Berlin and Vienna 1971-2011

Dimitrov, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The doctoral thesis compares and interprets the development of local integration policies of (West) Berlin and Vienna in 1971-2011 on the background of the transformation of Germany and Austria from ethnically homogenous to multicultural countries. Both metropolises first balanced between refusing the permanent integration of immigrants ("temporary integration") and selection of foreigners suitable for integration, later searched for a balance between the traditional concept of assimilation and the more modern multicultural approach; in the last decade they favoured the diversity policy, in more or less close connection to the concept of interculturalism. Although both cities represent essentially similar cases, this development was not straightforward and simultaneous, especially in the first phase before the migration crisis at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The research study focuses mainly on two questions: why the development of local integration policy in West Berlin started significantly earlier than in Vienna and why both cities started to support diversity policy at the beginning of the new century. The comparative framework derived from the "contrast of contexts" method interprets the development of local integration policies in the context of the national and transnational political...

Politický terorismus a guerilla na příkladě odbojové skupiny bratří Mašínů / Political terrorism and guerrilla: example of Brothers Mašín resistance group

Kuna, František January 2013 (has links)
The aim of work is to aply theory of political terorism and guerrilla to Brother's Masin resistence group activities. This work offers a new view to research issues of Brother's Masin resistence group. Besides the theory of political terorism and guerila we have to account contemporary context. Each group action will be assign to one of the theory. Masin's father had a great influence to resistence group activity. He has to have his own place in this work. It is also necessary to introduce historical context of the time and give the most important reasons to the group activities. Because it is important to look at the contemporary context we have to describe what Czechoslovakia, East German and West German press wrote about it. In conclusion are the most important facts about theory of political terorism and guerrilla. To this theories will be assigned each resistence group activities. The conclusion provides an overview of Brother's Masin resistence group activities using theory of political terorism and guerrilla.

Žebrácká opera v Berlíně, v Praze a ve Vídni. Divadelní hra Bertolta Brechta a její tři inscenace / Threepenny Opera in Berlin, Prague and Vienna. The Play by Bertolt Brecht and Its Three Stage Productions

Hagenhoferová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the theatre play The Threepenny Opera by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht. The first part contains a formal analysis and a content interpretation of this literary work. This analysis is used as a basis for the second part of the thesis, which contains the description and comparison of three stage productions of the play in the theatres in three different European capitals between 2007 and 2011. These theaters are: The Berliner Ensemble, The National Theatre in Prague and The Volkstheater in Vienna.

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