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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Průmyslové čerpadlo s integrovaným elektromagnetickým systémem / Industrial Pump with Electromagnetic System

Pazdera, Ivo January 2013 (has links)
This work is focused on innovative construction of the industrial radial sealless pump and mainly on construction of the three phase DC/AC converter based on new semiconductor technology SiC. These new semiconductor devices allow move switching frequency up to 100 kHz. For such high switching frequency new non-conventional topology of the output filter was designed. This high frequency is currently unusual in three-phase application with output voltage 400V. High switching frequency reduces size of wound components of the output filter and its presence is accepted in terms of total weight and price of the whole system. Clear sinus waveform of the output converter voltage reduces torque ripple, EMC and extend the lifetime and reliability of mechanical parts and the whole pump drive. Three phase synchronous motor is directly placed into the pump body and is designed as slotless motor. In the inlet area is the classical bearing replaced by active magnetic bearing. It is used due to possibility to pump aggressive liquids or substances where high level of cleanness has to be guaranteed.

Стохастичка метода мерења напона и струје на високом напону / Stohastička metoda merenja napona i struje na visokom naponu / Stochastic Method for Measurement of Voltage and Current at High Voltage Level

Čomić Dušan 24 November 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду je обрађен проблем мерења високог напона и струје у несинусидалној високонапонској мрежи, стање технике, предлог решења које подразумева неконвенционални начин мерења ових величина, практично израђен прототип и извршена потребна мерења која су потврђена теоријски. Мерење напона у високонапонској мрежи се врши напонским мерним трансформатором без језгра и интегрисаним мерилом хармоника (IMH), а затим се стохастичком методом мере хармоници напона, смерови и протоци снаге, односно енергије. За мерења струје на високом напону предлаже се калем Роговског и стохастичка метода мерења. Стохастичка метода мерења је заснована на додавању дитерског случајног сигнала на мерени сигнал. Сметње и присуство виших хармоника у мрежном сигналу су, за ову методу, додатни дитерски сигнали који методи не смањују тачност мерења.</p> / <p>U radu je obrađen problem merenja visokog napona i struje u nesinusidalnoj visokonaponskoj mreži, stanje tehnike, predlog rešenja koje podrazumeva nekonvencionalni način merenja ovih veličina, praktično izrađen prototip i izvršena potrebna merenja koja su potvrđena teorijski. Merenje napona u visokonaponskoj mreži se vrši naponskim mernim transformatorom bez jezgra i integrisanim merilom harmonika (IMH), a zatim se stohastičkom metodom mere harmonici napona, smerovi i protoci snage, odnosno energije. Za merenja struje na visokom naponu predlaže se kalem Rogovskog i stohastička metoda merenja. Stohastička metoda merenja je zasnovana na dodavanju diterskog slučajnog signala na mereni signal. Smetnje i prisustvo viših harmonika u mrežnom signalu su, za ovu metodu, dodatni diterski signali koji metodi ne smanjuju tačnost merenja.</p> / <p>A problem of measurement of high voltage and current in non-sinusoidal grid is given in the thesis, along with the current state in the field, the proposed non-conventional measurement method for these values, the realized prototype and the necessary measurement results that are confirmed theoretically. Measurement of voltage in high-voltage grid is performed using the coreless high voltage transformer and the Integrated harmonic measurement device (IMH). The stochastic method is used to measure harmonics of voltage, direction and flow of power and energy. For current measurement at high voltage level a Rogowski coil along with the Stochastic measurement method is proposed. Stochastic measurement method is based on adding a arbitrary dither signal to the measured signal. Disturbances and pollution of the grid signal are, for this method, additional dither signals that do not lower the measurement accuracy.</p>

Přechod z preprimárního do primárního vzdělávání u dětí s nízkou návštěvností mateřské školy / Transition from pre-primary to primary education of children with low attendance in kindergarten

Picková, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the parental attitudes about education of their children during transition from pre-primary to primary education. The study focused on families without identified socio-economic disadvantage whose children were not enrolled in kindergarten. The research design was a longitudinal multiple case study of seven families located in the Liberec region. Data was gathered at multiple points during the children's transition from the kindergarten to primary school. The study focused on the reasons that led parents gave for deciding that their children would either participate in non-regular pre-primary education within nursery schools or not attend the pre-primary classes at all. The study inquired about: parents' general attitudes about pre-primary education; their views on the right educational path for their children; and their self-reported approach to their children's overall development. The study also examined the parents' feelings about the introduction of an obligatory pre-school year and their process of making the enrollment decisions. The results showed that although these families did have some common characteristics, the reasons given for opting not let their children attend preschool, were diverse. Mothers of these children were passionate about doing what's best...

Faktory ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí / Factors hampering the Integration of Refugee Children

Asfour, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
U N I V E R Z I T A K A R L O V A FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA Sociální politika a sociální práce Katedra sociální práce Diplomová práce Master Thesis Bc. Sarah Asfour Factors hampering the integration of Refugee Children Faktory ztěžující integraci uprchlických dětí Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Oldřich Matoušek 2018 ABSTRACT The main aim of this thesis is to describe the factors that hamper the integration of Refugee Children into a new society. Factors that are mentioned in relation to integration are connected with an education gap, unfamiliarity with the language spoken in a new society, a bad economic situation of a family and its consequences and unstable or inappropriate housing. Social economic factors are also mentioned in the thesis. Child Labour closely linked to family conditions are discuess together with the worst form of it: child requitment into army. Refugee children coming from various backgrounds also may face many psychologically challenging situations when forcefully or willingly leaving their home country and other significant situations connected to their refugee status. In this thesis, I discuss psychological distresses that influence children's mental state due to war experience, migration experience, extended stays in refugee camps or post-migration stressors. In this thesis the situation of...

Úloha bakterií,mukózního imunitního syst=ému a jejich interakce v patogenezi zánětlivých střevních onemocnění / Role of bacteria and mucosal immune system and their interaction in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease

Du, Zhengyu January 2017 (has links)
Although the etiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not fully understood, it is generally accepted that the inflammation results from aberrant immune responses to antigens of gut microbiota in genetically susceptible individuals (Sartor et al., 2006). Alteration in intestinal microbiota has been found in IBD patients with increased abundance of certain bacteria and decreased abundance of others. Due to the complexity of the disease, multifaceted interactions between genetic factors, host immune response, gut microbiota and environment factors need to be taken into account. In this thesis, the pathogenesis of IBD was first reviewed in respect with the four factors mentioned above. Then we concentrated on the interaction between IBD-associated bacteria and mucosal immune system. We investigated the ability of mucosal-associated bacteria (MAB) from IBD patients to induce spontaneous colitis in germ-free (GF) mice and the impact of those bacteria on the development of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-colitis. Together with the analysis of the composition of gut microbiota of MAB colonized mice, we demonstrated the potential deleterious microbes were able to increase the susceptibility to DSS-colitis once they found a suitable niche. We revealed the mechanism of an E.coli strain...

Osoby bez státní příslušnosti - případ Estonska / People with undetermined citizenship - the case of Estonia

Brabcová, Olga January 2011 (has links)
Maters thesis People with undetermined citizenship the case of Estonia , describes the situation of the group of people who has no citizenship. The status of those people is described by chronological analysis of Estonian law and analysis of their socioeconomic position. They came to Estonia after the Second World War from different republics of USSR. When Estonian independence was renewed they had to adapt at new living conditions. Some of them are not successful. They did not get the automatic right to get Estonian citizenship. In Estonian law the main principal is the principal of state continuity. It means that immigrants have to naturalize. They have to pass the exam of the state language and fulfill the requirements concerning the permanent residence permit. Estonian law gives people with undetermined citizenship almost the same rights as to Estonian citizens the exceptions are active and passive right to vote to Parliament and the right to be elected to local councils. From 2006 there is even the advantage for them because they can travel to Russia without visa. They are not discriminated economically the problem is mostly in the indirect impact of division of Soviet time society. People with undetermined citizenship usually cannot speak well Estonian. It makes it difficult to find a good...

Za hranicí těla a prostoru / Beyond the extent of space and body

Kubová, Marianna Unknown Date (has links)
After experiencing moments without sight, strong moments of overcoming space and evaluating behaviour on the basis of information received by non-visual options are fixed in the memory. It was the familiar space I went through without seeing it, that showed new values and suddenly I perceived it completely differently. I focused on the materiality of the movement, which described not only its physical boundaries, but also the various sensible stimuli radiating towards my body and senses. This feeling of experiencing space differently, I would compare to feelings of when you re-discover a familiar place from childhood. We already look differently at the long-fixed images of children's eyes and minds, we are even able to compare this perception now. It is not that we did not have good eyesight as children, but we did not realise overall contexts and did not have certain experiences that now help us lead lives in a certain direction. While going through no-sight-experience myself, I found myself in a situation like that. I was like a child who knew a certain space only to a limited extent, in other words a space limited by sight. The initial intuitive assumption that looking at visual impairment not as a disability but as another means of experiencing world became the basis of inspiration for my project. I began to realise the fact that the perception of space in kids, does not only depend on the functioning of the eyesight but also on the functioning of their brain. Depending on where the children grow up, they experience changing states of the surrounding environment, which is related to their emotional, mental and physical development. However, they do not always grow up in an environment that can stimulate cognitive development and help personal, social or education growth. Thus, such a space cannot provide enough different stimuli for a certain purpose, which should help them thinking in and realise the wider context. Between the age of 3-7 years, a child's brain develops very quickly, using play or various spatial experiences. With its plasticity, the brain offers us a large volume of memory space, where almost everything that a child under the age of 7 sees around him, is initially noted down. But what’s really important is what information remains in the memory and won’t disappear. This is precisely that kind of information that has been strongly supported and influenced by various stimuli, which can always be maintained better than the unsubstantiated constant repetition of situations. Here I tried to insert a multisensory experience, which is used by the blind and visually impaired people as a vital need when moving through space and to compensate their eyesight. This experience is strongly connected with emotions, which are the main element of all long-lasting memories and experiences that we remember. That is why it is appropriate to use multisensorialism also in a learning practice, whether this is led by a teacher or through free play. In children that are not visually impaired, multisensory stimuli can support healthy emotional development but also the formation of synapses in the brain. At the same time, I see as a benefit in inter-connecting of these two groups of children, because they can be an inspiration to each other in their differential processing of information from the surrounding environment. The aim of the work is to create an inclusive space for the sighted and sight-impaired. The aim for the space is to support the possibility of obtaining information using multiple stimuli, which are proposed to be designed within the object-functionality and the overall space of the preschool facility.

Současná problematika dětí se syndromem ADHD/ADD / Current Situation with the ADHD/ADP Syndrom Children

MARKOVÁ, Marie January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problematic of specific behavior disorders. Despite the age some children keep suffering from complications which negatively influence their studies in the form of insufficient reading techniques, in the lower ability of text understanding and consequently disability to study the read material. The goal of the thesis is to suggest a number of recommendations how to help those children in the phrame of their integration to a common basic schoul course. Separate steps (form and frequency of correction, contents of corrections) are described in the individual educational plan.

Zastoupení sociálně znevýhodněných skupin v rámci sociálního podnikání v ČR / The representation of socially disadvantaged groups in the social sector of buisness in the Czech Republic

Bělohlávková, Rut January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of social enterpreneurship in the Czech Republic and is specifically focused on the work integration of particular needy groups (such as ex-convicts, long- term unemployed, disabled persons and former alcohol or drug addicts etc.). The aim of the thesis is to identify patterns and regularities between specific groups and types of social enterprises they work for. The secondary data analysis explores social enterprises registered at czech social enterpreneurship website as well as the groups they employ and compares different approches of the enterprises. The qualitative empirical research uncovers enterpreneurs' motives and furthermore explores connections between the types of social enterprises and the target groups they employ.

Vliv účinků poddolování na volbu typu nosné konstrukce mostu v km 332,420 trati Dětmarovice - Č. Těšín / Influence Selecting the Type of the Bridge Structure at km 332,420 of Railway Dětmarovice-Český Těšín by the Effects of Undermining

Chaloupka, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the master’s thesis was t odevelop alternative solutions supporting steel structure of the railway bridge on the undermined area. The range of single fields were chosen based on the location of existing substructures. Reducing the width of bridge openings were not allowed. Based on the geodetic survey plans were drawn up clear of the current state. On the basis of specifications for developing a detailed process was chosen variant Gerber’s beam reinforced with an arch in mean field. For this variant was performed structural analysis of the main parts of the main structure of the bridge, which was calculated with the effects of undermining. For variant Gerber’s beam were made clear drawings and drawing details of the selected steel bridge construction (new state). Further, detailed analysis of selected structural detail was made. Specifically, connecting rod to the main beam, which was designed optimal shape and thickness of the joints plate with a suitable radius of the firing to avoid plastification of the material in this area. Variant of the continuous beam without joints was prepared to. It has been observed, what is the effect of undermining on the stress in the construction of the bridge - was confronted with the effects on Gerber’s beam. To reduce stress in the construction of the bridge and compliance of ultimate state of applicability of the main beam has been designed bearing adjustment and after considering several options its implementation too. The economic comparison between the two variants was conducted. The assembling procedure was designed for both types of bridge structures. In the technical report we can read about due to the intention of building a new bridge and further we can find there other important technical information. In conclusion of the master’s thesis there has been recommended for the construction specific variant – from the perspective of an investor, and from the static aspect-view of the designer.

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