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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ginčų dėl vaikų gyvenamosios vietos nustatymo su vienu iš tėvų probleminiai aspektai / Problematic aspects of the disputes on establishment of the residence place of children with one of parents

Turauskaitė, Agnė 03 July 2012 (has links)
Šiandien vaikas turi visas universalių žmogaus teisių dokumentų nuostatose įtvirtintas teises kaip suaugęs asmuo, tačiau to nepakanka. Nors vaikas yra kiekvienos visuomenės pagrindas bei ateitis, tačiau kartu jis yra kiekvienos visuomenės silpnoji dalis, priklausoma nuo aplinkos, dažniausiai nesugebanti apginti savo interesų, jo teises galima įgyvendinti tik per kitų asmenų – visų pirma, tėvų, teises ir pareigas. Tačiau daugeliu atvejų vaikų teisių ir teisėtų interesų pažeidimams atsirasti sąlygas sudaro būtent suaugusiųjų asmenų, tarpusavyje nesutariančių tėvų konfliktai. Vaikų, atsidūrusių tėvų konfliktų centre, padėtis yra reikalinga apmąstymų. Oficiali civilinių bylų statistika patvirtina, jog šiandien ginčų dėl vaikų gyvenamosios vietos nustatymo sprendimas teismine tvarka itin aktualus. Šių ginčų gausa įpareigoja valstybę bei visuomenę nebūti abejingais, kadangi adekvatus šių ginčų teisinis reglamentavimas gali kokybiškai užtikrinti vaiko teisių apsaugą. Darbe siekiama įvertinti, kaip įgyvendinami geriausi vaiko interesai sprendžiant ginčus dėl vaikų gyvenamosios vietos nustatymo, siekiama atskleisti šių ginčų probleminius aspektus, pasiūlyti galimus jų sprendimo būdus. Aptariamas teismo vaidmuo šio pobūdžio ginčuose, valstybinės vaiko teisių apsaugos institucijos dalyvavimas, siekiama įvertinti šių institucijų dalyvavimą geriausių vaiko interesų požiūriu. Analizuojamas pagrindinių principų, kuriais vadovaujantis sprendžiami ginčai dėl vaiko gyvenamosios vietos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today a child is entitled with the same rights enshrined in the provisions of the universal human rights documents as an adult, but it is not enough. Though the child is the foundation and the future of each society, at the same time it is the weakest part of every society, dependent on the environment, often unable to defend its interests; its rights can only be realized through the other personsʼ, in particular, parental rights and responsibilities. However, in many cases, the conditions for infringement of the childrenʼs rights and legitimate interests occur due to the conflicts arising between the adults, arguing parents. The situation of children, who find themselves in the centre of conflict of their parents, is to be considered properly. The official statistics of the civil cases proves that today the question of judicial judgment of the disputes on establishment of the residence place of the child is of particular interest. Multiplicity of such disputes obligates the state and society not to be indifferent, because the adequate legal regulation of these disputes can ensure the quality of protection of the childrenʼs rights. Masterʼs thesis aims to access realization of the best interests of the child in resolution of disputes regarding establishment of the residence place of the child, to determine the problematic aspects of these disputes, to offer possible solutions. Masterʼs thesis discusses the role of the court in such disputes, participation of the state child... [to full text]

Bioretention for Phosphorus Removal: Modelling Stormwater Quality Improvements

ROY-POIRIER, AUDREY 27 September 2009 (has links)
Bioretention systems are best management practices (BMPs) that make use of the biogeochemical processes within a forest-type ecosystem to provide at-source stormwater retention and pollutant removal. Laboratory studies and field monitoring have shown great potential for water quantity and quality control through the use of bioretention, but reported nutrient removal has been inconsistent between these systems. In particular, the processes involved in the cycling of phosphorus within bioretention systems are not clearly understood. Some studies report high phosphorus removal from bioretention systems, while phosphorus leaching was observed in other systems. Phosphorus is a macronutrient required by all forms of life. It is also an important water pollutant, as it controls algal growth in most freshwater environments. High phosphorus loadings to these aquatic ecosystems can lead to eutrophication, which has significant ecological, environmental and economical impacts. The Bioretention Phosphorus Removal Model (BPRM), an event-based one-dimensional finite difference model, was developed to simulate phosphorus removal in bioretention systems. The model includes four completely-mixed layers to simulate hydrologic processes as well as both soluble and particulate phosphorus transport in a bioretention system. Model processes include evapotranspiration, infiltration, overflow, exfiltration to native soils, underdrain discharge, soluble phosphorus sorption and vegetative uptake, and particulate phosphorus capture. Monitoring data collected by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) at a bioretention system installed on Seneca College’s King City campus, in Ontario, Canada, was used to evaluate the performance of BPRM. The model was found to overestimate total underdrain discharge volumes, but total phosphorus concentration and mass predictions were found to be useful for design purposes. BPRM correctly predicted phosphorus leaching from the Seneca College bioretention system for all storm events considered but one. The model can be used by practitioners to evaluate the potential for phosphorus leaching in a bioretention system. A detailed sensitivity analysis revealed that BPRM phosphorus transport predictions are particularly sensitive to the drainage properties of bioretention soils, which highlights the importance of hydrologic transport processes for water quality control in bioretention systems. Modelling results suggested that soluble phosphorus desorption from bioretention soils was responsible for phosphorus leaching from the Seneca College bioretention system. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2009-09-25 17:00:03.173

Best practices on operative nursing care in ophthalmic surgery for cataract and retinal detachment in South Africa: a systematic review

Singh, Suveena January 2012 (has links)
<p><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size:12.0pt / font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / mso-fareast-font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / mso-ansi-language:EN-GB / mso-fareast-language: EN-ZA">Literature shows that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness globally and nationally. Retinal detachment has also been a substantial problem both globally and nationally. Both of these conditions are prevalent in patients of 50 years and older. The treatment for both conditions is for surgery to be performed. In the Western Cape the three leading hospitals do not have ophthalmic pre-operative and post-operative protocols<span style="mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">.</span>Review question:What are the best practices to manage pre-operative and post-operative nursing care in patients waiting for cataract and retinal detachment surgery? bjectives:1. To determine the best practice in pre-operative and post-operative care in patients who have undergone cataract and/or retinal detachment surgery regarding: health education offered by nurses, counselling to prevent psychological effects, and positioning to prevent physical complications. 2. To develop a framework based on systematic reviews for pre-operative and post-operative ophthalmic nursing care in South Africa. Methodology: </span><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 12.0pt / font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / mso-ansi-language:EN-GB">A systematic review using the guide by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination was done, and <span style="mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">studies were </span>identified by searching various electronic databases and visually scanning reference lists from the relevant studies. Studies that were included were evidence-based. All study types were considered and the studies were selected based on the title and, where available, the abstract. These were then assessed against the inclusion criteria. A narrative synthesis was used. Finally the evidence was summarised and a framework was drawn up, focusing on pre-operative and post-operative nursing care for cataract and retinal detachment surgery</span></p> <p>&nbsp / </p>

Why does it take so long? Implementing electronic records programs at universities

Fiebelkorn, Guillermo Eduardo 05 April 2012 (has links)
The implementation of electronic records management is a challenging task due to the resources it requires and most importantly because it requires a substantial change in the methodology to be used for electronic rather than analog records. Universities in North America have struggled with electronic records management for the last two decades because most records practitioners have neglected this methodology paradigm shift created by the arrival of electronic records. Given the great significance of universities in their societies, it is important that they manage electronic records effectively. It seems a bit odd that universities have not developed adequate responses to the challenge of managing electronic records since many are heavily funded by governments and must comply with multiple regulations that obligate them to manage their records well. Moreover, universities have been the source of much academic research into digital records issues and have access to this expertise, and familiarity with the issues. They also have a long tradition of archival programs for analog records. This thesis analyzes the causes for delayed implementation of electronic records management (eRM) best practices in certain North American universities in Canada and the United States. It concludes that the main cause is failure to adopt the guiding principles of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Records Management (RM) standard 15489: 2001 and the methodologies associated with it.


Hur, Yongbeom 01 January 2007 (has links)
Regardless of whether organizations are in the private sector or in the public sector, there is a general agreement that human resources are critical to keeping organizations effective as well as maintaining a high level of organizational performance. While more serious effort has been made to empirically examine how human resources influence organizational performance (e.g., studies about turnover consequences, studies about the relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance) in the private sector, it is rare to find similar empirical studies in the public sector partly because it is hard to define public organizational performance. In my dissertation, I basically investigate how human resources are critical to organizational performance in the public sector with a question, "Do human resources really matter in the public sector, too?" Focusing on the crime control performance of municipal police departments, I examine the relationships among turnover, police performance, and human resource management (HRM) characteristics by surveying police departments of the U.S. cities whose population range is between 100,000 to 500,000 (Out of 205 surveyed cities, 65 cities participated). Firstly, I explore how human resource management practices (individually and systematically) influence crime control performance of the police. Based on universalistic HRM perspective (i.e., best HRM practices) and control theory perspective, I hypothesize that commitment HRM system (and individual practices) will have positive effect on crime control performance of the police. Secondly, I investigate more specific questions such as if turnover has significant effect on crime control performance and if HRM system has moderating effect on turnover consequence. Results about turnover effect confirm human capital theory that predicts the negative effect of turnover when employees with specific knowledge quit. However, no significant relationships are found between commitment HRM system (and individual practices) and organizational performance. The results might help municipal police departments deal with sworn officers' turnover as well as set up proper HRM practices.


Shouse, Bennett Scott 01 January 2001 (has links)
This paper describes a study designed to determine average labor and machine times required to implement erosion control and revegetation best management practices (BMPs) for skid trails in Kentucky. Labor and machine activities were recorded for 14,400 feet of skid trail on 10 nonindustrial private logging sites. Water bar construction and reshaping activities such as filling ruts and berm removal were filmed continuously with a video camera and then analyzed using time-motion study techniques. Labor activities for revegetation such as seeding and application of fertilizer were also timed. The average total machine time for retirement activities per 1000 feet was 51 minutes for sites using dozers and 52 minutes for sites using skidders. The average water bar construction time using a bulldozer was 1.5 minutes (n=112) while the average construction time using a skidder was 3.5 minutes (n = 21). The average amount of labor time required to seed 1000 feet of skid trail was 23 minutes (n = 5). Three methods of water bar construction were observed and analyzed to identify differences among them. While there were significant differences among the three methods, the data suggest that skid trail percent slope may have the greatest effect on water bar construction times.

Buone Pratiche con le ICT in aula: individuazione di un modello tecnologico per la didattica. / Best practices in using ICT in Classroom: specification of criteria for their classification

BELOTTI, CHIARA 05 March 2012 (has links)
La ricerca muove dalla scarsità di definizioni scientifica riguardanti un concetto, come quello delle “buone pratiche”, che fa parte del vocabolario quotidiano. La letteratura non si è ancora resa sistematica rispetto all’individuazione di criteri e di indicatori che valutino le prassi, soprattutto in un ambito come quello dell’educazione. L’obiettivo è quello di ipotizzare criteri e caratteristiche che rendano definibili in maniera obiettiva le buone pratiche educative affinché queste possano essere ripetibili e ricontestualizzabili. Una particolare attenzione è volta ai possibili criteri di validazione deducibili dal modello tecnologico che perviene dall’introduzione in ottica di senso delle ICT in ambiente educativo. / The research source from the scarcity of scientific definitions about a concept, such as "best practices", which is part of the daily vocabulary. Literature does not have yet a systematic method to locate criteria and indicators that evaluate the procedures, especially in the education field. Our objective is to hypothesize criteria and characteristics that will define objectively the educational best practices so that they can be repeated and re-contextualized. Special attention is given to the possible evaluation criteria that come from the technological model that belongs from the introduction in the schools of the ICT in a key of sense.

The marginalization of Roma children & the importance of arts-based education to engage learning

Hall, Kathleen Frances 20 March 2014 (has links)
Many Roma children from the EU coming to Canada as refugees have been denied a consistent education and many suffer gaps in their learning or have not had the opportunity to receive any education at all. These circumstances are mainly due to discriminating and oppressive behaviours that have historically prevailed and exist in contemporary society. In considering the difficulty that Roma children have with education, when they arrive as refugees into Canadian schools, it is imperative that Roma children be given an opportunity to access and complete an education in an environment that is supportive, free of discrimination and sensitive to their needs as learners. My research examines the role of visual art as part of an arts-based education program as a means through which Roma children are more likely to experience success with school by participating in an educational model that is engaging and supportive of their cultural ways of knowing. This paper is a case study, grounded in critical theory, into “best practices” in education that engage marginalized Roma children with learning. The study is framed around three research questions: What is distinctly problematic for Roma children in traditional school settings? How can the arts, and art education in particular engage marginalized Roma children with learning? How can Romani arts and culture be integrated into a curriculum that works to dispel discrimination and oppression of marginalized Roma children? The study is informed by interviews with a teacher working within a Canadian educational program for refugee children, families and board members of the Toronto Roma Community Centre, as well as my own personal observations and experiences. While I have determined that arts-based education is engaging for Roma children, the bigger question that has emerged is, “How can we use arts-based education to enhance the curricular lives and school success of the Roma, a culture of exclusion?” The answer lies in acknowledging that factors such as trust, personal connection with the teacher, parental involvement, First language acquisition, refugee status, cultural preservation, and integration, play a critical role in the educational success of Roma children. / Graduate / 0515 / 0273 / 0727 / kfhall@uvic.ca

Why does it take so long? Implementing electronic records programs at universities

Fiebelkorn, Guillermo Eduardo 05 April 2012 (has links)
The implementation of electronic records management is a challenging task due to the resources it requires and most importantly because it requires a substantial change in the methodology to be used for electronic rather than analog records. Universities in North America have struggled with electronic records management for the last two decades because most records practitioners have neglected this methodology paradigm shift created by the arrival of electronic records. Given the great significance of universities in their societies, it is important that they manage electronic records effectively. It seems a bit odd that universities have not developed adequate responses to the challenge of managing electronic records since many are heavily funded by governments and must comply with multiple regulations that obligate them to manage their records well. Moreover, universities have been the source of much academic research into digital records issues and have access to this expertise, and familiarity with the issues. They also have a long tradition of archival programs for analog records. This thesis analyzes the causes for delayed implementation of electronic records management (eRM) best practices in certain North American universities in Canada and the United States. It concludes that the main cause is failure to adopt the guiding principles of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Records Management (RM) standard 15489: 2001 and the methodologies associated with it.

The marginalization of Roma children & the importance of arts-based education to engage learning

Hall, Kathleen Frances 20 March 2014 (has links)
Many Roma children from the EU coming to Canada as refugees have been denied a consistent education and many suffer gaps in their learning or have not had the opportunity to receive any education at all. These circumstances are mainly due to discriminating and oppressive behaviours that have historically prevailed and exist in contemporary society. In considering the difficulty that Roma children have with education, when they arrive as refugees into Canadian schools, it is imperative that Roma children be given an opportunity to access and complete an education in an environment that is supportive, free of discrimination and sensitive to their needs as learners. My research examines the role of visual art as part of an arts-based education program as a means through which Roma children are more likely to experience success with school by participating in an educational model that is engaging and supportive of their cultural ways of knowing. This paper is a case study, grounded in critical theory, into “best practices” in education that engage marginalized Roma children with learning. The study is framed around three research questions: What is distinctly problematic for Roma children in traditional school settings? How can the arts, and art education in particular engage marginalized Roma children with learning? How can Romani arts and culture be integrated into a curriculum that works to dispel discrimination and oppression of marginalized Roma children? The study is informed by interviews with a teacher working within a Canadian educational program for refugee children, families and board members of the Toronto Roma Community Centre, as well as my own personal observations and experiences. While I have determined that arts-based education is engaging for Roma children, the bigger question that has emerged is, “How can we use arts-based education to enhance the curricular lives and school success of the Roma, a culture of exclusion?” The answer lies in acknowledging that factors such as trust, personal connection with the teacher, parental involvement, First language acquisition, refugee status, cultural preservation, and integration, play a critical role in the educational success of Roma children. / Graduate / 0515 / 0273 / 0727 / kfhall@uvic.ca

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