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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur gestaltas naturvetenskap i läromedel för skolans tidigare år ur ett genusperspektiv?

Jansson, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Tidigare analyser som gjorts på läromedel har främst handlat om läromedel för högstadiet och gymnasiet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken bild läromedel för årskurs 4-6 som används inom NO undervisningen ger eleverna ur ett genusperspektiv. Fokuset ligger på biologi vid textanalys och vid analys av bilder bedömas böckerna i sin helhet. Metoden som använts vid analysen är en kombination av kvalitativa och kvantitativa data. Dels redovisas fördelningen av bilder på män och kvinnor i böckerna och olika delar av texten som har analyserats efter frågeställningarna. För att tillvägagångssättet ska vara tydligt har jag konstruerat ett analysschema samt frågor till texten. Resultaten visar att män får större utrymme i de flesta böcker och att könsstereotypa normer befästs men att det skiljer mellan olika böcker hur bra de är ur ett genusperspektiv. Slutsatsen är att det är viktigt att göra medvetna val då läromedlen ska köpas in till skolorna.

Ernæring og habitatbruk hos sik (Coregonus lavaretus) og røye (Salvelinus alpinus) i Aursunden / Diet and habitat use of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in lake Aursunden

Westberg, Tron Steffen January 2012 (has links)
Sik (Coregonus lavaretus) dominerte i littorale- og littorale habitater. Røyr hadde størst utbredelse i profundale habitater. Artene viste betydelig næringsoverlapp.

Breeding success in Arctic snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) in relation to climatic variations

Kåsi, Tone Kjersti January 2012 (has links)
The ongoing global warming is especially pronounced in the arctic, and it is therefore important to investigate the effect of these changes on arctic ecosystems. In this study the Snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) breeding in Spitsbergen, Svalbard was used as a model species to investigate how the climatic variations are affecting avian reproduction. Both big scale climatic parameters and local weather variables were included in an analysis of how these factors affected snow bunting breeding success. It turned out that both big scale and local variables were important. Locale temperature and wind was important for time off breeding. Temperature, precipitation, winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAOw) and winter Arctic Oscillation (AOw) were important for number of fledged chicks, and wind and air pressure were important for growth rate.

Factors Affecting Juvenile Movement in a House Sparrow Metapopulation

Myhre, Ane Marlene January 2012 (has links)
Dispersal propensity can vary considerably between individuals in a population. Understanding which individuals disperse- and under what circumstances these individuals disperse is valuable for conservation. Factors influencing juvenile movement and natal dispersal were studied in individually marked house sparrows, Passer domesticus, in an archipelago off the coast of Helgeland, northern Norway. Sex, clutch size, body size and body mass did not significantly explain variation in movement. Movement rate was however negatively related to hatch date on one of the islands. Moreover, there was a decrease in movement rate with increasing patch isolation and hostility of the matrix habitat. This study suggests that habitat configuration is an important factor determining movement of juvenile house sparrows, and that the environment experienced early in life may be related to movement propensity. I strongly recommend incorporating landscape features in further analyses of movement and dispersal rate.

The effect of hydropeaking on density, diversity and species richness of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and stoneflies (Plecoptera) in two river systems

Herland, Anne Karine January 2012 (has links)
Hydropeaking corresponds to the management of hydropower resources where electricity is produced in accordance with prices and demand. Although fully justified economically, hydropeaking may have adverse consequences for the aquatic ecosystem. Due to frequent and rapid fluctuations in water discharge hydropeaking could generate negative effects on the ecosystem downstream the outlet of the hydropower station. Frequent fluctuations in water discharge, altered temperature regime, substrate composition and vegetation cover can result in reduced macroinvertebrate density and variety downstream the outlet of hydropower stations. Furthermore, macroinvertebrates inhabiting the shallow zone could be exposed to stranding as a consequence of frequent dewatering of the river-margin.In order to provide environmental guidelines for the hydropower industry, it is essential to understand how changes brought upon hydropeaked rivers affect the aquatic ecosystem.We studied the effect of hydropeaking on the total macroinvertebrate density and on the density, diversity and species richness of the orders Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in two hydropeaked rivers, the Bævra River and the Lundesokna River, in central Norway. Findings from the given study demonstrated negative effects on the macroinvertebrates, likely caused by hydropeaking. The results showed a lowered total density and a lowered density, diversity and species richness of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera in the locations exposed to frequent dewatering. In the permanently water covered location, however, there was less indication of a hydropeaking effect. These findings suggest that hydropeaking prevent establishment of normal benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the exposed shallow location, while the macroinvertebrate fauna in the permanently water covered location are less affected.

Fitness consequences of selection of home range in moose (Alces alces)

Klaussen, Ada Johanne January 2012 (has links)

Hängbensteklar i Svenska malaisefälleprojektet (Ichneumonidae: Anomaloninae)

Magnusson, Pelle January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstrakt</p><p>I denna studie har 104 utsorterade prover av brokparasitsteklar (Ichneumonidae) från Svenska Malaisefälleprojektet bearbetats. I 26 av dessa prover påträffades sammanlagt 68 exemplar av hängbensteklar (Anomaloninae) tillhörande tolv olika arter. Minst nio nya landskapsfynd redovisas. Typiska karaktärer beskrivs för de sju släkten och tolv arterna. En sammanställning över vilka arter som påträffades samt gamla och nya landskapsfynd presenteras i tabellform.</p><p>2008:Bi3</p> / <p>Abstract</p><p>Within the Swedish Malaise Trap Project (SMTP) 104 samples were studied for ichneumonid wasps. In 26 of these samples, 68 specimens of the subfamily Anomaloninae were found, representing 12 different species. In this report 9 new Swedish provincial findings is presented. Typical characters for each genus and species of the Anomaloninae wasps found in this study are described. Species found in this study, including old and new province findings is presented in tabular form.</p>

Föryngring av stormusslor (Unionoida) i tre vattensystem i Västra Götalands län

Gustavsson, Ann January 2007 (has links)
<p>Storvuxna musslor i sötvatten (stormusslor) kan ha drabbats av en allvarlig tillbakagång i såväl Sverige som hela världen. Tidigare undersökningar i Sverige och andra delar av världen visar på en kraftig tillbakagång och brist på en fungerande föryngring hos arterna flodpärlmussla (Margaritifera margaritifera) och tjockskalig målarmussla (Unio crassus). I tidigare undersökningar i Sverige har fokus främst varit att försöka kartera arternas förekomst och utbredning, men inte dess föryngring. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka föryngringen av samtliga arter stormusslor i vattensystemen Tidan, Lidan och Mariedalsån i Västra Götalands län. Sju lokaler valdes selektivt ut för att representera några av de bästa i de tre vattensystemen. Inventeringen utfördes främst med vattenkikare men även med luther- räfsa. Sedimentprov utfördes i lokalerna för undersökning av juvenila musslor. Musslorna räknades, artbestämdes, mättes och åldersbestämdes utifrån räknade vinterringar på skalen. Resultatet i studien pekar på att föryngringen är mycket dålig i flertalet lokaler även hos vanligt förekommande arter i landet som allmän dammussla (Anodonta anatina) och spetsig målarmussla (Unio tumidus). Förekomsten av arter stormusslor i lokalerna är dålig och tyder på relativt artfattiga vatten i Tidan, Lidan och Mariedalsån. Då de inventerade lokalerna ska representera några av de bästa i de tre vattensystemen är resultaten på föryngringen i vattendragen mycket oroväckande. Fortsatta studier bör göras på föryngringen i vattendragen för samtliga arter stormusslor i Västra Götalands län, nationellt och internationellt.</p> / <p>Freshwater mussels (Unionoida) may have been substantially reduced in Sweden as well as the whole world. Earlier studies show that the species Margaritifera margaritifera and Unio crassus has been substantially reduced and there are several localities with no reproduction in Sweden and in several other parts of the world. Other species of freshwater mussels in Sweden have not been studied very much and the focus of studies in Sweden has been on the species existence, not their reproduction. The purpose with this study is to examine the existence of reproduction of different kind of freshwater mussels in the water systems Tidan, Lidan and Mariedalsån in Sweden. Seven localities were choosing selective for the study to represent some of the best localities in the water systems. The freshwater mussels were studied on the bottom and in the sediment. The lengths of mussels were measured and the winter rings were counted to estimate the age of the mussels. The result of this study point on a very bad reproduction in several localities even with the most common species in Sweden and the diversity of species are low in the water systems Tidan, Lidan and Mariedalsån. These localities were supposed to represent some of the best localities in the water systems and because of that the result of the bad reproduction is very concerning. More studies of the reproduction of freshwater mussels even the more common species is recommended in Sweden and other countries of the world.</p>

Modigare mörtar : En beteendestudie av oxazepams påverkan på vild mört

Nordling, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Strategy to tag Actin II in Plasmodium berghei

Cinarli, Pembe January 2018 (has links)
Malaria is a disease that is caused by parasite called Plasmodium spp. and trasmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes to the host. The disease has great impact around the world and there are half a million deaths and several hundred million infections every year. Studies revealed that there are two actin isoforms in the parasite, actin I and actin II. Absence of actin II has severe effect on the development of the parasite in the mosquito but the molecular function is still unknown. Identification of interacting proteins is of great importance to understand further the function of the protein. To achieve this goal actin II has to be enriched and this required a tagged version of the protein. In this project purification of the protein was to be achieved through biotinylation. In this method the protein of interest is biotinylated by BirA ligase in the cell and is then purified by , streptavidin. The project involved transfection of vector for Plasmodium berghei, containing the BirA gene and a stage-specific promoter (cdpk4). The construct was integrated in the chromosomal locus Sil6 and introduced to wild-type and actin II knock out parasites. Genotyping by PCR revealed integration of the insert in wild type parasites and phenotypic anaylsis showed no difference between BirA wild type and wild type control parasites. The expression of the BirA ligase in the parasite was investigated with Western blot but no signal was detected.

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