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Strong Stability Preserving Hermite-Birkhoff Time Discretization MethodsNguyen, Thu Huong 06 November 2012 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to construct explicit, s-stage, strong-stability-preserving (SSP) Hermite–Birkhoff (HB) time discretization methods of order p with nonnegative coefficients for the integration of hyperbolic conservation laws. The Shu–Osher form and the canonical Shu–Osher form by means of the vector formulation for SSP Runge–Kutta (RK) methods are extended to SSP HB methods. The SSP coefficients of k-step, s-stage methods of order p, HB(k,s,p), as combinations of k-step methods of order (p − 3) with s-stage explicit RK methods of order 4, and k-step methods of order (p-4) with s-stage explicit RK methods of order 5, respectively, for s = 4, 5,..., 10 and p = 4, 5,..., 12, are constructed and compared
with other methods. The good efficiency gains of the new, optimal, SSP HB methods over other SSP
methods, such as Huang’s hybrid methods and RK methods, are numerically shown by means of their effective SSP coefficients and largest effective CFL numbers. The formulae of these new, optimal methods are presented in their Shu–Osher form.
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Toros incompressíveis para ações Anosov de \'R POT. k\' sobre uma variedade de dimensão K+2 / Incompressible torus for Anosov actions of \'R POT. k\' on a manifold of dimension k+2Silva, Romenique da Rocha 01 September 2011 (has links)
Dentre todos os sistemas dinâmicos os sistemas Anosov têm atraído a atenção de muitos matemáticos. No caso de fluxo Anosov em uma variedade fechada M de dimensão três, Sérgio Fenley definiu o conceito de losangos no recobrimento universal de M e obteve resultados importantes envolvendo losangos e automorfismos do recobrimento universal. Seguindo o que foi feito por Fenley, e utilizando o conceito de losangos no espaço das órbitas do fluxo levantado (no recobrimento universal), Thierry Barbot obteve condições suficientes para que um toro incompressível numa 3-variedade fechada suportando um fluxo Anosov seja isotópico a um outro que é transverso ao fluxo. Neste trabalho consideramos ações Anosov de \'R POT. k\' sobre uma variedade fechada M de dimensão k + 2. Primeiramente, conseguimos resultados análogos aos de Fenley (sobre existência de losangos) para estas ações, e usando isso, finalmente obtemos condições suficientes para que um toro incompressível seja isotópico a um toro transverso à ação. Este último resultado é uma generalização de Barbot mencionado acima / Among all dynamical systems the Anosov systems has attracted the attention of many mathematicians. In the case of an Anosov flow in a closed manifold M of dimension three, Sérgio Fenley defined the concept of lozenges in the universal covering of M and obtained important results involving lozenges and covering automorphism. Following what was made by Fenley, and using the concept of lozenge on the orbit space of the lifted flow (in the universal covering). Thierry Barbot obtains sufficient conditions for an incompressible torus in a closed 3-manifold supporting an Anosov flow to be isotopic to another which is transverse to flow. If this work we considered Anosov of \'R POT. k\' on a closed manifold M of dimension k + 2. First, we obtain analogous results those of Fenley (about existence of lozenges) for this actions, and using this, finally we obtain sufficient conditions for an incompressible torus to be isotopic to another torus which is transverse to action. This last result is a generalization of Barbot\'s result mentioned above
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Combinatoire et dynamique du flot de TeichmüllerDelecroix, Vincent 16 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la dynamique du flot linéaire des surfaces de translation et de sa renormalisation par le flot de Teichmüller introduite par H. Masur et W. Veech en 1982. Une version combinatoire de cette renormalisation, l'induction de Rauzy sur les échanges d'intervalles, fût introduite auparavant par G. Rauzy en 1979. D'une part, nous faisons une étude combinatoire des classes de Rauzy qui forment une partition de l'ensemble des permutations irréductibles et interviennent dans l'algorithme d'induction de Rauzy. Nous donnons une formule pour la cardinalité de chaque classe. D'autre part, nous étudions un modèle de billard infini $\ZZ^2$-périodique dans le plan appelé le \og vent dans les arbres \fg introduit dans une version stochastique par P.~et T. Ehrenfest en 1912 et par J. Hardy et J. Weber en 1980 dans la version périodique. Nous construisons une famille de directions pour lesquelles le flot du billard est divergent donnant ainsi des exemples de $\ZZ^2$-cocycles divergents au-dessus d'échanges d'intervalles. De plus, nous démontrons que le taux polynomial de diffusion générique est $2/3$ autrement dit que la distance maximale atteinte par une particule au temps $t$ est de l'ordre de $t^{2/3}$.
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Strong Stability Preserving Hermite-Birkhoff Time Discretization MethodsNguyen, Thu Huong 06 November 2012 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to construct explicit, s-stage, strong-stability-preserving (SSP) Hermite–Birkhoff (HB) time discretization methods of order p with nonnegative coefficients for the integration of hyperbolic conservation laws. The Shu–Osher form and the canonical Shu–Osher form by means of the vector formulation for SSP Runge–Kutta (RK) methods are extended to SSP HB methods. The SSP coefficients of k-step, s-stage methods of order p, HB(k,s,p), as combinations of k-step methods of order (p − 3) with s-stage explicit RK methods of order 4, and k-step methods of order (p-4) with s-stage explicit RK methods of order 5, respectively, for s = 4, 5,..., 10 and p = 4, 5,..., 12, are constructed and compared
with other methods. The good efficiency gains of the new, optimal, SSP HB methods over other SSP
methods, such as Huang’s hybrid methods and RK methods, are numerically shown by means of their effective SSP coefficients and largest effective CFL numbers. The formulae of these new, optimal methods are presented in their Shu–Osher form.
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Factorization in unitary loop groups and reduced words in affine Weyl groups.Pittman-Polletta, Benjamin Rafael January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to elaborate, with specific examples and calculations, on a new refinement of triangular factorization for the loop group of a simple, compact Lie group K, first appearing in Pickrell & Pittman-Polletta 2010. This new factorization allows us to write a smooth map from the unit circle into K (having a triangular factorization) as a triply infinite product of loops, each of which depends on a single complex parameter. These parameters give a set of coordinates on the loop group of K.The order of the factors in this refinement is determined by an infinite sequence of simple generators in the affine Weyl group associated to K, having certain properties. The major results of this dissertation are examples of such sequences for all the classical Weyl groups.We also produce a variation of this refinement which allows us to write smooth maps from the unit circle into the special unitary group of n by n matrices as products of 2n+1 infinite products. By analogy with the semisimple analog of our factorization, we suggest that this variation of the refinement has simpler combinatorics than that appearing in Pickrell & Pittman-Polletta 2010.
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Braided Hopf algebras of triangular typeUfer, Stefan. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2004--München.
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Primitive Elemente gezopfter Hopfalgebren und Lie-Algebren in gezopften KategorienSchmidt-Samoa, Stephan. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2004--München.
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Teoria de singularidades e classificação de problemas de bifurcação Z2-equivariantes de Corank 2 /Pereira, Miriam da Silva. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Angela Maria Sitta / Banca: Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas / Banca: Claudio Aguinaldo Buzzi / Resumo: Neste trabalho classificamos problemas de bifurcação Z2-equivariantes de corank 2 até co- dimensão 3 via técnicas da Teoria de Singularidades. A abordagem para classificar tais problemas é baseada no processo de redução à forma normal de Birkhoff para estudar a interação de modos Hopf-Pontos de Equilíbrio. O comportamento geométrico das soluções dos desdobramentos das formas normais obtidas é descrito pelos diagramas de bifurcação e estudamos a estabilidade assintótica desses ramos. / Abstract: In this work we classify the Z2-equivariant corank 2 bifurcation problems up to codimension 3 via Singularity Theory techniques. The approach to classify such problems is based on the Birkhoff normal form to study Hopf-Steady- State mode interaction. The geometrical behavior of the solutions of the unfolding of the normal forms is described by the bifurcation diagrams and we study the asymptotic stability of such branches. / Mestre
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Toros incompressíveis para ações Anosov de \'R POT. k\' sobre uma variedade de dimensão K+2 / Incompressible torus for Anosov actions of \'R POT. k\' on a manifold of dimension k+2Romenique da Rocha Silva 01 September 2011 (has links)
Dentre todos os sistemas dinâmicos os sistemas Anosov têm atraído a atenção de muitos matemáticos. No caso de fluxo Anosov em uma variedade fechada M de dimensão três, Sérgio Fenley definiu o conceito de losangos no recobrimento universal de M e obteve resultados importantes envolvendo losangos e automorfismos do recobrimento universal. Seguindo o que foi feito por Fenley, e utilizando o conceito de losangos no espaço das órbitas do fluxo levantado (no recobrimento universal), Thierry Barbot obteve condições suficientes para que um toro incompressível numa 3-variedade fechada suportando um fluxo Anosov seja isotópico a um outro que é transverso ao fluxo. Neste trabalho consideramos ações Anosov de \'R POT. k\' sobre uma variedade fechada M de dimensão k + 2. Primeiramente, conseguimos resultados análogos aos de Fenley (sobre existência de losangos) para estas ações, e usando isso, finalmente obtemos condições suficientes para que um toro incompressível seja isotópico a um toro transverso à ação. Este último resultado é uma generalização de Barbot mencionado acima / Among all dynamical systems the Anosov systems has attracted the attention of many mathematicians. In the case of an Anosov flow in a closed manifold M of dimension three, Sérgio Fenley defined the concept of lozenges in the universal covering of M and obtained important results involving lozenges and covering automorphism. Following what was made by Fenley, and using the concept of lozenge on the orbit space of the lifted flow (in the universal covering). Thierry Barbot obtains sufficient conditions for an incompressible torus in a closed 3-manifold supporting an Anosov flow to be isotopic to another which is transverse to flow. If this work we considered Anosov of \'R POT. k\' on a closed manifold M of dimension k + 2. First, we obtain analogous results those of Fenley (about existence of lozenges) for this actions, and using this, finally we obtain sufficient conditions for an incompressible torus to be isotopic to another torus which is transverse to action. This last result is a generalization of Barbot\'s result mentioned above
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Strong Stability Preserving Hermite-Birkhoff Time Discretization MethodsNguyen, Thu Huong January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to construct explicit, s-stage, strong-stability-preserving (SSP) Hermite–Birkhoff (HB) time discretization methods of order p with nonnegative coefficients for the integration of hyperbolic conservation laws. The Shu–Osher form and the canonical Shu–Osher form by means of the vector formulation for SSP Runge–Kutta (RK) methods are extended to SSP HB methods. The SSP coefficients of k-step, s-stage methods of order p, HB(k,s,p), as combinations of k-step methods of order (p − 3) with s-stage explicit RK methods of order 4, and k-step methods of order (p-4) with s-stage explicit RK methods of order 5, respectively, for s = 4, 5,..., 10 and p = 4, 5,..., 12, are constructed and compared
with other methods. The good efficiency gains of the new, optimal, SSP HB methods over other SSP
methods, such as Huang’s hybrid methods and RK methods, are numerically shown by means of their effective SSP coefficients and largest effective CFL numbers. The formulae of these new, optimal methods are presented in their Shu–Osher form.
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