Spelling suggestions: "subject:"berufsbildung""
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Evaluation Zusammenarbeit Schule - Berufsberatung : Qualitätssicherung in der Umsetzung des Rahmenkonzepts in der Region Zürich Ost /Frischknecht, Reto. Sekinger, Regula. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Zweite Studienarbeit ZHAW, 2008.
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Professionalisierung von Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Nigeria – Analyse der nationalen und internationalen theoriebegründeten Konzeptentwicklung und der Vernetzung der AkteureRaji, Moromoke Nimota 24 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The focus of this project is on the quality and relevance of Vocational Counselling programme in Nigerian schools. It analyses the discipline’s training syllabuses in Universities and the extent and manner of its application in secondary schools by graduates in the field and proffers suggestions on how to improve upon both the training and the practice. As a professional field of study, Guidance and Counselling was first introduced at the University of Ibadan, in the 1980s. Within a few years, the Universities of Benin and Lagos also commenced a programme in the discipline. However, and as I have discovered, the products of the programme have really not achieved much impacts in Nigerian secondary schools almost thirty years after it was first introduced. As at today, most secondary schools still do not have professional career counselors. Where they exist, they are not always very competent, and are not often consulted by pupils while selecting their subject combinations. In the Universities, Guidance and Counselling syllabus are found to be outdated. Two major approaches were adopted in carrying out this research. The first method is empirical and was executed through field research. I visited the Universities of Ibadan, Ife and Lagos – all in Nigeria - to conduct interviews with students and lecturers of Guidance and Counselling in the Universities. I also collected documents like manuals, handbooks and course outlines issued by personnels in the Departments. I also visited, conducted interviews with, and served questionnaires on, professional counselors in a selection of public and private secondary schools in Nigeria. At the end of the field work, the documents, questionnaires and interviews were analysed and what I identified as the strengths and weaknesses of Guidance and Counselling programmes in Nigerian Universities were laid out. The second approach adopted in this study has to do with analysis of scientific publications in the field. Books, journals, manuals and even electronic publications by Guidance and Counselling experts in Germany, Europe and other places were assembled and carefully studied. In the end, what constitutes minimum competence requirements were underlined. Applied to the data earlier collected in the field, my conclusion is that the various Guidance and Counselling programmes in Nigeria need to be improved upon II and/updated and that its importance in secondary education needs to be further stressed. To improve the programme, I suggested, among others, the need for Nigerian Universities to actively work toward the development of collaborative and exchange programmes with institutions in Europe and other parts of the world.
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Das Darmstädter Karriereberatungsprogramm : Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Beratungsprogramms zur Klärung und Bewältigung beruflicher Veränderungssituationen /Schmeink, Claudia. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Darmstadt, Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2008.
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Selbstmanagement in der beruflichen Eingliederung psychischer Kranker : eine Literaturarbeit /Wetli, Dominic. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diplomarbeit Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie Zürich, 2007.
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Spuren des Lebens im Spiegel der Sprache : eine daseinsanalytisch-phänomenologische Betrachtung von Übergängen, Zäsuren und Krisen in Beratung und Diagnostik /Fravi, Lianne. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Zweite Studienarbeit ZHAW, 2008.
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Qualitative Evaluation des Projektes Berufsintegrationscoaching des Kantons Luzern /Herzog, Dominik. Bürgi, Christoph. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Zweite Studienarbeit ZHAW, 2008.
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Junior Mentoring : eine wirkungsvolle und nachhaltige Methode /Ernst, Daniel. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Zweite Studienarbeit ZHAW, 2008.
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Berufliche Grundausbildung für junge Mütter : welche unterstützenden Massnahmen benötigen junge Mütter, um eine berufliche Grundausbildung absolvieren zu können? /Iseli, Katja. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Zweite Studienarbeit ZHAW, 2008.
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Professionalisierung von Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Nigeria – Analyse der nationalen und internationalen theoriebegründeten Konzeptentwicklung und der Vernetzung der AkteureRaji, Moromoke Nimota 04 May 2012 (has links)
The focus of this project is on the quality and relevance of Vocational Counselling programme in Nigerian schools. It analyses the discipline’s training syllabuses in Universities and the extent and manner of its application in secondary schools by graduates in the field and proffers suggestions on how to improve upon both the training and the practice. As a professional field of study, Guidance and Counselling was first introduced at the University of Ibadan, in the 1980s. Within a few years, the Universities of Benin and Lagos also commenced a programme in the discipline. However, and as I have discovered, the products of the programme have really not achieved much impacts in Nigerian secondary schools almost thirty years after it was first introduced. As at today, most secondary schools still do not have professional career counselors. Where they exist, they are not always very competent, and are not often consulted by pupils while selecting their subject combinations. In the Universities, Guidance and Counselling syllabus are found to be outdated. Two major approaches were adopted in carrying out this research. The first method is empirical and was executed through field research. I visited the Universities of Ibadan, Ife and Lagos – all in Nigeria - to conduct interviews with students and lecturers of Guidance and Counselling in the Universities. I also collected documents like manuals, handbooks and course outlines issued by personnels in the Departments. I also visited, conducted interviews with, and served questionnaires on, professional counselors in a selection of public and private secondary schools in Nigeria. At the end of the field work, the documents, questionnaires and interviews were analysed and what I identified as the strengths and weaknesses of Guidance and Counselling programmes in Nigerian Universities were laid out. The second approach adopted in this study has to do with analysis of scientific publications in the field. Books, journals, manuals and even electronic publications by Guidance and Counselling experts in Germany, Europe and other places were assembled and carefully studied. In the end, what constitutes minimum competence requirements were underlined. Applied to the data earlier collected in the field, my conclusion is that the various Guidance and Counselling programmes in Nigeria need to be improved upon II and/updated and that its importance in secondary education needs to be further stressed. To improve the programme, I suggested, among others, the need for Nigerian Universities to actively work toward the development of collaborative and exchange programmes with institutions in Europe and other parts of the world.
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Berufliche Orientierung - Formate im Überblick: Für Schulen - Unternehmen - Eltern02 February 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Broschüre informiert zu verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, wie die berufliche Orientierung durch entsprechende Maßnahmen, Veranstaltungen und Strukturen befördert werden kann. Im Rahmen der Arbeit der Koordinierungsstelle Berufliche Orientierung im Landkreis Meißen wurden hierfür die vielfältigen Aktivitäten und Formate für Schulen, Unternehmen und Eltern zusammengestellt. Gleichzeitig werden Hinweise zur Umsetzung und
zu Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten gegeben. Die Gliederung erfolgt entsprechend der Hauptzielgruppen, wobei die einzelnen Formate analog auch für andere Zielgruppen angewendet werden können.
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