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Climate change effects on migratory birds and on the ecology and behaviour of the willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)Hedlund, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Recent global climate change is influencing the behaviour and ecology of species worldwide. Birds are typical systems to study in this context, as they are often migratory and thus subjected to a variety of environmental effects. This thesis employs the use of long-term ringing records, field observations, historical maps and historical volunteer observations with the aim of describing behavioural and ecological responses of birds to the current environmental change. An investigation into the spring arrival, reproduction and autumn departure in willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus) breeding at a southern study site in Sweden (65°N 18°E) showed that all three phenological events had advanced in parallel. Thus birds arrive earlier, start breeding earlier and leave Sweden earlier, with the breeding period staying the same in length. By teasing apart the migratory responses of different individuals, it became clear that particularly early arriving males and early departing juveniles had advanced migration. However, willow warblers migrating past a northern study site in Sweden (65°N 23°E) displayed no change in autumn departure. When migration in the two regionally separate populations were analyzed in relation to climatic variables, the results indicated that foremost a combined effect of growing season onset and the North Atlantic Oscillation influenced migratory timing, and only in individuals that had advanced migration. As growing season onset had advanced at both regions, but only elicited migratory change in southern willow warblers, it is proposed that intra-specific difference between populations prepare them differently to climate change. Willow warblers breeding at northern latitudes were also displaying absence of an otherwise common behaviour of the species: philopatry. It is suggested that the climate induced change in onset of the growing season, coupled with an increase in available territories, could have enabled a southern influx of dispersal-prone birds adopting a less philopatric breeding behaviour. Availability of territories was also studied in southern Sweden, in relation to 100 years of land use change and future climate change effects on forestry. The mass-conversion of grazed forest into coniferous sylvicultures that has occurred in Sweden 1900-2013 was shown to have negatively affected territory availability for willow warblers. The second most common bird species in Sweden, the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), was however shown to be largely unaffected. In a future scenario where rising temperatures will increase growth rates of trees, harvest rotation will be faster and both sylvicultures and logged areas will increase in coverage, favouring both species. Thus commonness in terms of landscape and species occurrence has altered historically and is dynamically linked. Historic perspectives were also applied to observations of spring arrival of 14 migratory bird species. A relative comparison of two data sets, collected over 140 years, revealed that short-distance migrants have changed their spring arrival more than long-distance migrants in southern Sweden. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide insights into climate change effects on avian behaviour and ecology, document unique observations and contribute with a great spectrum of knowledge, from exact details on responses by individual birds, through long-term changes in populations to historical perspectives on shifts in entire landscapes / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Status, trends and values of wintering and migrating birds in Gialova lagoon, Messenia, GreeceNorrby, Viggo January 2017 (has links)
Areas of wetland have for the last century declined globally, mostly as a cause of anthropogenic activitities. Since many bird species are depending on wetlands, this have affected their populations negatively, and today many of the remaining wetlands are protected. This study has investigated the status and trends of Gialova lagoon in Greece, both as a stopover for spring migrating birds and as a wetland for wintering waterbirds. This has been done by doing an own field inventory for two weeks in March, and by compiling and analysing data from winter censuses from the last thirty years. Results showed that Gialova supported many migrating birds during the inventory, and several of these are threatened in Europe. The eastern parts of the lagoon are the most important and sensitive areas, due to the suitable habitat for foraging and protection. The analysis of winter data showed that only one species was increasing, while the rest and the total amount of waterbirds were stable or decreased. The number of birds during winter did not reach thresholds for qualifying as a Ramsar-site of international importance. However, the wetland’s geographical location and context makes it a important area to protect for migrating birds, and it also has values for the local community in terms of different ecosystem services.
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The Influence of Topography, Wind, and Time of Night on Migratory Songbird Orientation along the Southwest Coast of Lake ErieGesicki, David V. 20 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Nesting and migration in the introduced Canada goose in SwedenSjöberg, Göran January 1993 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to document patterns in breeding and migration in Swedish Canada geese Branta canadensis, to explain these against the genetic and historical background of the population, and to test predictions of hypotheses pertaining to parental investment. The Canada goose population in Sweden was founded by the introduction of a few individuals in the 1930's. DNA fingerprint similarity between geese breeding in Sweden was on average at the same level as between inbred close relatives in other wild bird species. The genetic variability of the population appeared to be considerably reduced in comparison to that of Canada geese breeding in North America. Dispersal and migration patterns were studied using plastic neck-bands that could be identified at long distance. Most Canada goose females nested at the lake where they grew up. Males were more prone to disperse than females, although most of them still returned to breed close to their area of origin. Geese from three breeding areas in Sweden had different winter distributions, although wintering areas overlapped considerably. Individual geese tended to return to the same wintering area as they had used in previous years. The females' investment in the egg clutch was related to the migration distance from spring foraging areas to the nesting area, suggesting an energetic cost of migration for egg production. Within breeding seasons, clutch size decreased with later initiation of nesting, but only in years with early breeding. A probable reason for this decrease was that body reserves available for egg production were larger in early layers. In years with late breeding, clutch size did not decrease, most likely because late-nesting females could supplement their body reserves by foraging on fresh vegetation. Nest defence intensity was studied by recording the behaviour of the female geese when a human approached the nest. The results largely confirmed predictions for nest defence intensity extracted from parental investment theory. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1993, härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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As aves limícolas migratórias nas praias de Aracaju : avaliação da influência antrópica e contribuição para ações de desenvolvimento costeiroAlmeida, Bruno Jackson Melo de 11 March 2010 (has links)
The incessant growth of human populations, and the increase in recreational activities on seashores have altered the natural conditions of most coastal ecosystems, with a series of consequences for the distribution, abundance, and behavior of a range of organisms. While Atalaia beach in the city of Aracaju is highly urbanized, it is an important point in the
migratory cycle of some species of migratory Nearctic shorebirds. The principal objective of the present study was to characterize the avian fauna of Atalaia beach, and to evaluate the influence of anthropogenic impacts on the spatial distribution and habitat use of migratory shorebirds. For this, a total of 81 surveys of a 5 km stretch of the beach were conducted on a monthly basis between October, 2008, and November, 2009. Data were also collected on the homogeneous availability organic matter of benthic macrofauna and the presence of beachgoers along the same stretch of shore. A total of 70 bird species were identified, of which the most abundant were the migratory shorebirds, with over 2500
individuals being recorded between October and March. The most common species were Arenaria interpres, Calidris alba, Calidris pusilla, and Charadrius semipalmatus, which together accounted for 79,09% of all birds recorded. These species were not distributed
homogeneously across the survey area (H = 31.98; g.l. = 9; p = 0.002), nor did their abundance correlate with the availability of invertebrates (rs = 0.14; p = 0.71; n = 10). Unexpectedly, the sectors of the area with the highest concentrations of beachgoers also harbored the greatest abundance of birds (rs = 0.61; p = 0.059; n = 10). This appears to have been at least partly explained by the availability of leftover food within these areas,
which represent an alternative dietary resource for the migratory shorebirds, and interferes in their behavior patterns. There is a clear need to better understand this phenomenon, and its potential consequences for the birds. / O contínuo crescimento das populações humanas, e o aumento das atividades recreativas ao longo do litoral alteram as condições naturais dos diversos ecossistemas costeiros, e consequentemente afetam a ocorrência, distribuição e comportamento de diversos
organismos. Embora inserida no contexto urbano da cidade de Aracaju, a praia da Atalaia, apresenta-se como uma importante área no ciclo migratório de aves limícolas neárticas. O presente trabalho tem por principal objetivo trazer informações sobre a avifauna da praia
da Atalaia, fazendo uma breve avaliação da influência antrópica sobre a distribuição espacial e uso de habitat das aves limícolas migratórias. Para isso, foram realizadas um total de 81 amostragens ao longo de 5 km de extensão de praia no período entre os meses
de outubro de 2008 a novembro de 2009. Foram coletados dados sobre a homogeneidade espacial da macrofauna bêntica a partir da mensuração da matéria orgânica, bem como o número de pessoas foi contabilizado ao longo dessa faixa de praia. Foi identificado um total 70 espécies de aves, dentre estas as aves limícolas migratórias foram as mais abundantes, com registros de mais 2500 indivíduos entre os meses de outubro e março. As espécies mais comuns foram Arenaria interpres, Calidris alba, Calidris pusilla, e
Charadrius semipalmatus que em conjunto totalizaram 79,09% do número total de indivíduos registrados. Essas espécies não apresentaram distribuição homogênea ao longo da faixa de praia amostrada (H = 31,98; g.l. = 9; p = 0,002), tampouco a abundância
apresentou correlação os potenciais setores de disponibilidades de invertebrados (rs = 0,14; p = 0,71; n = 10). Inesperadamente, os setores de praia com maiores concentrações de pessoas também registraram as maiores abundâncias de aves (rs = 0,61; p = 0,059; n = 10). Tal fato parece estar associado com a oferta de restos de comidas e de lixo existentes nessas áreas, o que pode constituir um recurso alimentar alternativo para as aves migratórias, e consequentemente, influenciando os padrões de ocorrência e comportamentais dessas espécies. Faz-se necessário ampliar os estudos e pesquisas para um melhor entendimento dessa situação, e principalmente avaliar quais as potenciais consequências dessas substâncias para as aves e o ciclo migratório.
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Sparvugglans (Glaucidium passerinum) invasioner vid Hammarö Fågelstation, Värmland / Invasions of the Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum) at the Hammarö Bird Station, Värmland, SwedenOdénius Hedman, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Sparvugglan (Glaucidium passerinum) är en invasionsfågel som uppvisar årliga fluktuationer i sina invasioner vid Hammarö Fågelstation. Invasioner av denna art utlöses vanligtvis av brist på föda tidigt under hösten, vilket kan orsaka att hundratals fåglar migrerar på ett oförutsägbart sätt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka ekologiska faktorer som ligger bakom detta beteende, och om invasioner vid Hammarö Fågelstation sker samtidigt som invasioner i övriga Sverige. Hypoteserna var att 1) sparvugglefångst uppvisar ingen årlig trend vid Hammarö Fågelstation, 2) sparvugglans populationstrender sammanfaller inte med andra ugglors trender, 3) det finns en korrelation mellan sparvugglans populationstrender vid Hammarö Fågelstation och övriga Sverige, och 4) det finns ett samband mellan sparvugglors populationstrender vid Hammarö Fågelstation och årliga fluktueringar i sorkpopulationer samt andra ekologiska faktorer såsom årlig temperatur och snötäcke. Data samlades in från Hammarö Fågelstations årsrapporter över fångst och ringmärkning av migratoriska fågelarter, och data som uppskattar populationstrender över hela Sverige inhämtades från Svensk Fågeltaxering. Korrelationstester utfördes på dessa parametrar mot sorkpopulationer och andra ekologiska faktorer. Studien fann en positiv korrelation mellan sparvugglefångst på Hammarö och populationstrender från hela Sverige under vintermånaderna. Det fanns även en positiv korrelation mellan årliga fluktuationer i sorkpopulationer vid Vindeln och fångst av sparvuggla i Hammarö. Inga korrelationer hittades när sparvugglefångst mättes mot miljömässiga faktorer. Dessa resultat stämmer överens med tidigare litteratur över området, och öppnar för möjligheter till ny forskning gällande miljö- och beteendemässiga aspekter av invasionsmigratoriska mönster, som ännu är en dåligt förstådd aspekt av fågelbeteende. / The Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum) is an irruptive migrant that shows yearly fluctuations in its invasions at Hammarö Bird Station, Värmland, Sweden. Invasions in this species are usually triggered by a shortage in food supply during early autumn, which can cause hundreds of birds to migrate in an unpredictable manner. The purpose of this study was to explore what ecological factors cause this behaviour, and if invasions at Hammarö Bird Station occur during the same years as invasions in the rest of Sweden. The hypotheses were that: 1) Eurasian pygmy owl captures at Hammarö Bird Station show no inter-annual trend, 2) Eurasian pygmy owl invasions are not correlated with captures of other owl species, 3) there is a correlation between population trends of the Eurasian pygmy owl at Hammarö Bird Station and trends in the rest of Sweden, and 4) there is a correlation between Eurasian pygmy owl captures and annual fluctuations in vole population as well as other environmental factors such as yearly temperature and snow cover. Data was collected from Hammarö Bird Stations annual review of capture and ringing of migratory bird species, and data approximating population trends nationwide were collected from “Svensk Fågeltaxering”. Correlation tests were conducted on these parameters against vole populations and other ecological factors. The study found a positive correlation between owl captures at Hammarö and population trends from all of Sweden during the winter. A positive correlation was also found between annual vole population fluctuations in Vindeln, Västerbotten and owl captures at Hammarö. No correlations were found when measuring owl captures against environmental factors. These results coincide with previous literature on the subject, and open up possibilities for future research regarding the environmental and behavioral aspects of irruptive migration patterns, which is still a poorly-understood aspect of bird behaviour.
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