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Redesign and Stress Analysis of Composite Bicycle FrameSung, Yi-Chun 27 July 2005 (has links)
The positions of high stress concentration in a bicycle frame structure made in composite materials and a way to strengthen them were investigated via SolidWorks and ANSYS, 3D picture plotting software, and numerical simulation software, respectively. The capability of productivity will be improved indirectly due to the shortening of the time in the process of customers¡¦ order, research, development and mass production.
In experiment, prepreg tape (TOHO UT500 carbon fiber/AD. Group matrix) which were produced by AD. Group were made into laminates by hot-pressing machine. The material constants of the laminate and the stress-strain diagram were obtained according to the stander of ASTM D3039. The received material constants are E11 =151.55 GPa and E22 = 7.654 GPa, respectively.
In simulation, the experimental data E11 and E22 were used in the numerical analysis, and obtained the stress and deformation fields of the bicycle frame structure and the front fork were plotted based on the standards provided by AD. Group. Reinforcements were made according to the positions of stress concentration in the diagrams. The results of improvements of the front fork after reinforcement include¡G the deformation of normal rigidity was improved to 9.45mm from 12.89mm, and the lateral deformation was significantly improved to 0.97mm from 13mm. Other improvements of the frame structure after reinforcement contain the deformation: dual-side rigidity was improved to 6.6mm from 11.7mm, and the deformation of single-side rigidity was improved to 12.5mm. The rigidity of the head lug was 0.46mm and there is no need to reinforce it because it was meets requirements.
Keywords: Numerical analysis, bicycle frame, prepreg, stress concentration.
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Creative Design of The Bicycle¡¦s SystemHung, Teng-Da 25 July 2005 (has links)
In recent years, with the prevailing of outdoor activity, the bicycle has already become one of the most attractive products on equipment market of the outdoor activity, the bicycle styles on the market are numerous at present, but after most products still introduce the new car fund with the leading brand industry person, other same trades and then imitate with its products. Thesis this purpose lie in use concept , project of design method, put forward one systematized two design theory , bicycle of system. Investigate the basic demand for the business bicycle at first, carry on the performance specification of setting up two bicycles system of the decision¡FSecondly the structure of the frame selected separately, ago it suspend organization in midair, after suspend by organization, handlebar in midair it adjust there aren't device ; Use morphology matrix to solve systematically finally, set up the procedure of formating at the same time , solve the system formated and specify to design.
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Dviračio rėmo stiprumo ir standumo tyrimas / Bicycle frame strength and rigidity analysisStarkevičius, Laimonas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Mechanikos inžinieriaus magistro projekto tema yra aktuali uždarosios akcinės bendrovės ,,Baltik vairas” gaminamiems dviračių rėmų stiprumo ir standumo tyrimams. Kad išspręsti stiprumo problemas, Technloginiame bandymų centre yra vykdomi konstrukcinių dviračio dalių statiniai ir dinaminiai bandymai. Po rezultatų analizės, deformacijų ir įtempimų matavimui atlikti yra siūloma naudoti daugiau tikslesnį ir patikimesnį matavimo metodą, naudojantį tenzojutiklius bei „Spider 8” matavimo sistemą, valdomą „Catman“ programinės įrangos. Šiame projekte analizuojami šios sistemos principai. Naudojant „Spider 8” sistemą atlikti eksperimentiniai dviračio rėmo bandymai, pateikti ir aprašyti rezultatai. Šis matavimo metodas yra siūlomas naudoti dviračio rėmo bandymams atliekamiems Techologiniame bandymų centre. / The theme of Master project of mechanical engineer is actual for the stock company ,,Baltik vairas” produced bicycle frames strength and rigidity analysis. To solve strength problems in Technological test center are making static and dynamic bicycle tests. After results analysis, suggested more correctly and trusty testing method for measuring strain and stress, by using strain gages, Spider8 amplifier controlling by Catman software. In project analyzed principle of this system. Using Spider system made experimental testing of bicycle frame, introduced about testing method and given result analysis. This test method suggested to use for ,,Baltik vairas” producing bicycles frames testing.
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The Feasibility of Wood and its Derivatives as a Bicycle Frame Building MaterialBRENT TAYLOR, NICHOLAS 05 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] The bicycle is often considered as one of the most important inventions of all time. In addition, it is the most efficient form of human transport in the world. It is non pollutant, uses no fuel other than human power and its carbon footprint is neutralised in a short time. Today, faced with the threat of global warming brought about by fossil fuels, countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Columbia actually encourage the use of the bicycle as a viable means of urban transport, and in the city of Paris there are financial incentives for cycling commuters. In China alone there are 450 Million bicycles. The form of the bicycle is universally recognisable, it is easy to use and simple to maintain. However, in spite of its apparent simplicity, the bicycle is made up of numerous components and sub-assemblies.
Over the years these components and sub-assemblies have undergone a succession of changes and modifications. As with the evolution, development, and life cycle of any product, some of the modifications were relatively short lived. Others for various reasons have been adopted almost universally, such as steel ball bearings, the roller chain, pneumatic tires, tension spoked wheels, etc.
In order to more fully understand the bicycle, its advantages, its shortcomings, and its place in the modern world, the first part of this study aims to address the various criteria which apply to bicycle typology, differentiation, use and construction. However, although numerous types of Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) exist, the initial part of this research is constrained to the evolution and development of the "Safety" type bicycle - attributed to J. K. Starley of Coventry in 1895 - up to the present day, taking into account such factors as; design, material selection, manufacturing technology, and diversity.
The first part of the study is a comprehensive overview of the bicycle which identifies crucial technological aspects and categorises bicycle by type and intended use. Due to the huge quantities and types of bicycles produced worldwide this research identifies generic types of each category irrespective of origin or manufacturer.
The second part of this dissertation is devoted to the study of wooden bicycles and the specific requirements of this type of bicycle such as the use of wood and its derivatives e.g. engineered wood, as a bicycle frame construction material and some of the solutions arrived at and the special parts or components required. Contemporary and historical bicycles made from wood, other organic material and its derivatives have been investigated and conclusions drawn regarding their functionality and purpose.
Part three is dedicated to the Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Wooden Bicycle prototype undertaken by the Author with the assistance of three Industrial Design Students.
Part four describes the design, construction and testing of subsequent prototypes in detail including the fabrication of pre-production bicycles and proposals for manufacture on a commercial level.
Parts five and six outline the empirical findings from the previous section and attempt to define strategies for marketing bicycles manufactured from wood and its derivatives as an alternative to conventional materials with a view to reanimating small local industries which have a strong base of expertise and knowhow working with wood, such as producers of furniture and similar products (broom handles, tool handles, boxes etc.).
Part seven is devoted to the potential diversification of wooden framed bicycles which are electrically assisted. The fabrication of a prototype is discussed but no conclusions were made due to constraints beyond my control.
Keywords: Design, Product, Frame, Bicycle / [ES] La bicicleta es frecuentemente considerada como una de las invenciones más importantes de todos los tiempos. Es también una de las formas de transporte humano más eficiente en el mundo. Hoy en día, por la amenaza del calentamiento global provocado por las fuentes de energía no renovables, países como Dinamarca, Holanda y Colombia animan a usar la bicicleta como un medio de transporte urbano.
La figura de la bicicleta es universalmente reconocida, es fácil de usar y su mantenimiento es simple.
A pesar de su aparente simplicidad, la bicicleta está compuesta de numerosos componentes y subconjuntos. A lo largo de los años, los subconjuntos sufrieron una serie de cambios y transformaciones. Como en cualquier evolución y desarrollo, los cambios influyen en el ciclo de vida de cualquier producto, a pesar que algunas de estas aportaciones tuvieron una vida efímera. Otras, por razones varias, fueron adoptadas casi universalmente. Entre estas podemos citar los rodamientos de esferas de azor, la cadena, los neumáticos, etc.
Para comprender mejor el producto bicicleta, se ha considerado como objetivo en la primera parte de este estudio, abordar varios criterios que se aplican de acuerdo con la tipología, diferenciación, uso y construcción de la bicicleta. A pesar de existir numerosos tipos de Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs), la primera parte de esta investigación se limita al estudio de la evaluación y desenvolvimiento de la bicicleta "Safety" atribuida A J.K. Starley de Coventry UK.1895, desde su aparición hasta nuestros días, tomando en consideración la selección de materiales, las tecnologías de fabricación, el diseño, y el estatus de la bicicleta en la sociedad.
La segunda parte de esta tesis está dedicada por completo al estudio de la madera y sus derivados como material de construcción de la bicicleta. Bicicletas contemporáneas e históricas de madera y sus derivados, que han sido investigados y se han presentado los resultados en relación a su funcionalidad y propósito.
La tercera parte describe con detalle el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de una bicicleta prototipo de madera, los prototipos posteriores y las bicicletas prototipo o de pre-producción de madera y sus derivados fabricados por el autor con la ayuda de los Estudiantes finalistas del grado de Diseño Industrial (ESTGAD CR, Portugal)
En la cuarta parte se describe el diseño, construcción y prueba de prototipos posteriores en detalle, incluyendo la fabricación de bicicletas de pre-producción y propuestas para la fabricación a nivel comercial.
La quinta y sexto partes resume los resultados empíricos de la sección anterior y trata de definir estrategias de marketing, para bicicletas fabricadas a partir de la madera y sus derivados como una alternativa a los materiales convencionales, con el fin de animar a producción industrial a las pequeñas industrias locales, que poseen una base sólida de experiencia en el trabajo con la madera, como productores de muebles y productos similares.
En la última parte, se ha dedicado a la diversificación potencial de cuadros de bicicletas en madera que están asistidas eléctricamente. La fabricación de un prototipo forma parte de la discusión y pretende ser una proyección de futuro.
Palabras Clave: Diseño, Producto, Madera, Bicicleta. / [CA] La bicicleta es freqüentment considerada com una de les invencions mes importants de tots els temps. Es tambe una de les formes de transport huma mes eficient en el mon. Hui en dia, per l'amenaça del calfament global provocat per les fonts d'energia no renovellables, països com Dinamarca, Holanda i Colombia animen a usar la bicicleta com un mig de transport urba.
La figura de la bicicleta es universalment reconeguda, es facil d'usar i el seu manteniment es simple.
A pesar de la seua aparent simplicitat, la bicicleta està composta de numerosos components i subconjuntos. A lo llarc dels anys, els subconjuntos patiren una serie de canvis i transformacions. Com en qualsevol evolucio i desenroll, els canvis influixen en el cicle de vida de qualsevol producte, a pesar que algunes d'estos aportaments tingueren una vida efimera. Atres, per raons varies, foren adoptades casi universalment. Entre estes podem citar els rodaments d'esferes d'azor, la cadena, els neumatics, etc.
Per a comprendre millor el producte bicicleta, s'ha considerat com objectiu en la primera part d'este estudi, abordar varis criteris que s'apliquen d'acort en la tipología, diferenciacio, us i construccio de la bicicleta. A pesar d'existir numerosos tipos d'Human Powered Vehicles (HPVS), la primera part d'esta investigacio se llimita a l'estudi de l'evaluacio i desenvolupament de la bicicleta "Safety" atribuida A J.K. Starley de Coventry UK. 1895, des de la seua aparicio fins nostres dies, prenent en consideracio la seleccio de materials, les tecnologies de fabricacio, el disseny, i l'estat de la bicicleta en la societat.
La segona part d'esta tesis està dedicada per complet a l'estudi de la fusta i els seus derivats com material de construccio de la bicicleta. Bicicletes contemporanees i historiques de fusta i els seus derivats, que han segut investigats i s'han presentat els resultats en relacio a la seua funcionalitat i proposit.
La tercera part descriu en detall el disseny, desenroll i evaluacio d'una bicicleta prototip de fusta, els prototips posteriors i les bicicletes prototip o de PRE-produccio de fusta i els seus derivats fabricats per l'autor en l'ajuda dels Estudiants finalistes del grau de Disseny Industrial (ESTGAD CR, Portugal)
En la quarta part se descriu el disseny, construccio i prova de prototips posteriors en detall, incloent la fabricacio de bicicletes de pre-produccio i propostes per a la fabricacio a nivell comercial.
La quinta i sisè parts resumix els resultats empirics de la seccio anterior i tracta de definir estrategies de marketing, per a bicicletes fabricades a partir de la fusta i els seus derivats com una alternativa als materials convencionals, en el fi d'animar a produccio industrial a les menudes industries locals, que posseixen una base solida d'experiencia en el treball en la fusta, com productors de mobles i productes similars.
En l'ultima part, s'ha dedicat a la diversificacio potencial de quadros de bicicletes en fusta que estan assistides electricament. La fabricacio d'un prototip forma part de la discussio i preten ser una proyeccio de futur.
Paraules Clau: Disseny, Producte, Fusta, Bicicleta. / Brent Taylor, N. (2016). The Feasibility of Wood and its Derivatives as a Bicycle Frame Building Material [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63663
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HPV pro městský provoz a seniory / CitybikeŘehánek, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on design proposal of bicycle frame, which is powered by human force and then strength analysis of designed frame. Vehicle is designed to city and relates to physically handicapped persons and elderly people. This thesis content comparison of different types of bicycles.
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Stroj pro hydroforming trubek z neželezných kovů / Hydroforming machine for non-ferrous material tubesOcelík, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Master`s thesis deals with unusual high-pressure-fluid forming technology – hydroforming. There are discussed factors, which are affecting forming process, and there are made conclusion of it for machine design process. There is also made an evaluation of tube hydroforming technology in nowadays. The objective of thesis is to design new forming machine for tube hydroforming and for use in bicycle frames design. The machine is to be determined for manufacturing series up to 1000 pieces. Based on calculations and discussion of hydroforming technology, the best design solution is chosen. Machine is designed as modular conception with pressure multiplication of forming fluid right in die cavity. There is no need to use high pressure pump for forming fluid, used in common machines for tube hydroforming. This leads to cost reduction and so the objective of thesis is accomplished.
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