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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace DPH ve sdružení bez právní subjektivity / Application of Value Added Tax in Association without Legal Personality

Juračková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is "Application of Value Added Tax (VAT) in Association without Legal Personality". The thesis focuses on such type of association that is mainly used by entrepreneurs-individuals for the purposes of their consistent gainful activity. This type of association is the most common in practice. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is theoretical and provides with a general view of the legal frame of the association without legal personality under the Civil Code which represents the main basis for the application of the Law of VAT. Association participants who have the status of VAT taxpayers are obliged to observe general VAT rules, but there are some exceptions. The second chapter of the thesis is dealing with the analysis of legal regulations of the association without legal personality governed by the Law of VAT. With regard to the fact that these legal regulations are insufficient, the diploma thesis should offer proposals for making them better. So that the legal certainty of association participants could become higher.

Komplexná analýza požívaných výnosových vzťahov u dlhopisov / Comprehensive study of yield in bond analysis

Krajčíková, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
This thesis covers detailed analysis of bond pricing function. It focuses on connections between mathematical definitions and financial practice and it points out advantages and drawbacks of currently used function. Well known properties of this function are extended to negative internal rate of return values. This topic is further discussed with internal rate of return polynomial equations solving. Taylor series approximation is also shown regarding duration and convexity of bonds.

Ubytovací zařízení se zázemím pro děti bez domova a sociálně potřebné / Accomodation premises designed for homeless children and low-income people

Vaňousová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Thesis Accomodation premises designed for homeless children and low-income people at the documentary for execution of works. The building was designed so that the object is divided into two parts. The first part is a home for homeless children, which is developed to the level of documentation for construction. The secon part is a started flats, which is designed only as a preparatory study and work. The building is brick of brick blocks. Foundation structures bearing walls ale designed footings. Roof construction is designed flat. The building has four above-ground floors and cellar. The building is insulated exterior contact insulation.

Možnost dalšího využití bezinkových výlisků / Possibility of further use of elderberry marc

Sedláčková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis talks about the production of concentrates and lyophilisate from the extract of elderberry moldlings (elderberry, Sambuvus nigra L.) and by determination by chosen chemical characteristics of these products. The theoretical part includes the botanical characteristics of the plant species Sambucus nigra L. Next is the part that is dedicated to biologicaly active substances found in elderberry and it‘s possible usage in the food industry. Next is the part where the extraction, purification and indentification of anthocyanic dyes are described. In the next part is the analyrical method HPLC described, including the description of instrumentation. The last part talks about the description of the used methods: methods for the concentration of the extract, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, determination of phenolic compounds, determination of dry matter, determination of active acidity and the overall titrating acidity. The experimental part contained the optimalization of the process of producing the extract from elderberry moldings. The extract obtained was then concentrated for preservation and characterization purposes based on selected chemical properties. The total content of anthocyanin dyes was chosen as a quality parameter. The most suitable process for the preparation of the extract was chosen to be the ratio of moldings and solvent 1:2, 4 (m/V). The most suitable solvent was chosen to be a mixture of water and ethanol in a ratio of 1:1 (V/V). According to the needs of the submitter, an extract with the use of water as the extraction agent is also provided. The prepared extract was then concentrated on a vacuum evaporator or lyophilized for storage purposes. The dye degradation while using the evaporator was the lowest in a 40 ° C water bath. The final products were characterized by the determination of soluble solids, pH, titration acidity, total phenolic compounds and total anthocyanin dyes. The anthocyanin pigments contained identified by liquid chromatography are: cyanidine-3-sambubioside, cyanidine-3-glucoside, cyanidine-3-sambubioside-5-glucoside, and cyanidine-3,5-diglucoside The total content of anthocyanins in the concentrate was determined to be equivalent to cyanidine-3-glucoside at 2.8 gl-1 and in the lyophilisate 2.5 gl-1.

Zjednodušené násobení v konvolučních neuronových sítích / Simplified Multiplication in Convolutional Neural Networks

Juhaňák, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis provides an introduction to classical and convolutional neural networks. It describes how hardware multiplication is conventionally performed and optimized. A simplified multiplication method is proposed, namely multiplierless multiplication. This method is implemented and integrated into the TypeCNN library. The cost of the hardware solution of both conventional and simplified multipliers is estimated. The thesis also introduces software tools developed to work with convolutional neural networks and datasets used to test them in the image classification task. Test architectures and experimentation methodology are proposed. The results are evaluated, and both the classification accuracy and cost of the hardware solution are discussed.

Automatická klasifikace obrazů / Automatic image classification

Ševčík, Zdeněk January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore clustering algorithms of machine unsupervised learning, which can be used for image database classification by similarity. For chosen clustering algorithms is written up a theoretical basis. For better classification of used database this thesis deals with different methods of image preprocessing. With these methods the features from image are extracted. Next the thesis solves of implementation of preprocessing methods and practical application of clustering algorithms. In practical part is programmed aplication in Python programming language, which classifies the database of images into classes by similarity. The thesis tests all of used methods and at the end of the thesis is processed searches of results.

Experimentální a numerická analýza zesílení železobetonových prvků / Experimental and numerical analysis of reinforced concrete elements

Niedoba, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with the behaviour of strengthened reinforced concrete beams. The aim was to evaluate different types of strengthening in comparison not only with each other, but also with the reference beam. Three reinforced concrete beams were fabricated for the purpose of the thesis. The first served as a reference beam, the second was strengthened with carbon lamella glued to the lower edge of the reinforced concrete beam, and the last one was strengthened with unbonded post-tensioning system. Subsequently, they were all loaded by a four-point bending. An evaluation was then carried out which shows that the two strengthened reinforced concreate beams resist the load much better than the reference beam. In the conclusion, different utilization possibilities of both methods are listed, as well as the disadvantages that must be taken into account when designing.

Svařování heterogenních spojů laserem / Welding of heterogeneous joints by laser

Charvátová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with welding of two dissimilar materials by laser. The samples were welded by direct beam guidance and wobbling, with and without using high alloy filler material and with the use of a diffusion barrier in the form of nickel. Welding was done with different shielding atmospheres. Nondestructive (VT, PT, UT-PA, RT) and destructive tests were performer (tensile test at room and elevated temperatures, microhrardness). Metalography was suplemented by EDX analysis of selected elements.

Aplikace metody učení bez učitele na hledání podobných grafů / Application of Unsupervised Learning Methods in Graph Similarity Search

Sabo, Jozef January 2021 (has links)
Goal of this master's thesis was in cooperation with the company Avast to design a system, which can extract knowledge from a database of graphs. Graphs, used for data mining, describe behaviour of computer systems and they are anonymously inserted into the company's database from systems of the company's products users. Each graph in the database can be assigned with one of two labels: clean or malware (malicious) graph. The task of the proposed self-learning system is to find clusters of graphs in the graph database, in which the classes of graphs do not mix. Graph clusters with only one class of graphs can be interpreted as different types of clean or malware graphs and they are a useful source of further analysis on the graphs. To evaluate the quality of the clusters, a custom metric, named as monochromaticity, was designed. The metric evaluates the quality of the clusters based on how much clean and malware graphs are mixed in the clusters. The best results of the metric were obtained when vector representations of graphs were created by a deep learning model (variational  graph autoencoder with two relation graph convolution operators) and the parameterless method MeanShift was used for clustering over vectors.

Verifikace osob podle hlasu bez extrakce příznaků / Speaker Verification without Feature Extraction

Lukáč, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Verifikácia osôb je oblasť, ktorá sa stále modernizuje, zlepšuje a snaží sa vyhovieť požiadavkám, ktoré sa na ňu kladú vo oblastiach využitia ako sú autorizačné systmémy, forenzné analýzy, atď. Vylepšenia sa uskutočňujú vďaka pokrom v hlbokom učení, tvorením nových trénovacích a testovacích dátovych sad a rôznych súťaží vo verifikácií osôb a workshopov. V tejto práci preskúmame modely pre verifikáciu osôb bez extrakcie príznakov. Používanie nespracovaných zvukových stôp ako vstupy modelov zjednodušuje spracovávanie vstpu a teda znižujú sa výpočetné a pamäťové požiadavky a redukuje sa počet hyperparametrov potrebných pre tvorbu príznakov z nahrávok, ktoré ovplivňujú výsledky. Momentálne modely bez extrakcie príznakov nedosahujú výsledky modelov s extrakciou príznakov. Na základných modeloch budeme experimentovať s modernými technikamy a budeme sa snažiť zlepšiť presnosť modelov. Experimenty s modernými technikamy značne zlepšili výsledky základných modelov ale stále sme nedosiahli výsledky vylepšeného modelu s extrakciou príznakov. Zlepšenie je ale dostatočné nato aby sme vytovrili fúziu so s týmto modelom. Záverom diskutujeme dosiahnuté výsledky a navrhujeme zlepšenia na základe týchto výsledkov.

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