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Binocular interactions in human visionMidgley, Caroline Ann January 1998 (has links)
Early visual processing is subject to binocular interactions because cells in striate cortex show binocular responses and ocular dominance (Hubel & Weisel, 1968). The work presented in this thesis suggests that these physiological interactions can be revealed in psychophysical experiments using normal human observers. In the region corresponding to the blind spot, where binocular interactions differ from areas of the visual field which are represented by two eyes, monocular contrast sensitivity is increased. This finding can be partially explained by an absence of normal binocular interactions in this location (Chapter 2). A hemianopic patient was studied in an attempt to discover whether the effect in normal observers was mediated by either a mechanism in striate cortex or via a subcortical pathway. However, the results were unable to distinguish between these two explanations (Chapter 3).In a visual search task, no difference in reaction time was observed for targets presented to the region corresponding to the blind spot compared with targets presented to adjacent binocularly represented areas of the visual field. Since performance was unaffected by the monocularity of the region corresponding to the blind, pop-out for orientation may be mediated beyond striate cortex where cells are binocularly balanced (Chapter 5). Further support for this contention was provided by studies of orientation pop-out in central vision which found that dichoptic presentation of stimuli did not affect the degree of pop-out obtained and that in general, visual search for a target based solely on eye of origin is impossible (Chapter 6). However, a task that measured orientation difference sensitivity more directly than the search experiments, found that thresholds were higher for dichoptically presented stimuli. This suggests the involvement of neurons that receive a weighted input from each eye. A model of orientation difference coding can account for the results by assuming that the range of inhibition across which orientation differences are coded is narrower for dichoptic stimuli leading to a greater resolvable orientation difference (Chapter 7).
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“We may see something but if we fail to notice, we are essentially blind..” : A study of what methods companies use when analysing the surrounding worldAndersson, Lisa, Sörensen, Hanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The conditions on the market are rapidly changing and businesses in Sweden need to seize signals of change in time, in order to have a strong market position. The ability to make the right decisions and react in time is vital due to the increasing competition and a mistake can have devastating consequences for a company. The aim of this thesis is to investigate what tools and methods businesses use to analyse the surrounding world, which has lead to following research question:</p><p>How do businesses analyse the surrounding and predict trends and what factors in the society should a company be attentive to while performing an analysis?</p><p>Analyses of the surrounding heritage from a term called Business Intelligence, which consist of internal and external factors. This thesis focuses of analyses of external factors, in other words the surrounding. These external aspects enrich the understanding of the internal factors and together they are the foundation that strategic planning originates from. An analysis can be performed in many different ways for instance with collaborations with consultants or by observing the society. A World Mapping method can be used to chart trends or important changes and a company can also try to identify unpredicted events by using the factor X-model. Theories by Bengt Wahlström have also been used in the study to display how trends can be analysed.</p><p>This study will analyse large food producers who have established brands on the Swedish market. A qualitative approach has been conducted where six food supplier companies and three consultant companies specialised in analysing the surrounding have been interviewed. The method has been deductive where the empirical findings has been analysed with the theoretical framework. The outcome of the research shows that collaborations with consultants is a commonly used instrument and practical methods such as scenario planning and in real life scanning are preferred as visualising factors simplifies the managing of them. Media plays a significant role, both as a tool to search and track trends but also as a tool that can increase the affect of trends and unforeseen occurrences.</p>
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“We may see something but if we fail to notice, we are essentially blind..” : A study of what methods companies use when analysing the surrounding worldAndersson, Lisa, Sörensen, Hanna January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT The conditions on the market are rapidly changing and businesses in Sweden need to seize signals of change in time, in order to have a strong market position. The ability to make the right decisions and react in time is vital due to the increasing competition and a mistake can have devastating consequences for a company. The aim of this thesis is to investigate what tools and methods businesses use to analyse the surrounding world, which has lead to following research question: How do businesses analyse the surrounding and predict trends and what factors in the society should a company be attentive to while performing an analysis? Analyses of the surrounding heritage from a term called Business Intelligence, which consist of internal and external factors. This thesis focuses of analyses of external factors, in other words the surrounding. These external aspects enrich the understanding of the internal factors and together they are the foundation that strategic planning originates from. An analysis can be performed in many different ways for instance with collaborations with consultants or by observing the society. A World Mapping method can be used to chart trends or important changes and a company can also try to identify unpredicted events by using the factor X-model. Theories by Bengt Wahlström have also been used in the study to display how trends can be analysed. This study will analyse large food producers who have established brands on the Swedish market. A qualitative approach has been conducted where six food supplier companies and three consultant companies specialised in analysing the surrounding have been interviewed. The method has been deductive where the empirical findings has been analysed with the theoretical framework. The outcome of the research shows that collaborations with consultants is a commonly used instrument and practical methods such as scenario planning and in real life scanning are preferred as visualising factors simplifies the managing of them. Media plays a significant role, both as a tool to search and track trends but also as a tool that can increase the affect of trends and unforeseen occurrences.
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Real-time pro-active safety in constructionAllread, Benjamin Scott 18 May 2009 (has links)
Collisions between personnel on foot and heavy equipment or materials on a construction site can be characterized as a contact collision. These types of incidents are a common occurrence on a work site. Technology is needed to improve work zone safety by alerting workers that are in danger of collisions pro-actively and in real-time. Developing this technology may assist in collecting previously un-recorded data on "near-misses" (close-calls). An approach is presented in this paper that is based on wireless radio frequency technology to alert workers in real-time when they are in danger. Various experiments are described that have been conducted in order to gain better understanding of the technology's potential, including measuring equipment blind spots and alert (or safety) zones.
Blind spots areas are measured for six common construction vehicles to help determine the required (or minimum) alert distance (safety zone) for the equipment. A computer program was developed in-house to automatically calculate the percentage of blind spots on 2-dimensional planes and in the overall 3-dimensional volume. The blind spots results directly indicate the necessary safety zones for the equipment.
The proximity device results show that technology demonstrated the capability of collecting important safety data while pro-actively detecting hazardous situations and warning workers and equipment operators during imminent potential hazardous events. Furthermore, the presented research can lead to improve the overall safety performance in construction and elsewhere through improved learning and education by providing relevant information to decision makers at all levels.
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Moving diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) research forward with(in) international business: Addressing blind spots through critical and reflexive management scholarshipRaskovic, M., Hurd, F., Onaji-Benson, Theresa 26 October 2024 (has links)
Yes / We present a scene-setting viewpoint that critically examines various diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) blind spots within the field of international business (IB). These include issues such as social justice, intersectionality, de-colonization, the co-creation of inclusive research practices in indigenous spaces, social dialogue, and the gap between DEI rhetoric and reality. We also contextualize our discussion in terms of the six papers which make up the first part of our two-part special issue on DEI in IB.
We build on existing DEI overview works and comment on specific DEI blind spots. We also discuss the role of positionality as critical reflexive scholarship practice, which we see as an essential step in problematizing structural inequalities. We then discuss six specific areas where DEI blindspots persist within the IB literature and link our discussion to the six papers included in the first part of our DEI special issue.
Addressing the contradictions between the business and social justice cases for DEI requires addressing the ontological contradictions between the two perspectives through problematizing structural inequalities. A key contribution of the paper is also the discussion around positionality in DEI research and the relevance of positionality statements as part of critical reflexive scholarship in support of a socially just DEI research agenda.
We discuss the role DEI research plays and can play within the evolution of the IB discipline. We apply a critical management studies perspective to pervasive DEI issues, as well as engage with the topics in the special issue through a unique critical reflexive epistemology which includes our own positionality statements as guest editors and researchers. Our critical discussion and recommendations for future research serve as a kind of whetstone to sharpen IB’s DEI research tools and in turn for IB to help sharpen DEI research’s tools, supporting it to become more socially just.
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"Ich dichte in die wüste Zeit" - Ich-Konstruktionen in der Lyrik der deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller_innen Israels / "I am writing into deserted times" - Constructions of the I in the German poetry of the Israeli writers Netti Boleslav and Jenny AloniPoppe, Judith 27 August 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht eine in der bisherigen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung unbeachtete Literatur – die deutschsprachige Literatur Israels. Exemplarisch wird dafür die Lyrik zweier Autor_innen, Jenny Aloni und Netti Boleslav, in den Blick genommen.
Jenny Aloni und Netti Boleslav emigrierten Ende der 1930er Jahre aus dem nationalsozialistischen Deutschland bzw. Prag nach Israel, fanden dort eine neue Heimat und verfassten bis zu ihrem Tod in den 1980er bzw. 1990er Jahren in deutscher Sprache Lyrik und Prosa. Leben und Werk der Autor_innen werden in der Arbeit auf der Basis von Dokumenten wie Tagebüchern, Briefen und unveröffentlichten Manuskripten rekonstruiert, die hier zum Teil erstmals aus dem Nachlass gezogen und in die literarische Öffentlichkeit eingebracht werden.
Die hermeneutische Untersuchung der Gedichte in ihrem poetischen Eigenwert wird durch die Einbeziehung poststrukturalistisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Methoden ergänzt. Die Studie rückt die Ich-Konstruktionen in den Fokus – sowohl die der empirische Autor_innen als auch die der literarischen Ichs – und verfolgt damit die Fäden an unterschiedliche Zeiten und Orte zurück, in und an denen die Literatur ihre Spuren hinterlassen hat. Auf der Basis der Analysen wird die untersuchte Literatur, basierend auf Konzepten von Deleuze/Guattari und Kühne, schließlich als „Kleine Zwischenliteratur“ bezeichnet.
Die Literatur Alonis und Boleslavs erscheint in Spannungsfeldern zwischen deutschem und israelischem Literaturbetrieb, mäandert zwischen Einheiten wie Böhmen, dem nationalsozialistischen und postnationalsozialistischen Deutschland, dem Staat Israel, der CSSR aber auch zwischen „jüdischer“ und „israelischer“ Literatur, deutscher Popkultur, Naturlyrik und zionistischer Geschichtsschreibung. Die Literaturgeschichte hat diese einmalige Positionierung der deutschsprachigen Literatur bisher nahezu unbeachtet gelassen. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieser blinde Fleck geschlossen.
Um dieser Literatur ihr Zuhause zu geben, so die abschließende Forderung der Arbeit, sind transdisziplinär und transnational Überlegungen anzustellen, wie die Literaturwissenschaft den Schnittmengen zwischen diesen zwei Literaturgeschichten institutionell und konzeptionell gerecht werden kann.
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