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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de células bipolares PKCa-IR e células ganglionares da retina do peixe tropical Hoplias malabaricus intoxicado com baixas doses agudas de metilmercúrio

André Maurício Passos Liber 03 August 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o efeito do metilmercúrio na retina de peixe tropical Hoplias malabaricus (Traíra) através de baixas doses agudas. As intoxicações foram realizadas, por meio de injeção intraperitoneal, nas doses de 0,01, 0,05, 0,1 e 1,0 g/g, com um período de quinze dias de depuração do MeHg. Após o término do período de depuração, os olhos foram enucleados e as retinas isoladas foram fixadas em PFA 4% por 3 horas. As retinas foram conservadas, até o momento do uso (ou por no mínimo 9 horas), em tampão PB 0,1M a 4ºC. Após os procedimentos imunohistoquímicos para marcação de células bipolares do tipo ON com estratificação na sublâmina b da CPI, as retinas foram aplanadas para confecção de montagens planas para a análise quantitativa de células bipolares ON imunorreativas a proteína cinase C _. A análise quantitativa das células da camada de células ganglionares (CCG) também foi realizada. Células da CCG foram coradas pela técnica de Nissl, as retinas foram aplanadas em lâminas gelatinizadas e submetidas a uma bateria de desidratação (com diferentes concentrações alcoólicas) e coloração, utilizando cresil violeta como corante. Estas análises foram realizadas em 3 ou 4 retinas para cada dose testada. Análises idênticas foram realizadas nas retinas controle. Todas as retinas foram dividas nos quadrantes dorsal, ventral, nasal, temporal e em centro e periferia. Campos foram fotografados por toda a retina com intervalos de 1 mm, com auxilio do programa Axio Vision por meio de uma câmera digital e um microscópio acoplados a um computador. Os campos amostrados foram contados com o auxilio do programa NIH Scion Imagem 2.0. A densidade média de células foi estimada para cada retina e os grupos intoxicados foram comparados com o grupo controle (Teste T-student). A partir dos dados de densidade celular, mapas de isodensidade foram confeccionados, além de permitir estimar o poder de resolução teórico da acuidade visual de cada um dos animais experimentais utilizados para análise de células da CCG a partir da densidade máxima de células. Evidenciamos que as baixas doses agudas testadas não causam diminuição na densidade célular de células bipolares ON e células da CCG, comparado ao grupo controle. Não houve reduções significativas na densidade de células para ambos os tipos celulares analizados em nenhuma das regiões retinianas nas doses de MeHg testadas. Assim, a intoxicação de MeHg por baixas doses agudas não alterou o poder de resolução teorio da acuiade visual dos animais testados / This study aims to examine the effects of low acute doses of methylmercury (MeHg) on the retina of the tropical fish Hoplias malabaricus (Thraira). Four levels of MeHg intoxication were induced by intraperitoneal injection of doses of either 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 or 1.0 g MeHg/g of body weight, followed by a fifteen day period of depuration of MeHg. After the depuration period, the eyes were harvested, and the retinas were isolated and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 3 hours. The retinas were then stored (for at least for 9 hours) in 0.1 M sodium phosphate PB buffer at 4°C until the time of analysis. ON bipolar cells in sublamina b of the inner plexiform layer immunoreactive to protein Kinase C_ were immunohistochemically labeled, and the retinas were flattened to make whole mounts for quantitative analysis of ON bipolar cell densities. Quantitative analysis of cells in the retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL) was also performed. GCL cells were Nissl stained, and the retinas were flattened on gelatinized slides and subjected to another battery of dehydration (with different alcohol concentrations) and staining using cresyl violet. These analyses were carried out in 3 or 4 retinas for each dose tested. Identical analyses were performed on the control retinas. All retinas were divided into regions: dorsal, ventral, nasal, temporal, center and periphery. Sample retinal fields were photographed throughout the retina at intervals of 1 mm, with a digital camera attached to a microscope using Axio Vision software coupled to a computer. ON bipolar and GCL cells within the fields were counted with the help of the NIH Scion Image 2.0 software. The average density (mm2) of both types of cells was estimated for each retina and the data from each of the four MeHgintoxicated groups were compared with the control group values (Student t-test). From the density data we derived isodensity maps, permitting us to estimate the theoretical resolving power (maximum visual acuity) of each of the experimental animals used from the maximum density of cells in the ganglion cell layer. We showed that low acute doses of MeHg/g do not decrease cell densities of either ON bipolar cells or cells in the GCL, compared to controls. There were no significant decreases in cell density (counts) for either cell type in any of the retinal regions, for any of the MeHg doses tested. Thus, acute low-dose MeHg intoxication did not degrade the estimates of the animals theoretical resolving power

Avançada análise do uso de novos vetores-alvo em MLPs de alta performance / Advanced analysis of using new target vectors on high performance MLPs

Manzan, José Ricardo Gonçalves 27 September 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work proposes an advanced analysis for MLP performance improvement by adopting new target vectors. Firstly, a mathematical study is done to evaluate the influence of VBOs used as target vectors on MLP training. The VBOs provide the largest possible Euclidean distance between them to improve the training and generalization capability of MLPs. The largest distance inducement between points from output space leads to direct correspondence on pattern classification improvement. The various types of target vectors such as VBNs, VBCs and VNOs are adopted for training of MLP models and their performances are compared with the model trained by using VBOs. The mathematical evidences of performance improvement were found on weight updating refinement from backpropagation error stage of the algorithm. This particular refinement for training with VBOs is useful to preserve the features of each pattern due to noise interference reduction during the training process from a pattern to another. Following the mathematical study, more advanced experimental analysis using VBOs with two databases for pattern recognition is performed. The first database is related to the handwritten digits for comparing the performances of MLPs trained by adopting VBCs and VNOs with the performance of MLP trained by adopting VBOs. The results showed higher classification rates for the MLP trained with VBOs. The second database is constituted by human iris images in order to perform the comparison of MLP performances using conventional target vectors and new target ones represented by VBOs. Besides the high performance of MLPs trained with VBOs on recognition rates, it was concluded that the use of new target vectors provides high recognition rates with low tolerance for epoch trainings leading to the consequent low computational load for pattern processing. / O presente trabalho propõe a análise avançada para a melhoria de desempenho de MLP através do uso de novos vetores-alvo. Primeiramente, por meio de um estudo matemático, avalia-se a influência dos VBOs sobre o treinamento das MLPs quando são utilizados como vetores-alvo. Os VBOs possuem a maior distância euclidiana possível entre si, o que leva a supor que melhora o treinamento e a capacidade de generalização da rede em teste. A hipótese é a de que a provocação de uma maior distância entre os pontos de saída da rede pode ter relação direta com a melhoria na classificação dos padrões. Os diferentes tipos de vetores-alvo tais como VBNs, VBCs e VNOs são utilizados para o treinamento de MLPs e os seus desempenhos são comparados com a rede treinada adotando-se os VBOs. As evidências matemáticas da melhoria de desempenho foram encontradas no refinamento da atualização dos pesos, etapa denominada no algoritmo como retro propagação do erro. Esse refinamento característico do treinamento com VBOs age no sentido de preservar as características de cada padrão, reduzindo o ruído de interferência do treinamento de um padrão para outro. Seguindo-se ao estudo matemático, realiza-se uma análise experimental mais avançada da utilização dos VBOs por meio de duas bases de dados para reconhecimento de padrões. A primeira base de dados é a de dígitos manuscritos para comparar os desempenhos de MLPs treinadas com VBCs e VNOs com aquelas treinadas com VBOs. Os resultados mostraram taxas de classificação superiores para a MLP treinada com VBOs. A segunda base de dados é formada por imagens de íris humana com o propósito de realizar a comparação dos desempenhos de MLPs treinadas com vetores-alvo convencionais e novos vetores-alvo representados pelos VBOs. Além da alta performance nas taxas de reconhecimento das MLPs treinadas com VBOs, observou-se que com o uso desses novos vetores-alvo, é possível obter elevadas taxas de reconhecimento com pouco rigor nas épocas de treinamento, reduzindo-se consequentemente a carga computacional de processamento dos padrões. / Mestre em Ciências

Estudio, desarrollo e implementación de sensores y actuadores realizados con tintes poliméricos sobre substratos flexibles mediante diferentes técnicas de deposición.

Lidón Roger, José Vicente 10 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] En este trabajo se estudiarán y fabricarán electrodos y sensores depositados mediante diferentes técnicas de impresión sobre sustratos flexibles. En la primera parte se desarrollarán y se comprobará el funcionamiento de electrodos concéntricos tanto bipolares como tripolares para la captación de las señales de la actividad eléctrica del corazón humano. Se probarán tres tipos de deposición de tintas como son el huecograbado, la serigrafía y la inyección de tinta. Las tintas empleadas serán conductoras a base de plata (Ag) y grafito (C) como semiconductoras a base de polímeros orgánicos como el PEDOT-PSS. En otro capítulo se desarrollará y comprobará el funcionamiento de un "touch pad" realizado sobre sustratos textiles, también se desarrollará y comprobará el funcionamiento de un sensor gestual 3D implementado sobre sustrato textiles. Se analizarán la influencia los diferentes elementos constructivos sobre los sensores hápticos capacitivos implementados sobre sustratos textiles. Se analizarán distintas telas con diferentes tratamientos, midiendo las características eléctricas y su iteración con tintas conductoras (Ag) y tintas con polímeros orgánicos semiconductores y aislantes (dieléctricos). Finalmente se utilizará una tinta polimérica semiconductora a base de PEDOT-PSS para la realización de sensores resistivos de humedad y temperatura. Dicha tinta se probará en distintos sustratos, tanto flexibles (textiles y film plástico) como rígidos (alúmina). / [CA] En aquest treball s'estudiaran i fabricaran elèctrodes i sensors dipositats mitjançant tècniques d'impressió diferents sobre substrats flexibles. A la primera part es desenvoluparan i es comprovarà el funcionament d'elèctrodes concèntrics tant bipolars com tripolars per a la captació dels senyals de l'activitat elèctrica del cor humà. Es provaran tres tipus de deposició de tintes com són el gravat al buit, la serigrafia i la injecció de tinta. Les tintes emprades seran conductores a base de plata (Ag) i grafit (C) com a semiconductores a base de polímers orgànics com el PEDOT-PSS. A un altre capítol es desenvoluparà i comprovarà el funcionament d'un "touch pad" realitzat sobre substrats tèxtils, també es desenvoluparà i comprovarà el funcionament d'un sensor gestual 3D implementat sobre substrats tèxtils. S'analitzaran la influència dels diferents elements constructius sobre els sensors hàptics capacitius implementats sobre substrats tèxtils. S'analitzaran diferents teles amb diferents tractaments, mesurant les característiques elèctriques i la seva iteració amb tintes conductores (Ag) i tintes amb polímers orgànics semiconductors i aïllants (dielèctrics). Finalment, s'utilitzarà una tinta polimèrica semiconductor a base de PEDOT-PSS per a la realització de sensors resistius d'humitat i temperatura. Aquesta tinta es provarà en diferents substrats, tant flexibles (tèxtils i film plàstic) com a rígids (alúmina). / [EN] In this work, electrodes and sensors deposited by different printing techniques on flexible substrates will be studied and manufactured. In the first part, the operation of both bipolar and tripolar concentric electrodes for capturing the signals of the electrical activity of the human heart will be developed and tested. Three types of ink deposition will be tested, such as gravure, screen printing and inkjet. The inks used will be conductive based on silver (Ag) and graphite (C) as semiconductor based on organic polymers such as PEDOT-PSS. In another chapter, the operation of a touch pad made on textile substrates will be developed and verified, and the operation of a 3D gesture sensor implemented on textile substrates will also be developed and verified. The influence of the different constructive elements on the capacitive haptic sensors implemented on textile substrates will be analyzed. Different fabrics with different treatments will be analyzed, measuring the electrical characteristics and their iteration with conductive inks (Ag) and inks with semiconductor and insulating organic polymers (dielectric). Finally, a semiconductor polymeric ink based on PEDOT-PSS will be used for the realization of resistive humidity and temperature sensors. This ink will be tested on different substrates, both flexible (textiles and plastic film) and rigid (alumina). / Lidón Roger, JV. (2022). Estudio, desarrollo e implementación de sensores y actuadores realizados con tintes poliméricos sobre substratos flexibles mediante diferentes técnicas de deposición [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/187446 / TESIS

Resistive switching in BiFeO3-based thin films and reconfigurable logic applications

You, Tiangui 28 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The downscaling of transistors is assumed to come to an end within the next years, and the semiconductor nonvolatile memories are facing the same physical downscaling challenge. Therefore, it is necessary to consider new computing paradigms and new memory concepts. Resistive switching devices (also referred to as memristive switches) are two-terminal passive device, which offer a nonvolatile switching behavior by applying short bias pulses. They have been considered as one of the most promising candidates for next generation memory and nonvolatile logic applications. They provide the possibility to carry out the information processing and storage simultaneously using the same resistive switching device. This dissertation focuses on the fabrication and characterization of BiFeO3 (BFO)-based metal-insulator-metal (MIM) devices in order to exploit the potential applications in nonvolatile memory and nonvolatile reconfigurable logics. Electroforming-free bipolar resistive switching was observed in MIM structures with BFO single layer thin film. The resistive switching mechanism is understood by a model of a tunable bottom Schottky barrier. The oxygen vacancies act as the mobile donors which can be redistributed under the writing bias to change the bottom Schottky barrier height and consequently change the resistance of the MIM structures. The Ti atoms diffusing from the bottom electrode act as the fixed donors which can effectively trap and release oxygen vacancies and consequently stabilize the resistive switching characteristics. The resistive switching behavior can be engineered by Ti implantation of the bottom electrodes. MIM structures with BiFeO3/Ti:BiFeO3 (BFO/BFTO) bilayer thin films show nonvolatile resistive switching behavior in both positive and negative bias range without electroforming process. The resistance state of BFO/BFTO bilayer structures depends not only on the writing bias, but also on the polarity of reading bias. For reconfigurable logic applications, the polarity of the reading bias can be used as an additional logic variable, which makes it feasible to program and store all 16 Boolean logic functions simultaneously into the same single cell of BFO/BFTO bilayer MIM structure in three logic cycles. / Die Herunterskalierung von Transistoren für die Informationsverarbeitung in der Halbleiterindustrie wird in den nächsten Jahren zu einem Ende kommen. Auch die Herunterskalierung von nichtflüchtigen Speichern für die Informationsspeicherung sieht ähnlichen Herausforderungen entgegen. Es ist daher notwendig, neue IT-Paradigmen und neue Speicherkonzepte zu entwickeln. Das Widerstandsschaltbauelement ist ein elektrisches passives Bauelement, in dem ein der Widerstand mittels elektrischer Spannungspulse geändert wird. Solche Widerstandsschaltbauelemente zählen zu den aussichtsreichsten Kandidaten für die nächste Generation von nichtflüchtigen Speichern sowie für eine rekonfigurierbare Logik. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit zur gleichzeitigen Informationsverarbeitung und -speicherung. Der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt bei der Herstellung und der Charakterisierung von BiFeO 3 (BFO)-basierenden Metal-insulator-Metall (MIM) Strukturen, um zukünftig deren Anwendung in nichtflüchtigen Speichern und in rekonfigurierbaren Logikschaltungen zu ermöglichen. Das Widerstandsschalten wurde in MIM-Strukturen mit einer BFO-Einzelschicht untersucht. Ein besonderes Merkmal von BFO-basierten MIM-Strukturen ist es, dass keine elektrische Formierung notwendig ist. Der Widerstandsschaltmechnismus wird durch das Modell einer variierten Schottky-Barriere erklärt. Dabei dienen Sauerstoff-Vakanzen im BFO als beweglichen Donatoren, die unter der Wirkung eines elektrischen Schreibspannungspulses nichtflüchtig umverteilt werden und die Schottky-Barriere des Bottom-Metallkontaktes ändern. Dabei spielen die während der Herstellung von BFO substitutionell eingebaute Ti-Donatoren in der Nähe des Bottom-Metallkontaktes eine wesentliche Rolle. Die Ti-Donatoren fangen Sauerstoff-Vakanzen beim Anlegen eines positiven elektrischen Schreibspannungspulses ein oder lassen diese beim Anlegen eines negativen elektrischen Schreibspannungspules wieder frei. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Ti-Donatoren auch durch Ti-Implantation der Bottom-Elektrode in das System eingebracht werden können. MIM-Strukturen mit BiFeO 3 /Ti:BiFeO 3 (BFO/BFTO) Zweischichten weisen substitutionell eingebaute Ti-Donatoren sowohl nahe der Bottom-Elektrode als auch nahe der Top-Elektrode auf. Sie zeigen nichtflüchtiges, komplementäres Widerstandsschalten mit einer komplementär variierbaren Schottky-Barriere an der Bottom-Elektrode und an der Top-Elektrode ohne elektrische Formierung. Der Widerstand der BFO/BFTO-MIM-Strukturen hängt nicht nur von der Schreibspannung, sondern auch von der Polarität der Lesespannung ab. Für die rekonfigurierbaren logischen Anwendungen kann die Polarität der Lesespannung als zusätzliche Logikvariable verwendet werden. Damit gelingt die Programmierung und Speicherung aller 16 Booleschen Logik-Funktionen mit drei logischen Zyklen in dieselbe BFTO/BFO MIM-Struktur.

Estudios electrorretinográficos en modelos de neurodegeneración en el sistema visual del roedor adulto

Alarcón Martínez, Luis 23 October 2009 (has links)
Las enfermedades neurodegenerativas cursan con la degeneración y muerte de las neuronas las cuales son incapaces de suplir su propia muerte. Debido a esta característica enfermedades como el Alzheimer, el Parkinson o el Glaucoma no tienen cura en la actualidad. La retina es una proyección del sistema nervioso central (SNC) encapsulada en el globo ocular y aislada del resto del SNC, lo que la hace fácilmente accesible a la manipulación experimental. En este trabajo estudiamos las alteraciones funcionales de la retina con el electrorretinograma de campo completo (ERG), técnica basada en el registro de la respuesta eléctrica retiniana tras la presentación de un estímulo de luz homogéneo. Así hemos estudiado los efectos de la sección del nervio, del aumento de presión intraocular y de la fototoxicidad, dichas lesiones afectan selectivamente a determinadas poblaciones neuronales retinianas e imitan enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Glaucoma o la Degeneración Macular Asociada a la Edad. / Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by degeneration and death of neurons which are unable to recover after a given insult, thus impairing functional recuperation. Because of this, there is no cure for diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson or Glaucoma. The retina is a projection of the central nervous system (CNS) located in the eye and therefore, isolated from the rest of the CNS. This makes the retina a very good model for experimental manipulation. In this work we have studied the functional changes in the retina by full field electroretinograme (ERG). This technique records the electric response of the retina after presentation of homogeneous light stimuli. We have studied the effects that optic nerve sections, increase of the intraocular pressure and phototoxicity have on ERG recordings. These lesions impair selectively certain retinal neuronal populations and imitate neurodegenerative diseases as Glaucoma or Age-related Macular Degeneration.

Modelo de IGBT para um conversor CC-CC de 1000A usado em controle de motores de tração de locomotivas diesel-elétricas / Modeling of a high power IGBT for a 1000A DC-DC converter used to drive diesel-electric locomotive traction motors

Souza Junior, Rodolfo Renato de 03 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo analógico dinâmico do IGBT 2MBI1200U4G-170 para simulação SPICE para a análise de tempos de comutação, perdas e corrente de carga. Este desenvolvimento foi motivado pelo fato de não se dispor de modelos prontos para IGBT para faixas de tensão e corrente na ordem de kV e kA, destinado ao projeto de um conversor CC para controle de motores de tração em locomotivas diesel-elétricas. Como parte do processo se fez uma tentativa de modificação do modelo padrão de IGBT da plataforma Cadence Orcad 16.5, baseada nos trabalho de Hefner, considerada uma forma de modelo físico. Verificou-se que o correto levantamento dos dados para o modelo físico não seria compensatório frente às análises desejadas, o que gerou necessidade por outras formas de modelagem. Decidiu-se por um modelo analógico, obtido com dados do catálogo do componente descritos em tabelas e como fontes de tensão e corrente. Os resultados mostraram-se adequados para projeto térmico, análise de formas de onda e corrente de porta e coletor. A simulação é comparada com curvas da documentação do fabricante e com dados obtidos a partir de testes estáticos em laboratório com duas topologias. Testes foram feitos com tensão de entrada de 74V, 300V, 900V e 1000V, frequências de comutação de 200Hz, 416Hz, 1kHz e 2kHz e correntes de carga de até 1400A. A corrente de carga apresentou diferenças de até 3% com a medida em laboratório e a temperatura divergiu em até 7% com a medida no dissipador do protótipo usado. / This paper presents the design report for an analog IGBT SPICE model, part number 2MBI1200U4G-170. The modeling was perceived as a interesting tool in order to analyze the switching times and losses during the development, not performed at the University, of a chopper DC-DC converter used for current control of traction motors of diesel-electric locomotives. The main motivational factor was that an practical and quick approach was wanted and none standard model was found for the intended IGBT part number. As part of the process, an attempt to modify the standard SPICE model of the Cadence Orcad 16.5, which is a physics model based on Hefner works, was made. It was verified that the correct data collecting for the standard model would not be compensatory, so other modeling techniques were needed. It was decided an analog modeling would be used. The modeling achieved uses no more than the information found on the component datasheet described in tables format, voltage and current sources. The validation was done in two different topologies with load currents up to 1400A, switching frequencies of 200Hz, 416Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz and input voltages of 74V, 300V, 900V and 1000V . Comparatives were done with the vendor catalog and laboratory data. The model is satisfactory for heat, collector and gate currents analysis. The simulation current and temperature results showed differences up to 3% and 7%, respectively, when compared to laboratories measurements.

Modelo de IGBT para um conversor CC-CC de 1000A usado em controle de motores de tração de locomotivas diesel-elétricas / Modeling of a high power IGBT for a 1000A DC-DC converter used to drive diesel-electric locomotive traction motors

Souza Junior, Rodolfo Renato de 03 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo analógico dinâmico do IGBT 2MBI1200U4G-170 para simulação SPICE para a análise de tempos de comutação, perdas e corrente de carga. Este desenvolvimento foi motivado pelo fato de não se dispor de modelos prontos para IGBT para faixas de tensão e corrente na ordem de kV e kA, destinado ao projeto de um conversor CC para controle de motores de tração em locomotivas diesel-elétricas. Como parte do processo se fez uma tentativa de modificação do modelo padrão de IGBT da plataforma Cadence Orcad 16.5, baseada nos trabalho de Hefner, considerada uma forma de modelo físico. Verificou-se que o correto levantamento dos dados para o modelo físico não seria compensatório frente às análises desejadas, o que gerou necessidade por outras formas de modelagem. Decidiu-se por um modelo analógico, obtido com dados do catálogo do componente descritos em tabelas e como fontes de tensão e corrente. Os resultados mostraram-se adequados para projeto térmico, análise de formas de onda e corrente de porta e coletor. A simulação é comparada com curvas da documentação do fabricante e com dados obtidos a partir de testes estáticos em laboratório com duas topologias. Testes foram feitos com tensão de entrada de 74V, 300V, 900V e 1000V, frequências de comutação de 200Hz, 416Hz, 1kHz e 2kHz e correntes de carga de até 1400A. A corrente de carga apresentou diferenças de até 3% com a medida em laboratório e a temperatura divergiu em até 7% com a medida no dissipador do protótipo usado. / This paper presents the design report for an analog IGBT SPICE model, part number 2MBI1200U4G-170. The modeling was perceived as a interesting tool in order to analyze the switching times and losses during the development, not performed at the University, of a chopper DC-DC converter used for current control of traction motors of diesel-electric locomotives. The main motivational factor was that an practical and quick approach was wanted and none standard model was found for the intended IGBT part number. As part of the process, an attempt to modify the standard SPICE model of the Cadence Orcad 16.5, which is a physics model based on Hefner works, was made. It was verified that the correct data collecting for the standard model would not be compensatory, so other modeling techniques were needed. It was decided an analog modeling would be used. The modeling achieved uses no more than the information found on the component datasheet described in tables format, voltage and current sources. The validation was done in two different topologies with load currents up to 1400A, switching frequencies of 200Hz, 416Hz, 1kHz and 2kHz and input voltages of 74V, 300V, 900V and 1000V . Comparatives were done with the vendor catalog and laboratory data. The model is satisfactory for heat, collector and gate currents analysis. The simulation current and temperature results showed differences up to 3% and 7%, respectively, when compared to laboratories measurements.

Resistive switching in BiFeO3-based thin films and reconfigurable logic applications

You, Tiangui 25 October 2016 (has links)
The downscaling of transistors is assumed to come to an end within the next years, and the semiconductor nonvolatile memories are facing the same physical downscaling challenge. Therefore, it is necessary to consider new computing paradigms and new memory concepts. Resistive switching devices (also referred to as memristive switches) are two-terminal passive device, which offer a nonvolatile switching behavior by applying short bias pulses. They have been considered as one of the most promising candidates for next generation memory and nonvolatile logic applications. They provide the possibility to carry out the information processing and storage simultaneously using the same resistive switching device. This dissertation focuses on the fabrication and characterization of BiFeO3 (BFO)-based metal-insulator-metal (MIM) devices in order to exploit the potential applications in nonvolatile memory and nonvolatile reconfigurable logics. Electroforming-free bipolar resistive switching was observed in MIM structures with BFO single layer thin film. The resistive switching mechanism is understood by a model of a tunable bottom Schottky barrier. The oxygen vacancies act as the mobile donors which can be redistributed under the writing bias to change the bottom Schottky barrier height and consequently change the resistance of the MIM structures. The Ti atoms diffusing from the bottom electrode act as the fixed donors which can effectively trap and release oxygen vacancies and consequently stabilize the resistive switching characteristics. The resistive switching behavior can be engineered by Ti implantation of the bottom electrodes. MIM structures with BiFeO3/Ti:BiFeO3 (BFO/BFTO) bilayer thin films show nonvolatile resistive switching behavior in both positive and negative bias range without electroforming process. The resistance state of BFO/BFTO bilayer structures depends not only on the writing bias, but also on the polarity of reading bias. For reconfigurable logic applications, the polarity of the reading bias can be used as an additional logic variable, which makes it feasible to program and store all 16 Boolean logic functions simultaneously into the same single cell of BFO/BFTO bilayer MIM structure in three logic cycles. / Die Herunterskalierung von Transistoren für die Informationsverarbeitung in der Halbleiterindustrie wird in den nächsten Jahren zu einem Ende kommen. Auch die Herunterskalierung von nichtflüchtigen Speichern für die Informationsspeicherung sieht ähnlichen Herausforderungen entgegen. Es ist daher notwendig, neue IT-Paradigmen und neue Speicherkonzepte zu entwickeln. Das Widerstandsschaltbauelement ist ein elektrisches passives Bauelement, in dem ein der Widerstand mittels elektrischer Spannungspulse geändert wird. Solche Widerstandsschaltbauelemente zählen zu den aussichtsreichsten Kandidaten für die nächste Generation von nichtflüchtigen Speichern sowie für eine rekonfigurierbare Logik. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit zur gleichzeitigen Informationsverarbeitung und -speicherung. Der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt bei der Herstellung und der Charakterisierung von BiFeO 3 (BFO)-basierenden Metal-insulator-Metall (MIM) Strukturen, um zukünftig deren Anwendung in nichtflüchtigen Speichern und in rekonfigurierbaren Logikschaltungen zu ermöglichen. Das Widerstandsschalten wurde in MIM-Strukturen mit einer BFO-Einzelschicht untersucht. Ein besonderes Merkmal von BFO-basierten MIM-Strukturen ist es, dass keine elektrische Formierung notwendig ist. Der Widerstandsschaltmechnismus wird durch das Modell einer variierten Schottky-Barriere erklärt. Dabei dienen Sauerstoff-Vakanzen im BFO als beweglichen Donatoren, die unter der Wirkung eines elektrischen Schreibspannungspulses nichtflüchtig umverteilt werden und die Schottky-Barriere des Bottom-Metallkontaktes ändern. Dabei spielen die während der Herstellung von BFO substitutionell eingebaute Ti-Donatoren in der Nähe des Bottom-Metallkontaktes eine wesentliche Rolle. Die Ti-Donatoren fangen Sauerstoff-Vakanzen beim Anlegen eines positiven elektrischen Schreibspannungspulses ein oder lassen diese beim Anlegen eines negativen elektrischen Schreibspannungspules wieder frei. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Ti-Donatoren auch durch Ti-Implantation der Bottom-Elektrode in das System eingebracht werden können. MIM-Strukturen mit BiFeO 3 /Ti:BiFeO 3 (BFO/BFTO) Zweischichten weisen substitutionell eingebaute Ti-Donatoren sowohl nahe der Bottom-Elektrode als auch nahe der Top-Elektrode auf. Sie zeigen nichtflüchtiges, komplementäres Widerstandsschalten mit einer komplementär variierbaren Schottky-Barriere an der Bottom-Elektrode und an der Top-Elektrode ohne elektrische Formierung. Der Widerstand der BFO/BFTO-MIM-Strukturen hängt nicht nur von der Schreibspannung, sondern auch von der Polarität der Lesespannung ab. Für die rekonfigurierbaren logischen Anwendungen kann die Polarität der Lesespannung als zusätzliche Logikvariable verwendet werden. Damit gelingt die Programmierung und Speicherung aller 16 Booleschen Logik-Funktionen mit drei logischen Zyklen in dieselbe BFTO/BFO MIM-Struktur.

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