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Les mises en scène du théâtre de Thomas Bernhard en Allemagne, en Autriche et en France. Comparaison et interprétation. / The staging of the theatre of Thomas Bernhard in Germany, Austria and France. Comparison and interpretationBessire, Adrien 13 December 2017 (has links)
Notre travail compare les mises en scène françaises des pièces de Thomas Bernhard aux mises en scène allemandes et autrichiennes, depuis 1970, premier succès théâtral de l’écrivain autrichien, jusqu’à aujourd’hui. La méthode choisie se situe au carrefour de la germanistique et des études théâtrales.Le metteur en scène Claus Peymann a créé la plupart des pièces de Thomas Bernhard. Ses mises en scène apparaissent très fidèles au texte. En France, les metteurs en scène sont plus libres. Thomas Bernhard écrit ses pièces pour des acteurs précis. Minetti est un hommage à l’acteur allemand Bernhard Minetti. La pièce, jouée par des acteurs français, apparait davantage comme un défi pour l’acteur et une réflexion sur l’art dramatique. L’auteur dramatique autrichien écrit également en fonction du contexte politique : ainsi, avec la pièce Place des Héros, créée à Vienne au Burgtheater en 1988, année du cinquantenaire de l’Anschluss. Cette pièce et sa réception en Autriche sert en quelque sorte de schéma de réception en France, pouvant conduire à un malentendu. Les attaques contre l’Autriche n’ont en effet plus le même sens si elles sont jouées en France.Thomas Bernhard est souvent considéré comme un auteur sombre. Son théâtre, où le comique est plus prononcé que dans les romans, permet de nuancer cette image. Mais cette dimension comique et grotesque n’est pas toujours vue par le public français. Il faut dire qu’une partie du comique bernhardien, verbal, est difficilement traduisible. C’est donc tardivement que ce comique est découvert par le public français, dans les années 1990 et 2000, quand le schéma de réception lié à Place des Héros a tendance à s’estomper. / Our work compares the French productions of Thomas Bernhard’s plays with the German and Austrian ones, from 1970, marking the first success of the Austrian playwright, to this day. The chosen method is at the crossroads of German Studies and Theater Studies.Stage director Claus Peymann has staged most of the first productions of Thomas Bernhard’s plays. His productions are very faithful to the text. In France, the stage directors have a more original interpretation of the text. Thomas Bernhard writes his plays for specific actors. Minetti is for a tribute to the German actor Bernhard Minetti. The play, performed by French actors, is to be understood as a challenge for actors and as a reflection about dramatic art. The Austrian playwright also writes in accordance with the political context. Heldenplatz was first played 1988 at the Burgtheater in Vienna, for the 50th anniversary of the annexation of Austria. The play and its reception in Austria serves as a model for the reception in France, which can lead to a misunderstanding. The attacks against Austria do not have the same meaning any more, when they are played in France. Thomas Bernhard is often considered as a gloomy author. Theatre, in which comedy plays a bigger part than in novels, puts this reputation into perspective. However, this comic and grotesque dimension is not always perceived by the French audience. The comic dimension of Thomas Bernhard’s work is difficult to translate. The French audience therefore discovers this comic dimension of Thomas Bernhard’s plays only much later, in the 1990’s and 2000’s, when the reception scheme of Heldenplatz tends to fade away.
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Les solveurs de Riemann pour la résolution numérique des systèmes hyperboliques : applications aux écoulements supersoniques et transsoniquesJardak, Mohamed January 1990 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Ficção e autobiografia: uma análise comparativa das narrativas de Thomas Bernhard / Fiction and autobiography: a comparative analysis of Thomas Bernhard\'s narrativesDávalos, Patrícia Miranda 28 January 2010 (has links)
A partir da comparação do primeiro volume autobiográfico do escritor austríaco Thomas Bernhard, Die Ursache. Eine Andeutung (1975), com o romance Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall (1986), o qual simula, de certo modo, o gênero autobiográfico, procura-se observar como os mesmos complexos temáticos são configurados nos dois casos e como as diferenças encontradas se relacionam com as diferentes intenções ligadas aos textos, bem como aos diferentes momentos de escrita. É possível notar como a ficção possibilita ao autor mais liberdade para experimentar formalmente, bem como para intensificar o ataque desenvolvido contra suas origens, ao passo que na autobiografia, apesar de também apresentar um viés crítico acentuado, o fazer de forma mais sóbria, ocupando-se com questões de verossimilhança e autenticidade próprias do gênero. Além disso, este trabalho tenta mostrar como a ficção, surgida na mesma época da autobiografia, pode ser lida como uma espécie de comentário a esta. / This work deals with the comparison of the first autobiographical volume of the Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard, Die Ursache. Eine Andeutung (1975), with his novel Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall (1986), which has some characteristics of the autobiographical genre. The comparison intends to show how the same themes are configured in both cases and how the differences can be related to the different intentions and different moments of writing. Being noted as fiction allows the author more freedom to experiment formally and to intensify the attack he developed against his origins, while in the autobiography, although it also has a strong critical aspect, he puts his arguments in a restrained way, dealing with issues of verisimilitude and authenticity, which are typical for this genre. Furthermore, this text will try to analyse how the novel, written in the same context as the autobiography, completes it and functions like a kind of remark to the autobiographical work.
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Kunsthändler und Sammler der Moderne im Nationalsozialismus : die Sammlung Sprengel 1934 bis 1945 /Voigt, Vanessa-Maria. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Münster, Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.
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Bernhard Meyer und der liberale Katholizismus der Sonderbundszeit Religion und Politik in Luzern (1830-1848) /Roca, René, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Zürich, 2001/2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 317-332).
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In der Erzählkolonie : über die Gewalt des Erzählens bei Thomas Bernhard und Sergio Chejfec /Martín, Florencia. January 1900 (has links)
Zugleich: Diss. Freiburg i.Br., 2006. / Literaturverz.
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Ficção e autobiografia: uma análise comparativa das narrativas de Thomas Bernhard / Fiction and autobiography: a comparative analysis of Thomas Bernhard\'s narrativesPatrícia Miranda Dávalos 28 January 2010 (has links)
A partir da comparação do primeiro volume autobiográfico do escritor austríaco Thomas Bernhard, Die Ursache. Eine Andeutung (1975), com o romance Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall (1986), o qual simula, de certo modo, o gênero autobiográfico, procura-se observar como os mesmos complexos temáticos são configurados nos dois casos e como as diferenças encontradas se relacionam com as diferentes intenções ligadas aos textos, bem como aos diferentes momentos de escrita. É possível notar como a ficção possibilita ao autor mais liberdade para experimentar formalmente, bem como para intensificar o ataque desenvolvido contra suas origens, ao passo que na autobiografia, apesar de também apresentar um viés crítico acentuado, o fazer de forma mais sóbria, ocupando-se com questões de verossimilhança e autenticidade próprias do gênero. Além disso, este trabalho tenta mostrar como a ficção, surgida na mesma época da autobiografia, pode ser lida como uma espécie de comentário a esta. / This work deals with the comparison of the first autobiographical volume of the Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard, Die Ursache. Eine Andeutung (1975), with his novel Auslöschung. Ein Zerfall (1986), which has some characteristics of the autobiographical genre. The comparison intends to show how the same themes are configured in both cases and how the differences can be related to the different intentions and different moments of writing. Being noted as fiction allows the author more freedom to experiment formally and to intensify the attack he developed against his origins, while in the autobiography, although it also has a strong critical aspect, he puts his arguments in a restrained way, dealing with issues of verisimilitude and authenticity, which are typical for this genre. Furthermore, this text will try to analyse how the novel, written in the same context as the autobiography, completes it and functions like a kind of remark to the autobiographical work.
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"Die Unheimlichkeit des Daseins": Sprache und Tod im Werk Thomas Bernhards : eine Untersuchung anhand der Daseinsanalyse Martin Heideggers /Bormann, Alexandra. January 2008 (has links)
Univ., Diss.--Freiburg (i.Br.), 2007.
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Konstruktionen der Fremde : erfahren, verschriftlicht und erlesen am Beispiel Japan /Schaffers, Uta. January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Köln, Universiẗat, Habil.-Schr., 2005.
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"Die Unheimlichkeit des Daseins": Sprache und Tod im Werk Thomas Bernhards eine Untersuchung anhand der Daseinsanalyse Martin Heideggers /Bormann, Alexandra. January 2008 (has links)
Univ., Diss.--Freiburg (i.Br.), 2007.
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