Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biological rhythm""
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Caracterização do perfil diário da lipólise e lipogênese no tecido adiposo de ratos adultos e a influência da pinealectomia. / Characterization of the daily profile of lipolysis and lipogenesis in adipose tissue of adult rats and the influence of pinealectomy.Talita da Silva Mendes de Farias 24 November 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar se há ritmicidade dos eventos lipolíticos e lipogênicos no TA peri-epididimal e caracterizar se a pinealectomia interfere nesse processo. O sacrifício dos animais, controles e pinealectomizados, foi realizado de quatro em quatro horas. Em relação a lipogênese observaram-se diferenças significativas entre os horários analisados, no entanto, a comparação entre grupos, não mostrou diferenças significativas, indicando que a pinealectomia não interfere nesse processo metabólico do TAB. O estudo da lipólise mostrou que existem algumas diferenças significativas entre os horários, contudo, a pinealectomia também não interferiu no ritmo desse processo. A utilização do programa COSINOR, para análise da existência de ritmos, evidenciou que existe um ritmo, tanto na lipogênese quanto na lipólise, mas que não ocorre de maneira circadiana, ou seja, não ocorre em intervalos de 24h ±4. Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas, entre os grupos, quando analisadas: consumo alimentar, ingestão hídrica e evolução do peso corporal. / The objective was to investigate whether there rhythmicity of events in lipolytic and lipogenic TA peri-epididymal and characterize whether pinealectomy interferes with this process. The sacrifice of animals, controls and pinealectomized was performed every four hours. In relation to lipogenesis observed significant differences between the times tested, however, the comparison between groups showed no significant differences, indicating that pinealectomy does not intervene in the metabolic process of WAT. The study of lipolysis showed that there are some significant differences between the times, however, pinealectomy did not affect the rhythms of this process. The use of COSINOR program for analysis of the existence of rhythms, suggest that there is a rhythm in both lipogenesis and lipolysis, but that does not occur in a circadian manner, i.e., does not occur at intervals of 24 ± 4. We also found no significant differences between groups when analyzed food intake, water intake and body weight evolution.
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Caracateriza??o do n?cleo pr?-geniculado do sag?i (Callithrix jacchus) :proje??o retiniana, neuroqu?mica e atividade celular (express?o de FOS)Lima, Ruthnaldo Rodrigues Melo de 30 April 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-04-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In rodents, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are the main components of the circadian system. The SCN is considerate the site of an endogenous biological clock because can to generate rhythm and to synchronize to the environmental cues (zeitgebers) and IGL has been related as one of the main areas that modulate the action of SCN. Both receive projections of ganglion cells of retina and this projection to SCN is called retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Moreover, the IGL is connected with SCN through of geniculohypothalamic tract
(GHT). In primates (include humans) was not still demonstrated the presence of a homologous structure to the IGL. It is believed that the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN)
can be the answer, but nothing it was still proven. Trying to answer that question, the objective of our study is to do a comparative analysis among PGN and IGL through of
techniques immunohystochemicals, neural tracers and FOS expression after dark pulses. For this, we used as experimental model a primate of the new world, the
common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Ours results may contribute to the elucidation of this lacuna in the circadian system once that the IGL is responsible for the
transmission of nonphotic information to SCN and participate in the integration between photic and nonphotic stimulus to adjust the function of the SCN. In this way to find a same structure in primates represent an important achieve in the
understanding of the biological rhythms in those animals / O sistema de temporiza??o circadiana (STC) ? respons?vel pela gera??o e modula??o dos ritmos circadianos que s?o oscila??es end?genas manifestadas pelos seres vivos para a maioria das fun??es e comportamentos, com per?odo em torno de 24 horas. Estes ritmos s?o sincronizados principalmente ao ciclo claro-escuro di?rio. O STC ? constitu?do por um conjunto de estruturas neurais interligadas, incluindo na sua
composi??o um marca-passo encarregado da gera??o do ritmo, vias sincronizadoras e de sa?da aos efetores comportamentais. O n?cleo supraquiasm?tico do hipot?lamo (NSQ) ? tido como principal marcapasso circadiano. A les?o desse conjunto de c?lulas deixa o animal arr?tmico para
algumas fun??es circadianas. A principal via direta de sincroniza??o ? o tracto retinohipotal?mico (TRH), que leva informa??o f?tica ambiental da retina ao NSQ. Uma
segunda via, tida como de sincroniza??o indireta para o NSQ, ? o tracto gen?culohipotal?mico (TGH), que se origina das c?lulas produtoras de neuropept?deo Y (NPY) do folheto intergeniculado (FIG) do complexo geniculado lateral do t?lamo de roedores. Essas c?lulas tamb?m recebem proje??o direta da retina. Em primatas essa estrutura ainda n?o foi identificada. No entanto, um conjunto de c?lulas medial ao
n?cleo geniculado lateral dorsal (GLD) do t?lamo, denominado de n?cleo pr?geniculado (NPG), se apresenta como poss?vel estrutura hom?loga ao FIG dos roedores, j? que algumas c?lulas do NPG apresentam imunorreatividade ao anticorpo
contra NPY em diversos primatas estudados. Sabe-se que o sistema FIG-TGH al?m de estar relacionado ? modula??o f?tica
do NSQ, parece tamb?m estar fortemente envolvido na sincroniza??o n?o-f?tica desse sistema. Ainda, as c?lulas imunorreativas a NPY est?o claramente mais envolvidas na
sincroniza??o n?o-f?tica, comprovado pela marca??o da atividade metab?lica envolvendo o gene c-fos (gene de express?o imediata). Considerando este aspecto
funcional e a dificuldade de identificar com precis?o uma estrutura hom?loga ao FIG em primatas, realizamos a caracteriza??o neuroqu?mica, analisamos o padr?o da
proje??o retiniana e a express?o da prote?na do gene c-fos ap?s pulso de escuro, para melhor definir o papel do NPG dentro do STC. Para isso, usamos como modelo experimental um primata do novo mundo, o Callitrhix jacchus, conhecido
popularmente como sag?i. Nossos dados confirmaram a hip?tese inicial de que o NPG, ou parte dele, seria
hom?logo ao FIG de roedores. Encontramos, em toda extens?o do NPG do sag?i, neur?nios imunorreativos a NPY e uma densa proje??o retiniana em uma regi?o localizada mais pr?xima ao GLD. Conclu?mos que esta ?rea situada mais
internamente, em rela??o ao complexo geniculado lateral do t?lamo, corresponde ao FIG e a por??o mais externa ao n?cleo geniculado lateral ventral dos roedores
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Dinâmica de populações e comunidades de borboletas e aves ao longo do tempo / Population and community dynamics of butterflies and birds over timeCarlos Candia-Gallardo 27 April 2017 (has links)
As abundâncias e identidades das espécies de qualquer comunidade biológica mudam tanto ao longo do espaço quanto do tempo. Não obstante, aspectos espaciais da biodiversidade têm sido muito mais explorados do que os temporais. Um dos motivos pelos quais padrões temporais têm recebido menos atenção é a escassez de estudos de longo prazo, especialmente na região neotropical, uma das mais biodiversas e ameaçadas do planeta. Estudar a dinâmica de populações e comunidades ao longo do tempo pode revelar processos ecológicos fundamentais, bem como descrever como pressões naturais e humanas afetam a biodiversidade. Entender a dinâmica das populações e comunidades envolve entender as histórias de vida dos organismos, como eles interagem com o ambiente, o papel de interações entre espécies, o papel de processos demográficos estocásticos, dentre outros fatores. Nesta tese investigamos a dinâmica temporal de populações e comunidades de borboletas e aves, e ao longo dos capítulos avaliamos o papel de diferentes processos na regulação dessas dinâmicas. No Capítulo 1 investigamos se um comportamento sazonal observado em borboletas Ithomiini (Nymphalidae, Danainae), supostamente adaptativo à seca - os \"bolsões de Ithomiini\"- seria uma simples resposta reativa à falta de chuvas ou se mecanismos endógenos (\"relógios biológicos\") estariam envolvidos. No Capítulo 2 realizamos um estudo de dinâmica populacional comparada de borboletas miméticas da tribo Ithomiini. Algumas evidências têm sugerido que além de convergir na morfologia, espécies co-miméticas tenderiam a convergir também no comportamento, no uso de microhabitats e possivelmente em suas dinâmicas populacionais. Testamos as hipóteses de que 1) pares de espécies co-miméticas (i.e., com a morfologia convergente) ou 2) pares de espécies mais próximas filogeneticamente teriam suas dinâmicas populacionais mais correlacionadas do que pares de espécies agrupados ao acaso. No Capítulo 3 descrevemos como a composição de espécies de assembleias de aves e borboletas de nove localidades tropicais e subtropicais na América do Sul e do Norte variou ao longo do tempo (anos a décadas), e se diferenças demográficas entre espécies (nicho) seriam importantes para explicar os padrões observados. No Capítulo 1 encontramos evidências de que a agregações seriam um comportamento endógeno sincronizado com o fotoperíodo, com plasticidade limitada para lidar com as alterações no regime de chuvas previstas para a região e para o continente. No Capítulo 2 encontramos que as dinâmicas populacionais de pares de espécies de Ithomiini de um mesmo anel mimético ou mais próximas filogeneticamente não tenderam a ser mais correlacionadas do que pares reunidos ao acaso, e que as espécies, anéis miméticos e subtribos estudadas tiveram suas dinâmicas temporais mais correlacionados do que seria esperado por acaso. Estes resultados e os do Capítulo 1 sugerem que na dinâmica desse sistema as pressões seletivas exercidas por fatores ambientais seriam mais importantes do que interações entre espécies. No Capítulo 3 mostramos que a composição de espécies de assembleias de aves na Amazônia, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica e Flórida se alterou ao longo dos anos, mesmo em assembleias de áreas bem preservadas. Sobreposta a essa rotatividade (turnover) interanual também encontramos rotatividade sazonal, previsível, na composição de espécies de assembleias de aves da Amazônia e da Mata Atlântica e na assembleia de borboletas Ithomiini. Padrões de rotatividade sazonal na composição de espécies podem ser mais comuns em comunidades neotropicais do que se imagina. As estratégias temporais dos organismos neotropicais, as quais parecem ser a base dos padrões sazonais observados nas comunidades, podem ser largamente determinadas por ritmos (\"relógios\") endógenos. Estudos sobre a regulação dos ritmos e estratégias temporais dos organismos, e dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas e do uso do solo sobre eles, são essenciais. Um importante passo nesse sentido é a disseminação de estudos de longo-prazo de populações e comunidades, contínuos, sistemáticos e com resolução para detectar padrões sazonais. Além disso, a interação das perspectivas, bases teóricas e abordagens da biologia molecular, fisiologia, cronobiologia e ecologia pode avançar nosso entendimento sobre os processos que moldam a dinâmica da biodiversidade e sobre as consequências das perturbações humanas sobre os ecossistemas / The species abundances and identities of any biological community change both over space and time. Nevertheless, Spatial biodiversity dimensions have been much more exploited than temporal ones. One of the reasons for which temporal patterns have received less attention is a scarcity of long-term studies, especially in the neotropical region, one of the most biodiverse and endangered on the planet. Studying the dynamics of populations and communities over time can reveal key ecological processes as well as describe how natural and human pressures affect biodiversity. Understanding the dynamics of populations and communities involves understanding organisms life histories, how they interact with the environment, the role of interactions among species, the role of stochastic demographic processes, and other factors. In this dissertation we investigated the temporal dynamics of butterflies and birds populations and assemblages, and throughout its chapters we evaluate the role of different processes in the regulation of dynamics. In Chapter 1 we investigated whether a seasonal behavior observed in butterflies Ithomiini (Nymphalidae, Danainae), supposedly adaptive to dissecation - the \"Ithomiini pockets \" - is a simple reactive response to drought or there is internal time-keeping mechanisms involved. In Chapter 2, we performed a comparative population dynamics study of mimetic butterflies of the Ithomiini tribe. Some evidence has suggested that besides the convergence in morphology, co-mimetic species would tend to converge also in behavior, in the use of microhabitats and possibly in their population dynamics. We hypothesized that (1) pairs of co-mimetic species or (2) pairs of species more phylogenetically related would have their population dynamics more correlated than pairs of species grouped at random. In Chapter 3 we described how species composition of bird and butterfly assemblages from nine tropical and subtropical locations in South and North America varied over time (years and decades), and if demographic differences between species (niche) are needed to explain observed patterns. In Chapter 1 we found evidence that Ithomiini pockets are regulated by internal time-keeping mechanisms synchronized to photoperiod, and that mechanism has limited plasticity to cope with rainfall regime changes predicted for the study region and for the continent as a whole. In Chapter 2 we found that the population dynamics of Ithomiini species pairs more phylogenetically related or belonging to the same mimetic ring did not tend to be more correlated than pairs assembled at random, and that the species, mimetic rings and subtribes had their temporal dynamics more correlated than would be expected By chance These results and those of Chapter 1 suggest that this system dynamics is more influenced by selective pressures exerted by environmental factors than by species interactions. In Chapter 3 we show that the composition of bird assemblages in the Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest, and Florida has changed over the years, even in assemblies of well-preserved areas. Superimposed to this interannual turnover we also found seasonal, predictable turnover in species composition of bird assemblages of the Amazon and Atlantic Forest and in the Ithomiini butterflies assembly. Patterns of seasonal turnover in species composition may be more common in neotropical communities than is imagined. The temporal strategies of neotropical organisms, which appear to be the basis of the seasonal patterns observed in communities, can be largely determined by endogenous rhythms (\"biological clocks\"). Studies on the regulation of organisms\' temporal rhythms and strategies, and the effects of climate change and land use on them, are essential. An important step in this direction is the dissemination of continuous, systematic, population and community long-term studies, with sampling resolution to detect seasonal patterns. In addition, the interaction of perspectives, theoretical basis, and approaches of molecular biology, physiology, chronobiology, and ecology can advance our understanding of the processes that shape biodiversity dynamics and the consequences of human disturbances on ecosystems
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Analyse de l'hypothèse de la perturbation des biorythmes par les champs magnétiques d'extrêmement basse fréquence: mécanismes possibles, impact en santé publique, protocoles de mise a l'épreuve / Analysis of the hypothesis of biorhythms disruption by extremely low frequency magnetic fields: possible mechanisms, public health impact, testing protocolsVanderstraeten, Jacques 17 June 2013 (has links)
RESUME GENERAL<p><p>Contexte :une association entre exposition prolongée aux champs magnétiques (CM) d’extrêmement basses fréquences (ELF) et risque sanitaire a été établie pour la leucémie infantile (CM 50/60 Hz de l’électricité, RR = 2,0 pour ≥ 0,4 µT d‘intensité moyennée dans le temps) et est suggérée pour le décès par maladie d’Alzheimer (CM 50/60 Hz, CM 16,7 Hz des voies ferrées pour 21 µT d’intensité moyennée dans le temps) et pour certaines hémopathies chez l’adulte (CM 16,7 Hz). Ces associations restent inexpliquées à ce jour. Sur base d’observations animales (effets des CM ELF sur la sécrétion de mélatonine) d’une part, et de la sensibilité magnétique confirmée des cryptochromes (régulateurs des biorythmes) d’autre part, il a été suggéré que ces associations puissent être dues à une perturbation des biorythmes par les CM ELF. Selon les instances internationales, une intensité > 1 mT est requise pour l’existence d’effets biologiques. <p>Objectifs et méthode :sur base d’une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de modèles théoriques reconnus, le présent travail développe certains mécanismes possibles pour un effet perturbateur des biorythmes par les CM ELF. L’impact en santé publique de cette hypothèse est ensuite évalué. Enfin, des protocoles sont proposés pour sa mise à l’épreuve, tenant compte des mécanismes envisagés. <p>Résultats :la possibilité existe d’une interaction des oscillations ELF de l’intensité et/ou de l’orientation du CM (somme vectorielle du CM ELF et du CM terrestre ou CMT) avec les cryptochromes rétiniens. Chez l’animal magnétosensible (dont le rongeur), une perturbation des biorythmes pourrait être consécutive à un mécanisme non spécifique de perturbation sensorielle. Toute observation animale pourrait donc ne pas être extrapolable à l’Homme. Chez ce dernier, une perturbation des biorythmes pourrait être causée par les oscillations de l’intensité du CM (peut- être dès < 100 µT d’intensité de CM ELF). Une telle perturbation pourrait aussi être causée par les variations spatiales de l’intensité du CMT qui existent dans l’environnement résidentiel (proximité de structures métalliques). Par ailleurs, dans l’éventualité de l’existence, chez l’Homme également, d’une sensibilité directionnelle basée sur les cryptochromes rétiniens, les oscillations de l’orientation du CM pourraient alors aussi interférer avec ces cryptochromes (peut-être dès ≤ 10 µT). Dans l’hypothèse où une telle interférence affecte les biorythmes, seules pourraient alors être concernées les oscillations dont l’amplitude atteint plusieurs degrés d’angle. Un tel mécanisme ne pourrait donc s’appliquer à la relation entre CM ELF et leucémie infantile que dans l’éventualité où les intensités les plus élevées (+ 1 à 2 SD) de CM ELF y jouent un rôle. Au cas où l’hypothèse de la perturbation des biorythmes par les CM ELF se voyait confirmée, d’autres troubles de santé seraient alors concernés et d’autres sources de CM seraient en cause, tels les CM statiques d’intensité variable émis par les lignes de transport électrifié. Les paramètres d’exposition considérés devraient inclure l’orientation relative CM ELF/CMT, mais aussi l’intensité locale du CMT (facteur à la fois déterminant et confondant dans la présente hypothèse). L’expérimentation animale devrait investiguer l’expression des clock genes. L’expérimentation humaine devrait investiguer les biorythmes chez l’enfant. Et l’épidémiologie devrait investiguer l’incidence de troubles liés à une perturbation des biorythmes en relation avec l’exposition aux CM ELF ainsi qu’aux variations locales de l’intensité du CMT. <p>Conclusions :malgré les incertitudes persistantes quant aux fonctions précises des cryptochromes de la rétine humaine et quant à l’exactitude des modèles théoriques qui décrivent les interactions entre CM et cryptochromes, certains mécanismes paraissent possibles pour une interaction entre CM ELF et biorythmes. En l’absence persistante d’alternative valide pour l’explication de l’association entre CM ELF et leucémie infantile, l’hypothèse de la perturbation des biorythmes par ces CM paraît devoir être investiguée plus avant, mais en tenant compte des variations locales d’intensité du CMT. <p>Background: An association between prolonged exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) and health risk has been established for childhood leukemia (50/60 Hz MF of electricity, RR = 2.0 for ≥ 0.4 µT of time-averaged intensity) and is suggested for death by Alzheimer's disease (50/60 Hz MF, 16.7 Hz MF of railways at 21 µT of time-averaged intensity) and for some hematologic malignancies in adults (16.7 Hz MF). These associations remain unexplained so far. Based on animal studies (effects of ELF MF on melatonin secretion) on the one hand, and on the confirmed magnetic sensitivity of cryptochromes (regulators of biorhythms) on the other hand, it has been suggested that these associations may be due to a disruption of biorhythms by ELF MF. From current data, however, biological effects seem only possible at > 1 mT of intensity.<p>Objectives and methods: on the basis of an exhaustive literature review and with use of recognized theoretical models, this paper develops some possible mechanisms for disruption of biorhythms by ELF MF. The public health impact of this hypothesis is then evaluated. Finally, protocols are proposed for the testing of it, with taking into account the proposed mechanisms.<p>Results: an interaction seems possible between ELF oscillations of the intensity and/or the orientation of the ambient MF (the vector sum of both the ELF MF and the geomagnetic field or GMF) with retinal cryptochromes. In magnetosensitive animals (including rodents), disruption of biorhythms may then be secondary to a non-specific mechanism of sensory disturbance. All animal observation could therefore not be extrapolated to humans. In the latter, on his turn, a disruption of biorhythms may be caused by the oscillations of the MF intensity (perhaps from <100 µT of ELF MF intensity). Such disruption could also be caused by spatial variations of the intensity of the GMF that exist in residential environment (near steel structures). Moreover, in case of the existence in humans (like in animals) of a directional sensitivity based on retinal cryptochromes, then the oscillations of the MF orientation also could interfere with these cryptochromes (perhaps from ≤ 10 µT). In the event that such interference affects biorhythms, only oscillations of several degrees of amplitude would then be concerned. As a consequence, such a mechanism could apply to the relation between ELF MF and childhood leukemia only in the event that the highest MF intensities (Mean + 1-2 SD) also play a role in that relation. In the event the hypothesis of disruption of biorhythms by ELF MF is confirmed, other health problems would be concerned and other kind of MF would be involved, such as the static MF of variable intensity that are emitted by the lines of electrified transport. The considered exposure parameters should include the relative orientation of ELF MF and GMF, but also the local intensity of GMF (both determining factor and confounder in this case). Animal experiments should investigate the expression of clock genes. Human experimentation should investigate biorhythms in children. And epidemiology should investigate the incidence of disorders related to disruption of biorhythms in relation to exposure to ELF MF as well as to local variations in the intensity of the GMF.<p>Conclusions: Despite the persisting uncertainties about the precise functions of retinal cryptochrome as well as about the accuracy of the theoretical models that describe the interactions between MF and cryptochromes, some mechanisms seem possible for an interaction between ELF MF and biorhythms. In the persisting absence of valid alternative explanation for the association between childhood leukemia and ELF MF, the hypothesis of biorhythm disturbance by ELF MF deserves further investigation, however with taking into account local intensity variations of the GMF.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Functional characterization of the teleost multiple tissue (tmt) opsin family and their role in light detectionFu, Josephine K. Y. January 2013 (has links)
In addition to a central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), zebrafish (Danio rerio) have local clock systems in their peripheral tissues. These peripheral tissues express a complement of clock genes that can be synchronized with the 24 h light/dark cycle and thus may be entrained by light. To date, teleost multiple tissue (tmt) opsin identified from Fugu rubripes and Danio rerio is the only opsin that has been proposed as a candidate to mediate this cellular photoentrainment (Moutsaki et al., 2003). Here we report the discovery of a multigene family of tmt opsins found not only in the teleost fishes, but in vertebrates,including amphibians, birds, reptiles, and some mammals. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that this gene family consists of three main classes, tmtI, tmtII and tmtIII, with each duplicating further to give two paralogues in the zebrafish genome. Their predicted amino acid sequences contain most of the characteristic features for the function of a photopigment opsin, as well as seven transmembrane segments indicative of a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily. Significantly, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) reveals that the tmt opsin genes in zebrafish are both temporally and spatially regulated. To investigate if these tmt photopigments mediate light-activated currents in cells, each opsin was expressed in vitro and the responses characterised by calcium imaging, whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology, UV-Vis spectrophotometric analysis, and bioluminescence reporter assay. Collectively, these data suggest that some of the opsin photoproteins signal via Gi-type G protein pathway. Interestingly, the spectral analysis obtained shows that most tmt opsins tested are UV-sensitive when reconstituted in vitro with 11-cis and all-trans retinal, indicating an intrinsic bistable dynamics. Using site directed mutagenesis on one of the tmt opsins, tmt10, the potential spectral tuning sites involved in UV detection were tested. As part of this study, tmt opsin cDNAs were isolated from three populations of Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus): surface, Pachon and Steinhardt. This allowed for a direct comparison between the tmt opsins present in the dark adapted species (cavefish) versus those of the light adapted species (zebrafish). It is hoped that the findings from this project will contribute to our understanding of non-visual light detection in fish and the evolution of their non-image forming photoreception.
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Ritmos de actividad motora, comportamiento alimentario e influencia de la melatonina exógena en peces teleósteosHerrero Ramón, María Jesús 26 October 2007 (has links)
La presente Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo profundizar en los conocimientos sobre ritmos biológicos y comportamiento alimentario de tres especies de peces teleósteos de interés en acuicultura: tenca (Tinca tinca), trucha alpina (Salvelinus alpinus) y lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax).Con este fin se ha investigado la influencia de factores bióticos y abióticos en la sincronización de los ritmos de actividad locomotora y alimentaria, así como el carácter endógeno y/o exógeno de estos ritmos. A su vez, se ha profundizado en el comportamiento individual de truchas alpinas mantenidas en grupo, mediante una nueva metodología que permite estudiar los ritmos de demanda voluntaria de alimento y la autoselección dietaria de los individuos. Asimismo, se ha analizado la influencia de los niveles endógenos de melatonina, modificados mediante la administración de melatonina exógena y de su aminoácido precursor (triptófano) en la dieta, sobre la concentración de cortisol y el ritmo de actividad locomotora en lubina. / This Doctoral Thesis deeps into the knowledge about biological rhythms and feeding behaviour in three teleostean fish species of interest in aquaculture: tench (Tinca tinca), Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). With this aim, the influence of biotic and abiotic factors has been researched in the field of synchronization of locomotor and feeding rhythms, as far as the endogenous or exogenous character of these rhythms. Moreover, individual feeding behaviour of Arctic charr kept in groups has been studied trying a new methodology which allows the monitoring of feeding demands and dietary self-selection of individuals. Furthermore, influence of endogenous melatonin modified through exogenous melatonin and its precursor amino acid (tryptophan) administration in the diet, in the cortisol levels and locomotor activity rhythms in sea bass were analysed.
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